QB64 Phoenix Edition
Screen Savers - Printable Version

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RE: Screen Savers - SierraKen - 06-20-2022

Here is my version. It only stays as a triangle but I think it's cool. 

Code: (Select All)
_Title "Floating Triangle - by Sierraken"
Screen _NewImage(800, 800, 32)
dirrr = .1
dirx = -1
diry = 1
cenx = 400
ceny = 400
length1 = Rnd * 50
length2 = Rnd * 50
length3 = Rnd * 50

    _Limit 15
    If cenx > 600 Then dirx = -1 * Rnd * 3
    If cenx < 200 Then dirx = 1 * Rnd * 3
    If ceny > 600 Then diry = -1 * Rnd * 3
    If ceny < 200 Then diry = 1 * Rnd * 3
    t = t + .1
    If t = 2 Then
        dirr = Int(Rnd * 4) + 1
        If dirr = 1 Then dirx = -1 * Rnd * 3
        If dirr = 2 Then dirx = 1 * Rnd * 3
        If dirr = 3 Then diry = -1 * Rnd * 3
        If dirr = 4 Then diry = 1 * Rnd * 3
        length1 = Rnd * 50
        length2 = Rnd * 50
        length3 = Rnd * 50
    End If
    If t = 6 Then
        dirr2 = Int(Rnd * 2)
        If dirr2 = 1 Then dirrr = -.1
        If dirr2 = 2 Then dirrr = .1
        length1 = Rnd * 50
        length2 = Rnd * 50
        length3 = Rnd * 50
    End If
    cenx = cenx + dirx
    ceny = ceny + diry
    seconds = seconds + dirrr
    s = (60 - seconds) * 6 + 180
    x = Int(Sin(s / 180 * 3.141592) * 125) + cenx
    y = Int(Cos(s / 180 * 3.141592) * 125) + ceny
    m = 180 - seconds * 6
    xx = Int(Sin(m / 180 * 3.141592) * 120) + x
    yy = Int(Cos(m / 180 * 3.141592) * 120) + y
    c1 = c1 + 1
    c2 = c2 + 1
    c3 = c3 + 1
    If c1 > 255 Then
        c1 = Rnd * 255
        c2 = Rnd * 255
        c3 = Rnd * 255
    End If
    For b = -5 To 5 Step .1
        Line (x + b + length3, y + b + length3)-(xx + b + length1, yy + b + length1), _RGB32(c1, c2, c3)
    Next b
    h = 360 - seconds * 30 + 180
    xxx = Int(Sin(h / 180 * 3.141592) * 100) + xx
    yyy = Int(Cos(h / 180 * 3.141592) * 100) + yy
    For b = -5 To 5 Step .1
        Line (xx + b + length1, yy + b + length1)-(xxx + b + length2, yyy + b + length2), _RGB32(c1, c2, c3)
    Next b
    For b = -5 To 5 Step .1
        Line (xxx + b + length2, yyy + b + length2)-(x + b + length3, y + b + length3), _RGB32(c1, c2, c3)
    Next b
    If t > 12 Then
        t = 0
    End If
    Line (0, 0)-(800, 800), _RGB32(0, 0, 0, 30), BF
Loop Until InKey$ = Chr$(27)

RE: Screen Savers - bplus - 06-21-2022

Yeah that's sort of spirit of Mystify. Thick lined triangles, not sure how I would do that with lines

RE: Screen Savers - bplus - 06-29-2022

Trivial 2D Explosions

That was Stx's tiltle from which I made a fun mod. Trivial is wrong! Fun is not Trivial it is vital.

So here is better title for my mod anyway:

Fun Fake 3D Explosions!
Code: (Select All)
_Title "trivial 2D explosions B+ mod 2" 'STxAxTIC mod B+ 2019-02-03
' 2019-02-03 use a bg& for background instead of redraws each loop, that should cool down CPU
'  rounder rocks, more fiddle with numbers

Const xmax = 1200
Const ymax = 700
Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
'_ScreenMove 100, 20
Randomize Timer

np = 500 'number of particles
Dim x(np), y(np), xold(np), yold(np), v0x(np), v0y(np), col(np) As _Unsigned Long

nr = 3500 'number of rocks
Dim rx(nr), ry(nr), rw(nr), rh(nr), rc(nr) As _Unsigned Long
For i = 0 To nr \ 2
    rx(i) = Rnd * xmax
    ry(i) = .5 * ymax + Rnd * .25 * ymax + rx(i) * .09
    rw(i) = ry(i) * ry(i) * .00015
    rh(i) = .3 * rw(i)
    r = 200 * Rnd
    rc(i) = _RGB32(r, .45 * r, .2 * r)
For i = nr \ 2 + 1 To nr
    rx(i) = Rnd * xmax
    ry(i) = .5 * ymax + Rnd * .75 * ymax + rx(i) * .09
    rw(i) = ry(i) * ry(i) * .00015
    rh(i) = .3 * rw(i)
    r = 200 * Rnd
    rc(i) = _RGB32(r, .45 * r, .2 * r)

no = 80 'number of rock bounce reflectors
Dim ox(no), oy(no), ow(no), oh(no)
For i = 0 To no
    ox(i) = Rnd * xmax
    oy(i) = .5 * ymax + Rnd * .75 * ymax + ox(i) * .09
    ow(i) = oy(i) * oy(i) * .00015
    oh(i) = .3 * ow(i)

