Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
_Title "Eval_Overload test" ' bplus revisit 2023-11-13 qB64pe v3.8
' 2023-11-13 dust off and cleanup this masterpiece
' original notes:
' testing with QB64 X 64 version 1.2 20180228/86 from git b301f92
'Overload test eval.bas B+ 2018-08-25 started
' modify Split for special case of spaces to be used as delimiter for overloaded p$ = parameter string
' note: for ease of coding ~ is used for subtraction sign
' and normal - is reserved to indicate a negative number.
Const WW = 800
Const WH = 600
Screen _NewImage(WW, WH, 32)
_ScreenMove 250, 60
Dim test$(1 To 5), i
test$(1) = "seven=7 eval>seven*10~7" ' < this is 7*10-7 = 63
test$(2) = "A=2 b=3 C=5 x=10 eval>a*X^2+B*x~c" ' 225
test$(3) = "eval>able*x^2+baker*x~charlie able=2 baker=2.99 charlie=5 x=10" ' 224.9
test$(4) = "seven=7" ' error no EVAL>
test$(5) = "eval>able*x^2+baker*x~charlie able=2 charlie=5 x=10" ' error missing baker
For i = 1 To 5
Print "For: " + Chr$(34) + test$(i) + Chr$(34)
Eval_Overload test$(i)
Print "Eval_Overload returned: "; test$(i)
Sub Eval_Overload (PL As String)
' PL comes in as parameters list, goes out like a function's return value
' (but in string form of course), so make copy of PL if you think you will need
' later. PS This is not overloading so much as it is Parsing the Argument String, PL,
' in my opinion making it even more fexible than Overloaded routine.
' Note: PL is space delimited like words in a sentence.
' The expression to Evaluate must be written to right of Eval> eg, Eval>expression
' No spaces! in this "word". For all variables used in the expression create
' VariableName=Value "words".
' While this EVAL function does not do parenthesis it does do operations
' in the following order: %^/*~+ % is for modulus, ~ is for subtraction.
' This Sub requires 2 Functions and a Sub:
' 1. Function leftOf$ (source$, of$)
' 2. Function rightOf$ (source$, of$)
' 1. Sub Split (SplitMeString As String, delim As String, LoadMe() As String)
Dim pList$(0) ' <<< NOT REDIM???? split did not squawk about trying to redim this???
Dim As Long i, L, R, found, hit
Dim As Long found2, j, place, vl, vr
Dim p$, this$, b$, wd$, op$, lb$, rb$, head$, tail$, M$
p$ = UCase$(PL)
Split p$, " ", pList$()
For i = 0 To UBound(pList$) 'find eval
If InStr(pList$(i), "EVAL>") Then
this$ = rightOf$(pList$(i), "EVAL>"): found = 1: Exit For
End If
If found = 0 Or this$ = "" Then
PL = "ERROR: Did not find eval or what to eval.": Exit Sub
End If
b$ = ""
For i = 1 To Len(this$) 'do substitutions
wd$ = ""
hit = 0
While InStr("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", Mid$(this$, i, 1)) And i <= Len(this$)
hit = 1
wd$ = wd$ + Mid$(this$, i, 1)
i = i + 1
If hit Then i = i - 1
If wd$ <> "" Then
found2 = 0
For j = 0 To UBound(pList$) 'find eval
If leftOf$(pList$(j), "=") = wd$ Then
b$ = b$ + rightOf$(pList$(j), "="): found2 = 1: Exit For
End If
If found2 = 0 Then
PL = "ERROR: Did not find variable, " + Chr$(34) + wd$ + Chr$(34) + ", in paramters list."
Exit Sub
End If
b$ = b$ + Mid$(this$, i, 1)
End If
For j = 1 To 6
op$ = Mid$("%^/*~+", j, 1) 'notice the strange sign for minus,
' it is to distinguish a neg number from subtraction op
While InStr(b$, op$)
place = InStr(b$, op$)
L = place - 1: R = place + 1: lb$ = "": rb$ = ""
While InStr("1234567890-.", Mid$(b$, L, 1)) And L >= 1
lb$ = Mid$(b$, L, 1) + lb$
L = L - 1
R = place + 1
While InStr("1234567890-.", Mid$(b$, R, 1)) And R <= Len(b$)
rb$ = rb$ + Mid$(b$, R, 1)
R = R + 1
vl = Val(lb$): vr = Val(rb$)
head$ = Mid$(b$, 1, L): tail$ = Mid$(b$, R)
Select Case op$
Case "%": M$ = LTrim$(Str$(Val(lb$) Mod Val(rb$)))
Case "^": M$ = LTrim$(Str$(Val(lb$) ^ Val(rb$)))
Case "/": M$ = LTrim$(Str$(Val(lb$) / Val(rb$)))
Case "*": M$ = LTrim$(Str$(Val(lb$) * Val(rb$)))
Case "~": M$ = LTrim$(Str$(Val(lb$) - Val(rb$)))
Case "+": M$ = LTrim$(Str$(Val(lb$) + Val(rb$)))
End Select
b$ = head$ + M$ + tail$
Wend 'while op instr
'return PL with the evaluation substituted back into PL
PL = b$
End Sub
Function leftOf$ (source$, of$)
Dim As Long posOf
posOf = InStr(source$, of$)
If posOf > 0 Then leftOf$ = Mid$(source$, 1, posOf - 1)
End Function
Function rightOf$ (source$, of$)
Dim As Long posOf
posOf = InStr(source$, of$)
If posOf > 0 Then rightOf$ = Mid$(source$, posOf + Len(of$))
End Function
' using updated split
Sub Split (SplitMeString As String, delim As String, LoadMe() As String)
Dim curpos As Long, arrpos As Long, LD As Long, dpos As Long 'fix use the Lbound the array already has
curpos = 1: arrpos = LBound(LoadMe): LD = Len(delim)
dpos = InStr(curpos, SplitMeString, delim)
Do Until dpos = 0
LoadMe(arrpos) = Mid$(SplitMeString, curpos, dpos - curpos)
arrpos = arrpos + 1
If arrpos > UBound(LoadMe) Then
ReDim _Preserve LoadMe(LBound(LoadMe) To UBound(LoadMe) + 1000) As String
End If
curpos = dpos + LD
dpos = InStr(curpos, SplitMeString, delim)
LoadMe(arrpos) = Mid$(SplitMeString, curpos)
ReDim _Preserve LoadMe(LBound(LoadMe) To arrpos) As String 'get the ubound correct
End Sub