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Error when inputting ASCII text from COM port - Printable Version

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Error when inputting ASCII text from COM port - MichelleL - 01-23-2024

In my quest to port my QB45 code over to QB64, I am finding things are not 100% portable. Okay, but I'm plugging along trying to learn them. Anyway, my latest is an issue in inputting ASCII text from a COM port. The text would be from 1 to 12 characters followed by the 'enter' key getting pressed. Elsewhere in the program I have used the command 'Open "COM5:9600,N,8,1,RS0,CS0,DS0,CD0" For Random As #1' to handle COM port communications. But for this case, I get a 'Bad File Mode' error for the 'Line Input #1, FILENAME$' command.

If I change the 'Random' to 'Input' I then get the 'Input Past End' error; even though I have not typed a single thing in to send over the comm port. I have tried doing a straight Input #1, and a Get #1, still with errors right off the bat without sending any data. I'm at yet another loss as to what I am missing.....

DEL1: 'Request file deletion COM5
Close #1
Open "COM5:9600,N,8,1,RS0,CS0,DS0,CD0" For Input As #1
Line Input #1, FILENAME$
Kill KILL1$
Put #1, , EOT$
STATLINE$ = Date$ + " - " + Time$ + " - COM5 File Delete Request"

RE: Error when inputting ASCII text from COM port - mdijkens - 01-23-2024

read serial like:

Code: (Select All)
Static receivedBytes$
Dim As String * 1 byte
Do While Loc(1) <> 0
Get #1, , byte
receivedBytes$ = receivedBytes$ + byte

RE: Error when inputting ASCII text from COM port - bplus - 01-23-2024

can you check that the filename$ is not empty before trying to Input from it?

Oh mdijkens beat me! Smile and look he is making sure it's not empty!

RE: Error when inputting ASCII text from COM port - MichelleL - 01-23-2024

I will confess, I have never used a SUB or a FUNCTION (MBASIC & GW_BASIC mostly), so I guess I need to noodle out how to put this into one of them, and stick it somewhere... Oh well, the learning never stops. Smile

[Image: Untitled.jpg]

RE: Error when inputting ASCII text from COM port - mdijkens - 01-23-2024

(01-23-2024, 05:55 PM)MichelleL Wrote: I will confess, I have never used a SUB or a FUNCTION (MBASIC & GW_BASIC mostly), so I guess I need to noodle out how to put this into one of them, and stick it somewhere... Oh well, the learning never stops. Smile

[Image: Untitled.jpg]
Sorry, this came from a function I've created that also processed the bytes received.
You can delete that Static line

Use of function:
Code: (Select All)

serialin$ = checkSerial$()

Function checkSerial$()
  receivedBytes$ = ""
  Dim As String * 1 byte
  Do While Loc(1) <> 0
    Get #1, , byte
    receivedBytes$ = receivedBytes$ + byte
  checkSerial$ = receivedBytes$
End Function

RE: Error when inputting ASCII text from COM port - MichelleL - 01-23-2024

Well, this gets me to File Not Found; without even typing in anything on the computer waiting for me to input the filename so it can be transmitted. I've nulled out the KILLFILE$, and added a couple print statements which don't display anything, as if indicating there is nothing in them. And I have tried both Input and Random for how to open the comm port. I am perplexed.....

DEL1: 'Request file deletion COM5
Close #1
Open "COM5:9600,N,8,1,RS0,CS0,DS0,CD0" For Input As #1
Dim As String * 1 byte
Do While Loc(1) <> 0
Get #1, , byte
'Line Input #1, FILENAME$
Kill KILL1$
Put #1, , EOT$
STATLINE$ = Date$ + " - " + Time$ + " - COM5 File Delete Request"

RE: Error when inputting ASCII text from COM port - bplus - 01-23-2024

Code: (Select All)
Kill KILL1$

RE: Error when inputting ASCII text from COM port - mdijkens - 01-23-2024

I think you want to keep receiving bytes until an enter is received.
So probably something like
Code: (Select All)
  If Loc(1) <> 0 Then Get #1, , byte
  If byte > Chr$(13) Then
    KILLFILE$ = KILLFILE$ + byte
    Exit Do
  End If

Furthermore, try changing the open statement to something like:
Code: (Select All)
Open "COM5:9600,E,8,1,BIN,CS0,DS0,RB8192" For Random As #1
QB64 is quite picky on serial

RE: Error when inputting ASCII text from COM port - Kernelpanic - 01-23-2024

Quote:@MichelleL - I will confess, I have never used a SUB or a FUNCTION . . .
Finally something for fun and play again.  Big Grin  Examples of sub and function. 
One can also pass a function as an argument to a sub. - You should stop using GoSub these days and replace it with S&F; QuickBasic was already able to do that from 2.0(?)

kaufpreis = Purchase price
mehrwertSteuer = VAT
Endpreis/Gesamtpreis = Final price (total price)

Code: (Select All)

'Beispiel fuer SUB und Funktionen - 23. Jan. 2024

Option _Explicit

Declare Function Endpreis(kaufpreis, mehrwertSteuer As Double) As Double
Declare Sub auchEndpreis(eingabe As Double)

Dim As Double kaufpreis, mehrwertSteuer

Locate 3, 3
Input "Kaufpreis: ", kaufpreis
Locate 4, 3
Input "Mehrwertsteuer: ", mehrwertSteuer

Locate 6, 3
Print Using "Der Endpreis betraegt: ####,#.## Euro"; Endpreis(kaufpreis, mehrwertSteuer)

Locate 8, 3
'Function as an argument to a sub
Call auchEndpreis(Endpreis(kaufpreis, mehrwertSteuer))


Sub auchEndpreis (eingabe As Double)

  Dim As Double subGesamtpreis

  subGesamtpreis = eingabe
  Print Using "Der Endpreis betraegt: ####,#.## Euro"; subGesamtpreis

End Sub

Function Endpreis (kaufpreis, mehrwertSteuer As Double)

  Dim As Double gesamtpreis

  gesamtpreis = kaufpreis + ((kaufpreis * mehrwertSteuer) / 100)
  Endpreis = gesamtpreis
End Function

RE: Error when inputting ASCII text from COM port - Kernelpanic - 01-23-2024

Oops, I was being too complicated there.  Rolleyes  That will go  easier with the SUB.

Code: (Select All)

Sub auchEndpreis (eingabe As Double)

  Print Using "Der Endpreis betraegt: ####,#.## Euro"; eingabe
End Sub