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time tunnel animation - can this be done as high res and smooth as the video? - Printable Version

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time tunnel animation - can this be done as high res and smooth as the video? - madscijr - 09-14-2024

Anyone want to try recreating this in QB64PE code? 

Time Tunnel loop

RE: time tunnel animation - can this be done as high res and smooth as the video? - bplus - 09-14-2024

Something much less boring:
Code: (Select All)
_Title " Eye Candy #9C Closer" ' b+ 2022-03-09
DefDbl A-Z
xmax = _DesktopWidth: ymax = _DesktopHeight
Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
_ScreenMove 0, 0
xc = xmax / 2
yc = ymax / 2
diag = Sqr(xc * xc + yc * yc)
p2 = _Pi * 2
Dim colr(-100 To diag + 1000) As _Unsigned Long
Dim Shared cN, pR, pG, pB
While 1
    For i = -100 To diag + 1000
        colr(i) = Plasma~&

    ro = 950: s = 0
    While ro > -50 And _KeyDown(27) = 0
        k$ = InKey$
        If Len(k$) Then Exit While
        For a = 0 To p2 / 64 Step p2 / (16 * 360)
            i = 50 * Sin(s) ' 2 * s or just s
            For r = 0 To diag
                PSet (xc + r * Cos(a), yc + r * Sin(a)), colr(r + i + ro)
            s = s + p2 / 180
        sx1 = xc: sy1 = yc: sx2 = xc + diag * Cos(.002): sy2 = yc + diag * Sin(.002): sx3 = xc + diag * Cos(p2 / 64 - .002): sy3 = yc + diag * Sin(p2 / 64 - .002)
        For a = p2 / 64 To p2 - p2 / 64 Step p2 / 64
            dx1 = xc: dy1 = yc: dx2 = xc + diag * Cos(a): dy2 = yc + diag * Sin(a): dx3 = xc + diag * Cos(a + p2 / 64): dy3 = yc + diag * Sin(a + p2 / 64)
            _MapTriangle (sx1, sy1)-(sx2, sy2)-(sx3, sy3), source& To(dx1 + Rnd * .02, dy1 + Rnd * .02)-(dx2 + Rnd * .02, dy2 + Rnd * .02)-(dx3 + Rnd * .02, dy3 + Rnd * .02), 0
        Line (0, 0)-(xc - 1.5 * yc, _Height), &HFF000000, BF
        Line (xc + 1.5 * yc, 0)-(_Width, _Height), &HFF000000, BF
        toggle = 1 - toggle
        If toggle Then _Display
        '_Limit 80
        ro = ro - 1
    If _KeyDown(27) Then System

Function Plasma~& ()
    cN = cN + .2
    Plasma~& = _RGB32(127 + 127 * Sin(pR * cN), 127 + 127 * Sin(pG * cN), 127 + 127 * Sin(pB * cN))
End Function

Sub resetPlasma ()
    pR = Rnd ^ 2: pG = Rnd ^ 2: pB = Rnd ^ 2
End Sub

press any for another color pattern

RE: time tunnel animation - can this be done as high res and smooth as the video? - SMcNeill - 09-14-2024

(09-14-2024, 10:16 PM)madscijr Wrote: Anyone want to try recreating this in QB64PE code? 

Time Tunnel loop

Reproduced 100% perfectly below:

Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(640, 480, 32)
Cls , -1
Color &HFF000000, &HFFCCCCCC
Print "Please enable JS and disable any ad blocker"

[Image: image.png]

RE: time tunnel animation - can this be done as high res and smooth as the video? - madscijr - 09-14-2024

(09-14-2024, 11:13 PM)SMcNeill Wrote:
(09-14-2024, 10:16 PM)madscijr Wrote: Anyone want to try recreating this in QB64PE code? 

Time Tunnel loop

Reproduced 100% perfectly below:

Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(640, 480, 32)
Cls , -1
Color &HFF000000, &HFFCCCCCC
Print "Please enable JS and disable any ad blocker"

[Image: image.png]
Ha ha ha! 

Perfectly executed, LOL

RE: time tunnel animation - can this be done as high res and smooth as the video? - TerryRitchie - 09-14-2024

(09-14-2024, 10:16 PM)madscijr Wrote: Anyone want to try recreating this in QB64PE code? 

Time Tunnel loop

Link sends me to a white screen. Steve nailed it!

RE: time tunnel animation - can this be done as high res and smooth as the video? - SMcNeill - 09-14-2024

(09-14-2024, 11:18 PM)TerryRitchie Wrote:
(09-14-2024, 10:16 PM)madscijr Wrote: Anyone want to try recreating this in QB64PE code? 

Time Tunnel loop

Link sends me to a white screen. Steve nailed it!

Hardest challenge that I've faced in a while, but I managed to finally sit down and bang out a solution for it, after seconds and seconds and at least three more seconds of coding.

RE: time tunnel animation - can this be done as high res and smooth as the video? - madscijr - 09-14-2024

(09-14-2024, 10:23 PM)bplus Wrote: Something much less boring:
press any for another color pattern

That's quite nice! Some of the color variations get pretty wild.

The reason i thought of this is Halloween's coming up and it would be fun to display Twilight Zone style black & white optical illusions.

Sure, we could just play youtube videos, but it's more fun to see QB64PE do it (and no ads!)

Some examples (that hopefully won't give Steve any JavaScript errors...)

Black & white party visuals

Black and White Op Art Visual Background Video

Amazing Animated Optical Illusions! #7

optical illusion created with black and white square. 3d animation.

Abstract Tunnel Circles _ Black and White _ HD

this one is making me dizzy!
Inside 3D Black and White Checkerboard Optical Illusion Endless Room 4K UHD 60fps 1 Hour Video Loop

Trippy Psychedelic Optical Illusion - 4K Black and White Animation

or how about realistic TV static?


TV Static HD Video

RE: time tunnel animation - can this be done as high res and smooth as the video? - bplus - 09-15-2024

Some of those are pretty cool: 3D checkered rooms, yes, for an hour, ? Smile

One looked like Eye Candy in B&W!

RE: time tunnel animation - can this be done as high res and smooth as the video? - bplus - 09-15-2024

Edit: Sun glasses for this one, epileptics do not watch!

Code: (Select All)
Screen 12
1 Cls: Color , (_BackgroundColor = 0) * -15: GoTo 1

RE: time tunnel animation - can this be done as high res and smooth as the video? - SMcNeill - 09-15-2024

Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(640, 480, 32)
Dim m As _MEM: m = _MemImage(0)
Dim o As _Offset
o = 0
r = Int(Rnd * 2)
Select Case r
Case 1: _MemPut m, m.OFFSET + o, &HFF000000 As _UNSIGNED LONG
End Select
o = o + 4
Loop Until o = m.SIZE
Loop Until _KeyHit

There's your TV static without the sound. I tend to keep my tv muted when it's got static on it, so this is what mine looks like. Big Grin