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Font from a string pattern - help needed - Printable Version +- QB64 Phoenix Edition (https://qb64phoenix.com/forum) +-- Forum: QB64 Rising (https://qb64phoenix.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: Code and Stuff (https://qb64phoenix.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=3) +---- Forum: Works in Progress (https://qb64phoenix.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +---- Thread: Font from a string pattern - help needed (/showthread.php?tid=1937) |
Font from a string pattern - help needed - grymmjack - 08-26-2023 What the hell is wrong with this. I can't figure out why the kerning and x position is messed up. I can't figure out why the scale of 1 is showing crunchy as if it's out of proportion on x or y. I can't figure out why I need to kludge the x position to start it with a negative offset in `F0NT.print` Any help is appreciated! ``` OPTION _EXPLICIT OPTION _EXPLICITARRAY CONST CHARS = 8 CONST COLS = 9 CONST ROWS = 9 CONST BPP = 32 ' screen setup DIM CANVAS AS LONG CANVAS& = _NEWIMAGE(COLS * 150, ROWS * 100, BPP) SCREEN CANVAS& _DEST CANVAS& ' glyph data DIM GD(CHARS) AS STRING GD$(0) = "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(0) = GD$(0) + ".X......." GD$(0) = GD$(0) + "..X......" GD$(0) = GD$(0) + "...X....." GD$(0) = GD$(0) + "....X...." GD$(0) = GD$(0) + ".....X..." GD$(0) = GD$(0) + "......X.." GD$(0) = GD$(0) + ".......X." GD$(0) = GD$(0) + "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(1) = "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(1) = GD$(1) + "....X...." GD$(1) = GD$(1) + "....X...." GD$(1) = GD$(1) + "....X...." GD$(1) = GD$(1) + "....X...." GD$(1) = GD$(1) + "....X...." GD$(1) = GD$(1) + "....X...." GD$(1) = GD$(1) + "....X...." GD$(1) = GD$(1) + "....X...." GD$(2) = "....X...." GD$(2) = GD$(2) + "...X.X..." GD$(2) = GD$(2) + "..X...X.." GD$(2) = GD$(2) + ".X.....X." GD$(2) = GD$(2) + "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(2) = GD$(2) + "X.......X" GD$(2) = GD$(2) + "X.......X" GD$(2) = GD$(2) + "X.......X" GD$(2) = GD$(2) + "X.......X" GD$(3) = "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(3) = GD$(3) + "X......X." GD$(3) = GD$(3) + "X.....X.." GD$(3) = GD$(3) + "X....X..." GD$(3) = GD$(3) + "X...X...." GD$(3) = GD$(3) + "X..X....." GD$(3) = GD$(3) + "X.X......" GD$(3) = GD$(3) + "XX......." GD$(3) = GD$(3) + "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(4) = "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(4) = GD$(4) + ".X......." GD$(4) = GD$(4) + "..X......" GD$(4) = GD$(4) + "...XXXXXX" GD$(4) = GD$(4) + "..X......" GD$(4) = GD$(4) + ".X......." GD$(4) = GD$(4) + "X........" GD$(4) = GD$(4) + "X........" GD$(4) = GD$(4) + "X........" GD$(5) = "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(5) = GD$(5) + "....X...." GD$(5) = GD$(5) + "....X...." GD$(5) = GD$(5) + "....X...." GD$(5) = GD$(5) + "....X...." GD$(5) = GD$(5) + "....X...." GD$(5) = GD$(5) + "....X...." GD$(5) = GD$(5) + "....X...." GD$(5) = GD$(5) + "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(6) = "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(6) = GD$(6) + "X........" GD$(6) = GD$(6) + "X........" GD$(6) = GD$(6) + "X..XXXXXX" GD$(6) = GD$(6) + "X...X...." GD$(6) = GD$(6) + "X....X..." GD$(6) = GD$(6) + "X.....X.." GD$(6) = GD$(6) + "X......X." GD$(6) = GD$(6) + "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(7) = "X.......X" GD$(7) = GD$(7) + "X.......X" GD$(7) = GD$(7) + "X.......X" GD$(7) = GD$(7) + "X.......X" GD$(7) = GD$(7) + "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(7) = GD$(7) + "X.......X" GD$(7) = GD$(7) + "X.......X" GD$(7) = GD$(7) + "X.......X" GD$(7) = GD$(7) + "X.......X" GD$(8) = "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(8) = GD$(8) + ".X......." GD$(8) = GD$(8) + "..X......" GD$(8) = GD$(8) + "...X....." GD$(8) = GD$(8) + "....XXXXX" GD$(8) = GD$(8) + "...X....." GD$(8) = GD$(8) + "..X......" GD$(8) = GD$(8) + ".X......." GD$(8) = GD$(8) + "XXXXXXXXX" ' F0NT UDT TYPE F0NT glyph_width AS INTEGER glyph_height AS INTEGER char AS STRING img AS LONG END TYPE DIM STARFIGHTER_FONT(CHARS) AS F0NT ' create the glyph images from the glyph data DIM kolor AS LONG kolor& = _RGB32(&HFF, &HFF, &HFF) CALL F0NT.make_glyph("S", STARFIGHTER_FONT(0), GD$(0), kolor&) CALL F0NT.make_glyph("T", STARFIGHTER_FONT(1), GD$(1), kolor&) CALL F0NT.make_glyph("A", STARFIGHTER_FONT(2), GD$(2), kolor&) CALL F0NT.make_glyph("R", STARFIGHTER_FONT(3), GD$(3), kolor&) CALL F0NT.make_glyph("F", STARFIGHTER_FONT(4), GD$(4), kolor&) CALL F0NT.make_glyph("I", STARFIGHTER_FONT(5), GD$(5), kolor&) CALL F0NT.make_glyph("G", STARFIGHTER_FONT(6), GD$(6), kolor&) CALL F0NT.make_glyph("H", STARFIGHTER_FONT(7), GD$(7), kolor&) CALL F0NT.make_glyph("E", STARFIGHTER_FONT(8), GD$(8), kolor&) ' prepare for output _DEST CANVAS& COLOR 0, _RGB32(&H00, &H00, &HAA) CLS ' test 1 DIM AS INTEGER x, y, scale, kerning, spacing x% = 50 : y% = 50 : scale% = 1 : kerning% = 2 : spacing% = 0 CALL F0NT.print("STARFIGHTER", STARFIGHTER_FONT(), x%, y%, scale%, kerning%, spacing%) ' test 2 x% = 50 : y% = 150 : scale% = 4 : kerning% = 0 : spacing% = 4 CALL F0NT.print("STARFIGHTER", STARFIGHTER_FONT(), x%, y%, scale%, kerning%, spacing%) ' test 3 x% = 0 : y% = 450 : scale% = 7 : kerning% = 0 : spacing% = 1 CALL F0NT.print("STARFIGHTER", STARFIGHTER_FONT(), x%, y%, scale%, kerning%, spacing%) ' test 4 x% = 0 : y% = 600 : scale% = 8 : kerning% = -5 : spacing% = 0 CALL F0NT.print("STARFIGHTER", STARFIGHTER_FONT(), x%, y%, scale%, kerning%, spacing%) CALL F0NT.free(STARFIGHTER_FONT()) '' ' Free the font glyph images from memory ' ' @param F0NT ARRAY f() ' SUB F0NT.free(f() AS F0NT) DIM AS INTEGER i, lb, ub lb% = LBOUND(f) : ub% = UBOUND(f) FOR i% = lb% TO ub% _FREEIMAGE f(i%).img& NEXT i% END SUB '' ' Make a glyph from glyph data and store it in F0NT ' ' @param STRING c$ glyph character identifier ' @param F0NT ARRAY f() ' @param STRING ARRAY glyph_data$() ' @param LONG kolor& to make glyphs ' SUB F0NT.make_glyph(c$, f AS F0NT, glyph_data$, kolor&) DIM AS INTEGER y, x, p, dbg DIM s AS STRING DIM old_dest AS LONG ' dbg% = -1 f.char$ = c$ IF dbg% THEN PRINT c$ f.img& = _NEWIMAGE(COLS, ROWS, BPP) old_dest& = _DEST : _DEST f.img& _CLEARCOLOR _RGB32(&H00, &H00, &H00) FOR y% = 0 TO ROWS FOR x% = 0 TO COLS p% = (y% * COLS) + x% + 1 s$ = MID$(glyph_data$, p%, 1) IF dbg% THEN _DEST old_dest& : PRINT s$; : _DEST f.img& END IF IF s$ <> "." THEN CALL