Simple GUI example - James D Jarvis - 11-30-2022
all the cool kids are doing it so why not?
A simple gui example to demonstrate a scheme for button handling and menu selection.
This makes use of a couple of the new dialog controls in version 3.4
Menu selections return input from the selection, there's a little but of button manipulation shown, you cna quit from a menu or the big red quit button. Menu2 uses the new dialog controls, the hello menu selection wlil have a different message if the user has enters a username.
This is fairly barebones and hopefully straightforward enough someone may find this useful.
Code: (Select All) 'a relatively simple gui example by James D. Jarvis
'QB64 PE 3.4 or later needed to compile
'text screen mode 0 program that uses the mouse button to track gui input
'the scheme in this program allows for up to 255 buttons to be used in a program
'a mouse is used to click on button and menu selections that are shown in a text screen
'the position of buttons that are active is recorded in a button image
Dim Shared ts&
Dim Shared bt&
Dim Shared forek, backk
ts& = _NewImage(80, 25, 0) 'the main text screen for the program
Screen ts&
bt& = _NewImage(_Width + 1, _Height + 1, 256) 'the button tracking image needed for the gui
Type button_type
txt As String 'the button label
style As String 'what type of button to use : TEXTONLY,BTEXT,MENU,LBAR,CBAR,BBOX1,BBOX2
bxx As Integer 'button x coordinate
byy As Integer 'button y coordinate
bwid As Integer 'button width in pixels. button height is determined by style and text size
tklr As Integer 'text color
bklr As Integer 'background color
fklr As Integer 'foreground color
state As String 'is button on or off
container As String 'doesn't do anything in the demo but I like to plan ahead
End Type
Dim Shared btn(0) As button_type
Dim tempb As button_type
Dim Shared button_count
button_count = 0
Print "Building GUI";
forek = 15: backk = 0
menu_on = 0
'creating buttosn for the demo code
tempb.bxx = 3: tempb.byy = 3: tempb.bwid = 8: = "TEXTONLY"
tempb.txt = "Button 1": tempb.tklr = 15: tempb.bklr = 7: tempb.fklr = 15
tempb.state = "ON": tempb.container = ""
addbutton tempb
tempb.bxx = 3: tempb.byy = 5: tempb.bwid = 8: = "BTEXT"
tempb.txt = "Button 2": tempb.tklr = 15: tempb.bklr = 7: tempb.fklr = 15
tempb.state = "ON": tempb.container = ""
addbutton tempb
tempb.bxx = 3: tempb.byy = 7: tempb.bwid = 12: = "BBOX2"
tempb.txt = "Button 3": tempb.tklr = 15: tempb.bklr = 7: tempb.fklr = 15
tempb.state = "ON": tempb.container = ""
addbutton tempb
tempb.bxx = 3: tempb.byy = 15: tempb.bwid = 52: = "BBOX1"
tempb.txt = "QUIT": tempb.tklr = 0: tempb.bklr = 12: tempb.fklr = 15
tempb.state = "ON": tempb.container = ""
addbutton tempb
'creating the menus for the demo code.
'note: menu selections are just buttons that are only active when the menu is selected
tempb.bxx = 1: tempb.byy = 1: tempb.bwid = 8: = "MENU"
tempb.txt = "MENU": tempb.tklr = 15: tempb.bklr = 7: tempb.fklr = 15
tempb.state = "ON": tempb.container = ""
addbutton tempb
tempb.bxx = 1: tempb.byy = 2: tempb.bwid = 8: = "LBAR"
tempb.txt = "Select1": tempb.tklr = 15: tempb.bklr = 7: tempb.fklr = 15
tempb.state = "OFF": tempb.container = ""
addbutton tempb
tempb.bxx = 1: tempb.byy = 3: tempb.bwid = 8: = "LBAR"
tempb.txt = "Select2": tempb.tklr = 15: tempb.bklr = 7: tempb.fklr = 15
tempb.state = "OFF": tempb.container = ""
addbutton tempb
tempb.bxx = 1: tempb.byy = 4: tempb.bwid = 8: = "LBAR"
tempb.txt = "--------": tempb.tklr = 15: tempb.bklr = 7: tempb.fklr = 15
tempb.state = "OFF": tempb.container = ""
addbutton tempb
tempb.bxx = 1: tempb.byy = 5: tempb.bwid = 8: = "LBAR"
tempb.txt = "QUIT": tempb.tklr = 15: tempb.bklr = 7: tempb.fklr = 15
tempb.state = "OFF": tempb.container = ""
addbutton tempb
tempb.bxx = 9: tempb.byy = 1: tempb.bwid = 8: = "MENU"
tempb.txt = "MENU2": tempb.tklr = 15: tempb.bklr = 7: tempb.fklr = 15
