Bumper ball game (like plinko). - Dav - 09-05-2024
This is more of a prototype for a bigger game, but it works enough to play and try out. It's like a plinko game, you position the ball, let it drop and try to make it stop on the winning area.
Use arrow keys to move the ball left/right. When ready to drop the ball press ENTER. The ball will bounce off the bumpers. The goal is to make the ball stop on the green winners pad at the bottom.
Right now the bumpers are positioned random, not always good, but it would be easy to design a screen, make shapes (lines with slopes) out of the bumpers too.
- Dav
Code: (Select All)
'Simple drop the ball on the pad game.
'Coded by Dav, SEP/2024
'Use left/right arrows to move the ball.
'Press the ENTER key to drop the ball.
'Try to make the ball stop on the pad.
'ESC key quits.
Randomize Timer
Screen _NewImage(1000, 800, 32)
bumps = 25 'number of bumpers on the screen
Dim bumpx(bumps), bumpy(bumps), bumpsize(bumps), ballclr~&(bumps)
'make random bumper values
For b = 1 To bumps
bumpsize(b) = 15 'bumper size
bumpx(b) = 30 + (Rnd * (_Width - 30)) 'x position
'bumpy(b) = 60 + (Rnd * (_Height - 190))
bumpy(b) = 60 + (b * 25)
ballclr~&(b) = _RGBA(0, 0, 255, 255)
'init puck to drop
pucksize = 30 'puck size
puckclr~& = _RGBA(255, 64, 64, 255) 'puck color
puckx = _Width / 2 'x position
pucky = pucksize 'y position
puckxv = 0 'x speed
puckyv = 0 'y speed
gravity = 0.5 'gravity value
'for timing bouncing stopping
puckytimer = 0
'random location for a winning pad
padx = Rnd * (_Width - 200)
padx2 = padx + 200
pady = _Height - 3
pady2 = 3
'=== loop to move puck until Enter key pressed
Cls , _RGB(45, 45, 45)
key$ = InKey$
If key$ = Chr$(0) + Chr$(75) Then puckx = puckx - 8 ' Left Arrow
If key$ = Chr$(0) + Chr$(77) Then puckx = puckx + 8 ' Right Arrow
If key$ = Chr$(13) Then Exit Do 'enter drop puck
If key$ = Chr$(27) Then End
'make sure puck stays on screen
If puckx < pucksize Then puckx = pucksize
If puckx > _Width - pucksize Then puckx = _Width - pucksize
'draw puck
fc puckx, pucky, pucksize, puckclr~&, 1
'draw all the bumpers
For b = 1 To bumps
fc bumpx(b), bumpy(b), bumpsize(b), ballclr~&(b), 1
'draw winning pad
Line (padx, pady)-(padx2, pady + pady2), _RGBA(0, 255, 0, 255), BF
_Limit 30
'loop for dropping the puck
Cls , _RGB(45, 45, 45)
'apply gravity
puckyv = puckyv + gravity
puckx = puckx + puckxv
pucky = pucky + puckyv
'if hits bottom, bounce off
If pucky > _Height - pucksize Then
If puckyv > .3 Then Play "mbt200l32o1d"
pucky = _Height - pucksize
puckyv = -puckyv * 0.7
End If
'bounce puck off screen edges
If puckx < pucksize Then
Play "mbt200l32o1b"
puckx = pucksize
puckxv = -puckxv * 0.7
End If
If puckx > _Width - pucksize Then
Play "mbt200l32o1b"
puckx = _Width - pucksize
puckxv = -puckxv * 0.7
End If
'draw the puck
fc puckx, pucky, pucksize, puckclr~&, 1
'draw all the bumpers
For b = 1 To bumps
fc bumpx(b), bumpy(b), bumpsize(b), ballclr~&(b), 1
'check for puck collisions with bumpers
If ((puckx - bumpx(b)) ^ 2 + (pucky - bumpy(b)) ^ 2) < (pucksize + bumpsize(b)) ^ 2 Then
fc bumpx(b), bumpy(b), bumpsize(b), _RGBA(255, 255, 0, 255), 1
Play "mbt200o5l32ef"
x = (puckx - bumpx(b)): y = (pucky - bumpy(b))
dis = Sqr(x * x + y * y)
If dis > 0 Then
x = x / dis: y = y / dis
End If
vr = puckxv * x + puckyv * y
puckxv = puckxv - 2 * vr * x
puckyv = puckyv - 2 * vr * y
over = (pucksize + bumpsize(b)) - Sqr((puckx - bumpx(b)) ^ 2 + (pucky - bumpy(b)) ^ 2)
puckx = puckx + x * over
pucky = pucky + y * over
End If
'reduce x velocity so ball doesn't roll on bottom too long
If pucky >= _Height - pucksize Then
puckxv = puckxv * 0.88 'reduce x velocity
End If
'I'm using a timer to see if ball has stopped moving much.
