QB64 Phoenix Edition
Escape (1994 J. C. Sprott) - Printable Version

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Escape (1994 J. C. Sprott) - SMcNeill - 11-16-2023

Code: (Select All)
Rem Program ESCAPE.BAS (c) 1994 by J. C. Sprott
Dim a(12) 'Array of coefficients
Randomize Timer 'Reseed random numbers
Screen 12 'Assume VGA graphics
n% = 0
While InKey$ = "" 'Loop until a key is pressed
    If n% = 0 Then Call setparams(x, y)
    Call advancexy(x, y, n%)
    Call testsoln(x, y, n%)
    If n% = 1000 Then Call display: n% = 0

Sub advancexy (x, y, n%) 'Advance (x, y) at step n%
    Shared a()
    xnew = a(1) + x * (a(2) + a(3) * x + a(4) * y) + y * (a(5) + a(6) * y)
    y = a(7) + x * (a(8) + a(9) * x + a(10) * y) + y * (a(11) + a(12) * y)
    x = xnew
    n% = n% + 1
End Sub

Sub display () 'Plot escape-time contours
    For i% = 0 To 639
        For j% = 0 To 479
            x = -5 + i% / 64
            y = 5 - j% / 48
            n% = 0
            While n% < 128 And x * x + y * y < 1000000
                Call advancexy(x, y, n%)
            PSet (i%, j%), n% Mod 16
        Next j%
    Next i%
End Sub

Sub setparams (x, y) 'Set a() and initialize (x,y)
    Shared a()
    x = 0: y = 0
    For i% = 1 To 12: a(i%) = (Int(25 * Rnd) - 12) / 10: Next i%
End Sub

Sub testsoln (x, y, n%) 'Test the solution
    If n% = 1000 Then n% = 0 'Solution is bounded
    If x * x + y * y > 1000000 Then 'Solution escaped
        If n% > 100 Then n% = 1000 Else n% = 0
    End If
End Sub

RE: Escape (1994 J. C. Sprott) - bplus - 11-16-2023

Same kind of fix inserting lines 35, 36 as Sprotts Integreted Functions
Code: (Select All)
Sleep 5

Allows you to look for awhile or press a key for next screen.

+1 to Steve. So far these Steve picks are great!

This one would definitely benefit from a plasma coloring system!