A path finding algorithm - aadityap0901 - 08-22-2024
A path finding algorithm:
optimized for making a path when the map updates, and entities can find their path by going to its neighbor tile with the lowest value.
Code: (Select All)
DefInt A-Z
Screen _NewImage(640, 640, 32)
Dim Shared As _Unsigned Integer Grid(1 To 40, 1 To 40), Grid2(1 To 40, 1 To 40)
Dim As _Unsigned Integer StartPoint_X, StartPoint_Y, EndPoint_X, EndPoint_Y
Dim As Integer X, Y, L
StartPoint_X = 10
StartPoint_Y = 10
EndPoint_X = 25
EndPoint_Y = 20
Dim Shared Queue$
_Limit 60
While _MouseInput: Wend
If _KeyDown(49) Then
StartPoint_X = _MouseX \ 16 + 1
StartPoint_Y = _MouseY \ 16 + 1
End If
If _KeyDown(50) Then
EndPoint_X = _MouseX \ 16 + 1
EndPoint_Y = _MouseY \ 16 + 1
End If
If _MouseButton(1) Then
Grid(_MouseX \ 16 + 1, _MouseY \ 16 + 1) = 0
End If
If _MouseButton(2) Then
Grid(_MouseX \ 16 + 1, _MouseY \ 16 + 1) = 65535
End If
If DISPLAY = 0 Then _Continue
For I = LBound(Grid2, 1) To UBound(Grid2, 1): For J = LBound(Grid2, 2) To UBound(Grid, 2)
Grid2(I, J) = Grid(I, J)
Next J, I
Queue$ = ListNew$
QueueAdd EndPoint_X, EndPoint_Y
If ListLength(Queue$) = 0 Then Exit Do
QueueRemove X, Y
If X < UBound(Grid2, 1) Then If Grid2(X + 1, Y) = 0 Then QueueAdd X + 1, Y: Grid2(X + 1, Y) = Grid2(X, Y) + 1
If X > LBound(Grid2, 1) Then If Grid2(X - 1, Y) = 0 Then QueueAdd X - 1, Y: Grid2(X - 1, Y) = Grid2(X, Y) + 1
If Y < UBound(Grid2, 2) Then If Grid2(X, Y + 1) = 0 Then QueueAdd X, Y + 1: Grid2(X, Y + 1) = Grid2(X, Y) + 1
If Y > LBound(Grid2, 2) Then If Grid2(X, Y - 1) = 0 Then QueueAdd X, Y - 1: Grid2(X, Y - 1) = Grid2(X, Y) + 1
For X = LBound(Grid2, 1) To UBound(Grid2, 1): For Y = LBound(Grid2, 2) To UBound(Grid2, 2)
If Grid2(X, Y) = 65535 Then Line (X * 16 - 16, Y * 16 - 16)-(X * 16, Y * 16), _RGB32(255), BF
Next Y, X
CPX = StartPoint_X
CPY = StartPoint_Y
Line (CPX * 16 - 16, CPY * 16 - 16)-(CPX * 16, CPY * 16), _RGB32(191, 191, 0), BF
If CPX < UBound(Grid2, 1) Then If Grid2(CPX + 1, CPY) < Grid2(CPX, CPY) Then CPX = CPX + 1: _Continue
If CPX > LBound(Grid2, 1) Then If Grid2(CPX - 1, CPY) < Grid2(CPX, CPY) Then CPX = CPX - 1: _Continue
If CPY < UBound(Grid2, 2) Then If Grid2(CPX, CPY + 1) < Grid2(CPX, CPY) Then CPY = CPY + 1: _Continue
If CPY > LBound(Grid2, 2) Then If Grid2(CPX, CPY - 1) < Grid2(CPX, CPY) Then CPY = CPY - 1: _Continue
Exit Do
If CPX = EndPoint_X And CPY = EndPoint_Y Then Exit Do
Line (StartPoint_X * 16 - 16, StartPoint_Y * 16 - 16)-(StartPoint_X * 16, StartPoint_Y * 16), _RGB32(0, 255, 0), BF
Line (EndPoint_X * 16 - 16, EndPoint_Y * 16 - 16)-(EndPoint_X * 16, EndPoint_Y * 16), _RGB32(255, 0, 0), BF
Loop Until Inp(&H60) = 1
Sub QueueAdd (X As Integer, Y As Integer)
Queue$ = ListAdd$(Queue$, MKI$(X) + MKI$(Y))
End Sub
Sub QueueRemove (X As Integer, Y As Integer)
T$ = ListGet$(Queue$, 1)
X = CVI(Left$(T$, 2))
Y = CVI(Right$(T$, 2))
Queue$ = ListDelete$(Queue$, 1)
End Sub
Function ListNew$
ListNew$ = MKL$(0)
End Function
Function ListLength~& (__List As String)
ListLength~& = CVL(Mid$(__List, 1, 4))
End Function
Function ListAdd$ (__List As String, __Item As String)
ListAdd$ = MKL$(CVL(Mid$(__List, 1, 4)) + 1) + Mid$(__List, 5) + MKI$(Len(__Item)) + __Item
End Function
Function ListInsert$ (__List As String, __ItemNumber As _Unsigned Long, __Item As String)
Dim As _Unsigned Long __nItems, __I, __OFFSET
Dim As _Unsigned Integer __LEN
__nItems = CVL(Mid$(__List, 1, 4))
__OFFSET = 5
If __ItemNumber > __nItems Then
