Code: (Select All)
' Wandering Idea
' Objects wander aimlessly around on the screen
' The screen is divide into an 8x8 pixel grid. Each grid cell contains a vector quantity
' that directs any object contained within the grid cell. Think of each grid cell as
' containing a small conveyor belt.
OPTION _EXPLICIT ' declare those variables!
CONST SWIDTH = 1024 ' screen width
CONST SHEIGHT = 768 ' screen height
CONST TOTAL& = 100 ' total number of particles
CONST VELOCITY! = .01 ' vector velocity multiplier
CONST MAXSPEED! = 1 ' maximum particle speed allowed
x AS SINGLE ' x quantity
y AS SINGLE ' y quantity
v AS XYSINGLE ' vector of particle
p AS XYSINGLE ' position of particle
v AS XYSINGLE ' additive vector at grid position
DIM gx AS INTEGER ' total number of grid columns
DIM gy AS INTEGER ' total number of grid rows
DIM x AS INTEGER ' horizontal counter
DIM y AS INTEGER ' vertical counter
DIM p(TOTAL - 1) AS PARTICLE ' array of particles
DIM pc AS LONG ' particle counter
gx = SWIDTH \ 8 - 1 ' calculate number of grid columns
gy = SHEIGHT \ 8 - 1 ' calculate number of grid rows
DIM Grid(gx, gy) AS GRID ' additive vector grid
RANDOMIZE TIMER ' seed random number generator
' --------------------------------------
'| create the grid conveyor belt system |
' --------------------------------------
FOR x = 0 TO gx ' cycle through grid columns
FOR y = 0 TO gy ' cycle through grid rows
Grid(x, y).v.x = (RND - RND) * VELOCITY ' create random x vector quantity
Grid(x, y).v.y = (RND - RND) * VELOCITY ' create random y vector quantity
IF x = 0 THEN ' is this grid location on left edge of screen?
Grid(x, y).v.x = VELOCITY ' yes, x vector quantity will force particle back in
ELSEIF x = gx THEN ' no, is this grid location on right side of screen?
Grid(x, y).v.x = -VELOCITY ' yes, x vector quantity will force particle back in
IF y = 0 THEN ' is this grid location at the top of the screen?
Grid(x, y).v.y = VELOCITY ' yes, y vector quantity will force particle back in
ELSEIF y = gy THEN ' no, is this grid location at the bottom of the screen?
Grid(x, y).v.y = -VELOCITY ' yes, y vector quantity will force particle back in
' ----------------------------------------
'| create random particle start positions |
' ----------------------------------------
FOR pc = 0 TO TOTAL - 1 ' cycle through particles
p(pc).p.x = RND * SWIDTH \ 2 + SWIDTH \ 4 ' random x particle location
p(pc).p.y = RND * SHEIGHT \ 2 + SHEIGHT \ 4 ' random y particle location
' ------------------
'| demo begins here |
' ------------------
SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(SWIDTH, SHEIGHT, 32) ' graphics screen
pc = 0 ' reset point counter
DO ' begin main program loop
_LIMIT 120 ' 120 frames per second
CLS ' clear the screen
FOR pc = 0 TO TOTAL - 1 ' cycle through particles
' -------------------------------------
'| calculate grid location of particle |
' -------------------------------------
gx = p(pc).p.x \ 8 ' particle located in this grid column
gy = p(pc).p.y \ 8 ' particle located in this grid row
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
'| add vector quantity at grid location to vector quantity of particle |
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
p(pc).v.x = p(pc).v.x + Grid(gx, gy).v.x ' add grid's x vector quantity to particle's x vector quantity
p(pc).v.y = p(pc).v.y + Grid(gx, gy).v.y ' add grid's y vector quantity to particle's y vector quantity
' ---------------------------------------------------------
'| keep vectors quantities between -MAXSPEED and +MAXSPEED |
' ---------------------------------------------------------
IF ABS(p(pc).v.x) > MAXSPEED THEN p(pc).v.x = SGN(p(pc).v.x) * MAXSPEED ' limit x vector quantity from -MAXSPEED to +MAXPSEED
IF ABS(p(pc).v.y) > MAXSPEED THEN p(pc).v.y = SGN(p(pc).v.y) * MAXSPEED ' limit y vector quantity from -MAXSPEED to +MAXSPEED
' -------------------------------------------
'| add vetor quantity to paritcle's position |
' -------------------------------------------
p(pc).p.x = p(pc).p.x + p(pc).v.x ' add particle's x vector quantity to particle's x location
p(pc).p.y = p(pc).p.y + p(pc).v.y ' add particle's y vector quantity to particle's y location
' --------------------------
'| keep particles on screen |
' --------------------------
IF p(pc).p.x < 0 THEN p(pc).p.x = 0 ' keep from going off left of screen
IF p(pc).p.x > SWIDTH - 1 THEN p(pc).p.x = SWIDTH - 1 ' keep from going off right of screen
IF p(pc).p.y < 0 THEN p(pc).p.y = 0 ' keep from going off top of screen
IF p(pc).p.y > SHEIGHT - 1 THEN p(pc).p.y = SHEIGHT - 1 ' keep from going off bottom of screen
' ---------------
'| Draw particle |
' ---------------
CIRCLE (p(pc).p.x, p(pc).p.y), 5 ' draw particle as a circle
'PSET (p(pc).p.x, p(pc).p.y) ' draw particle as a point
_DISPLAY ' update screen with changes
LOOP UNTIL _KEYDOWN(27) ' leave when ESC key pressed
SYSTEM ' return to the operating system