QB64 Phoenix Edition
Word Game Assistant - Printable Version

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Word Game Assistant - PhilOfPerth - 11-18-2023

This is a programme that finds those elusive words that occur in word-games (and is written mostly for my own benefit, for games and for programming practice).
It finds all words from the WordLists files (which contain all of the Complete Collins dictionary words). Theres a "wildcard" function in it, which is very slow,
and I hope to speed this up (with a little help from my friends)?
I don't want to complicate it too much with exotic functions though.  Rolleyes
The wordlists files are attached.
Code: (Select All)
Common Shared ctr, txt$, chw, ln$, ltr$, tmplt$, Givencopy$, Given$, slen, tlen, wlen, nfound
Common Shared ok$, bad$
wwidth = 1120: wheight = 800: mode = 32 '                                                               choose window 32 rows, full _RGB colours
Screen _NewImage(wwidth, wheight, mode)
size = 24 '                                                                                             size of font determines number of text-columns. size=24 gives 80 columns on this size window
SetFont: f& = _LoadFont("C:\WINDOWS\fonts\courbd.ttf", size, "monospace"): _Font f& '                   use Monospace font
lhs = (_DesktopWidth - wwidth) / 2: top = (_DesktopHeight - wheight) / 2 '                              find top and left of window
_ScreenMove lhs, top '                                                                                  set window at chosen place
chw = _Width / _PrintWidth("X") '                                                                       find characters per line (columns)
ok$ = "o3l64ceg": bad$ = "o2l16gec" '                                                                   advice sounds

Cls: yellow: centre "WhatWord", 4: white: Print
Print "         WhatWord is intended to help find those elusive words that can"
Print "         occur in word-puzzle games. It can find any word listed in the"
Print "         Complete Oxford Dicionary.": Print
Print "         To use it, type a list of all the Given letters in your game."
Print "         For example, your list may look like this: ";: yellow:: Print "XEELMAP";: white: Print ".": Print
Print "         Next, you can enter the length of the word you need, say ";: yellow:: Print "5";: white: Print ". If"
Print "         the length is not known, press ";: yellow:: Print "Enter ";: white: Print " for words of all lengths.": Print
Print "         Alternatively you can enter a Template for the word, which can"
Print "         include any known letters (can be slow).": Print
Print "         In your Template, use a ";: yellow:: Print "*";: white: Print " for each unknown letter and place the"
Print "         known letters in their correct positions. In this example, the"
Print "         template ";: yellow:: Print "*A*L*";: white:: Print " would return the word ";: yellow:: Print "MAPLE";: white: Print "."

yellow: centre "Press a key", 22
k$ = InKey$
_Limit 30
If k$ = "" Then GoTo PressKey

yellow: centre "Enter all Given Letters (minimum 2)", 17: white
Locate 18, 36: Input Given$
slen = Len(Given$)
If slen < 2 Then Play bad$: WIPE "18": GoTo GetLetters
Given$ = UCase$(Given$)
For a = 1 To slen
    ltr$ = Mid$(Given$, a, 1)
    Locate 18, 38 + a: Print ltr$;
    If ltr$ < "A" Or letr$ > "Z" Then
        Play bad$
        red: centre "Only letters can be in your Letters list", 19
        Sleep 2: WIPE "1819": white: GoTo GetLetters
    End If
WIPE "1819": centre Given$, 14
Sleep 1
Givencopy$ = Given$ '                                                                                 preserve given$ to restore after search

yellow: centre "Press Enter for all words", 15
centre "or the number of letters you need", 16
centre "or enter a template for the words you need (slow)", 17
centre "(for your template, use * for each unknown letter", 18
centre "and place known letters in their correct positions)", 19
Locate 20, 39: Input tmplt$ '                                                                          may be Enter, number or template
tmplt$ = UCase$(tmplt$)
tlen = Len(tmplt$)
centre tplt$, 20: Sleep 1: Cls
nfound = 0
'no template - all words
If tlen < 1 Then Play ok$: AllWords: Sleep: System '                                                   Enter pressed: allwords

