Qix Demo - james2464 - 11-23-2022
Just a basic demo of the Qix 'entity'. I used to enjoy this arcade game back in the day.
Using the mouse, you control a circle that it either follows (blue) or avoids (red). The mouse wheel changes the circle size - larger has a stronger effect.
Code: (Select All) 'Qix interactive demo
'james2464 - Nov 22 2022
'BLUE circle = follow
'RED circle = avoid
'scroll mouse wheel to increase / decrease
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
Const PI = 3.141592654#
Randomize Timer
xx = 400: yy = 300
Dim c(10) As Long
c(1) = _RGB(100, 100, 200)
c(2) = _RGB(200, 100, 100)
Type qix
dir As Single
x1 As Integer
x2 As Integer
y1 As Integer
y2 As Integer
xx As Single
yy As Single
len1 As Single
c1 As Integer
c2 As Integer
c3 As Integer
End Type
Dim Shared q(7) As qix
Dim Shared qixtot, qxv, qyv, qpath, f
Dim Shared mx%, my%
qixtot = 7: qpath = 0: f = 1
For t = 1 To qixtot
q(t).xx = xx: q(t).yy = yy: q(t).len1 = 40
Next t
_Limit 20
Do While _MouseInput
f = f - _MouseWheel * .1
If f > 2 Then f = 2
If f < -2 Then f = -2
mx% = _MouseX: my% = _MouseY
If mx% < 0 Then mx% = 0
If mx% > 800 Then mx% = 800
If my% < 0 Then my% = 0
If my% > 600 Then my% = 600
If qpath < 1 Then
qpath = Rnd * 40 + 2: qxv = Rnd * 30 - 15: qyv = Rnd * 30 - 15
olddir = q(1).dir: q(1).dir = olddir + Rnd * 2 - 1
End If
qpath = qpath - 1
For t = 7 To 2 Step -1
q(t).xx = q(t - 1).xx: q(t).yy = q(t - 1).yy
q(t).x1 = q(t - 1).x1: q(t).x2 = q(t - 1).x2
q(t).y1 = q(t - 1).y1: q(t).y2 = q(t - 1).y2
q(t).len1 = q(t - 1).len1
q(t).c1 = q(t - 1).c1: q(t).c2 = q(t - 1).c2: q(t).c3 = q(t - 1).c3
Next t
q(1).xx = q(1).xx + qxv
If q(1).xx > 750 Then q(1).xx = 750
If q(1).xx < 50 Then q(1).xx = 50
q(1).yy = q(1).yy + qyv
If q(1).yy > 550 Then q(1).yy = 550
If q(1).yy < 50 Then q(1).yy = 50
q(1).dir = q(1).dir + Rnd * .4 - .2
q(1).len1 = q(1).len1 + Rnd * 8 - 4
If q(1).len1 > 100 Then q(1).len1 = 100
If q(1).len1 < 20 Then q(1).len1 = 20
x = Cos(q(1).dir) * q(1).len1
y = Sin(q(1).dir) * q(1).len1
q(1).x1 = q(1).xx + x: q(1).x2 = q(1).xx - x
q(1).y1 = q(1).yy - y: q(1).y2 = q(1).yy + y
q(1).c1 = q(1).c1 + Rnd * 60 - 30
If q(1).c1 < 80 Then q(1).c1 = 80
If q(1).c1 > 255 Then q(1).c1 = 255
q(1).c2 = q(1).c2 + Rnd * 60 - 30
If q(1).c2 < 80 Then q(1).c2 = 80
If q(1).c2 > 255 Then q(1).c2 = 255
q(1).c3 = q(1).c3 + Rnd * 60 - 30
If q(1).c3 < 80 Then q(1).c3 = 80
If q(1).c3 > 255 Then q(1).c3 = 255
For t = 1 To qixtot
c(9) = _RGB(q(t).c1, q(t).c2, q(t).c3)
Line (q(t).x1, q(t).y1)-(q(t).x2, q(t).y2), c(9)
Next t
If f > 0 Then
Circle (mx%, my%), f * 10, c(1)
Circle (mx%, my%), f * 10, c(2)
End If
Sub mousepointerfollow
If mx% < q(1).xx Then qxv = qxv - f
If mx% > q(1).xx Then qxv = qxv + f
If my% < q(1).yy Then qyv = qyv - f
If my% > q(1).yy Then qyv = qyv + f
End Sub
RE: Qix Demo - bplus - 11-23-2022
I am reminded of mouse chaser app and beginning of boids app, toggle mouse between attractor and predator.
I posted 'school of critters' somewhere recently with eyeballs thingy, very much alike, fun!
RE: Qix Demo - james2464 - 11-23-2022
Oh wow, I like School of Critters! Haha
I need to look into 'Boids'...I just recently heard about this (some youtube video that was recommended) and don't know much about it yet. I assumed it was just that video but apparently it's much more than that.
RE: Qix Demo - bplus - 11-23-2022
Yeah boids is more fun, watching birds school up like fish or scatter in presence of predator.
Another playing god scenario
RE: Qix Demo - johnno56 - 11-23-2022
Hmm... Interesting.
Make yourself comfortable on the couch... 'playing god'?... Tell me about your relationship with you parents.... Moo Ha Ha Ha...