RE: Smallish Games - bplus - 07-14-2023
Here is graphics Sliding Block, you pick the tile number 3x3 to 9x9 then use mouse to click block to move into space:
Code: (Select All) _Title "GUI repeating Sliding Blocks Game "
Randomize Timer
' get from user the desired board size = s
Locate CsrLin, 3: Input "(0 quits) Enter your number of blocks per side 3 - 9 you want > ", s
If s = 0 Then End
Loop Until s > 2 And s < 10
' screen setup: based on the square blocks q pixels a sides
q = 540 / s 'square size, shoot for 540 x 540 pixel board display
Screen _NewImage(q * s + 1, q * s + 1, 32): _ScreenMove 360, 60
Dim board(s, s)
'initialize board = solution
For r = 1 To s
For c = 1 To s
board(c, r) = c + (r - 1) * s
board(s, s) = 0: c0 = s: r0 = s
'scramble board for puzzle
For i = 0 To s ^ 5 ' mix blocks
Select Case Int(Rnd * 4) + 1
Case 1: If c0 < s Then board(c0, r0) = board(c0 + 1, r0): board(c0 + 1, r0) = 0: c0 = c0 + 1
Case 2: If c0 > 1 Then board(c0, r0) = board(c0 - 1, r0): board(c0 - 1, r0) = 0: c0 = c0 - 1
Case 3: If r0 < s Then board(c0, r0) = board(c0, r0 + 1): board(c0, r0 + 1) = 0: r0 = r0 + 1
Case 4: If r0 > 1 Then board(c0, r0) = board(c0, r0 - 1): board(c0, r0 - 1) = 0: r0 = r0 - 1
End Select
t = Timer: update = -1: mc = 0 'OK user here you go!
If update Then 'display status and determine if solved
solved = -1: update = 0
For r = 1 To s
For c = 1 To s
If board(c, r) Then
If board(c, r) <> (r - 1) * s + c Then solved = 0
Color _RGB32(255, 255, 255), _RGB32(0, 0, 255)
Line ((c - 1) * q + 1, (r - 1) * q + 2)-(c * q - 2, r * q - 2), _RGB32(0, 0, 255), BF
_PrintString ((c - 1) * q + .4 * q, (r - 1) * q + .4 * q), Right$(" " + Str$(board(c, r)), 2)
If board(s, s) <> 0 Then solved = 0
Color _RGB32(0, 0, 0), _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
Line ((c - 1) * q, (r - 1) * q)-(c * q, r * q), , BF
End If
If solved Then 'flash the Solved Report until user closes window else report status
flash$ = "Solved!" + Str$(mc) + " Moves in " + Str$(Int(Timer - t)) + " secs."
For i = 1 To 20: _Title flash$: _Delay .2: _Title " ": _Delay .2: Next
Cls: Color _RGB32(255, 255, 0)
_PrintString (190, 260), "Another Round? y for yes"
k$ = "": _Display
k$ = InKey$
Loop Until Len(k$)
If k$ = "y" Then Cls: GoTo restart Else End
_Title Str$(mc) + " Moves in " + Str$(Int(Timer - t)) + " secs." + Str$(test)
End If
End If
'get next mouse click, check if on block next to empty space make move or beep
m = _MouseInput: mb = _MouseButton(1): mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY
If mb And solved = 0 Then 'get last place mouse button was down
mb = _MouseButton(1): mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY
While mb 'left button down, wait for mouse button release
m = _MouseInput: mb = _MouseButton(1): mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY
'convert mouse position to board array (x, y) are we near empty space?
bx = Int(mx / q) + 1: by = Int(my / q) + 1: update = -1
If bx = c0 + 1 And by = r0 Then
board(c0, r0) = board(c0 + 1, r0): board(c0 + 1, r0) = 0: c0 = c0 + 1: mc = mc + 1
ElseIf bx = c0 - 1 And by = r0 Then
board(c0, r0) = board(c0 - 1, r0): board(c0 - 1, r0) = 0: c0 = c0 - 1: mc = mc + 1
ElseIf bx = c0 And by = r0 + 1 Then
board(c0, r0) = board(c0, r0 + 1): board(c0, r0 + 1) = 0: r0 = r0 + 1: mc = mc + 1
ElseIf bx = c0 And by = r0 - 1 Then
board(c0, r0) = board(c0, r0 - 1): board(c0, r0 - 1) = 0: r0 = r0 - 1: mc = mc + 1
End If
End If
_Limit 500
3x3 start:
3x3 Solved:
RE: Smallish Games - mnrvovrfc - 07-14-2023
Good job. LOL. But I suck at all the games posted here.
