Screen 0 Palette Editing - BDS107 - 12-23-2022
Here's a little program to adjust your color palette in SCREEN 0. Each palette can be saved for later editing. When saving the palette, a .BI file is also created for import into QB64 or QB64PE.
The program works with the mouse, partly also with the keyboard.
Good luck with it, let me know what you think.
Code: (Select All) DefInt A-Z
Dim Shared RGB(0 To 47) As Integer ' Huidige kleurenpalet
Dim Shared oRGB(0 To 47) As Integer 'Oud kleurenpalet
Dim Shared Abc$(4, 6)
Dim Shared Bar$, PLinks$, PRechts$, Bestand$, Map$, ProgNaam$, Versie$, Ikke$
Dim Shared vKleur, Kleur
Randomize Timer
vKleur = 0: Kleur = 0
Bar$ = Chr$(221)
PLinks$ = Chr$(17) + Chr$(196): PRechts$ = Chr$(196) + Chr$(16)
Screen _NewImage(100, 38, 0)
_Blink Off
ZetKader Kleur, 1
ZetRGB Kleur
k$ = InKey$
Do While _MouseInput
x = _MouseX: y = _MouseY
If x >= 3 And x <= 97 And y >= 7 And y <= 18 Then ' Klik op de kleuren
If _MouseButton(1) Then
Do: td = _MouseInput: Loop While _MouseButton(1)
ZetKader Kleur, 0
r = Fix((y - 7) / 7) * 8: K = Fix((x - 3) / 12): Kleur = r + K
Color Kleur, 0: vKleur = Kleur
ZetKader Kleur, 1
ZetRGB Kleur
End If
Else If x >= 9 And x <= 92 And y >= 27 And y <= 35 Then ' Klik op de schuifbalken
If _MouseButton(1) Then ' Wijzig 1 kleur
r = Fix((y - 27) / 3): K = Fix((x * 255) / 83) - 27
RGB((Kleur * 3) + r) = K
_PaletteColor Kleur, _RGB32(RGB((Kleur * 3)), RGB((Kleur * 3) + 1), RGB((Kleur * 3) + 2))
ZetRGB Kleur
ElseIf _MouseButton(2) Then ' Wijzig alle kleuren samen
K = Fix((x * 255) / 83) - 27
For xx = 0 To 2: RGB((Kleur * 3) + xx) = K: Next
_PaletteColor Kleur, _RGB32(RGB((Kleur * 3)), RGB((Kleur * 3) + 1), RGB((Kleur * 3) + 2))
ZetRGB Kleur
End If
Else If y = 38 Then ' Klik op onderste balk
If _MouseButton(1) Then
x = _MouseX
If x >= 90 Then k$ = Chr$(27): Exit Do 'ESC
If x >= 1 And x <= 10 Then k$ = Chr$(0) + Chr$(59): Exit Do 'F1
If x >= 11 And x <= 21 Then k$ = Chr$(0) + Chr$(60): Exit Do 'F2
If x >= 22 And x <= 33 Then k$ = Chr$(0) + Chr$(61): Exit Do 'F3
If x >= 34 And x <= 45 Then k$ = Chr$(0) + Chr$(62): Exit Do 'F4
If x >= 46 And x <= 60 Then k$ = Chr$(0) + Chr$(63): Exit Do 'F5
If x >= 61 And x <= 89 Then k$ = Chr$(0) + Chr$(134): Exit Do 'F12
End If
End If
End If
End If
Loop Until k$ <> ""
Select Case k$
Case Chr$(27)
Cls: System
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(59) 'F1=View
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(60) 'F2=New
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(61) 'F3=Load
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(62) 'F4=Save
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(63) 'F5=Restore
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(134) 'F12=About
End Select
k$ = "": MuisLos: GoTo Terug
Sub F1View
b$ = String$(12, 219)
For r = 4 To 20
fc = 0
For k = 3 To 87 Step 12
Locate r, k: Color fc, 0: Print b$;: fc = fc + 1
For r = 21 To 36
fc = 8
For k = 3 To 87 Step 12
Locate r, k: Color fc, 0: Print b$;: fc = fc + 1
fc = 8
For k = 3 To 87 Step 12
Locate 37, k: Color fc, 0: Print String$(12, 223);: fc = fc + 1
r = 5: k = 7: Color 1, 7
For n = 0 To 15
Locate r, k: Print " "; Right$("0" + LTrim$(Str$(n)), 2); " ";
k = k + 12
If n = 7 Then k = 7: r = 22
ZetInfo " Press ANY key for next screen", 1
a$ = AnyKey$
If a$ = Chr$(27) Then Exit Sub
r = 6: k = 4
For B = 0 To 15
Locate r, k: Color 7, 0
For f = 0 To 15
bc = B
fc = f
If B > 7 Then fc = fc Or 16
Color 7, 0: Print " ";
Color fc, bc: Print Right$(" " + Str$(fc), 2); ","; Right$(" " + Str$(bc), 2);
r = r + 2
Color 0, 3: A = 0: Locate 4, 2: Print Space$(98);
For k = 6 To 97 Step 6
Locate 4, k: Print Str$(A);: A = A + 1
A = 0
For r = 5 To 36
Locate r, 2
If r And Not -2 Then
Print " ";
Print Right$(" " + Str$(A), 2);: A = A + 1
End If
ZetInfo " Press ANY key for next screen", 1
a$ = AnyKey$
If a$ = Chr$(27) Then Exit Sub
Color 15, 0: Locate 5, 2: Print "Foreground Color:";: Locate 13, 2: Print "Background Color:";
ZetKleurenbar 7: ZetKleurenbar 15
Center 36, "Move the mouse over the foreground and background colors to see the effect."