Dim wallcol As _Unsigned Long
wallcol = _RGB32(200, 100, 50)
g = 95
xdamp = .07
ydamp = .07
exploderadius = 10

'draw background
bgrd& = _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
_Dest bgrd&
For y = 0 To ymax
    Line (0, y)-(xmax, y), _RGB32(.1 * y, .1 * y, .15 * y), BF
For i = 0 To nr
    EllipseFill rx(i), ry(i), rw(i), rh(i), rc(i)
    'LINE (rx(i), ry(i))-STEP(rw(i), rh(i)), rc(i), BF
Next i

'Draw obstacles randomly
For i = o To no
    EllipseFill ox(i), oy(i), ow(i), oh(i), wallcol
    'LINE (ox(i), oy(i))-STEP(ow(i), oh(i)), wallcol, BF
Next i

_Dest 0

iterations = 0
'Toggle for random starting position.
xshift = Rnd * xmax
yshift = Rnd * ymax * .6

For i = 1 To np
    speed = Rnd * 150 + 1
    ang1 = Rnd * 2 * 3.141592653589793#
    ang2 = Rnd * 2 * 3.141592653589793#
    x(i) = xshift + Rnd * exploderadius * Cos(ang1)
    y(i) = yshift + Rnd * exploderadius * Sin(ang1)
    v0x(i) = speed * Cos(ang2)
    v0y(i) = speed * Sin(ang2)
    col(i) = _RGB32(Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255)
    If col(i) = bgcol Or col(i) = wallcol Then GoTo dotcol
    If Point(x(i), y(i)) = wallcol Or x(i) < 0 Or x(i) > xmax Or y(i) < 0 Or y(i) > ymax Then i = i - 1
    dv = Sqr((v0x(i)) ^ 2 + (v0y(i)) ^ 2)
    If dv > vmax Then vmax = dv
dt = .995 / vmax

    _PutImage , bgrd&, 0
    iterations = iterations + 1
    smax = 0
    For i = 1 To np
        xold(i) = x(i)
        yold(i) = y(i)
        v0x(i) = v0x(i) + .1 * dt
        v0y(i) = v0y(i) + g * dt + .2 'more gravity
        xtmp = x(i) + v0x(i) * dt
        ytmp = y(i) + v0y(i) * dt
        If Point(xtmp, yold(i)) = wallcol Then v0x(i) = v0x(i) * -1 * xdamp
        If Point(xold(i), ytmp) = wallcol Then v0y(i) = v0y(i) * -1 * ydamp
        x(i) = x(i) + v0x(i) * dt
        y(i) = y(i) + v0y(i) * dt
        EllipseFill x(i), y(i), 3, 3, col(i)
        ds = Sqr((y(i) - yold(i)) ^ 2 + (x(i) - xold(i)) ^ 2)
        If ds > smax Then smax = ds
    If smax > .95 Then dt = dt * (1 - .01)
    If smax < .9 Then dt = dt * (1 + .01)
    _Limit 200
    If iterations > 1500 Then GoTo start
Loop Until InKey$ <> ""

' with Steve's EllipseFill, who needs CircleFill?
Sub EllipseFill (cx As Integer, cy As Integer, rx As Integer, ry As Integer, c As _Unsigned Long)
    Dim a As Long, b As Long
    Dim x As Long, y As Long
    Dim xx As Long, yy As Long
    Dim sx As Long, sy As Long
    Dim e As Long

    a = 2 * rx * rx
    b = 2 * ry * ry
    x = rx
    xx = ry * ry * (1 - rx - rx)
    yy = rx * rx
    sx = b * rx

    Do While sx >= sy
        Line (cx - x, cy - y)-(cx + x, cy - y), c, BF
        If y <> 0 Then Line (cx - x, cy + y)-(cx + x, cy + y), c, BF

        y = y + 1
        sy = sy + a
        e = e + yy
        yy = yy + a

        If (e + e + xx) > 0 Then
            x = x - 1
            sx = sx - b
            e = e + xx
            xx = xx + b
        End If

    x = 0
    y = ry
    xx = rx * ry
    yy = rx * rx * (1 - ry - ry)
    e = 0
    sx = 0
    sy = a * ry