PSET((x%, y%), kolor&) END IF NEXT x% IF dbg% THEN _DEST old_dest& : PRINT : _DEST f.img& END IF NEXT y% IF dbg% THEN SLEEP _DEST old_dest& END SUB '' ' Get a glyph image from a F0NT by character identifier ' ' @param STRING c$ character identifier of glyph to get ' @param F0NT ARRAY f() ' @return LONG image handle for glyph image of F0NT ' FUNCTION F0NT.get_glyph&(c$, f() AS F0NT) DIM AS INTEGER i, lb, ub lb% = LBOUND(f) : ub% = UBOUND(f) FOR i% = lb% TO ub% IF f(i%).char$ = c$ THEN F0NT.get_glyph& = f(i%).img& EXIT FUNCTION END IF NEXT i% END FUNCTION '' ' Print something using a F0NT ' ' @param STRING s$ what to print ' @param F0NT ARRAY f() ' @param INTEGER x% position ' @param INTEGER y% position ' @param INTEGER scale% size multiplier ' @param INTEGER kerning% scaling space between characters ' @param INTEGER spacing% spaces between characters ' SUB F0NT.print(s$, f() AS F0NT, x%, y%, scale%, kerning%, spacing%) DIM AS INTEGER i, l, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, orig_x DIM c AS STRING DIM g AS LONG l% = LEN(s$) orig_x% = x% x% = -scale% * (COLS + 1) + orig_x% PSET (x%, y%) FOR i% = 0 TO l% c$ = MID$(s$, i%, 1) g& = F0NT.get_glyph(c$, f()) _SOURCE g& dx1% = x% + ((i% * (COLS + kerning%) * scale%)) + (i% * (spacing% * COLS)) dy1% = y% dx2% = (COLS * scale%) + dx1% dy2% = (ROWS * scale%) + dy1% _PUTIMAGE (dx1%, dy1%)-(dx2%, dy2%) NEXT i% END SUB ``` RE: Font from a string pattern - help needed - mnrvovrfc - 08-26-2023 `_PUTIMAGE` is unreliable with few parameters. It's better to give it the whole compliment: the rectangle in the destination screen and the rectangle taken from the source image. Because if the source image dimensions is left out, it might try to stretch things to what is being requested for the destination, or it might not draw anything at all. I passed a lot of frustration with this statement simply by providing all of the possible parameters even if they could be obvious. This is from a quick look at the source code. Otherwise I'm as boggled as you because with a "point size" larger than one this works fine. Remember that "kerning" for fonts is difficult to get right. Have to try to design the font from scratch to avoid kerning problems in the first place, yet there are still problems that other people find. They could see things the font designer didn't. RE: Font from a string pattern - help needed - grymmjack - 08-26-2023 Thanks @mnrvovrfc! I will try to use the full argument list. `_PUTIMAGE` is very flexible but horribly painful sometimes to remember which how what. RE: Font from a string pattern - help needed - bplus - 08-27-2023 For one thing: FOR i% = 0 TO l% ' <<< Start at 1 not 0, first letter is at 1 c$ = MID$(s$, i%, 1) For another I'd block spacing out in fitting the letter pixels in the block like one or 2 more spaces in columns and rows, that way letter blocks can go next to each other without another variable calculation like the 8x16 default font does. eg 2 more spaces on right and below letter pixels. I am lost trying to figure out what that kerning thing is. BTW I don't see a need to spec source for _Putimage, the destination block is sufficient. RE: Font from a string pattern - help needed - TerryRitchie - 08-27-2023 (08-26-2023, 11:59 