tempb.state = "ON": tempb.container = ""
addbutton tempb
tempb.bxx = 9: tempb.byy = 2: tempb.bwid = 8: = "LBAR"
tempb.txt = "Hello": tempb.tklr = 15: tempb.bklr = 7: tempb.fklr = 15
tempb.state = "OFF": tempb.container = ""
addbutton tempb
tempb.bxx = 9: tempb.byy = 3: tempb.bwid = 8: = "LBAR"
tempb.txt = "Name?": tempb.tklr = 15: tempb.bklr = 5: tempb.fklr = 15
tempb.state = "OFF": tempb.container = ""
addbutton tempb
Dim Shared username$
username$ = ""
draw_allbuttons 'have to draw them if you want the user to see them
Locate 3, 16: Print "Will Show Button 3 if it is hiding"
Locate 5, 16: Print "Changes Text Color of this button"
Locate 8, 16: Print "Will hide itself"
Do ' main program loop
_Limit 1000
bkk = 0
Do While _MouseInput
pbx = _MouseX
pby = _MouseY
If _MouseButton(1) Then
_Source bt& 'checking the button tracking image
bkk = Point(pbx, pby) 'get the button clicked if there is one at those coordinates
_Source ts&
'uncomment following lines if you wish to see the demo echoing the button click
' If bkk > 0 Then
' Locate 1, 1: Print "Clicked "; bkk
' Else
' Locate 1, 1: Print " "
' End If
End If
Select Case bkk 'a handler for each button
Case 1
flash_button 1
If btn(3).state = "HIDE" Then show_button 3
draw_button 1
Case 2
flash_button 2
btn(2).tklr = Int(Rnd * 32)
draw_button 2
Case 3
flash_button 3
hide_button 3
Case 4
flash_button 4
draw_button 4
Exit Do
Case 5 'menu1
menu1 mchoice$
Locate 12, 16
If mchoice$ <> "" Then Print "Selected "; mchoice$
If mchoice$ = "QUIT" Then Exit Do
Case 6 'this is a menu selection and tracked in the sub menu1
Case 7 'this is a menu selection and tracked in the sub menu1
Case 8 'this is a menu selection and tracked in the sub menu1
Case 9 'this is a menu selection and tracked in the sub menu1
Case 10 'menu2
mchoice$ = ""
menu2 mchoice$
If mchoice$ = "hello" Then
If username$ = "" Then
_MessageBox "Hello", "Hello stranger.", "info"
un$ = "HELLO THERE " + username$ + "!"
_MessageBox "HELLO", un$, "info"
End If
End If
If mchoice$ = "name?" Then
username$ = _InputBox$("Name?", "Enter your name:", "anonymous")
End If
Case 11 'this is a menu selection and tracked in the sub menu2
Case 12 'this is a menu selection and tracked in the sub menu2
End Select
Loop Until InKey$ = Chr$(27)
_FreeImage bt&
' button routines for gui
Sub menu1 (mchoice$)
'menu handling has to be hardcoded as is, this needs to change.
show_button 6
show_button 7
show_button 8
show_button 9
menu_on = 1
mchoice$ = ""
Do 'menu takes over mouse handling only recognizing clicks in the menu or pressing the escape key
_Limit 60
Do While _MouseInput
pbx = _MouseX
pby = _MouseY
If _MouseButton(1) Then
_Source bt& 'checking the button tracking image
bkk = Point(pbx, pby) 'get the button clicked if there is one at those coordinates
_Source ts&
End If
Select Case bkk 'a handler for each button
Case 6
flash_button 6
mchoice$ = "m1a"
menu_on = 0
Case 7
flash_button 7
mchoice$ = "m1b"
menu_on = 0
'case 8
'there is no entry for button 8. it's just a line separator
Case 9
flash_button 9
mchoice$ = "QUIT"
menu_on = 0
End Select
mk$ = InKey$
Loop Until menu_on = 0 Or mk$ = Chr$(27)
'hide all the menu entries
hide_button 6
hide_button 7
hide_button 8
hide_button 9
'draw all the buttons now that the menu entries are hidden
End Sub
Sub menu2 (mchoice$)
'menu handling has to be hardcoded as is
show_button 11
show_button 12
menu_on = 1
mchoice$ = ""
Do 'menu takes over mouse handling only recognizing clicks in the menu or pressing the escape key
_Limit 60
Do While _MouseInput
pbx = _MouseX
pby = _MouseY
If _MouseButton(1) Then
_Source bt& 'checking the button tracking image
bkk = Point(pbx, pby) 'get the button clicked if there is one at those coordinates
_Source ts&
End If
Select Case bkk 'a handler for each button
Case 11
flash_button 11
mchoice$ = "hello"
menu_on = 0
Case 12
flash_button 7
mchoice$ = "name?"