ZetInfo " Press ANY key for next screen, position the mouse over a color", 1
fc = 3: bc = 0: ofc = 3: obc = 0
GoSub F1_Terug1
eruit = 0
k$ = InKey$
Do While _MouseInput
x = _MouseX: y = _MouseY
If x >= 3 And x <= 97 And y >= 7 And y <= 10 Then
'foreground color
fc = Fix((x - 3) / 6)
If bc > 7 Then fc = fc Or 16 Else If fc > 15 Then fc = fc - 16
End If
If x >= 3 And x <= 97 And y >= 15 And y <= 18 Then
'background color
bc = Fix((x - 3) / 6)
If bc > 7 Then fc = fc Or 16 Else If fc > 15 Then fc = fc - 16
End If
If y = 38 And _MouseButton(1) Then k$ = Chr$(27): Exit Do
If obc <> bc Or ofc <> fc Then GoSub F1_Terug1
Loop Until k$ <> ""
If k$ <> Chr$(27) Then GoTo F1_scherm1
Exit Sub 'ESC gedrukt
Color 15, 0: Locate 5, 19: Print fc;: Locate 13, 19: Print bc;
Color fc, bc
For r = 21 To 34
Locate r, 1: Print Space$(100);
For A = 1 To 26
Locate 23, 12 + (A * 2): Print Chr$(64 + A);
Locate 25, 12 + (A * 2): Print Chr$(96 + A);
For A = 0 To 9
Locate 23, 68 + (A * 2): Print Chr$(48 + A);
Locate 25, 68 + (A * 2): Print Chr$(38 + A);
Locate 27, 14: Print "ÚÄÄÂÄÄ¿ ÉÍÍËÍÍ»"
Locate 28, 14: Print "³ ³ ³ ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ º º º"
Locate 31, 14: Print "ÀÄÄÁÄÄÙ ÈÍÍÊÍͼ"
Locate 33, 14: Print " °°°±±±²²²ÛÛÛ the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog ÛÛÛ²²²±±±°°°"
obc = bc: ofc = fc
End Sub
Sub F2New
ZetKader vKleur, 0
For A = 0 To 15
red = Int(Rnd * 256)
green = Int(Rnd * 256)
blue = Int(Rnd * 256)
RGB(A * 3) = red
RGB((A * 3) + 1) = green
RGB((A * 3) + 2) = blue
_PaletteColor A, _RGB32(red, green, blue)
Kleur = 0: vKleur = 0
ZetKader Kleur, 1
ZetRGB Kleur
End Sub
Sub F3Load
Bestand$ = "": MuisLos
Bestand$ = _OpenFileDialog$("Open File", "", "*.pal", "Palette files", -1)
If Bestand$ <> "" Then
' Lees file in + toepassen
ff = FreeFile
Open Bestand$ For Input As #ff
For A = 0 To 47: Input #ff, RGB(A): Next
Close ff
For A = 0 To 15
red = RGB(A * 3)
green = RGB((A * 3) + 1)
blue = RGB((A * 3) + 2)
_PaletteColor A, _RGB32(red, green, blue)
Kleur = 0: vKleur = 0
ZetKader Kleur, 1
ZetRGB Kleur
_MessageBox "Information", "File " + Bestand$ + " loaded."