However this "TriQuad" is quite a good one. This was the post about it:
I also happen to play the one written by GNOME. But that also puts numerals over the colored triangles, which doesn't change game play.
RE: Smallish Games - bplus - 05-03-2024
here is game carlos brought to my attention at the other place
Code: (Select All) _Title "Old SHMUP game"
Screen 0: Width 80: Color 15
Dim sk As String
Dim b$, m$, a$
Dim x, y, mx, my, ax, ay
x = 37
y = 23
b$ = " ÜÛÜ "
aa = 0
a$ = "*"
ma = 0
m$ = "|"
If Inp(&H60) = 75 Then
x = x - 1
End If
If Inp(&H60) = 77 Then
x = x + 1
End If
If x < 1 Then x = 1
If x > 75 Then x = 75
If aa = 0 Then
ax = Int(Rnd(1) * 76) + 2
ay = Int(Rnd(1) * y)
aa = 1
Locate ay, ax
Print a$
End If
If Inp(&H60) = 57 And ma = 0 Then
mx = x + 2
my = y - 1
ma = 1
End If
Locate y, x
Print b$
If ma = 1 Then
Locate my, mx
Print " "
my = my - 1
If my < 1 Then
ma = 0
Locate my, mx
If mx = ax And my = ay Then
aa = 0
ma = 0
Locate ay, ax
Print " "
ax = Int(Rnd(1) * 76) + 2
ay = Int(Rnd(1) * y)
Print m$
End If
End If
End If
_Limit 20
Loop Until InKey$ = Chr$(27) ' Pressionar a tecla Esc para sair
he wanted to build a character editor to change the shape of canon. i showed how he might do that without building character editor (for screen 0 chars, which i'm not sure how to do, graphics screen easy but changing screen 0, don't know...) I went on to make over the whole game, kinda cute
SHMUP mod b+
Code: (Select All) Option _Explicit
_Title "SHMUP mod 1 b+ 2024-05-02"
Screen 0: Width 80: Color 15
Dim cannon1$, cannon2$, missile$, alien$
Dim As Integer cannonX, cannonY, missileX, missileY, missileActive
Dim As Integer alienX, alienY, alienActive, invaded, repelled, frame
Dim As Long kh
cannonX = 37
cannonY = 23
cannon1$ = " ÜÛÜ " 'this works better
cannon2$ = "ÛÛ ÛÛ"
alienActive = 0
alien$ = "<" + Chr$(233) + ">"
missileActive = 0
missile$ = "|"
'invaded = 60
kh = _KeyHit
If kh = 19200 Then 'LEFT
cannonX = cannonX - 1
ElseIf kh = 19712 Then ' RIGHT
cannonX = cannonX + 1
ElseIf kh = 32 And missileActive = 0 Then
missileX = cannonX + 2
missileY = cannonY
missileActive = 1
End If
If cannonX < 1 Then cannonX = 1
If cannonX > 75 Then cannonX = 75
If alienActive = 0 Then
alienX = Int(Rnd * 76) + 2 - 1
alienY = 1
alienActive = 1
frame = 0
frame = frame + 1
If frame = 15 Then alienY = alienY + 1: frame = 0
If alienY = 23 Then
invaded = invaded + 1
alienActive = 0
End If
End If
Locate alienY, alienX 'draw invader
Print alien$
Locate cannonY, cannonX 'draw canon
Print cannon1$;
Locate cannonY + 1, cannonX
Print cannon2$;
If missileActive = 1 Then ' handle missile
missileY = missileY - 1
If missileY < 1 Then
missileActive = 0
Locate missileY, missileX
If missileX = alienX + 1 And missileY = alienY Then ' hit
alienActive = 0
missileActive = 0
Locate alienY, alienX
Print " * "
repelled = repelled + 1
_Delay .1
alienX = Int(Rnd(1) * 76) + 2 + 1 'new alien
alienY = Int(Rnd(1) * cannonY)
Print missile$
End If
End If
End If
_Title "Shumps Invaded:" + Str$(invaded) + " Repelled:" + Str$(repelled)