menu_on = 0
End Select
mk$ = InKey$
Loop Until menu_on = 0 Or mk$ = Chr$(27)
'hide the menu entries
hide_button 11
hide_button 12
'draw all the buttons now that the menu entries are hidden
End Sub
Sub addbutton (newbtn As button_type)
If button_count < 255 Then
button_count = button_count + 1
ReDim _Preserve btn(button_count) As button_type
Swap btn(button_count), newbtn
Select Case btn(button_count).style
'correct bwid to be equal to text length for these styles
btn(button_count).bwid = Len(btn(button_count).txt)
End Select
End If
End Sub
Sub draw_button (bnum)
'draw alll the buttons on the mainscreen and on the button tracking image
If bnum < 1 Or bnum > button_count GoTo enddrawb
ds& = _Dest
If btn(bnum).state = "ON" Then
_Dest bt&
Select Case btn(bnum).style
Line (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy)-(btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy), bnum, BF
_Dest ds&
Color btn(bnum).tklr, backk
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), btn(bnum).txt
Color forek
Case "BTEXT", "MENU"
Line (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy)-(btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy), bnum, BF
_Dest ds&
Color btn(bnum).tklr, btn(bnum).bklr
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), btn(bnum).txt
Color forek, backk
Case "LBAR"
Line (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy)-(btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy), bnum, BF
_Dest ds&
Color btn(bnum).tklr, btn(bnum).bklr
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), btn(bnum).txt
Color forek, backk
Case "CBAR"
Line (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy)-(btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy), bnum, BF
_Dest ds&
Color btn(bnum).tklr, btn(bnum).bklr
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
tpx = btn(bnum).bxx + (Int(btn(bnum).bwid / 2) - Int(Len(btn(bnum).txt) / 2))
_PrintString (tpx, btn(bnum).byy), btn(bnum).txt
Color forek, backk
Case "BBOX1"
Line (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy)-(btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy + 2), bnum, BF
_Dest ds&
Color btn(bnum).fklr, btn(bnum).bklr
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, Chr$(196))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, Chr$(196))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(1, Chr$(218))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(1, Chr$(179))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(1, Chr$(192))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy), String$(1, Chr$(191))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(1, Chr$(179))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(1, Chr$(217))
Color btn(bnum).tklr, btn(bnum).bklr
tpx = btn(bnum).bxx + (Int(btn(bnum).bwid / 2) - Int(Len(btn(bnum).txt) / 2))
_PrintString (tpx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), btn(bnum).txt
Color forek, backk
Case "BBOX2"
Line (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy)-(btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy + 2), bnum, BF
_Dest ds&
Color btn(bnum).fklr, btn(bnum).bklr
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, Chr$(205))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, Chr$(205))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(1, Chr$(201))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(1, Chr$(186))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(1, Chr$(200))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy), String$(1, Chr$(187))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(1, Chr$(186))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(1, Chr$(188))
Color btn(bnum).tklr, btn(bnum).bklr
tpx = btn(bnum).bxx + (Int(btn(bnum).bwid / 2) - Int(Len(btn(bnum).txt) / 2))
_PrintString (tpx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), btn(bnum).txt
Color forek, backk
End Select
End If
End Sub
Sub hide_button (bnum)
'blacks out a button on the mainscreen and the button tracking image
If bnum < 1 Or bnum > button_count Then GoTo endhide
ds& = _Dest
If btn(bnum).state = "ON" Then
btn(bnum).state = "HIDE"
_Dest bt&
Select Case btn(bnum).style
Line (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy)-(btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy), 0, BF
_Dest ds&
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(Len(btn(bnum).txt), " ")
Case "BTEXT", "MENU"
Line (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy)-(btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy), 0, BF
_Dest ds&
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(Len(btn(bnum).txt), " ")
Color forek, backk
Case "LBAR"
Line (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy)-(btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy), 0, BF