PM)grymmjack Wrote: thanks @bplus I will try to use the full argument list. When I started thinking about it like this...: _PUTIMAGE TO_IMAGE_XY, FROM_IMAGE, TO_IMAGE, FROM_IMAGE_XY (or simply _PUTIMAGE TO, FROM, TO, FROM) ...I started remembering how to use and form it much better and faster. The 1st and 3rd parameters relate to the same image and the 2nd and 4th parameters also relate to the same image. In my opinion it's the most powerful and versatile graphics command QB64 has. A huge improvement over GET and PUT from the QuickBASIC days. RE: Font from a string pattern - help needed - bplus - 08-27-2023 Why not draw the image JIT that way you can do any color needed and simplify everything! How are you going to change colors with _PutImage? RE: Font from a string pattern - help needed - SMcNeill - 08-27-2023 I remember _PUTIMAGE from writing. In English class, we wrote essays and my teachers always told me they needed to include Who, What, When, Where, and How. _PUTIMAGE is very similar: Where, what, Which, How. _PURIMAGE to Where on the screen, from What source screen, to Which destination screen, and How much are we copying? _PUTIMAGE where, what, which, how RE: Font from a string pattern - help needed - SMcNeill - 08-27-2023 (08-27-2023, 01:40 AM)bplus Wrote: Why not draw the image JIT that way you can do any color needed and simplify everything! Maybe it's limited use color palettes? Quicker to _PUTIMAGE prebuilt resources than it is to create them on the fly. (Especially with hardware images.) RE: Font from a string pattern - help needed - grymmjack - 08-27-2023 OK thanks to the advice of @mnrvovrfc, simply using the full syntax for `_PUTIMAGE` fixed the issues I was having with distortion. I still don't grok why I have to start at a -x offset though.. Over it, this is a good progress stopping point! ``` '$DYNAMIC OPTION _EXPLICIT OPTION _EXPLICITARRAY CONST CHARS = 8 CONST COLS = 9 CONST ROWS = 9 CONST BPP2 = 32 ' screen setup DIM CANVAS AS LONG CANVAS& = _NEWIMAGE(COLS * 150, ROWS * 100, BPP2) SCREEN CANVAS& _DEST CANVAS& ' glyph data DIM GD(CHARS) AS STRING GD$(0) = "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(0) = GD$(0) + ".X......." GD$(0) = GD$(0) + "..X......" GD$(0) = GD$(0) + "...X....." GD$(0) = GD$(0) + "....X...." GD$(0) = GD$(0) + ".....X..." GD$(0) = GD$(0) + "......X.." GD$(0) = GD$(0) + ".......X." GD$(0) = GD$(0) + "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(1) = "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(1) = GD$(1) + "....X...." GD$(1) = GD$(1) + "....X...." GD$(1) = GD$(1) + "....X...." GD$(1) = GD$(1) + "....X...." GD$(1) = GD$(1) + "....X...." GD$(1) = GD$(1) + "....X...." GD$(1) = GD$(1) + "....X...." GD$(1) = GD$(1) + "....X...." GD$(2) = "....X...." GD$(2) = GD$(2) + "...X.X..." GD$(2) = GD$(2) + "..X...X.." GD$(2) = GD$(2) + ".X.....X." GD$(2) = GD$(2) + "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(2) = GD$(2) + "X.......X" GD$(2) = GD$(2) + "X.......X" GD$(2) = GD$(2) + "X.......X" GD$(2) = GD$(2) + "X.......X" GD$(3) = "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(3) = GD$(3) + "X......X." GD$(3) = GD$(3) + "X.....X.." GD$(3) = GD$(3) + "X....X..." GD$(3) = GD$(3) + "X...X...." GD$(3) = GD$(3) + "X..X....." GD$(3) = GD$(3) + "X.X......" GD$(3) = GD$(3) + "XX......." GD$(3) = GD$(3) + "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(4) = "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(4) = GD$(4) + ".X......." GD$(4) = GD$(4) + "..X......" GD$(4) = GD$(4) + "...XXXXXX" GD$(4) = GD$(4) + "..X......" GD$(4) = GD$(4) + ".X......." GD$(4) = GD$(4) + "X........" GD$(4) = GD$(4) + "X........" GD$(4) = GD$(4) + "X........" GD$(5) = "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(5) = GD$(5) + "....X...." GD$(5) = GD$(5) + "....X...." GD$(5) = GD$(5) + "....X...." GD$(5) = GD$(5) + "....X...." GD$(5) = GD$(5) + "....X...." GD$(5) = GD$(5) + "....X...." GD$(5) = GD$(5) + "....X...." GD$(5) = GD$(5) + "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(6) = "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(6) = GD$(6) + "X........" GD$(6) = GD$(6) + "X........" GD$(6) = GD$(6) + "X..XXXXXX" GD$(6) = GD$(6) + "X...X...." GD$(6) = GD$(6) + "X....X..." GD$(6) = GD$(6) + "X.....X.." GD$(6) = GD$(6) + "X......X." GD$(6) = GD$(6) + "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(7) = "X.......X" GD$(7) = GD$(7) + "X.......X" GD$(7) = GD$(7) + "X.......X" GD$(7) = GD$(7) + "X.......X" GD$(7) = GD$(7) + "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(7) = GD$(7) + "X.......X" GD$(7) = GD$(7) + "X.......X" GD$(7) = GD$(7) + "X.......X" GD$(7) = GD$(7) + "X.......X" GD$(8) = "XXXXXXXXX" GD$(8) = GD$(8) + ".X......." GD$(8) = GD$(8) + "..X......" GD$(8) = GD$(8) + "...X....." GD$(8) = GD$(8) + "....XXXXX" GD$(8) = GD$(8) + "...X....." GD$(8) = GD$(8) + "..X......" GD$(8) = GD$(8) + ".X......." GD$(8) = GD$(8) + "XXXXXXXXX" ' F0NT UDT TYPE F0NT glyph_width AS INTEGER glyph_height AS INTEGER char AS STRING img AS LONG END TYPE DIM STARFIGHTER_FONT(CHARS) AS F0NT DIM STARFIGHTER_BIG_FONT(CHARS) AS F0NT ' create the glyph images from the glyph data DIM kolor AS LONG kolor& = _RGB32(&HFF, &HFF, &HFF) CALL F0NT.make_glyph("S", STARFIGHTER_FONT(0), GD$(0), kolor&) CALL F0NT.make_glyph("T", STARFIGHTER_FONT(1), GD$(1), kolor&) CALL F0NT.make_glyph("A", STARFIGHTER_FONT(2), GD$(2), kolor&) CALL F0NT.make_glyph("R", STARFIGHTER_FONT(3), GD$(3), kolor&) CALL F0NT.make_glyph("F", STARFIGHTER_FONT(4), GD$(4), kolor&) CALL F0NT.make_glyph("I", STARFIGHTER_FONT(5), GD$(5), kolor&) CALL F0NT.make_glyph("G", STARFIGHTER_FONT(6), GD$(6), kolor&) CALL F0NT.make_glyph("H", STARFIGHTER_FONT(7), GD$(7), kolor&) CALL F0NT.make_glyph("E", STARFIGHTER_FONT(8), GD$(8), kolor&) ' prepare for output _DEST CANVAS& COLOR 0, _RGB32(&H00, &H00, &HAA) CLS ' test 1 DIM AS INTEGER x, y, scale, kerning, spacing x% = 0 : y% = 1 : scale% = 1 : kerning% = 1 : spacing% = 0 CALL F0NT.print("STARFIGHTER", STARFIGHTER_FONT(), x%, y%, scale%, kerning%, spacing%) ' test 2 x% = 0 : y% = 50 : scale% = 4 : kerning% = 0 : spacing% = 0 CALL F0NT.print("STARFIGHTER", STARFIGHTER_FONT(), x%, y%, scale%, kerning%, spacing%) ' test 3 x% = 0 : y% = 150 : scale% = 7 : kerning% = 0 : spacing% = 0 CALL F0NT.print("STARFIGHTER", STARFIGHTER_FONT(), x%, y%, scale%, kerning%, spacing%) ' test 4 x% = 0 : y% = 300 : scale% = 10 : kerning% = 0 : spacing% = 0 CALL F0NT.print("STARFIGHTER", STARFIGHTER_FONT(), x%, y%, scale%, kerning%, spacing%) ' test 