Pongy by SierraKen - A Different Type of Game - SierraKen - 10-31-2024
I named this game because of it's Pong-like characteristics, like the ball bouncing around. But it's also very different.
The object of this game is to move the green paddle around with your mouse to hit the white ball and make it go into the moving goal above. At the same time, don't let the white ball hit the red ball or it will explode. You get 5 balls. The red ball bounces around like the white ball but you don't hit it. Enjoy!
This game has no connection whatsoever with any other game or app named Pongy.
Here is a video of me playing it. The code is below that. To see the goal area above more clearly, expand the video.
Code: (Select All)
'Pongy - by SierraKen
'Made on October 30, 2024
'Thanks to the QB64 Phoenix Forum for the inspiration and past help.
'Thanks also to Chat GPT for the math code.
'How to play: Use Mouse to bounce the white ball and try to aim it toward the moving goal slot above without having the white ball hit the red ball.
'You start out with 5 balls. Feel free to change the variable ball number below to your needs.
score = 0
ball = 5
' Set box boundaries
boxLeft = 25
boxRight = 775
boxTop = 25
boxBottom = 575
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
' Ball properties
Dim As Integer ballX, ballY, ballx2, bally2
Dim As Single angle, angle2
Dim As Integer speedX, speedY, speedx2, speedy2
ballX = (boxRight + boxLeft) / 2 ' Start in the center
ballY = (boxTop + boxBottom) / 2
angle = 45 ' Starting angle in degrees
ballx2 = (boxRight + boxLeft) / 2 ' Start in the center
bally2 = (boxTop + boxBottom) / 2 + 100
angle2 = 45 ' Starting angle in degrees
' Convert angle to radians
Dim As Single radAngle
radAngle = angle * 3.14159265 / 180
Dim As Single radAngle2
radAngle2 = angle2 * 3.14159265 / 180
' Set speed based on angle
speedX = Cos(radAngle) * 5
speedY = Sin(radAngle) * 5
speedx2 = Cos(radAngle2) * 5
speedy2 = Sin(radAngle2) * 5
goalx = 325: goaly = 20
goaldir = 1
redballout = 5
_Title "Pongy - by SierraKen"
Randomize Timer
a$ = InKey$
If a$ = Chr$(27) Then End
' Draw box boundaries
Line (boxLeft - 5, boxTop - 5)-(boxRight + 5, boxBottom + 5), _RGB32(255, 255, 255), B
Line (goalx, goaly)-(goalx + 100, goaly), _RGB32(1, 1, 1)
goalx = goalx + goaldir
If goalx = 680 And goaldir = 1 Then goaldir = -1
If goalx = 20 And goaldir = -1 Then goaldir = 1
' Draw the ball
fillCircle ballX, ballY, 10, _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
If redballout = 0 Then fillCircle ballx2, bally2, 20, _RGB32(255, 0, 0)
While _MouseInput: Wend
mouseX = _MouseX
mouseY = _MouseY
fillCircle mouseX, mouseY, 20, _RGB32(0, 255, 0)
' Update ball position
ballX = ballX + speedX
ballY = ballY + speedY
If redballout = 0 Then
ballx2 = ballx2 + speedx2
bally2 = bally2 + speedy2
End If
If ballX > goalx And ballX < goalx + 100 And ballY < 26 Then
score = score + 1: ballX = 375: ballY = 275: speedY = -speedY
For snd = 300 To 900 Step 50
Sound snd, .5
Next snd
End If
Locate 1, 20: Print "Score: "; score
Locate 1, 70: Print "Balls: "; ball
' Check for collision with box boundaries
If ballX <= boxLeft Or ballX >= boxRight Then
speedX = -speedX ' Reflect on the X axis
If redballout > 0 Then redballout = redballout - 1
Sound 600, .5
End If
If ballY <= boxTop Or ballY >= boxBottom Then
speedY = -speedY ' Reflect on the Y axis
If redballout > 0 Then redballout = redballout - 1
Sound 600, .5
End If
If ballY > boxBottom + .4 Then ballY = boxBottom - 7
If ballY < boxTop - .4 Then ballY = boxTop + 7
If ballX > boxRight + .4 Then ballX = boxRight - 7
If ballX < boxLeft - .4 Then ballX = boxLeft + 7
If redballout > 0 Then GoTo skip:
If ballx2 <= boxLeft Or ballx2 >= boxRight Then
speedx2 = -speedx2 ' Reflect on the X axis
Sound 600, .5
End If
If bally2 <= boxTop Or bally2 >= boxBottom Then
speedy2 = -speedy2 ' Reflect on the Y axis
Sound 600, .5
End If
If bally2 > boxBottom + .4 Then bally2 = boxBottom - 7
If bally2 < boxTop - .4 Then bally2 = boxTop + 7
If ballx2 > boxRight + .4 Then ballx2 = boxRight - 7
If ballx2 < boxLeft - .4 Then ballx2 = boxLeft + 7
' Check for collision with mouse position
If Sqr((mouseX - ballX) ^ 2 + (mouseY - ballY) ^ 2) < 40 Then
' Calculate deflection angle
radAngle = _Atan2(ballY - mouseY, ballX - mouseX) ' * 180 / 3.14159265
'radAngle = angle * 3.14159265 / 180
speedX = Cos(radAngle) * 5
speedY = Sin(radAngle) * 5
ballX = ballX + speedX
ballY = ballY + speedY
Sound 600, .5
End If
' Check for collision between red ball and white ball.