'numeric template
If Val(tmplt$) > 0 Then
    tlen = Val(tmplt$)
    If tlen > slen Then Play bad$: centre "The Template is longer than the  Given letters!", 20: Sleep 1: Cls: GoTo GetLetters 'if template longer than Given letters, reject it
    Play ok$: NumChars: Sleep: System '                                                                first char/s of template are numeric so use as length of words
End If

'known letters template
Locate 20, 35
For a = 1 To tlen '                                                                                    length ok, not numeric, so check chars are * or letter
    _Limit 30
    ltr$ = Mid$(tmplt$, a, 1)
    If ltr$ <> Chr$(42) And (ltr$ < "A" Or ltr$ > "Z") Then Play bad$: centre "Only letters or *'s in template", 20: Sleep: WIPE "20": GoTo GetTemplate
Next '
Sleep 1
KnownLetters: Sleep: System

'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sub AllWords
    centre "All Words", 15: _Delay .5: Cls
    For l = 1 To slen
        _Limit 30
        l$ = Mid$(Given$, l, 1)
        If InStr(Given$, l$) < l Then GoTo skipit
        filename$ = "WordLists/" + l$
        If Not _FileExists(filename$) Then Print " No file!": Sleep: System
        Open filename$ For Input As #1
        While Not EOF(1)
            Given$ = Givencopy$ '                                                                            restore Given$ between list-words searches
            Input #1, word$
            wlen = Len(word$): If wlen > slen Or wlen < 2 Then GoTo GetAWord
            Fail = 0
            wlen = Len(word$)
            For a = 1 To wlen '                                                                              Check each letter of word$
                letr$ = Mid$(word$, a, 1)
                Po = InStr(Given$, letr$) '                                                                   Find its position in Given$, if any
                If Po = 0 Then Fail = 1: Exit For '                                                          If not found,  stop checking letters and fail this word
                Mid$(Given$, Po, 1) = " " '                                                                  If found, Delete it from Given$ to stop repeated search
            If Fail = 0 Then Print word$; " ";: nfound = nfound + 1 '                                         Reached end of check. If no fails, print the word
            If Pos(0) > 64 Then Print
            If CsrLin > 28 Then yellow: Print: centre "Press a key for more", 30: Sleep: Cls
        Wend '                                                                                               Whether good or bad, get next word (if any left)
        Close '                                                                                              All words of file have been read, so close the file
        skipit: '                                                                                            jump here if this Given letter has already been checked
    Next '
    rprt$ = Str$(nfound) + " words found" '                                                                  Now try next Given letter
    yellow: centre rprt$, 29
    centre "  That's all folks!", 30
End Sub

Sub NumChars
    centre "Numeric Template", 15: _Delay .5: Cls
    For l = 1 To slen
        l$ = Mid$(Given$, l, 1)
        If InStr(Given$, l$) < l Then GoTo skipit
        filename$ = "WordLists/" + l$
        If Not _FileExists(filename$) Then Print " No file!": Sleep 1: Stop
        Open filename$ For Input As #1
        While Not EOF(1)
            Given$ = Givencopy$ '                                                                               restore Given$
            Input #1, word$
            wlen = Len(word$): If wlen <> tlen Then GoTo GetAWord
            Fail = 0
            wlen = Len(word$)
            For a = 1 To wlen '                                                                                 Check each letter of word$
                letr$ = Mid$(word$, a, 1)
                Po = InStr(Given$, letr$) '                                                                     Find its position in Given$, if any
                If Po = 0 Then Fail = 1: Exit For '                                                             If not found,  stop checking letters and fail this word
                Mid$(Given$, Po, 1) = " " '                                                                     If found, Delete it from Given$ to stop repeated search
            If Fail = 0 Then Print word$; " ";: nfound = nfound + 1 '                                                                Reached end of check. If no fails, print the word
            If Pos(0) > 64 Then Print

            If CsrLin > 28 Then yellow: Print: centre "Press a key for more", 29: Sleep: Cls
        Wend '                                                                                                   Whether good or bad, get next word (if any left)
        Close '                                                                                                  All words of file have been read, so close the file
        skipit: '                                                                                                jump here if this Given letter has already been checked
    Next '                                                                                                       Now try next Given letter
    rprt$ = Str$(nfound) + " words found" '                                                                  Now try next Given letter
    yellow: centre rprt$, 29
    centre "  That's all folks!", 30
End Sub