If __ItemNumber = __nItems + 1 Then ListInsert$ = ListAdd$(__List, __Item) Else Exit Function
End If
For __I = 1 To __ItemNumber - 1
__LEN = CVI(Mid$(__List, __OFFSET, 2))
Print Mid$(__List, __OFFSET + 2, __LEN)
__OFFSET = __OFFSET + __LEN + 2
Next __I
ListInsert$ = MKL$(CVL(Mid$(__List, 1, 4)) + 1) + Mid$(__List, 5, __OFFSET - 5) + MKI$(Len(__Item)) + __Item + Mid$(__List, __OFFSET)
End Function
Sub ListPrint (__List As String)
Dim As _Unsigned Long __nItems, __I, __OFFSET
Dim As _Unsigned Integer __LEN
__nItems = CVL(Mid$(__List, 1, 4))
__OFFSET = 5
Print "[";
For __I = 1 To __nItems
__LEN = CVI(Mid$(__List, __OFFSET, 2))
Print Mid$(__List, __OFFSET + 2, __LEN);
If __I < __nItems Then Print ",";
__OFFSET = __OFFSET + __LEN + 2
Next __I
Print "]"
End Sub
Function ListGet$ (__List As String, __ItemNumber As _Unsigned Long)
Dim As _Unsigned Long __nItems, __I, __OFFSET
Dim As _Unsigned Integer __LEN
__nItems = CVL(Mid$(__List, 1, 4))
If __ItemNumber > __nItems Then Exit Function
__OFFSET = 5
For __I = 1 To __nItems
__LEN = CVI(Mid$(__List, __OFFSET, 2))
If __I = __ItemNumber Then ListGet$ = Mid$(__List, __OFFSET + 2, __LEN): Exit Function
__OFFSET = __OFFSET + __LEN + 2
Next __I
End Function
Function ListDelete$ (__List As String, __ItemNumber As _Unsigned Long)
Dim As _Unsigned Long __nItems, __I, __OFFSET
Dim As _Unsigned Integer __LEN
__nItems = CVL(Mid$(__List, 1, 4))
__OFFSET = 5
For __I = 1 To __nItems
__LEN = CVI(Mid$(__List, __OFFSET, 2))
If __I = __ItemNumber Then
ListDelete$ = MKL$(__nItems - 1) + Mid$(__List, 5, __OFFSET - 5) + Mid$(__List, __OFFSET + __LEN + 2)
Exit Function
End If
__OFFSET = __OFFSET + __LEN + 2
Next __I
End Function
RE: A path finding algorithm - SierraKen - 08-22-2024
That's pretty cool! It can be used with mazes. For years I've been trying to make a random maze making program. I've made many similar ones, but nothing perfect yet. It has to do with remembering where X and Y goes as it makes it, and going backwards when you come to a dead end and making a new hallway. The hard part is trying to use up every single space and only making one abled path to go and also not making it impossible. lol
RE: A path finding algorithm - aadityap0901 - 08-23-2024
Check out this new game clone (Xeno Tactic) I made with this algorithm:
XenoTactic_v1.zip (Size: 41.36 KB / Downloads: 150)
All controls are mouse based
It's a bit buggy...
RE: A path finding algorithm - bplus - 08-23-2024
Quote:Instructions might help folks that have no idea what this is supposed to do.
RE: A path finding algorithm - aadityap0901 - 08-24-2024
Oh yes, instructions:
The goal is to kill all the aliens which appear level by level from the left red box in the area
you are given some types of turrets with which you can kill them
you can upgrade them with money, which comes from killing aliens
you can even sell turrets to get 75% money back
vulcan: normal turret with nothing special
plasma: fast
sam: splash damage with the range of half of the game area, if you upgrade it enough
freeze: decreases aliens' speed
![Big Grin Big Grin](https://qb64phoenix.com/forum/images/smilies/biggrin.png)
The biggest bug:
you can cover the start point (the left red box with turrets) and they wouldn't be able to get out
RE: A path finding algorithm - aadityap0901 - 08-27-2024
New Version:
diagonal_path-finding_algorithm.bas (Size: 5.62 KB / Downloads: 30)
Xeno Tactic:
XenoTactic_v2.zip (Size: 41.33 KB / Downloads: 63)