'check if puck is near bottom, and if puckyv hasn't changed since timer
If Abs(pucky - (_Height - pucksize)) < 10 Then
If Abs(puckyv - lastPuckyv) < .1 Then
puckytimer = puckytimer + 0.033
puckytimer = 0
End If
lastPuckyv = puckyv
'if it's been 2 seconds since puckyv was stable
If puckytimer >= 2.0 Then
'if puck is on winning pad
If puckx >= padx And puckx <= padx2 Then
Line (0, 0)-(_Width, _Height), _RGBA(0, 255, 0, 25), BF
Play "mbt120l16o2c,e e,g e,g,o3c"
Line (0, 0)-(_Width, _Height), _RGBA(255, 0, 0, 25), BF
Play "mbt120l16o2b,f e b,f"
End If
Exit Do
End If
puckytimer = 0 'Reset timer otherwise
lastPuckyv = puckyv
End If
' Draw winning pad
Line (padx, pady)-(padx2, pady + pady2), _RGBA(0, 255, 0, 255), BF
_Limit 30
If InKey$ = Chr$(27) Then End
_Delay 2
GoTo restartgame
Sub fc (cx, cy, radius, clr~&, grad)
If radius = 0 Then Exit Sub ' safety bail
If grad = 1 Then
red = _Red32(clr~&)
grn = _Green32(clr~&)
blu = _Blue32(clr~&)
alpha = _Alpha32(clr~&)
End If
r2 = radius * radius
For y = -radius To radius
x = Int(Sqr(r2 - y * y))
' If doing gradient
If grad = 1 Then
For i = -x To x
dis = Sqr(i * i + y * y) / radius
red2 = red * (1 - dis) + (red / 2) * dis
grn2 = grn * (1 - dis) + (grn / 2) * dis
blu2 = blu * (1 - dis) + (blu / 2) * dis
clr2~& = _RGBA(red2, grn2, blu2, alpha)
Line (cx + i, cy + y)-(cx + i, cy + y), clr2~&, BF
Line (cx - x, cy + y)-(cx + x, cy + y), clr~&, BF
End If
End Sub
RE: Bumper ball game (like plinko). - bplus - 09-05-2024
Ah! that reminds me of this:
Code: (Select All) Option _Explicit
_Title "Bonkers Synphony #37 (2019 Xmas Update) press spacebar for different view"
'2019-11-24 complete overhall for Xmas 2019 B+ from
' Bonkers Symphony no 37.bas for QB64 fork (B+=MGA) trans 2017-09-15 from
' from: Bonkers Symphony Number 37.bas SmallBASIC 0.12.8 [B+=MGA] 2017-04-21
Const xmax = 1000, ymax = 740
Const nB = 12, gravity = 4, speed = 12
Const maxLRow = 9 'lights
Type ballType
x As Single
y As Single
r As Single
a As Single
c As Integer
rr As Integer
gg As Integer
bb As Integer
End Type
Dim Shared nL
ReDim Shared L(0) As ballType, B(0) As ballType
Randomize Timer
Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
_ScreenMove 300, 0
Dim lc, nx, i, j, clrMode, dx, dy 'screen and "tree"
ReDim B(1 To nB) As ballType
For i = 1 To nB
newBall i
clrMode = 0: nx = 1
While _KeyDown(27) = 0