_Limit 60
If Abs(invaded - repelled) > 25 Then Exit Do
Loop Until InKey$ = Chr$(27) ' Pressionar a tecla Esc para sair
If invaded - repelled > 25 Then
Locate 12, 27: Print "Game over Aliens took over ;("
ElseIf repelled - invaded > 25 Then
Locate 12, 28: Print "Game over Aliens defeated :)"
End If
RE: Smallish Games - bplus - 05-30-2024
again inspired by carlos
Code: (Select All) _Title "lotto for carlos" ' b+ 2024-05-30
Randomize Timer
Width 80, 40 ' <<< 30 so can fit 25 rows on screen 0
Dim a$(1 To 3)
a$(1) = "02 03 05 06 09 10 11 13 14 16 18 20 23 24 25"
a$(2) = "01 04 05 06 07 09 11 12 13 15 16 19 20 23 24"
a$(3) = "01 04 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 14 16 17 20 23 24"
Locate 4
Print CountDigits$(a$(), 25)
Print " press any for TicketMaker Demo of 7 tickets of 3 numbers from 1 to 100..."
Dim As Long n, numbers, i, top
n = 7: numbers = 3: top = 100
Dim tickets$(1 To n)
Print n; " tickets,"; numbers; " numbers from 1 to"; top; ":"
For i = 1 To n
tickets$(i) = TicketMaker$(numbers, top)
Print i, tickets$(i)
Print: Print "Number Counts:"
Print CountDigits$(tickets$(), top)
Print: Print " press any to input your own specs for a multiple ticket purchase..."
Print " Multiple tickets purchase:"
Input "Limit 25 for space Please enter Top number limit "; top
Input "Limit 10 for space Please enter number of numbers on a ticket "; numbers
Input "Limit 5 for space Please enter number of tickets to purchase "; n
If top > 25 Then top = 25
If numbers > 10 Then numbers = 10
If n > 5 Then n = 5
Dim lotto$(1 To n)
Print: Print n; " tickets,"; numbers; " numbers from 1 to"; top; ":"
For i = 1 To n
lotto$(i) = TicketMaker$(numbers, top)
Print i, lotto$(i)
Print: Print "Number Counts:"
Print CountDigits$(lotto$(), top)
Function CountDigits$ (digits$(), highest As Long)
Dim As Long i, j, num, count(1 To highest) ' variables to process digits strings
Dim rtn$ ' <<< prepare to set function to return this string when done
For i = LBound(digits$) To UBound(digits$) ' count the whole array of digit strings
For j = 1 To Len(digits$(i)) Step 3 ' one digit string break down to 3 digit parts
num = Val(Mid$(digits$(i), j, 3)) ' convert string to number
count(num) = count(num) + 1 ' add to count of that number
For i = 1 To highest ' if not 0, lines of counts put into one l o n g string
If count(i) Then
rtn$ = rtn$ + S2$(i) + " = " + TS2$(count(i)) + Chr$(10)
End If
CountDigits$ = rtn$ ' <<< returns 25 rows of print in one string
End Function
Function TicketMaker$ (number As Long, highest As Long)
' number = number of 2 digit numbers you want
' lowest number allowed is always 1
' highest number allowed
' because no repeats digits, number can not exceed highest
' please return the numbers sorted from low to high
' dim a$(1 to 3)
' for i = 1 to 3
' a$(i) = TicketMaker$(15, 25)
' next
' returns:
'a$(1) = "02 03 05 06 09 10 11 13 14 16 18 20 23 24 25"
'a$(2) = "01 04 05 06 07 09 11 12 13 15 16 19 20 23 24"
'a$(3) = "01 04 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 14 16 17 20 23 24"
