QB64 Phoenix Edition
Waspentalive's Trek - Printable Version

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RE: Waspentalive's Trek - Pete - 12-04-2022

I blame Kirk. He probably fiddled with the code.

Pete out.

RE: Waspentalive's Trek - CharlieJV - 12-04-2022

(12-04-2022, 08:15 AM)johannhowitzer Wrote: This was a fun callback to playing EGA Trek on my IBM 286 growing up.  I did find a bug - I was able to travel to non-integer and also zero coordinates, which were reflected on the position display at the top, and the ship was also not displayed on the short range scan.

Hey, thank-you much for identifying that bug.

It is a fun flashback to good times, eh?  Nowadays, I find it too easy to take all of the modern and flashy stuff for granted.

Back then, everything seemed so original, always giving me a reaction of "how did they do that?"  What I see today (re modern games), I'm mostly really disinterested, like anything new is just an expected progression.

RE: Waspentalive's Trek - CharlieJV - 12-04-2022

(12-04-2022, 08:20 AM)Pete Wrote: I blame Kirk. He probably fiddled with the code.

Pete out.

Is there anything that guy won't fiddle with ?

RE: Waspentalive's Trek - Pete - 12-04-2022

Yes, Sulu.

Pete out.

RE: Waspentalive's Trek - mnrvovrfc - 12-04-2022

(12-04-2022, 04:53 PM)CharlieJV Wrote: What I see today (re modern games), I'm mostly really disinterested, like anything new is just an expected progression.
I became just like you after I obtained a so-called role-playing game, with graphics that weren't 3D, from a "Flatpak" that was over 1GB. :O


RE: Waspentalive's Trek - waspentalive - 12-04-2022

(12-04-2022, 08:15 AM)johannhowitzer Wrote: This was a fun callback to playing EGA Trek on my IBM 286 growing up.  I did find a bug - I was able to travel to non-integer and also zero coordinates, which were reflected on the position display at the top, and the ship was also not displayed on the short range scan.

Thanks for catching that!  I am now going to integer-ize the x and y inputs. I was not able to reproduce travel to zero,zero coordinates.  Were both errors in the Impulse command?

RE: Waspentalive's Trek - Pete - 12-04-2022


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@johannhowitzer (please see above post...)

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Welcome to the forum, btw...


 - Long time Star Trek fan.

RE: Waspentalive's Trek - waspentalive - 12-04-2022

(12-02-2022, 07:36 PM)James D Jarvis Wrote:
(12-02-2022, 05:34 PM)CharlieJV Wrote:
(12-02-2022, 04:46 PM)James D Jarvis Wrote: Trekin good!

Just when I thought I was already having a pretty happy Friday: that was awesome.  I must forward that to the game's author.

It's fun. I tinkered with it during lunch so it works smoother on my pc and reduced hit chance for phasers based on range, added possible degradation to the phasers based on energy use, reduced effectiveness based on condition of the phasers, and have the phasers reduce energy on firing.  It makes the game a little more challenging and adds more strategy to the game. Can't just zip about blasting the baddies with the phasers at 99 all day long.

It's a nice solid program (even without the tinkering).

I had found and squashed the "Phasors don't user energy".  I know I misspelled phaser, but I am at least consistent :^).

I just recently added Bases for the Klingons and perhaps several other things in the most recent version.

I am interested in your ideas for Phasors. I will eventually cause them to use more energy per % charge so the player is incentivized to use as little % as they think they can get away with.  Note that you end the game if you drop energy below 50 units.  Also, the [R]epair command also builds energy slowly (Bussard collectors yada yada)

How do you have the phasors degrade at higher %s - do you damage them if charged to say over 85%?

The code already has them fail based on their repair status each time you fire them,
but perhaps you did it a better way? What did you do there?

If you like - another way to report bugs - waspentalive - 12-04-2022

Hey Everyone - I am getting some good feedback here, but this site is a little out of the way for me.