5 x% = 0 : y% = 500 : scale% = 11 : kerning% = 0 : spacing% = 3 CALL F0NT.print("STARFIGHTER", STARFIGHTER_FONT(), x%, y%, scale%, kerning%, spacing%) ' test 6 x% = 0 : y% = 750 : scale% = 13 : kerning% = 0 : spacing% = 0 CALL F0NT.print("STARFIGHTER", STARFIGHTER_FONT(), x%, y%, scale%, kerning%, spacing%) ' scale test CALL F0NT.scale("STARFIGHTER", STARFIGHTER_FONT(), STARFIGHTER_BIG_FONT(), 10) ' save glyphs to disk CALL F0NT.save_glyphs_to_disk("STARFIGHTER", STARFIGHTER_BIG_FONT()) ' cleanup CALL F0NT.free(STARFIGHTER_FONT()) CALL F0NT.free(STARFIGHTER_BIG_FONT()) '' ' Free the font glyph images from memory ' ' @param F0NT ARRAY f() ' SUB F0NT.free(f() AS F0NT) DIM AS INTEGER i, lb, ub lb% = LBOUND(f) : ub% = UBOUND(f) FOR i% = lb% TO ub% _FREEIMAGE f(i%).img& NEXT i% END SUB '' ' Copies the source font to the dest font ' ' @param F0NT ARRAY sf() source font ' @param F0NT ARRAY df() dest font ' SUB F0NT.copy(sf() AS F0NT, df() AS F0NT) DIM AS INTEGER i, lb, ub lb% = LBOUND(sf) : ub% = UBOUND(sf) REDIM df(lb% TO ub%) AS F0NT FOR i% = lb% TO ub% df(i%).char$ = sf(i%).char$ df(i%).img& = sf(i%).img& NEXT i% END SUB '' ' Save glyphs of a font to disk ' ' @param STRING s$ characters to save ' @param F0NT ARRAY f() ' @param STRING dest_dir$ ' SUB F0NT.save_glyphs_to_disk(s$, f() AS F0NT) DIM AS INTEGER i, lb, ub lb% = LBOUND(f) : ub% = UBOUND(f) FOR i% = lb% TO ub% IF f(i%).char$ = CHR$(ASC(s$, i%+1)) THEN CALL SaveImage(f(i%).img&, f(i%).char$) END IF NEXT i% END SUB '' ' Make a glyph from glyph data and store it in F0NT ' ' @param STRING c$ glyph character identifier ' @param F0NT ARRAY f() ' @param STRING ARRAY glyph_data$() ' @param LONG kolor& to make glyphs ' SUB F0NT.make_glyph(c$, f AS F0NT, glyph_data$, kolor&) DIM AS INTEGER y, x, p, dbg DIM s AS STRING DIM old_dest AS LONG ' dbg% = -1 f.char$ = c$ IF dbg% THEN PRINT c$ f.img& = _NEWIMAGE(COLS, ROWS, BPP2) old_dest& = _DEST : _DEST f.img& _CLEARCOLOR _RGB32(&H00, &H00, &H00) FOR y% = 0 TO ROWS FOR x% = 0 TO COLS p% = (y% * COLS) + x% + 1 s$ = MID$(glyph_data$, p%, 1) IF dbg% THEN _DEST old_dest& : PRINT s$; : _DEST f.img& END IF IF s$ <> "." THEN CALL PSET((x%, y%), kolor&) END IF NEXT x% IF dbg% THEN _DEST old_dest& : PRINT : _DEST f.img& END IF NEXT y% IF dbg% THEN SLEEP _DEST old_dest& END SUB '' ' Get a glyph image from a F0NT by character identifier ' ' @param STRING c$ character identifier of glyph to get ' @param F0NT ARRAY f() ' @return LONG image handle for glyph image of F0NT ' FUNCTION F0NT.get_glyph&(c$, f() AS F0NT) DIM AS INTEGER i, lb, ub lb% = LBOUND(f) : ub% = UBOUND(f) FOR i% = lb% TO ub% IF f(i%).char$ = c$ THEN F0NT.get_glyph& = f(i%).img& EXIT FUNCTION END IF NEXT i% END FUNCTION '' ' Print something using a F0NT ' ' @param STRING s$ what to print ' @param F0NT ARRAY f() ' @param INTEGER x% position ' @param INTEGER y% position ' @param INTEGER scale% size multiplier ' @param INTEGER kerning% scaling space between characters ' @param INTEGER spacing% spaces between characters ' SUB F0NT.print(s$, f() AS F0NT, x%, y%, scale%, kerning%, spacing%) DIM AS INTEGER i, l, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, orig_x DIM c AS STRING DIM g AS LONG l% = LEN(s$) x% = -(x% + ((1 * (COLS + kerning%) * scale%)) + (1 * (spacing% * COLS))) PSET (x%, y%) FOR i% = 0 TO l% c$ = MID$(s$, i%, 1) g& = F0NT.get_glyph(c$, f()) _SOURCE g& dx1% = x% + ((i% * (COLS + kerning%) * scale%)) + (i% * (spacing% * COLS)) dy1% = y% dx2% = (COLS * scale%) + dx1% dy2% = (ROWS * scale%) + dy1% _PUTIMAGE (dx1%, dy1%)-(dx2%, dy2%), g&, _DEST, (0, 0)-(COLS, ROWS) NEXT i% END SUB '' ' Scales a source F0NT glyphs images and stores into dest F0NT ' ' @param STRING s$ Glyphs to scale ' @param F0NT ARRAY sf() source font ' @param F0NT ARRAY df() dest font ' @param INTEGER scale% multiplier ' SUB F0NT.scale(s$, sf() AS F0NT, df() AS F0NT, scale%) DIM AS INTEGER i, lb, ub, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2 DIM AS LONG sg, dg, old_dest CALL F0NT.copy(sf(), df()) lb% = LBOUND(sf) : ub% = UBOUND(sf) old_dest& = _DEST FOR i% = lb% TO ub% dx1% = 0 dy1% = 0 dx2% = (COLS * scale%) + dx1% dy2% = (ROWS * scale%) + dy1% df(i%).img& = _NEWIMAGE(dx2%, dy2%, BPP2) _SOURCE sf(i%).img& : _DEST df(i%).img& _PUTIMAGE (dx1%, dy1%)-(dx2%, dy2%) NEXT i% _DEST old_dest& END SUB '' ' Save image to disk as filename by Galleon ' ' @param LONG image& to save to disk ' @param STRING filename$ to save as ' SUB SaveImage (image&, filename$) DIM AS LONG f, c, cv, x, y, py, px, lastsource, bpp, bytesperpixel DIM AS STRING b, d, ext, padder, r bytesperpixel& = _PIXELSIZE(image&) IF bytesperpixel& = 0 THEN PRINT "Text modes unsupported!": EXIT SUB IF bytesperpixel& = 1 THEN bpp& = 8 ELSE bpp& = 24 x& = _WIDTH(image&) y& = _HEIGHT(image&) b$="BM????QB64????"+MKL$(40)+MKL$(x&)+MKL$(y&)+MKI$(1)+MKI$(bpp&)+MKL$(0)+"????"+STRING$(16, 0) 'partial BMP header info(???? to be filled later) IF bytesperpixel& = 1 THEN FOR c& = 0 TO 255 ' read BGR color settings from JPG image + 1 byte spacer(CHR$(0)) cv& = _PALETTECOLOR(c&, image&) ' color attribute to read. b$ = b$ +CHR$(_BLUE32(cv&))+CHR$(_GREEN32(cv&))+CHR$(_RED32(cv&))+CHR$(0) 'spacer byte NEXT END IF MID$(b$, 11, 4) = MKL$(LEN(b$)) ' image pixel data offset(BMP header) lastsource& = _SOURCE _SOURCE image& IF ((x& * 3) MOD 4) THEN padder$ = STRING$(4 - ((x& * 3) MOD 4), 0) FOR py& = y& - 1 TO 0 STEP -1 ' read JPG image pixel color data r$ = "" FOR px& = 0 TO x& - 1 c& = POINT(px&, py&) 'POINT 32 bit values are large LONG values IF bytesperpixel& = 1 THEN r$ = r$ + CHR$(c&) ELSE r$ = r$ + LEFT$(MKL$(c&), 3) NEXT px& d$ = d$ + r$ + padder$ NEXT py& _SOURCE lastsource& MID$(b$, 35, 4) = MKL$(LEN(d$)) ' image size(BMP header) b$ = b$ + d$ ' total file data bytes to create file MID$(b$, 3, 4) = MKL$(LEN(b$)) ' size of data file(BMP header) IF LCASE$(RIGHT$(filename$, 4)) <> ".bmp" THEN ext$ = ".bmp" f& = FREEFILE OPEN filename$ + ext$ FOR OUTPUT AS #f&: CLOSE #f& ' erases an existing file OPEN filename$ + ext$ FOR BINARY AS #f& PUT #f&,,b$ CLOSE #f& END SUB ``` Thanks @mnrvovrfc! ![]() RE: Font from a string pattern - help needed - grymmjack - 08-27-2023 (08-27-2023, 01:09 AM)bplus Wrote: For one thing: *smacks head* It didn't occur to me to space the font data glyphs LOL. OK the fixed version is posted, but I think still have some issues based on reading replies here. I can change colors by creating a new font with a new color when I `CALL F0NT.make_glyph()` I can pass other colors. Thanks for all your help guys. |