End If
End Sub
Sub F4Save
Bestand$ = "": MuisLos
Bestand$ = _SaveFileDialog$("Save File", "", "*.pal", "Palette files")
If Bestand$ <> "" Then
'Bewaar als .PAL bestand
ff = FreeFile
Open Bestand$ For Output As #ff
For A = 0 To 47: Print #ff, RGB(A): Next
Close ff
'Bewaar als .BI bestand
Bestand1$ = Bestand$ + ".BI": t$ = ""
ff = FreeFile
Open Bestand1$ For Output As #ff
Print #ff, ";"
Print #ff, "; Use this file in your BASIC program."
Print #ff, "; You can edit the colors in 'Palette', a Palette Editor written by " + Ikke$ + "."
Print #ff, ";"
For A = 0 To 15
red = RGB(A * 3)
green = RGB((A * 3) + 1)
blue = RGB((A * 3) + 2)
t$ = "_PaletteColor" + Str$(A) + ", _RGB32(" + Str$(red) + "," + Str$(green) + "," + Str$(blue) + ")"
Print #ff, t$
Close ff
_MessageBox "Information", "File will be saved to " + Bestand$ + " (for use with this program)" + Chr$(10) + Chr$(13) + "and is saved to " + Bestand1$ + " to import in your program."
End If
End Sub
Sub F5Restore
ZetKader vKleur, 0
For A = 0 To 47
RGB(A) = oRGB(A)
For A = 0 To 15
red = RGB(A * 3)
green = RGB((A * 3) + 1)
blue = RGB((A * 3) + 2)
_PaletteColor A, _RGB32(red, green, blue)
Kleur = 0: vKleur = 0
ZetKader Kleur, 1
ZetRGB Kleur
End Sub
Sub F12About
'Normale kleuren herstellen
For A = 0 To 15
red = oRGB(A * 3)
green = oRGB((A * 3) + 1)
blue = oRGB((A * 3) + 2)
_PaletteColor A, _RGB32(red, green, blue)
Color 7, 0: Cls
For r = 0 To 4
For k = 0 To 6
Locate r + 11, 24 + (k * 8)
For t = 1 To 7
c$ = Mid$(Abc$(r, k), t, 1)
If c$ = Chr$(222) Then Color 8, 0 Else Color 9 + k, 0
Print c$;
Print " ";
Color 15, 0: Center 17, ProgNaam$ + ", version " + Versie$
Center 18, "Written by " + Ikke$ + ", Bruges, Belgium"
Color 7, 0: Center 23, "Palette was developed in QB64. To save or read the files I wanted to use the"
Center 24, "standard Windows Open/Save interface. Therefore, the project was continued in QB64PE."
Center 25, "The reason was also that I suddenly didn't feel like programming everything"
Center 26, "with retrieving files etc. I have no idea if this program will ever be used,"
Center 27, "but I had fun programming it again."
Center 28, "The design of the screens was done in advance with Moebius, an ANSI and ASCII Editor."
Center 31, "Press [S] to switch between fullscreen or window"
Center 32, "Settings are saved in " + _CWD$ + "\palette.cfg"
Color 14, 0: Center 38, "Press ANY key to continue..."
a$ = AnyKey$
If a$ = "s" Or a$ = "S" Then
If _FullScreen = 0 Then
_FullScreen _Stretch , _Smooth
_FullScreen _Off
End If
ff = FreeFile
Open _CWD$ + "\palette.cfg" For Output As #ff
Print #ff, _FullScreen
Close ff
End If
'Naar huidig palet
For A = 0 To 15
red = RGB(A * 3)
green = RGB((A * 3) + 1)
blue = RGB((A * 3) + 2)
_PaletteColor A, _RGB32(red, green, blue)
ZetKader Kleur, 1
ZetRGB Kleur
End Sub
Sub ZetKader (co, t)
' Teken kader rond kleur
' co = kleur
' t = 0: spaties, anders dubbele lijn
sKleur = co
If sKleur < 8 Then r = 6 Else r = 13: sKleur = sKleur - 8
K = Fix(sKleur * 12) + 3
Locate r, K: Color 7, 0
If t = 0 Then
Print Space$(12);
Locate r + 6, K: Print Space$(12);
Print Chr$(201); String$(10, 205); Chr$(187);
Locate r + 6, K: Print Chr$(200); String$(10, 205); Chr$(188);
End If
For A = r + 1 To r + 5
Locate A, K
If t = 0 Then
Print " ";: Locate A, K + 11: Print " ";
Print Chr$(186);: Locate A, K + 11: Print Chr$(186);
End If
Color Kleur, 0
For r = 21 To 25
Locate r, 28: Print String$(49, 219);
End Sub
Sub TekenScherm
' Teken het hoofdscherm
Color 7, 0
Center 4, "Click with the mouse on the color, then you can change the color with the 3 sliders."
