Code: (Select All)
'* Race Day!
'* Inspired by the first computer game I ever played on a TRS-80 Model I in 1980
'* Terry Ritchie
'* for the QB64 tutorial ( )
'* RIGHT/LEFT arrow keys to steer car, ESC to exit.
DIM RoadWidth AS INTEGER ' width of roadway
DIM RoadX AS INTEGER ' left location of roadway
DIM Road AS STRING ' one segment of roadway
DIM CarX AS INTEGER ' car location on roadway
DIM Travel AS INTEGER ' distance traveled counter
DIM Speed AS SINGLE ' current speed of car
DIM Direction AS INTEGER ' next turn direction on roadway
DIM Turn AS INTEGER ' distance to turn in direction
DIM Marker AS STRING * 2 ' road side markers
DIM Crash AS INTEGER ' crash indicator
DIM Score AS INTEGER ' player's score
RANDOMIZE TIMER ' seed the random number generator
RoadWidth = 44 ' initial width of roadway
RoadX = 18 ' initial left side of roadway
CarX = 40 ' intitial car location
CarY = 1
Speed = .2 ' initial speed
Turn = 25 ' turn counter
Marker = "||" ' initial road markers
Travel = Travel + 1 ' increment travel counter
IF Travel = 25 THEN ' 25 frames gone by?
Travel = 0 ' reset travel counter
IF Speed > .07 THEN Speed = Speed - .02 ' increase speed
IF RoadWidth > 7 THEN ' road width at least 8?
RoadWidth = RoadWidth - 2 ' yes, decrease width of roadway
RoadX = RoadX + 1 ' move roadway to right one position
IF CarY < 14 THEN CarY = CarY + 1 ' increase car position on roadway
Turn = Turn - 1 ' decrement turn counter
IF Turn = 1 THEN Marker = "||" ' make a smooth transition between curves
IF Turn = 0 THEN ' has this turn ended?
Direction = INT(RND * 3) - 1 ' which new direction? (-1, 0, or 1)
Turn = INT(RND * 7) + 2 ' how long should turn last?
IF Direction = -1 THEN Marker = "//" ' create appropriate turn road markers
IF Direction = 0 THEN Marker = "||"
IF Direction = 1 THEN Marker = "\\"
RoadX = RoadX + Direction ' move road in direction
IF RoadX < 1 THEN ' too far left?
RoadX = 1 ' yes, keep here
Marker = "||" ' straighten the road out
ELSEIF RoadX > 80 - LEN(Road) THEN ' too far right?
RoadX = 80 - LEN(Road) ' yes, keep here
Marker = "||" ' straighten the road out
IF _KEYDOWN(19200) THEN CarX = CarX - 1 ' move car left when left arrow pressed
IF _KEYDOWN(19712) THEN CarX = CarX + 1 ' move car right when right arrow pressed
Road = Marker + SPACE$(RoadWidth) + Marker ' create road segment
LOCATE 24, RoadX ' position cursor for road segment
PRINT Road ' print road segment
IF SCREEN(CarY, CarX, 0) = 32 THEN ' is the road clear?
LOCATE CarY, CarX ' yes, position cursor for car
PRINT "V" ' print the car
LOCATE 1, 1 ' position cursor at top left corner
Score = Score + 1 ' increment score
PRINT "Score:"; Score; ' print player's score
_DELAY Speed ' pause at current speed
Crash = -1 ' no, kaboom
LOOP UNTIL _KEYDOWN(27) OR Crash ' leave when player crashes or presses ESC
IF Crash THEN ' did player crash?
LOCATE CarY, CarX ' yes, position cursor at car
PRINT "*" ' print wrecked car
LOCATE 1, 1 ' position cursor at top left
PRINT "---------------------" ' print player's final score
PRINT "------ !CRASH! ------"
PRINT "---------------------"
PRINT " Final Score:"; Score
PRINT "---------------------"
PRINT "- Press ESC to exit -"
PRINT "---------------------"
DO ' begin exit loop
_LIMIT 10 ' don't hog cpu
LOOP UNTIL _KEYDOWN(27) ' leave when player presses ESC
SYSTEM ' return to operating system