    Do While sx <= sy
        Line (cx - x, cy - y)-(cx + x, cy - y), c, BF
        Line (cx - x, cy + y)-(cx + x, cy + y), c, BF

            x = x + 1
            sx = sx + b
            e = e + xx
            xx = xx + b
        Loop Until (e + e + yy) > 0

        y = y - 1
        sy = sy - a
        e = e + yy
        yy = yy + a


End Sub

STx's code is almost interesting too:
Code: (Select All)
'#lang "qb"              ' freebasic edit 2011-06
delayconst = 900000 ' freebasic edit 2011-06
'CLEAR                  ' freebasic edit 2011-06


LOCATE 1, 2: INPUT "Enter number of particles (default is 80): ", num
IF num = 0 THEN num = 80
DIM x(num), y(num), xold(num), yold(num), v0x(num), v0y(num), col(num)

iterations = 0
'g = RND * 10 + 20
g = RND * 15 + 25
xdamp = RND * .15 + .55
ydamp = RND * .15 + .55
exploderadius = 200 '75
numobstacles = 0
iterationmax = 1200

bgcol = INT(RND * 14)
wallcol = 0 'INT(RND * 14)'change to zero for spider mode
IF bgcol = wallcol THEN GOTO choosecol

LINE (1, 1)-(639, 479), bgcol, BF
LINE (1, 1)-(639, 479), wallcol, B

'Draw obstacles randomly.
FOR i = 1 TO numobstacles
    LINE (RND * 640, RND * 480)-(RND * 640, RND * 480), wallcol, B

'Make predetermined obstacles.
'LINE (50, 75)-(600, 125), wallcol, B

'Toggle for random starting position.
xshift = RND * 640
yshift = RND * 480
'Toggle for fixed starting position
'xshift = 100
'yshift = 100

FOR i = 1 TO num
    speed = RND * 90
    ang1 = RND * 2 * 3.141592653589793#
    ang2 = RND * 2 * 3.141592653589793#
    x(i) = xshift + RND * exploderadius * COS(ang1)
    y(i) = yshift + RND * exploderadius * SIN(ang1)
    v0x(i) = 1.5 * speed * COS(ang2)
    v0y(i) = speed * SIN(ang2)
    col(i) = INT(RND * 13 + 1)
    IF col(i) = bgcol OR col(i) = wallcol THEN GOTO dotcol
    IF POINT(x(i), y(i)) = wallcol OR x(i) < 1 OR x(i) > 639 OR y(i) < 1 OR y(i) > 479 THEN i = i - 1
    dv = SQR((v0x(i)) ^ 2 + (v0y(i)) ^ 2)
    IF dv > vmax THEN vmax = dv
    PSET (x(i), y(i)), col(i)

dt = .995 / vmax


    idel = 0: DO: idel = idel + 1: LOOP UNTIL idel > delayconst ' freebasic edit 2011-06

    iterations = iterations + 1
    smax = 0
    FOR i = 1 TO num
        xold(i) = x(i)
        yold(i) = y(i)
        v0x(i) = v0x(i) + 0 * dt
        v0y(i) = v0y(i) + g * dt
        xtmp = x(i) + v0x(i) * dt
        ytmp = y(i) + v0y(i) * dt
        IF POINT(xtmp, yold(i)) = wallcol THEN v0x(i) = v0x(i) * -1 * xdamp
        IF POINT(xold(i), ytmp) = wallcol THEN v0y(i) = v0y(i) * -1 * ydamp
        x(i) = x(i) + v0x(i) * dt
        y(i) = y(i) + v0y(i) * dt
        'Recolor stagnant particles.
        xx = x(i) - xold(i)
        yy = y(i) - yold(i)
        IF SQR(xx ^ 2 + yy ^ 2) < .05 THEN col(i) = bgcol
        PSET (xold(i), yold(i)), 0 'bgcol
        PSET (x(i), y(i)), col(i)
        ds = SQR((y(i) - yold(i)) ^ 2 + (x(i) - xold(i)) ^ 2)
        IF ds > smax THEN smax = ds
    IF smax > .95 THEN dt = dt * (1 - .01)
    IF smax < .9 THEN dt = dt * (1 + .01)
    IF iterations > iterationmax THEN
        SLEEP 2
        GOTO start
    END IF
    LINE (19, 459)-(151, 471), wallcol, B
    LINE (20, 460)-(20 + 130 * (iterations / iterationmax), 470), 15, BF

How the heck did I get from his post to mine? They look so different!