Center 5, "Use the right mouse button to move all sliders together."
For r = 7 To 11
c = 0
For K = 4 To 98 Step 12
Locate r, K: Color c, 0: Print String$(10, 219);
c = c + 1
For r = 14 To 18
c = 8
For K = 4 To 98 Step 12
Locate r, K: Color c, 0: Print String$(10, 219);
c = c + 1
Color 15, 0: Locate 28, 2: Print " Red";: Locate 31, 2: Print "Green";: Locate 34, 2: Print " Blue";
Color 7, 0
For r = 28 To 34 Step 3
Locate r, 8: Print Chr$(204); String$(84, 205); Chr$(185); " 123 "; Chr$(186);
Locate r - 1, 93: Print Chr$(201); String$(5, 205); Chr$(187);
Locate r + 1, 93: Print Chr$(200); String$(5, 205); Chr$(188);
Locate 20, 27: Print Chr$(218); String$(49, 196); Chr$(191);
For r = 21 To 25
Locate r, 27: Print Chr$(179); Space$(49); Chr$(179);
Locate 26, 27: Print Chr$(192); String$(49, 196); Chr$(217);
ZetInfo " #F1#=View + #F2#=RND + #F3#=Load + #F4#=Save + #F5#=Restore + #F12#=About", 0
End Sub
Sub ZetHoofding
Color 7, 0: Cls
Color 0, 7: Print String$(100, 223);
Locate 2, 1: Print Space$(100);: Locate 2, 39: Color 1, 7: Print "*** P A L E T T E ***";
Locate 3, 1: Color 0, 7: Print String$(100, 220);
End Sub
Sub LeesRGB
' Lees huidig kleurenpalet en plaats ze in RGB() en in oRGB()
For c& = 0 To 15
value32& = _PaletteColor(c&, 0) 'sets color value to read of an image page handle.
red% = _Red32(value32&)
green% = _Green32(value32&)
blue% = _Blue32(value32&)
RGB(c& * 3) = red%: RGB((c& * 3) + 1) = green%: RGB((c& * 3) + 2) = blue%
oRGB(c& * 3) = red%: oRGB((c& * 3) + 1) = green%: oRGB((c& * 3) + 2) = blue%
End Sub
Sub ZetRGB (sKleur)
' Zet de RGB kleuren nummers op scherm en pas de schuifbars aan
Color 7, 0: Kl = sKleur * 3
Locate 28, 94: Print " ";: Locate 28, 94: Print Str$(RGB(Kl));
Locate 31, 94: Print " ";: Locate 31, 94: Print Str$(RGB(Kl + 1));
Locate 34, 94: Print " ";: Locate 34, 94: Print Str$(RGB(Kl + 2));
Color 7, 0: Locate 28, 9: Print String$(84, 205);: Color 15, 0: Locate 28, 9 + Fix((RGB(Kl) / 256) * 84): Print Chr$(219);
Color 7, 0: Locate 31, 9: Print String$(84, 205);: Color 15, 0: Locate 31, 9 + Fix((RGB(Kl + 1) / 256) * 84): Print Chr$(219);
Color 7, 0: Locate 34, 9: Print String$(84, 205);: Color 15, 0: Locate 34, 9 + Fix((RGB(Kl + 2) / 256) * 84): Print Chr$(219);
End Sub
Sub ZetInfo (t$, l)
' Zet info op onderste rij
' t$= string met commando's
' # switch van zwart naar rood
' + scheidingsbar plaatsen (ascii nr 221)
' tekst = tekst
' l = 0: op kolom 90 komt | ESC=Quit
' l = 1: op kolom 90 komt | ESC=Back
zko = 1 'kolom
zkl = 0 'kleur
Locate 38, 1: Color 0, 3: Print Space$(89); Bar$; " ";: Color 4, 3: Print "ESC";: Color 0, 3
If l = 0 Then Print "=Quit "; Else Print "=Back ";
For A = 1 To Len(t$)
Locate 38, zko
c$ = Mid$(t$, A, 1)
If c$ = "+" Then c$ = Chr$(221)
If c$ = "#" Then If zkl = 0 Then zkl = 4 Else zkl = 0
If c$ <> "#" Then Color zkl, 3: Print c$;: zko = zko + 1
End Sub
Sub ZetKleurenbar (rij)
For r = rij To rij + 3
zKL = 0
For k = 4 To 94 Step 6
Locate r, k: Color zKL, 0: Print String$(4, 219);
zKL = zKL + 1
End Sub
Sub Center (rij, txt$)
Locate rij, 50 - (Len(txt$) \ 2): Print txt$;
End Sub
Sub LeesABC
Dim xyz$(5)
xyz$(0) = "1222222122222212200001222222122222212222221222222"
xyz$(1) = "1220122122012212200001220000001220000122001220000"
xyz$(2) = "1222222122222212200001222200001220000122001222200"