If you make a suggestion and I don't seem to see it, please send a short note to


Put "TREK at QB64" in the title so I know to come look here. - No need to re-hash your post as I will come here to read it.

Is everyone running this in the browser in Basic Anywhere Machine?

The code will almost work in QB64 as well:

BAM does an automated conversion of numeric variables to strings when concatenating a variable to a string - QB64 would only need  VAL$(numeric)

n = 5
x$ = "There are "+n+" lights! "

vs QB64:
n = 5
x$ = "There are "+val$(n)+" lights!"

Anyway - Thanks for the input!

RE: Waspentalive's Trek - James D Jarvis - 12-05-2022

(12-04-2022, 08:29 PM)waspentalive Wrote:
(12-02-2022, 07:36 PM)James D Jarvis Wrote:
(12-02-2022, 05:34 PM)CharlieJV Wrote: Just when I thought I was already having a pretty happy Friday: that was awesome.  I must forward that to the game's author.

It's fun. I tinkered with it during lunch so it works smoother on my pc and reduced hit chance for phasers based on range, added possible degradation to the phasers based on energy use, reduced effectiveness based on condition of the phasers, and have the phasers reduce energy on firing.  It makes the game a little more challenging and adds more strategy to the game. Can't just zip about blasting the baddies with the phasers at 99 all day long.

It's a nice solid program (even without the tinkering).

I had found and squashed the "Phasors don't user energy".  I know I misspelled phaser, but I am at least consistent :^).

I just recently added Bases for the Klingons and perhaps several other things in the most recent version.

I am interested in your ideas for Phasors. I will eventually cause them to use more energy per % charge so the player is incentivized to use as little % as they think they can get away with.  Note that you end the game if you drop energy below 50 units.  Also, the [R]epair command also builds energy slowly (Bussard collectors yada yada)

How do you have the phasors degrade at higher %s - do you damage them if charged to say over 85%?

The code already has them fail based on their repair status each time you fire them,
but perhaps you did it a better way? What did you do there?

here's how I modified the phasor section of the code, the higher the charge the more likely there is wear and tear and they are more effective against closer targets:   
Code: (Select All)
If devstat(pha) < Int(Rnd(1) * 99) Then
    dmg$ = "Phasors offline "
    If q(eqx, eqy, aklingon) = 0 Then
        dmg$ = "No valid targets in sector"
            Input "Phasor bank charge percentage: (0 to 99) :"; chg
        Loop While chg > 99 Or chg < 0
        If chg > devstat(5) Then chg = Int((chg + devstat(5)) / 2)
        If chg * 10 > eng Then
            dmg$ = "Not enough energy to charge to that level"
            GoSub gdisplay
            eng = eng - chg
            kills = 0
            If Rnd * 300 < chg Then devstat(5) = devstat(5) - Int(Rnd * Sqr(chg))
            For phax = 1 To 8
                For phay = 1 To 8
                    If s(phax, phay) = aklingon Then
                        kdd = 0
                        If phax <> esx And pahay <> esy Then
                            kdx = Abs(esx - phax)
                            kdy = Abs(esx - phay)
                            kdd = 2 * Sqr(kdx * kdx + kdy * kdy) 'determine distance to target
                        End If
                        If Int(Rnd * 99) < (chg * devstat(5)) / 100 - kdd Then
                            s(phax, phay) = aEmpty
                            klingons = klingons - 1
                            dmg$ = "Klingon at " + Str$(phay) + "," + Str$(phax) + " Destroyed           "
                            kills = kills + 1
                            GoSub gdisplay
                            q(eqx, eqy, aklingon) = q(eqx, eqy, aklingon) - 1
                            dmg$ = "Klingon at " + Str$(phay) + Str$(phax) + " Remains                 "
                        End If
                        Sleep 1
                    End If
                Next phay
            Next phax
            dz = dz - 1
            dmg$ = Str$(kills) + " Klingons destroyed" + Str$(q(eqy, eqx, aklingon)) + " remain.    "
        End If
    End If
End If