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Coming Together... - Printable Version

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Coming Together... - Pete - 07-17-2024

Well, I finally got back to writing some code after another 2-months off. Maybe over the break I was ahead of my time, because politicians are now talking about bringing the country together. Well, that's what I was up to, in a smaller role, over the past two months. I authored the famous project to merge the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) together with the International Chiropractors Association (ICA) Perhaps you've already heard of it, JAMAICA!

And now back to coding...


- No man is an island entire of itself, but my island is punnier than your island.

RE: Coming Together... - Dimster - 07-18-2024

Bringing the country together is not possible Pete.

RE: Coming Together... - bplus - 07-18-2024

Pete's Right Brain is Coming Together with the other Right Side, for him it is a big deal and has to be announced to the world or at least his friends.

We are now duly warned. ;-))

RE: Coming Together... - Pete - 07-18-2024

(07-18-2024, 11:31 AM)Dimster Wrote: Bringing the country together is not possible Pete.
My buddy mennonite, at the QBasic Forum from days past, used to say we need a MANA movement... Make America Normal Again. Normal was when the differences in our two-party system were more in balance. The threat of communism was external, rather than internal. I'm using the term 'threat' because communism actually is a threat to democracy.

I agree bringing the country together may seem impossible, but that's exactly what happened post Civil War. In contrast, Trump wants to try using economic success as the path forward, and that sure beats shooting your neighbors, in my opinion. We also don't want a uniting force to be an attack by aliens or some grand-scale catastrophe, which reminds me, I still haven't gone up to Yellowstone this year.


RE: Coming Together... - Dimster - 07-19-2024

That was quite the speech last nigh. It seemed to start off on a unity theme but not sure it ended that way - more like us v's them damn others. Clearly Pete you called it on an economic path forward. Do you feel the focus on economic wealth for everyone will be at the expense of climate change, or membership in NATO (ie major focus on making money v's making love)

RE: Coming Together... - Pete - 07-19-2024


Remember the many instances, in campaign 2020, when Biden claimed to be the candidate who would bring the American people together? He was sworn in as the 46th President and what did he accomplish? Further division. It was just a psychological ploy to appeal to Independent voters, sporting those lovely rose colored glasses. We also experienced this ploy in 2016 from Clinton with her 'Stronger Together' slogan. In reality, it just means we are in power now, so get in line or else. Don't believe the 'or else' part? Well, below are examples from both 'sides...' 

The Patriot Act was enacted to bring us together in the fight against terrorism. It turned out it didn't really help us find Bin Laden, but it did help provide some intel, albeit through some very nasty methods of 'enhanced interrogation.' 

Now let's look in the other direction back to that "Fundamentally transforming" spiel. That sure sounded rosy to our glasses of color folks, but in reality it was just code towards rewriting the Constitution. I switched to 'glasses of color' as a way to poke fun at some serious undermining of our independence that started during that movement. For instance, thought crimes are more likely to get you locked up today than stealing merchandise. Didn't get your classmates pronouns right? Expelled! 

Now let's marry these loss of freedom issues together and see what we got. We saw parents being labeled as 'domestic terrorists' all because they got vocal over the many ways progressive schools have taken control of their children. Ha ha, try to define who 'their' is these days. If that wasn't bad enough the Patriot Act, that never went away, made it such a 'domestic terrorist' charge could have deprived those concerned patriotic parents of their Constitutional rights, and worse. big government equals big control and big control sucks for us folks who love our freedoms.


NATO: Trump didn't exit NATO in his first term, but he did successfully pressure them to follow the rules and use 2% of their respective GDP to build up their respective military forces. What I can't respect from the Left is the bullshit that Trump will dismantle NATO, Trump's Hitler, Trump will destroy democracy. You have to ask yourself is that just political lies to undermine him, or are they projecting! Maybe the Left has gotten so bad they need exaggerated lies to draw an equal contrast? I swear there should be plenty of Democrats realizing that party has left them. I didn't support that party in 1980, but at least then I had respect for it.

Climate Change: News flash, the climate's been changing, without humans, for billions of years and life still exists. I've seen so many conflicting reports on man made CO2 emissions that I now compare those to the bullshit we were fed by scientists during Covid. Science results bought and paid for to manipulate the public. They're trying to herd the sheep, but not for a good cause. I see The Green New Steal as a movement by rich power hungry globalists, hell bent on acquiring even more wealth and power. In America I see the open border policy as a repeat of the 1970s illegal immigration surge. Businesses routinely hired illegals, during that period,  and payed them less. Today I see us building all the bullshit we don't need because of this made up man made climate bullshit, and now we have the workforce to do it.


RE: Coming Together... - Dimster - 07-19-2024

I hear you Pete. Not sure I agree with it all but is there anything in the Democratic platform for the coming election that you would agree with and would like to have enacted on? Is there anything in the Republican platform for the coming election that you disagree with and would like to see not enacted?

RE: Coming Together... - Pete - 07-19-2024

No matter what the name of the party is, I'm in support of personal freedom, smaller government, lower taxes, quality education, common sense justice, and moving Taco Tuesday to Sunday, which is the day I go for long walks, and could better contribute emissions to the ongoing leftist climate crisis.


RE: Coming Together... - Dimster - 07-19-2024

I'm in. Lets form the Principled Pete Party. PPP has a ring to it. Not to be confused with the Peter Principle Party.

RE: Coming Together... - Pete - 07-19-2024

I accept the nomination. At my age, I'm P-P-P-ing all the time, anyway.
