Lemonade Stand 2 - SierraKen - 08-14-2024
I got this idea from a very old computer text game from the 1980's. I'm sure mine is a bit simpler, but it's unique.
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Lemonade Stand 2"
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
Print: Print: Print
Print " Lemonade Stand 2"
Print: Print
Print " by SierraKen"
Print: Print
Print "You start with $20."
Print "There are 5 cups per pitcher."
Print "There are 30 cups per package of cups."
Print "There will be weather, donations, and advertising."
Print "Cup packages and pitchers can only be used for one day."
Print: Print
Input " Press Enter to begin.", a$
money = 20
ads = 0
day = 0
Randomize Timer
day = day + 1
Locate 1, 1: Print "Day: "; day
weather = Int(Rnd * 8) + 1
If weather = 1 Then w$ = "Hot"
If weather = 2 Then w$ = "Sunny"
If weather = 3 Then w$ = "Cloudy"
If weather = 4 Then w$ = "Windy"
If weather = 5 Then w$ = "Rainy"
If weather = 6 Then w$ = "Cold"
If weather = 7 Then w$ = "Snowy"
If weather = 8 Then w$ = "Hail"
Locate 2, 1: Print "Weather: "; w$
pitcher = Int(5 / weather) + 2
Locate 4, 1: Print "Cost Of One Pitcher Of Lemonade Today: $"; pitcher
cups = Int(Rnd * 7) + 2
Locate 5, 1: Print "Cost Of One Package Of Cups Today: $"; cups
Locate 6, 1: Input "Price Of Each Glass $", price
sales1 = Int((Int(Rnd * 92) + 8) / weather)
donations = Int(Rnd * 4) + 1
If donations = 2 Then
donatedmoney = Int(Rnd * 20) + 1
money = money + donatedmoney
End If
Locate 7, 1: Input "Amount to spend on advertising: $", ads
sales2 = (Int(Rnd * sales1) / price) + sales1
sales3 = Int(Rnd * (ads * 2)) + 3
sales4 = Int(sales2 + sales3)
sales5 = sales4 * price
Locate 9, 1: Print "Cups Of Lemonade Sold: "; sales4; " glasses today."
pitchersused = Int(sales4 / 5) + 1
Locate 10, 1: Print "Pitchers Used"; pitchersused
pitchersold = pitchersused * pitcher
cupsold = Int(sales4 / 30) + 1
cupsdeduct = cupsold * cups
Locate 11, 1: Print "Cup Packages Used:"; cupsold
Locate 12, 1: Print "You have made $"; sales5 - pitchersold - cupsdeduct - ads
money = money + sales5 - ads
money = money - pitchersold
money = money - cupsdeduct
Locate 13, 1: Print "Donations: "; donatedmoney
Locate 14, 1: Print "Total Income: $"; money
If money = 0 Or money < 0 Then GoTo done:
Locate 16, 1: Print "Do you want to sell tomorrow (Y/N)?"
yn$ = InKey$
If yn$ = "Y" Or yn$ = "y" Then GoTo more:
If yn$ = "N" Or yn$ = "n" Then GoTo done:
GoTo yesno:
Print "Your Total Days: "; day
Print "Your Total Money: "; money
Print: Print
Print "Do you want to play again (Y/N)"
again$ = InKey$
If again$ = "y" Or again$ = "Y" Then GoTo begin:
If again$ = "n" Or again$ = "N" Then End
GoTo again: