XE - Simple file viewer & editor - Dav - 04-23-2022
XE is a simple Binary File Editor (also called a HEX editor) that lets you view and edit raw data bytes of a file. With XE you can peek inside EXE/DLL files and see what information they may contain. XE also has the capacity to change bytes by either typing in ASCII characters or entering the HEX value for each byte. XE was first coded in Qbasic - now in QB64PE. Since the very nature of XE is to alter file data you should always use EXTREME caution when editing a file - AND ALWAYS MAKE A BACKUP FIRST!
This code will work in Windows & Linux.
- Dav
Code: (Select All) '============
'XE.BAS v1.15
'A simple File editor/viewer.
'Coded by Dav, MAY/2024 with QB64-PE v3.13.0
' * ADDED: Now starts with CHDIR _STARTDIR$ so program looks for file in
' directory program was started from. This is needed in certain
' situations, like when running XE in the system path and calling
' it from any directory. This way it will find the filename in
' the directory you called it from without have to provide the
' complete path with the filename. Otherwise it would only look
' in the system directory and say file not found.
' * ADDED: Made it more friendly by using dialog boxes for information.
' * ADDED: New info message appears when starting XE with no filename.
' * ADDED: Press L to load a new file. Added L to Menu.
' * FIXED: Changed menu options: B goes to Byte #, H goes to Hex #.
' * FIXED: Now always shows full path + filename in TITLE area.
' ~~~~~
' XE is a simple Binary File Editor (also called a HEX editor) that lets
' you view and edit raw data bytes of a file. With XE you can peek inside
' EXE/DLL files and see what information they may contain. XE also has the
' capacity to change bytes by either typing in ASCII characters or entering
' the HEX value for each byte. XE was first coded in Qbasic - now in QB64.
' Since the very nature of XE is to alter file data you should always use
' EXTREME caution when editing any file - AND ALWAYS MAKE A BACKUP FIRST!
' ~~~~~~~~~~
' XE accepts command line arguments. You can drag/drop a file onto XE.
' If you don't specify a filename on startup, XE will ask you for one.
' There are TWO ways to View & Edit files - in HEX (default) or ASCII mode.
' Files are first opened in HEX mode displaying 2 windows of data. The
' right window shows the characters while the larger left window shows HEX
' values for them. HEX mode is best for patching and is the only way to
' edit the HEX values of bytes.
' Pressing ENTER switches to ASCII (non-HEX) mode, showing a larger page
' of raw data bytes - the ASCII chracter data only. This mode is best for
' skimming through files faster. ENTER toggles view modes back and forth.
' While viewing a file you can browse through the file using the ARROWS,
' PAGEUP/DOWN, HOME and the END keys.
' The currently opened filename is shown with full path in the title bar.
' and just filename is displayed in the FILE: area just below title bar.
' While viewing a file, press E to enter into EDIT mode and begin editing
' bytes at the current position. If you're in HEX mode (2 windows), you can
' edit bytes either by typing characters on the right side or entering HEX
' values on the left window. Press TAB to switch windows to edit in.
' Press ESC to save or disgard changes and to exit editing mode.
' Press M for a complete MENU listing all of the Key COMMANDS.
' ~~~~~~~~
' E = Enters EDIT MODE. Only the displayed bytes can be edited.
' TAB = Switchs panes (the cursor) while editing in HEX mode.
' S = Searches file for a string starting at the current byte.
' A Match-Case option is available. A high beep alerts you
' when match is found. A Low beep sounds when EOF reached.
' N = Finds NEXT Match after a do a string search.
' F = Toggles FILTERING of all non-standard-text characters.
' A flashing "F" is at the top-left corner when FILTER ON.
' G = GOTO a certain byte position (number) in the file.
' L = GOTO a specified location (Hex value) of the file.
' ENTER = Toggles HEX and ASCII view modes. The ASCII mode lets
' you browse more data per page. You can EDIT in both
' modes but can only enter in HEX vaules in HEX mode.
' ESC = EXITS out of editing mode, and also EXITS the program.
' ALT+ENTER = Toggle FULLSCREEN/WINDOWED mode of the XE program.
_ScreenMove _Middle: _ScreenHide
ChDir _StartDir$ 'do this so program looks for file in directory called from.
_ControlChr Off 'Printing all 255 characters on screen, so this is needed.
Screen Pete: Width 80, 25 'Use Screen mode 0, aka the Pete (Come back Pete!)
'Font size based on desktop resolution - it expands SCREEN 0 nicely.
'You may have to adjust it a bit to look the best on your screen res
BIGFONT (Int(_DesktopHeight / 25) * .85)
_Delay .25
'if none given from command line....
If Command$ = "" Then
cr$ = Chr$(13)
m$ = "XE v1.15 - Simple Binary file editor." + cr$ + cr$
m$ = m$ + "This program can view/edit bytes in files." + cr$
m$ = m$ + "Make backups of files before you edit them." + cr$ + cr$
m$ = m$ + "XE will now ask you for filename to open." + cr$ + cr$
m$ = m$ + "Proceed?"
If _MessageBox("XE v1.15", m$, "yesno", "question") = 0 Then System
File$ = _OpenFileDialog$("XE v1.15: Select File for XE to Open...", , , "Files", 0)
If File$ = "" Then
_MessageBox "XE v1.15", "No file selected. XE will close.", "info"
End If
File$ = Command$
If _FileExists(File$) = 0 Then
_MessageBox "XE v1.15", File$ + " not found!" + Chr$(13) + Chr$(13) + "XE will close.", "info"
End If
End If
File$ = LTrim$(RTrim$(File$)) 'trim off any spaces, if any...
FullFileName$ = _FullPath$(File$) 'make a copy For TITLE/OPEN to use...
'If filename+path too long for display, strip off path
If Len(File$) > 70 Then
ts$ = ""
For q = Len(File$) To 1 Step -1
t$ = Mid$(File$, q, 1)
If t$ = "/" Or t$ = "\" Then Exit For
ts$ = t$ + ts$
File$ = ts$
'If filename too long, shorten it for display
If Len(File$) > 70 Then
File$ = Mid$(File$, 1, 67) + "..."
End If
End If
_ScreenShow ' finally turn on main screen
OpenFile: 'open the file
_Title "XE: " + FullFileName$
Open FullFileName$ For Binary As 7
DisplayView% = 1 'Default to 2-PANE view
ByteLocation& = 1
If DisplayView% = 1 Then
BufferSize% = (16 * 23)
BufferSize% = (79 * 23)
End If
If BufferSize% > LOF(7) Then BufferSize% = LOF(7)
Color 15, 1: Cls: Locate 1, 1, 0
Seek #7, ByteLocation&
PageOfData$ = Input$(BufferSize%, 7)
'If dual pane mode....
If DisplayView% = 1 Then
If Len(PageOfData$) < (16 * 23) Then
PageFlag% = 1: PageLimit% = Len(PageOfData$)
PageOfData$ = PageOfData$ + String$(16 * 23 - Len(PageOfData$), Chr$(0))
End If
'show right side
y% = 3: x% = 63
For c% = 1 To Len(PageOfData$)
CurrentByte% = Asc(Mid$(PageOfData$, c%, 1))
'show a . instead of a null (looks better to me)
If CurrentByte% = 0 Then CurrentByte% = 46
If Filter% = 1 Then
Select Case CurrentByte%
Case 0 To 31, 123 To 255: CurrentByte% = 32
End Select
End If
Locate y%, x%: Print Chr$(CurrentByte%);
x% = x% + 1: If x% = 79 Then x% = 63: y% = y% + 1
'show left side
y% = 3: x% = 15
For c% = 1 To Len(PageOfData$)
CurrentByte% = Asc(Mid$(PageOfData$, c%, 1))
CurrentByte$ = Hex$(CurrentByte%): If Len(CurrentByte$) = 1 Then CurrentByte$ = "0" + CurrentByte$
Locate y%, x%: Print CurrentByte$; " ";
x% = x% + 3: If x% >= 62 Then x% = 15: y% = y% + 1
'One page display, Full view
'Adjust data size used
If Len(PageOfData$) < (79 * 23) Then 'Enough to fill screen?
PageFlag% = 1: PageLimit% = Len(PageOfData$) 'No? Mark this and pad
PageOfData$ = PageOfData$ + Space$(79 * 23 - Len(PageOfData$)) 'data with spaces.
End If
y% = 3: x% = 1 'Screen location where data begins displaying
For c% = 1 To Len(PageOfData$) 'Show all the bytes.
CurrentByte% = Asc(Mid$(PageOfData$, c%, 1)) 'Check the ASCII value.
If Filter% = 1 Then 'If Filter is turned on,
Select Case CurrentByte% 'changes these values to spaces
Case 0 To 32, 123 To 255: CurrentByte% = 32
End Select
End If
Locate y%, x%: Print Chr$(CurrentByte%);
'This line calculates when to go to next row.
x% = x% + 1: If x% = 80 Then x% = 1: y% = y% + 1
End If
GoSub DrawTopBar 'update viewing info at top
'Get user input
Do Until L$ <> "": L$ = InKey$: Loop
K$ = L$: L$ = ""
GoSub DrawTopBar
Select Case UCase$(K$)
Case Chr$(27): Exit Do
Case "M": GoSub Menu:
Case "N"
If s$ <> "" Then
GoSub Search
GoSub DrawTopBar
End If
Case "E"
If DisplayView% = 1 Then
GoSub EditRightSide
GoSub EditFullView
End If
GoSub DrawTopBar
Case "F"
If Filter% = 0 Then Filter% = 1 Else Filter% = 0
Case "B"
Locate 1, 1: Print String$(80 * 3, 32);
Locate 1, 3: Print "TOTAL BYTES>"; LOF(7)
Input " GOTO BYTE# > ", GotoByte$
If GotoByte$ <> "" Then
TMP$ = ""
For m% = 1 To Len(GotoByte$)
G$ = Mid$(GotoByte$, m%, 1) 'to numerical vales
Select Case Asc(G$)
Case 48 To 57: TMP$ = TMP$ + G$
End Select
Next: GotoByte$ = TMP$
If Val(GotoByte$) < 1 Then GotoByte$ = "1"
If Val(GotoByte$) > LOF(7) Then GotoByte$ = Str$(LOF(7))
If GotoByte$ <> "" Then ByteLocation& = 0 + Val(GotoByte$)
End If
Case "H"
Locate 1, 1: Print String$(80 * 3, 32);
Locate 1, 3: 'PRINT "TOTAL BYTES>"; LOF(7)
Input " GOTO HEX LOCATION-> ", GotoByte$
If GotoByte$ <> "" Then
GotoByte$ = "&H" + GotoByte$
If Val(GotoByte$) < 1 Then GotoByte$ = "1"
If Val(GotoByte$) > LOF(7) Then GotoByte$ = Str$(LOF(7))
If GotoByte$ <> "" Then ByteLocation& = 0 + Val(GotoByte$)
End If
Case "L"
NewFile$ = _OpenFileDialog$("XE v1.15: Select File for XE to Open...", , , "Files", 0)
If NewFile$ = "" Then
_MessageBox "XE v1.15", "No file selected.", "info"
Close #7
File$ = LTrim$(RTrim$(NewFile$)) 'trim off any spaces, if any...
FullFileName$ = _FullPath$(NewFile$) 'make a copy For TITLE/OPEN to use...
'If filename+path too long for display, strip off path
If Len(File$) > 70 Then
ts$ = ""
For q = Len(File$) To 1 Step -1
t$ = Mid$(File$, q, 1)
If t$ = "/" Or t$ = "\" Then Exit For
ts$ = t$ + ts$
File$ = ts$
'If filename too long, shorten it for display
If Len(File$) > 70 Then
File$ = Mid$(File$, 1, 67) + "..."
End If
End If
GoTo OpenFile
End If
Case "S": s$ = ""
Locate 1, 1: Print String$(80 * 3, 32);
Locate 1, 3: Input "Search for> ", s$
If s$ <> "" Then
Print " CASE sensitive (Y/N)? ";
I$ = Input$(1): I$ = UCase$(I$)
If I$ = "Y" Then CaseOn% = 1 Else CaseOn% = 0
GoSub Search
End If
GoSub DrawTopBar
Case Chr$(13)
If DisplayView% = 1 Then
DisplayView% = 0
BufferSize% = (79 * 23)
DisplayView% = 1
BufferSize% = (16 * 23)
End If
GoSub DrawTopBar
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(72)
If DisplayView% = 1 Then
If ByteLocation& > 15 Then ByteLocation& = ByteLocation& - 16
If ByteLocation& > 78 Then ByteLocation& = ByteLocation& - 79
End If
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(80)
If DisplayView% = 1 Then
If ByteLocation& < LOF(7) - 15 Then ByteLocation& = ByteLocation& + 16
If ByteLocation& < LOF(7) - 78 Then ByteLocation& = ByteLocation& + 79
End If
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(73): ByteLocation& = ByteLocation& - BufferSize%: If ByteLocation& < 1 Then ByteLocation& = 1
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(81): If ByteLocation& < LOF(7) - BufferSize% Then ByteLocation& = ByteLocation& + BufferSize%
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(71): ByteLocation& = 1
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(79): If Not EOF(7) Then ByteLocation& = LOF(7) - BufferSize%
End Select
Loop Until K$ <> ""
Loop Until K$ = Chr$(27)
Close 7
If Not EOF(7) Then
B$ = Input$(BufferSize%, 7): ByteLocation& = ByteLocation& + BufferSize%
If CaseOn% = 0 Then B$ = UCase$(B$): s$ = UCase$(s$)
d$ = InKey$: If d$ <> "" Then Exit Do
If InStr(1, B$, s$) Then Sound 4000, .5: Exit Do
Loop Until InStr(1, B$, s$) Or EOF(7)
If EOF(7) Then Sound 2000, 1: Sound 1000, 1
ByteLocation& = ByteLocation& - Len(s$)
End If
EditRightSide: 'Editing Right side info in dual pane mode
Pane% = 1
x% = 63: If rightx% Then y% = CsrLin Else y% = 3
leftx% = 15
test% = Pos(0)
If test% = 15 Or test% = 16 Then x% = 63: leftx% = 15
If test% = 18 Or test% = 19 Then x% = 64: leftx% = 18
If test% = 21 Or test% = 22 Then x% = 65: leftx% = 21
If test% = 24 Or test% = 25 Then x% = 66: leftx% = 24
If test% = 27 Or test% = 28 Then x% = 67: leftx% = 27
If test% = 30 Or test% = 31 Then x% = 68: leftx% = 30
If test% = 33 Or test% = 34 Then x% = 69: leftx% = 33
If test% = 36 Or test% = 37 Then x% = 70: leftx% = 36
If test% = 39 Or test% = 40 Then x% = 71: leftx% = 39
If test% = 42 Or test% = 43 Then x% = 72: leftx% = 42
If test% = 45 Or test% = 46 Then x% = 73: leftx% = 45
If test% = 48 Or test% = 49 Then x% = 74: leftx% = 48
If test% = 51 Or test% = 52 Then x% = 75: leftx% = 51
If test% = 54 Or test% = 55 Then x% = 76: leftx% = 54
If test% = 57 Or test% = 58 Then x% = 77: leftx% = 57
If test% = 60 Or test% = 61 Then x% = 78: leftx% = 60
GoSub DrawEditBar:
Locate y%, x%, 1, 1, 30
E$ = InKey$
If E$ <> "" Then
Select Case E$
Case Chr$(9)
If Pane% = 1 Then
Pane% = 2: GoTo EditLeftSide
Pane% = 1: GoTo EditRightSide
End If
Case Chr$(27): Exit Do
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(72): If y% > 3 Then y% = y% - 1
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(80): If y% < 25 Then y% = y% + 1
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(75): If x% > 63 Then x% = x% - 1: leftx% = leftx% - 3
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(77): If x% < 78 Then x% = x% + 1: leftx% = leftx% + 3
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(73), Chr$(0) + Chr$(71): y% = 3
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(81), Chr$(0) + Chr$(79): y% = 25
Case Else
If (ByteLocation& + ((y% - 3) * 16 + x% - 1) - 62) <= LOF(7) And E$ <> Chr$(8) Then
changes% = 1
'new color for changed bytes...
Color 1, 15: Locate y%, x%: Print " ";
Locate y%, leftx%
CurrentByte$ = Hex$(Asc(E$)): If Len(CurrentByte$) = 1 Then CurrentByte$ = "0" + CurrentByte$
Print CurrentByte$;
Locate y%, x%: Print E$;
Mid$(PageOfData$, ((y% - 3) * 16 + x% * 1) - 62) = E$
If x% < 78 Then x% = x% + 1: leftx% = leftx% + 3 'skip space
End If
End Select
End If
Loop Until E$ <> ""
Locate y%, x%
Loop Until E$ = Chr$(27)
If changes% = 1 Then
Sound 4500, .2: Color 15, 4: Locate , , 0
Locate 10, 29: Print Chr$(201); String$(21, 205); Chr$(187);
Locate 11, 29: Print Chr$(186); " Save Changes (Y/N)? "; Chr$(186);
Locate 12, 29: Print Chr$(200); String$(21, 205); Chr$(188);
N$ = Input$(1): Color 15, 1
If UCase$(N$) = "Y" Then
If PageFlag% = 1 Then PageOfData$ = Left$(PageOfData$, PageLimit%)
Put #7, ByteLocation&, PageOfData$:
End If
End If
Color 15, 1: Cls: Locate 1, 1, 0
EditLeftSide: 'Editing Left side info in dual pane mode
Color 1, 7
x% = 15: 'y% = 3
rightx% = 63
test% = Pos(0)
If test% = 63 Then x% = 15: rightx% = 63
If test% = 64 Then x% = 18: rightx% = 64
If test% = 65 Then x% = 21: rightx% = 65
If test% = 66 Then x% = 24: rightx% = 66
If test% = 67 Then x% = 27: rightx% = 67
If test% = 68 Then x% = 30: rightx% = 68
If test% = 69 Then x% = 33: rightx% = 69
If test% = 70 Then x% = 36: rightx% = 70
If test% = 71 Then x% = 39: rightx% = 71
If test% = 72 Then x% = 42: rightx% = 72
If test% = 73 Then x% = 45: rightx% = 73
If test% = 74 Then x% = 48: rightx% = 74
If test% = 75 Then x% = 51: rightx% = 75
If test% = 76 Then x% = 54: rightx% = 76
If test% = 77 Then x% = 57: rightx% = 77
If test% = 78 Then x% = 60: rightx% = 78
GoSub DrawEditBar:
Locate y%, x%, 1, 1, 30
E$ = InKey$
If E$ <> "" Then
Select Case E$
Case Chr$(9)
If Pane% = 1 Then
Pane% = 2: GoTo EditLeftSide
Pane% = 1: GoTo EditRightSide
End If
Case Chr$(27): Exit Do
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(72): If y% > 3 Then y% = y% - 1
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(80): If y% < 25 Then y% = y% + 1
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(75) 'right arrow....
If x% > 15 Then
Select Case x%
Case 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 53, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63
x% = x% - 2
rightx% = rightx% - 1
Case Else: x% = x% - 1
End Select
End If
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(77)
If x% < 61 Then
Select Case x%
Case 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 43, 44, 46, 47, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, 56, 58, 59, 61, 62
x% = x% + 2
rightx% = rightx% + 1
Case Else: x% = x% + 1
End Select
End If
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(73), Chr$(0) + Chr$(71): y% = 3
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(81), Chr$(0) + Chr$(79): y% = 25
Case Else
If (ByteLocation& + ((y% - 3) * 16 + rightx% - 1) - 62) <= LOF(7) And E$ <> Chr$(8) Then
Select Case UCase$(E$)
Case "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"
E$ = UCase$(E$)
changes% = 1
Color 1, 15: Locate y%, x%: Print " ";
Locate y%, x%: Print E$;
If x% < 62 Then
Select Case x%
Case 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 43, 44, 46, 47, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, 56, 58, 59, 61, 62
e2$ = Chr$(Val("&H" + Chr$(Screen(y%, x% - 1)) + Chr$(Screen(y%, x%))))
'reflect changes on right panel
Color 1, 15: Locate y%, rightx%: Print " ";
Locate y%, rightx%: Print e2$;
Mid$(PageOfData$, ((y% - 3) * 16 + rightx% * 1) - 62) = e2$
'dont advance cursor if at last place
If x% < 61 Then
rightx% = rightx% + 1
x% = x% + 2
End If
Case Else: x% = x% + 1
End Select
End If
End Select
End If
End Select
End If
Loop Until E$ <> ""
Locate y%, x%
Loop Until E$ = Chr$(27)
GoTo SaveChanges:
EditFullView: 'Editing file in full display mode (one pane)
Color 1, 7
x% = 1: y% = 3
changes% = 0
GoSub DrawEditBar
Locate 3, 1, 1, 1, 30
E$ = InKey$
If E$ <> "" Then
Select Case E$
Case Chr$(27): Exit Do
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(72): If y% > 3 Then y% = y% - 1
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(80): If y% < 25 Then y% = y% + 1
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(75): If x% > 1 Then x% = x% - 1
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(77): If x% < 79 Then x% = x% + 1
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(73), Chr$(0) + Chr$(71): y% = 3
Case Chr$(0) + Chr$(81), Chr$(0) + Chr$(79): y% = 25
Case Else
If (ByteLocation& + (y% - 3) * 79 + x% - 1) <= LOF(7) And E$ <> Chr$(8) Then
changes% = 1
'new color for changed bytes
Color 1, 15: Locate y%, x%: Print " ";
Locate y%, x%: Print E$;
Mid$(PageOfData$, (y% - 3) * 79 + x% * 1) = E$
If x% < 79 Then x% = x% + 1
End If
End Select
End If
Loop Until E$ <> ""
GoSub DrawEditBar
Locate y%, x%
Loop Until E$ = Chr$(27)
GoTo SaveChanges:
If DisplayView% = 1 Then
Locate 1, 1:
Color 31, 4: Print " EDIT MODE: ";
Color 15, 4
Print " Press TAB to switch editing sides "; Chr$(179); " Arrows move cursor "; Chr$(179); " ESC=Exit ";
Locate 1, 1
Color 31, 4: Print " EDIT MODE ";
Color 15, 4
Print Chr$(179); " Arrows move cursor "; Chr$(179); " ESC=Exit "; Chr$(179);
Locate 1, 45: Print String$(35, " ");
Locate 1, 46
CurrentByte& = ByteLocation& + (y% - 3) * 79 + x% - 1
CurrentValue% = Asc(Mid$(PageOfData$, (y% - 3) * 79 + x% * 1, 1))
If CurrentByte& > LOF(7) Then
Print Space$(9); "PAST END OF FILE";
Print "Byte:"; LTrim$(Str$(CurrentByte&));
Print ", ASC:"; LTrim$(Str$(CurrentValue%));
Print ", HEX:"; RTrim$(Hex$(CurrentValue%));
End If
End If
Color 1, 15
Locate 1, 1: Print String$(80, 32);
Locate 2, 1: Print String$(80, 32);
Locate 1, 1
If Filter% = 1 Then
Color 30, 4: Print "F";: Color 1, 15
Print " ";
End If
Print "FILE: "; File$;
Locate 2, 2:
Print "Total Bytes:"; LOF(7);
EC& = ByteLocation& + BufferSize%: If EC& > LOF(7) Then EC& = LOF(7)
Print Chr$(179); " Viewing Bytes:"; RTrim$(Str$(ByteLocation&)); "-"; LTrim$(Str$(EC&));
Locate 1, 71: Print " M = Menu";
Color 15, 1
'Draw bar on right side of screen
For d% = 3 To 25
Locate d%, 80: Print Chr$(176);
If DisplayView% = 1 Then
'Draw lines down screen
For d% = 3 To 25
Locate d%, 79: Print Chr$(179);
Locate d%, 62: Print Chr$(179);
'add space around numbers...
'(full screen messes it...)
Locate d%, 13: Print " " + Chr$(179);
Locate d%, 1: Print Chr$(179) + " ";
'Draw location
For d% = 3 To 25
Locate d%, 3
nm$ = Hex$(ByteLocation& - 32 + (d% * 16))
If Len(nm$) = 9 Then nm$ = "0" + nm$
If Len(nm$) = 8 Then nm$ = "00" + nm$
If Len(nm$) = 7 Then nm$ = "000" + nm$
If Len(nm$) = 6 Then nm$ = "0000" + nm$
If Len(nm$) = 5 Then nm$ = "00000" + nm$
If Len(nm$) = 4 Then nm$ = "000000" + nm$
If Len(nm$) = 3 Then nm$ = "0000000" + nm$
If Len(nm$) = 2 Then nm$ = "00000000" + nm$
If Len(nm$) = 1 Then nm$ = "000000000" + nm$
Print nm$;
End If
Marker% = CInt(ByteLocation& / LOF(7) * 22)
Locate Marker% + 3, 80: Print Chr$(178);
Sound 4500, .2: Color 15, 0: Locate , , 0
Locate 5, 24: Print Chr$(201); String$(34, 205); Chr$(187);
For m = 6 To 21
Locate m, 24: Print Chr$(186); Space$(34); Chr$(186);
Locate 22, 24: Print Chr$(200); String$(34, 205); Chr$(188);
Locate 6, 26: Print "Use the arrow keys, page up/down";
Locate 7, 26: Print "and Home/End keys to navigate.";
Locate 9, 26: Print "E = Enter into file editing mode";
Locate 10, 26: Print "F = Toggles the filter ON or OFF";
Locate 11, 26: Print "B = Goto a certain Byte position";
Locate 12, 26: Print "H = Goto a certain HEX location";
Locate 13, 26: Print "S = Searches for string in file";
Locate 14, 26: Print "N = Find next match after search";
Locate 15, 26: Print "L = Load another file to display";
Locate 17, 26: Print "ENTER = Toggle HEX/ASCII modes";
Locate 18, 26: Print "TAB = switch window (HEX mode)";
Locate 19, 26: Print "ESC = EXITS this program";
Locate 21, 26: Print "ALT+ENTER for full screen window";
Pause$ = Input$(1)
Color 15, 1: Cls: Locate 1, 1, 0
Sub BIGFONT (size)
'loads a custom size CP437 font (like QB64's built-in one)'
'You can make/use any size now.