Dim As Long shuffle(1 To highest), sort(1 To number), i
Dim rtn$
For i = 1 To highest
shuffle(i) = i
For i = highest To 2 Step -1
Swap shuffle(i), shuffle(Int(Rnd * i) + 1)
For i = 1 To number
sort(i) = shuffle(i)
QuickSort 1, number, sort()
For i = 1 To number
If Len(rtn$) Then rtn$ = rtn$ + " " + S2$(sort(i)) Else rtn$ = S2$(sort(i))
TicketMaker$ = rtn$
End Function
Sub QuickSort (start As Long, finish As Long, array() As Long)
Dim Hi As Long, Lo As Long, Middle As Long
Hi = finish: Lo = start
Middle = array((Lo + Hi) / 2) 'find middle of array
Do While array(Lo) < Middle: Lo = Lo + 1: Loop
Do While array(Hi) > Middle: Hi = Hi - 1: Loop
If Lo <= Hi Then
Swap array(Lo), array(Hi)
Lo = Lo + 1: Hi = Hi - 1
End If
Loop Until Lo > Hi
If Hi > start Then Call QuickSort(start, Hi, array())
If Lo < finish Then Call QuickSort(Lo, finish, array())
End Sub
Function TS$ (n As Long) ' Trim String for Long Type but integers should work as well
TS$ = _Trim$(Str$(n))
End Function
Function TS2$ (n As Long) ' Trim String for Long Type but integers should work as well
TS2$ = Right$(" " + TS$(n), 2)
End Function
Function S2$ (n As Long)
S2$ = Right$("00" + TS$(n), 2)
End Function
RE: Smallish Games - JRace - 05-31-2024
Neat program. It might be fun to experiment with, to make it select an optimum distribution of numbers across all tickets to increase the odds of winning something.
If the user is in the habit of pressing <ENTER> to continue from a Sleep statement (as I am), then they may need to add a _KEYCLEAR statement after line 24. My single press of <ENTER> was read as the <ENTER> key for the first two or three Inputs as well.
RE: Smallish Games - bplus - 05-31-2024
ah, I am in habit of spacebar for sleep, thanks for your report.
Carlos seems more interested in seeing the distribution of numbers from their actual history. But we should not count on using history to predict future, except when it comes to sun rises ;-))
RE: Smallish Games - bplus - 07-17-2024
Someone showed me some code not working and I updated it to QB64 and had fun doing this
Simple Game Update
Code: (Select All) _Title "Simple Game Update" ' bplus 2024-07-17
' remember Locate works backwards from all graphics commands
' Y vertical is listed first then x horizontal.
' I call it Row, Col to distinguish from graphics (x, y)
DefInt A-Z ' using default screen 0, simplest of all screen commands is none!
Randomize Timer ' so we start in differnt places on board
Dim maze(1 To 14, 1 To 12) 'this is our game board
For x = 1 To 14 ' marks board borders and draws them
y = 1
maze(x, y) = 1
Locate y, x: Print "#";
y = 12
maze(x, y) = 1
Locate y, x: Print "#";
For y = 2 To 11
x = 1
maze(x, y) = 1
Locate y, x: Print "#";
x = 14
maze(x, y) = 1
Locate y, x: Print "#";
x = Int(Rnd * 7) + 3 ' set a random place to start
y = Int(Rnd * 5) + 3
Locate 15, 2: Print "score:"; S ' udate score and player
Locate y, x
Print Chr$(1); ' this draw a cute little face
If maze(x, y) = 1 Then
Locate y, x: Print "*";
Locate 18, 1: Print "Wall! Game Over!"