lc = (lc + 1) Mod 24000
If _KeyHit = 32 Then
clrMode = 1 - clrMode
For i = 1 To nB
newBall i
nx = 0
End If
If clrMode Then Line (0, 0)-(xmax, ymax), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 5), BF
'draw lights
For i = 1 To nL
drawOrb L(i).x, L(i).y, L(i).r, L(i).rr, L(i).gg, L(i).bb, 0
If lc Mod 100 = 0 Then nx = nx + 1
If nx > nB Then nx = nB
'calc collsions
For i = 1 To nx
For j = 1 To nL
If Sqr((B(i).x - L(j).x) ^ 2 + (B(i).y - L(j).y) ^ 2) < B(i).r + L(j).r Then
B(i).a = _Atan2(B(i).y - L(j).y, B(i).x - L(j).x)
L(j).c = L(j).c + 1
If L(j).c > 5 Then L(j).a = 1 - L(j).a: L(j).c = 0
snd L(j).y / ymax * maxLRow, L(j).x / xmax
If L(j).a = 0 Then
drawOrb L(j).x, L(j).y, L(j).r, L(j).rr, L(j).gg, L(j).bb, 1
Exit For
ElseIf L(j).a Then
drawOrb L(j).x, L(j).y, L(j).r, L(j).rr, L(j).gg, L(j).bb, 3
Exit For
End If
End If
For j = i + 1 To nx
If j <> i And B(j).c <> 1 Then
If Sqr((B(i).x - B(j).x) ^ 2 + (B(i).y - B(j).y) ^ 2) < B(i).r + B(j).r Then
B(i).a = _Atan2(B(i).y - B(j).y, B(i).x - B(j).x)
B(j).a = _Atan2(B(j).y - B(i).y, B(j).x - B(i).x)
B(i).c = 1: B(j).c = 1
Exit For
End If
End If
'update balls
dx = Cos(B(i).a) * speed
dy = Sin(B(i).a) * speed + gravity
B(i).a = _Atan2(dy, dx)
B(i).x = B(i).x + dx
B(i).y = B(i).y + dy
If B(i).x < 0 Or B(i).x > xmax Or B(i).y > ymax Then
newBall i
End If
'IF B(i).a > _PI(2) THEN B(i).a = B(i).a - _PI(2)
'IF B(i).a < 0 THEN B(i).a = B(i).a + _PI(2)
drawOrb B(i).x, B(i).y, B(i).r, B(i).rr, B(i).gg, B(i).bb, 2
B(i).c = 0
_Limit 20
Sub newBall (i)
If Rnd < .5 Then B(i).x = irnd(xmax / 2 - 30, xmax / 2 - 5) Else B(i).x = irnd(xmax / 2 + 5, xmax / 2 + 30)
B(i).y = irnd(-100, -10)
B(i).r = irnd(3, 10)
B(i).a = _Pi(.5) + _Pi(1 / 90) * rdir
B(i).gg = irnd(60, 120)
B(i).rr = irnd(0, .5 * B(i).gg)
B(i).bb = irnd(0, .4 * B(i).gg)
End Sub
Sub initLights
Dim i, lxo, lyo, row, col, y
nL = maxLRow * (maxLRow + 1) * .5
lxo = xmax / (maxLRow + 1)
lyo = (ymax - 5 * (maxLRow + 1) * maxLRow / 2) / (maxLRow + 1) 'more space for lower rows
ReDim L(1 To nL) As ballType
i = 0: y = 0
For row = 1 To maxLRow
y = y + lyo + 5 * row 'more space for lower rows
For col = 1 To row
i = i + 1
L(i).x = lxo * col + (maxLRow - row) * .5 * lxo + irnd(-3 * row, 3 * row)
L(i).y = y + irnd(-15, 15)
L(i).r = 6 + irnd(row, row + 6) 'bigger for lower rows
L(i).rr = irnd(128, 255) 'red lights are great!