A$ = ""
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A$ = A$ + "LCmN;CG>[OTSGm0mgE7KMWm97kG_>\7iHgKYZ=gEoK^k>[Y[N^Y=]C\C3#WY"
A$ = A$ + "Og>fNGXlH7K^CD0jVLG4\SMfCEKYc]SR#YXoDi>j37lDK^kM^Y:gFWMP3AHG"
A$ = A$ + "M\mNk9\f]_cMX2EM>C_cAIOa=ehScNbHoGSl3nVg6Mdooo4noEAM%%h1"
btemp$ = ""
For i& = 1 To Len(A$) Step 4: B$ = Mid$(A$, i&, 4)
If InStr(1, B$, "%") Then
For C% = 1 To Len(B$): F$ = Mid$(B$, C%, 1)
If F$ <> "%" Then C$ = C$ + F$
Next: B$ = C$: End If: For j = 1 To Len(B$)
If Mid$(B$, j, 1) = "#" Then
Mid$(B$, j) = "@": End If: Next
For t% = Len(B$) To 1 Step -1
B& = B& * 64 + Asc(Mid$(B$, t%)) - 48
Next: X$ = "": For t% = 1 To Len(B$) - 1
X$ = X$ + Chr$(B& And 255): B& = B& \ 256
Next: btemp$ = btemp$ + X$: Next
BASFILE$ = _Inflate$(btemp$, 25152): btemp$ = ""
_Font _LoadFont(BASFILE$, size, "memory, monospace")
End Sub
RE: XE - Simple file viewer & editor - BDS107 - 07-17-2022
Hi, nice done.
Can yoy tell me more about the reason you use the FONT SUB?
=> FONT (INT(_DESKTOPHEIGHT / 25) * .88)
Just because it expands SCREEN 0 nicely ???
RE: XE - Simple file viewer & editor - Dav - 07-23-2022
(07-17-2022, 03:31 PM)BDS107 Wrote: Hi, nice done.
Can yoy tell me more about the reason you use the FONT SUB?
=> FONT (INT(_DESKTOPHEIGHT / 25) * .88)
Just because it expands SCREEN 0 nicely ???
Yes, it makes a system like font that can be resized, and I call it that way so it make an expanded SCREEN 0 based on the users desktop size. This way makes a really big SCREEN 0.
- Dav
RE: XE - Simple file viewer & editor - BDS107 - 07-24-2022
But not the best font or idea with WIDTH 80,50 even if you change the function to FONT (INT(_DESKTOPHEIGHT / 50) * .88)
RE: XE - Simple file viewer & editor - Dav - 08-25-2023
I have updated this program to v1.13. Now uses _OPENFILEDIALOG to select files, and did some other tweaks.
@BDS170: Thank you for your feedback. I will test this in other settings like you mentioned (80/50) and see about improving the FONT usage. Thanks for testing this program!
- Dav
RE: XE - Simple file viewer & editor - Dav - 09-20-2023
A little update to this, now at v1.14. Now loads the FONT from resource memory, so it no longer has the Extract/KILL a font file to hard-disk first. Also, changed _OPENFILEDIALOG to work in MacOS to show all files like @grymmjack discovered with another program.
- Dav
RE: XE - Simple file viewer & editor - Dav - 05-28-2024
Made a quick and small needed update to the XE program. Mostly to add "ChDir _StartDir$" to the beginning to fix file open errors.
After putting XE in my system path so I could call it from any directory when at a command prompt or terminal, I noticed XE couldn't find a passed filename in the directory unless I also provide a complete path (it would only look for a filename in the system path where XE was located). By Adding ChDir _StartDir$, the program will look for the filename in the directory I called XE from instead. I can still provide a complete path for loading a file elsewhere.
Added a few other things, like Loading a new file, some dialog messages.
- Dav
RE: XE - Simple file viewer & editor - Pete - 05-28-2024
Nicely done! I made one of those in QuickBasic some 25 years ago. An archeologist is excavating it as we speak! Brings back some fond memories. +2.
RE: XE - Simple file viewer & editor - Dav - 05-29-2024
Thanks, Pete! I was hoping using ‘ SCREEN Pete’ would get me some extra points! 
- Dav
RE: XE - Simple file viewer & editor - Pete - 05-30-2024
Pete = 0