End If
If maze(x + 1, y) = 1 Then ' is there a place to move
If maze(x - 1, y) = 1 Then
If maze(x, y + 1) = 1 Then
If maze(x, y - 1) = 1 Then
Locate 18, 1: Print "Trapped! Game Over!": End
End If
End If
End If
End If
kh& = _KeyHit
Select Case kh&
Case 18432: dry = -1
Case 20480: dry = 1
Case 19200: drx = -1
Case 19712: drx = 1
Case 27: End
End Select
If drx <> 0 Or dry <> 0 Then GoSub mover
_Limit 30
Locate y, x: Print " ";
x = x + drx
y = y + dry
drx = 0
dry = 0
newx = x + Int(Rnd * 3) - 1
newy = y + Int(Rnd * 3) - 1
If newy = y And newx = x Then GoTo tryAgain
If maze(newx, newy) = 1 Then GoTo tryAgain
maze(newx, newy) = 1
Locate newy, newx: Print "#"; ' mark new block
S = S + 1 ' increase score
RE: Smallish Games - Pete - 07-17-2024
+2 because it is in SCREEN 0.
- Infinity: Infinity can be defined as anything past 10 when you're dealing with a finite number of idiots.
RE: Smallish Games - bplus - 09-12-2024
Circle Flip Game
Like calling heads or tails call red or green side:
Code: (Select All) _Title "Circle Flip Game" 'b+ 2024-09-12
Randomize Timer
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
_ScreenMove 250, 60
imgRed& = _NewImage(103, 103, 32)
_Dest imgRed&
FC3 51, 51, 50, &HFFFF0000
imgGrn& = _NewImage(103, 103, 32)
_Dest imgGrn&
FC3 51, 51, 50, &HFF008800
_Dest 0
While _KeyDown(27) = 0
Locate 18, 20
Print "Your score"; score; "in"; flips; "flips."
Locate 20, 20
Input "Enter r for red, g for green any else quits "; rg$
If rg$ <> "r" And rg$ <> "g" Then End
If Rnd < .5 Then img& = imgRed& Else img& = imgGrn&
If img& = imgGrn& And rg$ = "g" Then score = score + 1
If img& = imgRed& And rg$ = "r" Then score = score + 1
flips = flips + 1
start = 1: fini = 0: stepper = -.02
cx = 180: cy = _Height - 50: dcy = -3
For i = start To fini Step stepper
a = a + 1
cx = cx + .8
dcy = dcy + .009
cy = cy + dcy
If dcy = 0 Then dcy = -dcy
RotoZoom23d cx, cy, img&, i, 1, a
_Limit 240
If start = 1 Then
start = 0: fini = 1: stepper = .02
If img& = imgRed& Then img& = imgGrn& Else img& = imgRed& ' flip colors on odd cycles
start = 1: fini = 0: stepper = -.02
End If
Loop Until dcy > 2.50
_Delay 2
Sub RotoZoom23d (centerX As Long, centerY As Long, Image As Long, xScale As Single, yScale As Single, DRotation As Single)
Dim As Single px(3), py(3), sinr, cosr ' thanks to James D Jarvis who fixed this on 2023/01/18
Dim As Long IW, IH, i, x2, y2
IW& = _Width(Image&): IH& = _Height(Image&)
px(0) = -IW& / 2 * xScale: py(0) = -IH& / 2 * yScale: px(1) = -IW& / 2 * xScale: py(1) = IH& / 2 * yScale
px(2) = IW& / 2 * xScale: py(2) = IH& / 2 * yScale: px(3) = IW& / 2 * xScale: py(3) = -IH& / 2 * yScale
sinr! = Sin(-0.01745329 * DRotation): cosr! = Cos(-0.01745329 * DRotation)
For i& = 0 To 3
' x2& = (px(i&) * cosr! + sinr! * py(i&)) * xScale + centerX: y2& = (py(i&) * cosr! - px(i&) * sinr!) * yScale + centerY
x2& = (px(i&) * cosr! + sinr! * py(i&)) + centerX: y2& = (py(i&) * cosr! - px(i&) * sinr!) + centerY
px(i&) = x2&: py(i&) = y2&
' might not need Seamless?