L(i).gg = irnd(128, 255) * irnd(0, 1) 'get rid of two many mixes
L(i).bb = irnd(128, 255) * irnd(0, 1)
End Sub
Sub drawOrb (x, y, r, red, green, blue, litMode) 'make sphere if lit or not
Dim rr
If litMode = 1 Then
fcirc x, y, r, _RGB32(red, green, blue)
For rr = 36 To 0 Step -2
fcirc x, y, rr, _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 1)
ElseIf litMode = 0 Then
For rr = r To 0 Step -1
fcirc x, y, rr, _RGB32(red - rr * 7, green - rr * 7, blue - rr * 7)
ElseIf litMode = 2 Then
For rr = r To 0 Step -1
fcirc x, y, rr, _RGB32(red * (1 - rr / r), green * (1 - rr / r), blue * (1 - rr / r))
ElseIf litMode = 3 Then
fcirc x, y, r, _RGB32(red, green, blue)
For rr = 36 To 0 Step -2
fcirc x, y, rr, _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 2)
End If
End Sub
Sub fcirc (CX As Integer, CY As Integer, R As Integer, C As _Unsigned Long)
Dim Radius As Integer, RadiusError As Integer
Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer
Radius = Abs(R): RadiusError = -Radius: X = Radius: Y = 0
If Radius = 0 Then PSet (CX, CY), C: Exit Sub
Line (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), C, BF
While X > Y
RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
If RadiusError >= 0 Then
If X <> Y + 1 Then
Line (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), C, BF
Line (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), C, BF
End If
X = X - 1
RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
End If
Y = Y + 1
Line (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), C, BF
Line (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), C, BF
End Sub
Sub snd (frq, dur)
Sound 314.1592654 * (maxLRow - frq) + 220, dur + Rnd * .3
End Sub
Sub drawLandscape 'needs midInk, irnd
Dim i As Integer, startH As Single, rr As Integer, gg As Integer, bb As Integer
Dim mountain As Integer, Xright As Single, y As Single, upDown As Single, range As Single
Dim lastx As Single, X As Integer
'the sky
For i = 0 To ymax
midInk 0, 0, 25, 14, 0, 44, i / ymax
Line (0, i)-(xmax, i)
'the land
startH = ymax - 400
rr = 40: gg = 50: bb = 60
For mountain = 1 To 6
Xright = 0
y = startH
While Xright < xmax
' upDown = local up / down over range, change along Y
' range = how far up / down, along X
upDown = (Rnd * .8 - .35) * (mountain * .5)
range = Xright + irnd(15, 25) * 2.5 / mountain
lastx = Xright - 1
For X = Xright To range
y = y + upDown
Color _RGB(rr, gg, bb)
Line (lastx, y)-(X, ymax), , BF 'just lines weren't filling right
lastx = X
Xright = range
rr = irnd(rr - 15, rr): gg = irnd(gg - 15, gg): bb = irnd(bb - 25, bb)
If rr < 0 Then rr = 0
If gg < 0 Then gg = 0
If bb < 0 Then bb = 0
startH = startH + irnd(5, 20)
End Sub
Sub midInk (r1%, g1%, b1%, r2%, g2%, b2%, fr##)
Color _RGB32(r1% + (r2% - r1%) * fr##, g1% + (g2% - g1%) * fr##, b1% + (b2% - b1%) * fr##)
End Sub
Function irnd (n1, n2) 'return random in interval
Dim l, h
If n1 > n2 Then l = n2: h = n1 Else l = n1: h = n2
irnd = Rnd * (h - l) + l
End Function
Function rdir ()
If Rnd < .5 Then rdir = -1 Else rdir = 1
End Function
@Dav you (or @Petr), musician and sound guy, could maybe turn the unholy sound from Bonker's Symphony Number 37 and make it sound sweet like Silent Night???
Good thing I can't/don't play a recording of the sound 
Possibly each line of lights = notes of a Chord?
RE: Bumper ball game (like plinko). - Dav - 09-05-2024
Hey that's pretty. I'll play with it a while. I did an quick experiment, had each ding play part of a silentnight song, but it was too jerky that way. Also try having it just play the song in the backgroud, but then the SOUND dings didn't sound. Maybe a doing it by row is a better idea. It would be neat to assign every ornament a note, and have them ring out a song that way, like a handbell choir. Our perhaps I can whip up a soundfile to use for it, SNDPLAY can bell many sounds at the same time. I'll chew on this one. Maybe have it by Christmas?
- Dav
RE: Bumper ball game (like plinko). - bplus - 09-05-2024
Christmas cool! I'll work on the snow