Sub KnownLetters:
    t1 = Timer
    centre "Known Letters", 15: _Delay .5: Cls
    tmpltcopy$ = tmplt$ '                                                                                         make backup of template to restore template after * have been replaced
    For l = 1 To slen
        l$ = Mid$(Given$, l, 1)
        If InStr(Given$, l$) < l Then GoTo skipit '                                                               if this letter was in the Given list twice, don't re-check the list
        filename$ = "WordLists/" + l$
        If Not _FileExists(filename$) Then Print " No file!": Sleep: Stop
        Open filename$ For Input As #1
        'we have opened the list of words beginning with the first Given letter
        'Now, one word at a tme...

        While Not EOF(1)
            Given$ = Givencopy$ '                                                                                   restore Given$
            tmplt$ = tmpltcopy$ '                                                                                   restore template for next word
            Input #1, word$
            wlen = Len(word$): If wlen <> tlen Then GoTo GetWordListWord '                                           reject words of incorect length for template
            ' the letters of word$ are identified by mid$(word$,a,1) and the characters of tmplt$ are identified as mid$(tmplt$,a,1)
            ' now check that all template letters are in correct place in the word
            fail = 0
            For a = 1 To tlen
                letr$ = Mid$(tmplt$, a, 1)
                If letr$ <> Mid$(word$, a, 1) And letr$ <> "*" Then '                                                stars already dealt with so ignore them
                    fail = 1: Exit For '                                                                             if no match, mark word as failed, and jump out of for loop to get next word
                End If
                nexttlpltletr: '                                                                                     if we didn't jump out, continue with next template letter
            ' Template letters are all ok, length is ok, so now check that all letters of the word are in Given letters list
            For a = 1 To wlen '                                                                                       Check each letter of word$
                _Limit 30
                letr$ = Mid$(word$, a, 1)
                Po = InStr(Given$, letr$) '                                                                            Find its position in Given$, if any
                If Po = 0 Then '                                                                                       if not found,
                    fail = 1: Exit For '                                                                               mark word as failed, and jump out of for loop to get next word
                End If
            Next '                                                                                                     otherwise, get next letter of Word$
            If fail = 1 Then GoTo GetWordListWord
            yellow: Print word$; " ";: nfound = nfound + 1 '                                                                                the word matches the template, so acept it
            If Pos(0) > 64 Then Print '                                                                                 don't print beyond column 64, so words will line up neatly
            If CsrLin > 28 Then yellow: Print: centre "Press a key for more", 30: Sleep 1: Cls '                        if words reach row 28, invite to clear screen and continue
        Wend '                                                                                                          Whether good or bad, get next word (if any left)
        Close '                                                                                                         All words of file have been read, so close the file
        skipit: '                                                                                                       jump here if this Given letter has already been checked
    Next '                                                                                                              try next Given letter's word list
    rprt$ = Str$(nfound) + " words found" '                                                                  Now try next Given letter
    yellow: centre rprt$, 29
    centre "That's all folks!", 30

    yellow: centre "  That's all folks", 30
End Sub

Sub WIPE (ln$) '                                                                                                         call with string of 2-digit line numbers only  eg "0122"  for lines 1 and 22
    For a = 1 To Len(ln$) - 1 Step 2
        w = Val(Mid$(ln$, a, 2))
        Locate w, 1: Print Space$(100)
End Sub

Sub centre (txt$, linenum) '                                                                                              centre text on line
    ctr = (chw - Len(txt$)) / 2 + 1
    Locate linenum, ctr
    Print txt$;
End Sub

Sub red
    Color _RGB(255, 0, 0)
End Sub

Sub white
    Color _RGB(255, 255, 255)
End Sub

Sub yellow
    Color _RGB(255, 255, 0)
End Sub

RE: Word Game Assistant - bplus - 11-18-2023

Ah reminds me of my Wordle helper and Anagram work Smile

What are computers for? if they don't help us cheat at games LOL

RE: Word Game Assistant - TerryRitchie - 11-18-2023

I have one of these beasts from the 1980's that does the same thing as still works. Smile