RE: Screen Savers - SierraKen - 06-29-2022

Way cool B+ and Stx! Stx did the framework and you finished the job. Smile

RE: Screen Savers - vince - 07-01-2022

great mod, B+! thanks to Steve's ellipsefill you made something almost interesting interesting

RE: Screen Savers - bplus - 07-01-2022

So "almost" a thumbs up then, OK LOL!

RE: Screen Savers - bplus - 07-04-2022

Celebrate The Fourth With Some Fake Fireworks 
Code: (Select All)
DefInt A-Z
_Title "ASCII Fireworks  Move Mousewheel to Expand or Contract #2" '2020-01-01
' 2020-01-02 update with graivity effect by tsh73 from JB forum
' 2020-08-11 modified for xpanding and contracting screen size
' 2020-08-11 Steve catches memory leak, fixed!
' 2020-08-12 manstersoft gives me idea for Font 8, added more works and switched color to more! RGB32
' 2022-07-04 mods for The Forth
Const nR = 9, t = "     Celebrating July 4th, 2022 at QB64 PE Forum, ASCII Fireworks Brought To You By Bplus Inspired by Pete, TempodiBasic and Code Hunter Recent Efforts, Gravity Effect by tsh73 at JB Forum, Thanks Steve for saving memory and manstersoft for Font 8 idea, Let Freedom Ring!....."
Type rocket
    x As Single
    y As Single
    bang As Integer
    age As Integer
    c As _Unsigned Long
End Type

Dim Shared r(1 To nR) As rocket
For i = 1 To nR
    new i
Dim Shared fire&
fire& = _NewImage(640, 400, 32)
_ScreenMove 0, 0
Dim tmp&(0 To 10)
lastt = 20
sc& = _NewImage(640, 350, 32)
_Font 8
    _Dest fire&
    _Font 16
    Color &HFFFF88AA
    lc = lc + 1
    If lc Mod 3 = 0 Then p = (p + 1) Mod Len(t)
    Locate 2, 20: Print Mid$(t, p + 1, 40);
    _Font 8
    rocs = rocs + 1
    If rocs > nR Then rocs = nR
    For i = 1 To rocs
        drawRocket i

    _Dest 0
    While _MouseInput
        scroll = scroll + _MouseWheel
    If scroll < 800 And scroll > -400 And .56 * scroll < _DesktopHeight Then
        tp = (tp + 1) Mod 10
        tmp&(tp) = _NewImage(640 + scroll, 358 + .56 * scroll, 32)
        Screen tmp&(tp)
        _PutImage , fire&, 0
        lastt = 20
    End If

    'COLOR qb(15)
    'LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT lastt, tp, scroll

    If lastt <> 20 Then _FreeImage tmp&(lastt)
    lastt = tp

    _Limit 20
Loop Until _KeyDown(27)

Sub new (i)
    r(i).x = Rnd * 60 + 10
    r(i).y = 50
    r(i).bang = Rnd * 30
    r(i).age = 0
    r(i).c = _RGB32(200 * Rnd + 55, 200 * Rnd + 55, 200 * Rnd + 55)
End Sub

Sub drawRocket (i)
    If r(i).y > r(i).bang Then
        Color r(i).c
        Locate r(i).y, r(i).x: Print Chr$(24);
        r(i).y = r(i).y - 1
        r(i).age = r(i).age + 1
        If r(i).age > 50 Then
            new i
            Color r(i).c
            If r(i).age > 4 Then start = r(i).age - 4 Else start = 1
            For a = start To r(i).age
                For j = 1 To 12
                    xx = r(i).x + 1 * a * Cos(j * _Pi / 6)
                    yy = r(i).y + .5 * a * Sin(j * _Pi / 6)
                    yy = yy + (r(i).y - a) ^ 2 / 15 '<<<< tsh73 gravity
                    If xx > 0 And xx < 81 And yy > 0 And yy < 51 Then
                        Locate Int(yy), Int(xx)
                        Print "*";
                    End If
        End If
    End If
End Sub


RE: Screen Savers - Kernelpanic - 07-04-2022

Nice @bplus, but what is a screensaver without the right background music?  Wink

Note the women how they wielding the swords. . . from 01:27 (Corrected!)


RE: Screen Savers - bplus - 07-04-2022

Yeah, they swing a mean sword or 2 that's for sure but can they code in QB64? ;-))

RE: Screen Savers - Kernelpanic - 07-05-2022

(07-04-2022, 09:54 PM)bplus Wrote: Yeah, they swing a mean sword or 2 that's for sure but can they code in QB64?  ;-))

I don't know,  Wink (Corrected: 01:27) but this scene should one be incorporated into a screensaver. So incorporate the scene as a video. Is that possible with QB64?

I once had a program with which one could isolate video sequences. . . Let's see.

PS: In "Fireworks" that would fit well. The video should appear and disappear erratically.