_MapTriangle _Seamless(0, 0)-(0, IH& - 1)-(IW& - 1, IH& - 1), Image& To(px(0), py(0))-(px(1), py(1))-(px(2), py(2))
_MapTriangle _Seamless(0, 0)-(IW& - 1, 0)-(IW& - 1, IH& - 1), Image& To(px(0), py(0))-(px(3), py(3))-(px(2), py(2))
End Sub
Sub FC3 (cx, cy, r, clr~&) ' no suffix punctuation use the Global Default Type as Long or Single or Double
Dim r2, x, y ' for Option _Explicit
If r < 1 Then Exit Sub
Line (cx - r, cy)-(cx + r, cy), clr~&, BF
r2 = r * r
y = y + 1
x = Sqr(r2 - y * y)
Line (cx - x, cy + y)-(cx + x, cy + y), clr~&, BF
Line (cx - x, cy - y)-(cx + x, cy - y), clr~&, BF
Loop Until y = r
End Sub
RE: Smallish Games - bplus - 09-13-2024
Coin Flip Game
Borrowed Qwerky's coin images and some of Steve's LOC cutting tricks
Code: (Select All) _Title "Coin Flip Game" 'b+ 2024-09-13 thanks Qwerky for Coin images
Randomize Timer: Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32): _ScreenMove 250, 60
i& = _LoadImage("Obverse.png"): imgHead& = _NewImage(103, 103, 32): _PutImage , i&, imgHead&
i& = _LoadImage("Reverse.png"): imgTail& = _NewImage(103, 103, 32): _PutImage , i&, imgTail&
While _KeyDown(27) = 0
Locate 18, 20: Print "Your score"; score; "in"; flips; "flips."
Locate 20, 20: Input "Enter h for heads, t for tails any else quits "; ht$
If ht$ <> "h" And ht$ <> "t" Then End
If Rnd < .5 Then img& = imgHead& Else img& = imgTail&
If img& = imgTail& And ht$ = "t" Then score = score + 1
If img& = imgHead& And ht$ = "h" Then score = score + 1
flips = flips + 1: start = 1: fini = 0: stepper = -.02: cx = 180: cy = _Height - 50: dcy = -3
For i = start To fini Step stepper
Cls: a = a + 1: cx = cx + .8: dcy = dcy + .009: cy = cy + dcy: If dcy = 0 Then dcy = -dcy
RotoZoom23d cx, cy, img&, i, 1, a: _Limit 240: _Display
Swap start, fini: stepper = .02 * Sgn(fini - start)
If start = 0 Then If img& = imgHead& Then img& = imgTail& Else img& = imgHead&
Loop Until dcy > 2.50
Sub RotoZoom23d (centerX As Long, centerY As Long, Image As Long, xScale As Single, yScale As Single, DRotation As Single)
Dim As Single px(3), py(3), sinr, cosr ' thanks to James D Jarvis who fixed this on 2023/01/18
Dim As Long IW, IH, i, x2, y2
IW& = _Width(Image&): IH& = _Height(Image&)
px(0) = -IW& / 2 * xScale: py(0) = -IH& / 2 * yScale: px(1) = -IW& / 2 * xScale: py(1) = IH& / 2 * yScale
px(2) = IW& / 2 * xScale: py(2) = IH& / 2 * yScale: px(3) = IW& / 2 * xScale: py(3) = -IH& / 2 * yScale
sinr! = Sin(-0.01745329 * DRotation): cosr! = Cos(-0.01745329 * DRotation)
For i& = 0 To 3
x2& = (px(i&) * cosr! + sinr! * py(i&)) + centerX: y2& = (py(i&) * cosr! - px(i&) * sinr!) + centerY
px(i&) = x2&: py(i&) = y2&
_MapTriangle _Seamless(0, 0)-(0, IH& - 1)-(IW& - 1, IH& - 1), Image& To(px(0), py(0))-(px(1), py(1))-(px(2), py(2))
_MapTriangle _Seamless(0, 0)-(IW& - 1, 0)-(IW& - 1, IH& - 1), Image& To(px(0), py(0))-(px(3), py(3))-(px(2), py(2))
End Sub
bas and images in zip
Not a good round for predicting heads!