Code: (Select All)
Common Shared ctr, txt$, chw, ln$, ltr$, tmplt$, Givencopy$, Given$, slen, tlen, wlen, nfound
Common Shared ok$, bad$
wwidth = 1120: wheight = 800: mode = 32 ' choose window 32 rows, full _RGB colours
Screen _NewImage(wwidth, wheight, mode)
size = 24 ' size of font determines number of text-columns. size=24 gives 80 columns on this size window
SetFont: f& = _LoadFont("C:\WINDOWS\fonts\courbd.ttf", size, "monospace"): _Font f& ' use Monospace font
lhs = (_DesktopWidth - wwidth) / 2: top = (_DesktopHeight - wheight) / 2 ' find top and left of window
_ScreenMove lhs, top ' set window at chosen place
chw = _Width / _PrintWidth("X") ' find characters per line (columns)
ok$ = "o3l64ceg": bad$ = "o2l16gec" ' advice sounds
Cls: yellow: centre "WhatWord", 4: white: Print
Print " WhatWord is intended to help find those elusive words that can"
Print " occur in word-puzzle games. It can find any word listed in the"
Print " Complete Oxford Dicionary.": Print
Print " To use it, type a list of all the Given letters in your game."
Print " For example, your list may look like this: ";: yellow:: Print "XEELMAP";: white: Print ".": Print
Print " Next, you can enter the length of the word you need, say ";: yellow:: Print "5";: white: Print ". If"
Print " the length is not known, press ";: yellow:: Print "Enter ";: white: Print " for words of all lengths.": Print
Print " Alternatively you can enter a Template for the word, which can"
Print " include any known letters (can be slow).": Print
Print " In your Template, use a ";: yellow:: Print "*";: white: Print " for each unknown letter and place the"
Print " known letters in their correct positions. In this example, the"
Print " template ";: yellow:: Print "*A*L*";: white:: Print " would return the word ";: yellow:: Print "MAPLE";: white: Print "."
yellow: centre "Press a key", 22
k$ = InKey$
_Limit 30
If k$ = "" Then GoTo PressKey
yellow: centre "Enter all Given Letters (minimum 2)", 17: white
Locate 18, 36: Input Given$
slen = Len(Given$)
If slen < 2 Then Play bad$: WIPE "18": GoTo GetLetters
Given$ = UCase$(Given$)
For a = 1 To slen
ltr$ = Mid$(Given$, a, 1)
Locate 18, 38 + a: Print ltr$;
If ltr$ < "A" Or letr$ > "Z" Then
Play bad$
red: centre "Only letters can be in your Letters list", 19
Sleep 2: WIPE "1819": white: GoTo GetLetters
End If
WIPE "1819": centre Given$, 14
Sleep 1
Givencopy$ = Given$ ' preserve given$ to restore after search
yellow: centre "Press Enter for all words", 15
centre "or the number of letters you need", 16
centre "or enter a template for the words you need (slow)", 17
centre "(for your template, use * for each unknown letter", 18
centre "and place known letters in their correct positions)", 19
Locate 20, 39: Input tmplt$ ' may be Enter, number or template
tmplt$ = UCase$(tmplt$)
tlen = Len(tmplt$)
centre tplt$, 20: Sleep 1: Cls
nfound = 0
'no template - all words
If tlen < 1 Then Play ok$: AllWords: Sleep: System ' Enter pressed: allwords
'numeric template
If Val(tmplt$) > 0 Then
tlen = Val(tmplt$)
If tlen > slen Then Play bad$: centre "The Template is longer than the Given letters!", 20: Sleep 1: Cls: GoTo GetLetters 'if template longer than Given letters, reject it
Play ok$: NumChars: Sleep: System ' first char/s of template are numeric so use as length of words
End If
'known letters template
Locate 20, 35
For a = 1 To tlen ' length ok, not numeric, so check chars are * or letter
_Limit 30
ltr$ = Mid$(tmplt$, a, 1)
If ltr$ <> Chr$(42) And (ltr$ < "A" Or ltr$ > "Z") Then Play bad$: centre "Only letters or *'s in template", 20: Sleep: WIPE "20": GoTo GetTemplate
Next '
Sleep 1
KnownLetters: Sleep: System
'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub AllWords
centre "All Words", 15: _Delay .5: Cls
For l = 1 To slen
_Limit 30
l$ = Mid$(Given$, l, 1)
If InStr(Given$, l$) < l Then GoTo skipit
filename$ = "WordLists/" + l$
If Not _FileExists(filename$) Then Print " No file!": Sleep: System
Open filename$ For Input As #1
While Not EOF(1)
Given$ = Givencopy$ ' restore Given$ between list-words searches
Input #1, word$
wlen = Len(word$): If wlen > slen Or wlen < 2 Then GoTo GetAWord
Fail = 0
wlen = Len(word$)
For a = 1 To wlen ' Check each letter of word$
letr$ = Mid$(word$, a, 1)
Po = InStr(Given$, letr$) ' Find its position in Given$, if any
If Po = 0 Then Fail = 1: Exit For ' If not found, stop checking letters and fail this word
Mid$(Given$, Po, 1) = " " ' If found, Delete it from Given$ to stop repeated search
If Fail = 0 Then Print word$; " ";: nfound = nfound + 1 ' Reached end of check. If no fails, print the word
If Pos(0) > 64 Then Print
If CsrLin > 28 Then yellow: Print: centre "Press a key for more", 30: Sleep: Cls
Wend ' Whether good or bad, get next word (if any left)
Close ' All words of file have been read, so close the file
skipit: ' jump here if this Given letter has already been checked
Next '
rprt$ = Str$(nfound) + " words found" ' Now try next Given letter
yellow: centre rprt$, 29
centre " That's all folks!", 30
End Sub
Sub NumChars
centre "Numeric Template", 15: _Delay .5: Cls
For l = 1 To slen
l$ = Mid$(Given$, l, 1)
If InStr(Given$, l$) < l Then GoTo skipit
filename$ = "WordLists/" + l$
If Not _FileExists(filename$) Then Print " No file!": Sleep 1: Stop
Open filename$ For Input As #1
While Not EOF(1)
Given$ = Givencopy$ ' restore Given$
Input #1, word$
wlen = Len(word$): If wlen <> tlen Then GoTo GetAWord
Fail = 0
wlen = Len(word$)
For a = 1 To wlen ' Check each letter of word$
letr$ = Mid$(word$, a, 1)
Po = InStr(Given$, letr$) ' Find its position in Given$, if any
If Po = 0 Then Fail = 1: Exit For ' If not found, stop checking letters and fail this word
Mid$(Given$, Po, 1) = " " ' If found, Delete it from Given$ to stop repeated search
If Fail = 0 Then Print word$; " ";: nfound = nfound + 1 ' Reached end of check. If no fails, print the word
If Pos(0) > 64 Then Print
If CsrLin > 28 Then yellow: Print: centre "Press a key for more", 29: Sleep: Cls
Wend ' Whether good or bad, get next word (if any left)
Close ' All words of file have been read, so close the file
skipit: ' jump here if this Given letter has already been checked
Next ' Now try next Given letter
rprt$ = Str$(nfound) + " words found" ' Now try next Given letter
yellow: centre rprt$, 29
centre " That's all folks!", 30
End Sub
Sub KnownLetters:
t1 = Timer
centre "Known Letters", 15: _Delay .5: Cls
tmpltcopy$ = tmplt$ ' make backup of template to restore template after * have been replaced
For l = 1 To slen
l$ = Mid$(Given$, l, 1)
If InStr(Given$, l$) < l Then GoTo skipit ' if this letter was in the Given list twice, don't re-check the list
filename$ = "WordLists/" + l$
If Not _FileExists(filename$) Then Print " No file!": Sleep: Stop
Open filename$ For Input As #1
'we have opened the list of words beginning with the first Given letter
'Now, one word at a tme...
While Not EOF(1)
Given$ = Givencopy$ ' restore Given$
tmplt$ = tmpltcopy$ ' restore template for next word
Input #1, word$
wlen = Len(word$): If wlen <> tlen Then GoTo GetWordListWord ' reject words of incorect length for template
' the letters of word$ are identified by mid$(word$,a,1) and the characters of tmplt$ are identified as mid$(tmplt$,a,1)
' now check that all template letters are in correct place in the word
fail = 0
For a = 1 To tlen
letr$ = Mid$(tmplt$, a, 1)
If letr$ <> Mid$(word$, a, 1) And letr$ <> "*" Then ' stars already dealt with so ignore them
fail = 1: Exit For ' if no match, mark word as failed, and jump out of for loop to get next word
End If
nexttlpltletr: ' if we didn't jump out, continue with next template letter
' Template letters are all ok, length is ok, so now check that all letters of the word are in Given letters list
For a = 1 To wlen ' Check each letter of word$
_Limit 30
letr$ = Mid$(word$, a, 1)
Po = InStr(Given$, letr$) ' Find its position in Given$, if any
If Po = 0 Then ' if not found,
fail = 1: Exit For ' mark word as failed, and jump out of for loop to get next word
End If
Next ' otherwise, get next letter of Word$
If fail = 1 Then GoTo GetWordListWord
yellow: Print word$; " ";: nfound = nfound + 1 ' the word matches the template, so acept it
If Pos(0) > 64 Then Print ' don't print beyond column 64, so words will line up neatly
If CsrLin > 28 Then yellow: Print: centre "Press a key for more", 30: Sleep 1: Cls ' if words reach row 28, invite to clear screen and continue
Wend ' Whether good or bad, get next word (if any left)
Close ' All words of file have been read, so close the file
skipit: ' jump here if this Given letter has already been checked
Next ' try next Given letter's word list
rprt$ = Str$(nfound) + " words found" ' Now try next Given letter
yellow: centre rprt$, 29
centre "That's all folks!", 30
yellow: centre " That's all folks", 30
End Sub
Sub WIPE (ln$) ' call with string of 2-digit line numbers only eg "0122" for lines 1 and 22
For a = 1 To Len(ln$) - 1 Step 2
w = Val(Mid$(ln$, a, 2))
Locate w, 1: Print Space$(100)
End Sub
Sub centre (txt$, linenum) ' centre text on line
ctr = (chw - Len(txt$)) / 2 + 1
Locate linenum, ctr
Print txt$;
End Sub
Sub red
Color _RGB(255, 0, 0)
End Sub
Sub white
Color _RGB(255, 255, 255)
End Sub
Sub yellow
Color _RGB(255, 255, 0)
End Sub