xyz$(3) = "1220000122012212200001220000001220000122001220000"
xyz$(4) = "1220000122012212222221222222001220000122001222222"
xyz$(5) = "1120029906042100041719150011041919040112100120122"
Versie$ = "1.0": ProgNaam$ = "": Ikke$ = ""
For r = 0 To 4
For k = 1 To Len(xyz$(r))
c$ = Mid$(xyz$(r), k, 1)
If c$ = "0" Then c$ = Chr$(32)
If c$ = "1" Then c$ = Chr$(222)
If c$ = "2" Then c$ = Chr$(219)
Mid$(xyz$(r), k, 1) = c$
For r = 0 To 4
For k = 1 To 43 Step 7
Abc$(r, Fix((k - 1) / 7)) = Mid$(xyz$(r), k, 7)
c$ = "": r = 0
For a = 1 To 11
If a = 1 Or a = 5 Then r = 65 Else r = 97
c$ = c$ + Chr$(r + Val(Mid$(xyz$(5), (a * 2) - 1, 2)))
Mid$(c$, 4, 1) = " ": Ikke$ = c$
c$ = "": r = 0
For a = 1 To 7
If a = 1 Then r = 65 Else r = 97
c$ = c$ + Chr$(r + Val(Mid$(xyz$(5), 21 + (a * 2), 2)))
ProgNaam$ = c$
For r = 0 To 4
For k = 0 To 6
Locate r + 13, 24 + (k * 8)
For t = 1 To 7
c$ = Mid$(Abc$(r, k), t, 1)
If c$ = Chr$(222) Then Color 8, 0 Else Color 9 + k, 0
Print c$;
Print " ";
'*** fullscreen?
a$ = _CWD$ + "\palette.cfg"
If _FileExists(a$) Then
ff = FreeFile
Open a$ For Input As #ff
Input #ff, r
Close ff
If r <> 0 Then
_FullScreen _Stretch , _Smooth
_FullScreen _Off
End If
End If
_Title "*** " + ProgNaam$ + " ***"
Center 22, "*** " + ProgNaam$ + " ***"
Center 23, "Version " + Versie$
Center 24, "This is a VGA palette editor"
Center 25, "Written in 2022 by " + Ikke$
Center 38, "Press ANY key to start"
a$ = AnyKey$
End Sub
Sub MuisLos
Do While _MouseInput ' Check the mouse status
tmp = _MouseInput
Loop Until Not _MouseButton(1)
End Sub
Function AnyKey$ ()
xx$ = InKey$
Do While _MouseInput
If _MouseButton(1) Then xx$ = " ": Exit Do
Loop Until xx$ <> ""
AnyKey$ = xx$
End Function
RE: Screen 0 Palette Editing - Pete - 12-24-2022
Finally, a utility that addresses the most important SCREEN in computer programing!
Nice. +2
I've put together a similar compare tool for PALETTE, but _PALETTECOLOR certainly expands the possibilities.
RE: Screen 0 Palette Editing - BDS107 - 12-26-2022
I like programming in screen 0
RE: Screen 0 Palette Editing - James D Jarvis - 12-26-2022
It works.
RE: Screen 0 Palette Editing - mnrvovrfc - 12-26-2022
(12-26-2022, 06:58 AM)BDS107 Wrote: I like programming in screen 0 ![Big Grin Big Grin](
Me too. Who needed that snow from CGA, for example?
Now there's even more motivation in QB64(PE) to program stuff in SCREEN 0 with "_MEM" and some of the image statements. Like the "Xmas Pete" thing by Steve.
RE: Screen 0 Palette Editing - grymmjack - 12-27-2022
(12-23-2022, 07:21 PM)BDS107 Wrote: Good luck with it, let me know what you think.
this is fantastic.
Really well done!
A few feature requests:
- Copy/paste between colors
- HSL mode in addition to RGB
- Right click move is great for grayscale but it would be awesome if maybe SHIFT+RightClick did it relatively and remembered the distances between (like a scale vs. a set?)
I adore text mode too. I am a text mode artist and SCREEN 0 is one of my all time favorites. If you are curious, LMK and I can share a link to some text mode art. I also was going to ask you do you have any programs that use your custom palettes? ![Smile Smile](
Or any text mode stuff you've made - I'd love to see it ![Smile Smile](
Thanks for making this and sharing it.