_Dest ds&
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
Case "CBAR"
Line (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy)-(btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy), 0, BF
_Dest ds&
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
Case "BBOX1", "BBOX2"
Line (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy)-(btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy + 2), 0, BF
_Dest ds&
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
End Select
End If
End Sub
Sub show_button (bnum)
'chnage a buttons state and draw it on the main screen and button tracking image
If bnum > 0 And bnum <= button_count Then
btn(bnum).state = "ON"
draw_button bnum
End If
End Sub
Sub draw_allbuttons
'draw all the buttons
For b = 1 To button_count
draw_button b
Next b
End Sub
Sub flash_button (bnum)
'have the button flash to show it has been selected
If bnum < 1 Or bnum > button_count GoTo endflashb
If btn(bnum).state = "ON" Then
Select Case btn(bnum).style
Color backk, btn(bnum).tklr \ 2
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), btn(bnum).txt
_Delay 0.3
Color forek
Case "BTEXT", "MENU"
Color backk, btn(bnum).tklr \ 2
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), btn(bnum).txt
_Delay 0.3
Color forek, backk
Case "LBAR"
Color backk, btn(bnum).tklr, btn(bnum).bklr
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), btn(bnum).txt
_Delay 0.3
Color forek, backk
Case "CBAR"
Color backk, btn(bnum).tklr \ 2
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
tpx = btn(bnum).bxx + (Int(btn(bnum).bwid / 2) - Int(Len(btn(bnum).txt) / 2))
_PrintString (tpx, btn(bnum).byy), btn(bnum).txt
_Delay 0.3
Color forek, backk
Case "BBOX1"
Color backk, btn(bnum).fklr \ 2
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, Chr$(196))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, Chr$(196))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(1, Chr$(218))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(1, Chr$(179))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(1, Chr$(192))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy), String$(1, Chr$(191))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(1, Chr$(179))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(1, Chr$(217))
Color backk, btn(bnum).tklr
tpx = btn(bnum).bxx + (Int(btn(bnum).bwid / 2) - Int(Len(btn(bnum).txt) / 2))
_PrintString (tpx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), btn(bnum).txt
_Delay 0.3
Color forek, backk
Case "BBOX2"
Color backk, btn(bnum).fklr \ 2
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, Chr$(205))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, " ")
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(btn(bnum).bwid, Chr$(205))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy), String$(1, Chr$(201))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(1, Chr$(186))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(1, Chr$(200))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy), String$(1, Chr$(187))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy + 1), String$(1, Chr$(186))
_PrintString (btn(bnum).bxx + btn(bnum).bwid - 1, btn(bnum).byy + 2), String$(1, Chr$(188))
Color backk, btn(bnum).tklr
tpx = btn(bnum).bxx + (Int(btn(bnum).bwid / 2) - Int(Len(btn(bnum).txt) / 2))
_PrintString (tpx, btn(bnum).byy + 1), btn(bnum).txt
_Delay 0.3
Color forek, backk
End Select
End If
End Sub
RE: Simple GUI example - bplus - 11-30-2022
Quote:all the cool kids are doing it so why not?
Your menus look like a bunch of buttons glued together, that's OK. I did miss being able to back out of a menu if I changed my mind. Good practice with Dialogs. That was my main reason for starting GUI, so I could have 2 list boxes open and choose from either for Folder and File navigation, so now we have Open and Save File Dialogs and I am dumping my (most?) useful GUI app.
Thumbs up for starting your journal down this road!
RE: Simple GUI example - James D Jarvis - 11-30-2022
(11-30-2022, 09:11 PM)bplus Wrote: Quote:all the cool kids are doing it so why not?
Your menus look like a bunch of buttons glued together, that's OK. I did miss being able to back out of a menu if I changed my mind. Good practice with Dialogs. That was my main reason for starting GUI, so I could have 2 list boxes open and choose from either for Folder and File navigation, so now we have Open and Save File Dialogs and I am dumping my (most?) useful GUI app.
Thumbs up for starting your journal down this road!
oh darn I forgot to type it out: you can press the <esc> key to back out of a menu.
and yes the menus are just a stack of buttons. Just wanted it to be simple.
RE: Simple GUI example - James D Jarvis - 11-30-2022
Not my first, not even my first posted here: G_Buttons_32 (