If redballout > 0 Then GoTo skip2:
If Sqr((ballx2 - ballX) ^ 2 + (bally2 - ballY) ^ 2) < 50 Then
fillCircle ballX, ballY, 20, _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
snd = 300
starx = ballX: stary = ballY
For t = 1 To 25
fillCircle starx, stary, t * 5, _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
Sound snd - t, .5
Next t
redballout = 5
Locate 1, 70: ball = ball - 1: Print "Balls: "; ball
If ball = 0 Then
Locate 20, 40: Print "G A M E O V E R":
Locate 25, 40
Print "Again (Y/N)?"
ag$ = InKey$
If ag$ = "y" Or ag$ = "Y" Then GoTo begin:
If ag$ = "n" Or ag$ = "N" Then End
GoTo ask:
End If
Sound 600, .5
End If
_Limit 60 ' Limit the speed of the loop to 60 FPS
Loop Until InKey$ <> ""
'from Steve Gold standard
Sub fillCircle (CX As Integer, CY As Integer, R As Integer, C As _Unsigned Long)
Dim Radius As Integer, RadiusError As Integer
Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer
Radius = Abs(R): RadiusError = -Radius: X = Radius: Y = 0
If Radius = 0 Then PSet (CX, CY), C: Exit Sub
Line (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), C, BF
While X > Y
RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
If RadiusError >= 0 Then
If X <> Y + 1 Then
Line (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), C, BF
Line (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), C, BF
End If
X = X - 1
RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
End If
Y = Y + 1
Line (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), C, BF
Line (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), C, BF
End Sub
RE: Pongy by SierraKen - A Different Type of Game - CharlieJV - 11-02-2024
Hey, thanks for sharing! That is some pretty good fun.
Super-easy port to BAM: https://basicanywheremachine-news.blogspot.com/2024/11/pongy-game.html
RE: Pongy by SierraKen - A Different Type of Game - bplus - 11-02-2024
Quote:At the same time, don't let the white ball hit the red ball or it will explode.
@SierraKen how do you do that? The paddle does not collide with red ball.
RE: Pongy by SierraKen - A Different Type of Game - SierraKen - 11-02-2024
@bplus, no, I meant you have to keep the white ball away from the red ball or the white ball will explode. Your paddle is green, it won't do anything except hit the white ball.
RE: Pongy by SierraKen - A Different Type of Game - bplus - 11-02-2024
OK I suppose you could try and use paddle to keep white ball from red AND try for goal but man! that's 2 things at once LOL
@SierraKen so now Charlie's got his clone going in BAM, you are officially recognized
RE: Pongy by SierraKen - A Different Type of Game - CharlieJV - 11-02-2024
(11-02-2024, 05:25 PM)bplus Wrote: ...
@SierraKen so now Charlie's got his clone going in BAM, you are officially recognized
Oh yes, one knows their program has passed muster and is ready for accolades once I've ported it to BAM...
Me the influencer? Not so much.
Very-interesting-to-me, though, does grab me right by the jugular some quick.
RE: Pongy by SierraKen - A Different Type of Game - SierraKen - 11-02-2024
LOL Thanks guys.
I don't know what BAM is though? Last night I ported it to QBJS (without sound). The QBJS guy is looking into the SOUND problem though.
RE: Pongy by SierraKen - A Different Type of Game - CharlieJV - 11-02-2024
(11-02-2024, 08:16 PM)SierraKen Wrote: LOL Thanks guys.
I don't know what BAM is though? Last night I ported it to QBJS (without sound). The QBJS guy is looking into the SOUND problem though. Porting your QB64 program to BAM was easy peasy. Changes highlighted in the source code I published (link in that blog post.)
BAM, short for "BASIC Anywhere Machine", is a TiddlyWiki instance: a single self-contained HTML file that has the IDE, the BASIC programs, tools, and whatever else would be useful to a user in there.
It runs in a Web browser, whether offline or online. Keep it on local storage (USB Thumbdrive or whatever), or host it on the web (TiddlyHost is pretty awesome for that.)
IDE: https://basicanywheremachine.neocities.org/bam-ide
Documentation: https://basicanywheremachine.neocities.org/bam-progreference
Some "published" sample programs (usually source code listed below running program): https://basicanywheremachine.neocities.org/sample_programs/BAM_SamplePrograms?page=a