A scrolling SUB for text in SCREEN 0 - TempodiBasic - 12-07-2024
Hi friends
thanks to Pete (whose code I have used to go on with Text Scrolling in SCREEN 0) I have made a versatile version of the code to get a scrolling of text in a window in mode only text (SCREEN 0).
Don't scare yourself with the long list of parameters that the SUB need. It is better than using SHARED variables that made the code lesser portable towards this one that follows.
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Scrolling text in SCREEN 0 with arrow keys"
_ControlChr Off
Dim TRmin As Integer, TRmax As Integer, TCmin As Integer, TCmax As Integer ' it declares the limit of text's area
Dim CharMin As Integer, CharMax As Integer, RowMin As Integer, RowMax As Integer ' it declares the dimensions of text to be printed on the screen
TRmin = 1: TRmax = 25: TCmin = 1: TCmax = 80
CharMin = 1: CharMax = 255: RowMin = 1: RowMax = 40
Width TCmax, TRmax ' screen 0 only text 80 columns for 25 rows
Dim Row As String, Text(RowMin To RowMax) As String, cText(CharMin To CharMax, RowMin To RowMax) As Integer
Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, R As Integer, C As Integer
' initialization
' it builds a string of 255 characters
For a = CharMin To CharMax
Row = Row + Chr$(a)
Next a
' it builds 40 rows of 255 characters for row
For a = RowMin To RowMax
Text(a) = Right$(Row, a + 10) + Left$(Row, CharMax - a - 10)
For b = CharMin To CharMax
cText(b, a) = (b * a) Mod 7
Next b
Next a
' here it sets row and column at the start
R = 1
C = 1
PrintTxt TRmin, TRmax, TCmin, TCmax, CharMin, CharMax, RowMin, RowMax, R, C, Text(), cText(), 0
While -1
_Limit 30
Row = UCase$(InKey$)
If Len(Row) = 2 Then
Select Case InStr("HPKM", Mid$(Row, 2, 1))
Case 1: R = R - 1
PrintTxt TRmin, TRmax, TCmin, TCmax, CharMin, CharMax, RowMin, RowMax, R, C, Text(), cText(), 0
Case 2: R = R + 1
PrintTxt TRmin, TRmax, TCmin, TCmax, CharMin, CharMax, RowMin, RowMax, R, C, Text(), cText(), 0
Case 3: C = C - 1
PrintTxt TRmin, TRmax, TCmin, TCmax, CharMin, CharMax, RowMin, RowMax, R, C, Text(), cText(), 0
Case 4: C = C + 1
PrintTxt TRmin, TRmax, TCmin, TCmax, CharMin, CharMax, RowMin, RowMax, R, C, Text(), cText(), 0
End Select
End If
Sub PrintTxt (TRm As Integer, TRmx As Integer, TCm As Integer, TCmx As Integer, Cm As Integer, Cmx As Integer, Rm As Integer, Rmx As Integer, Ra As Integer, Ca As Integer, T() As String, cT() As Integer, Bc As Integer)
' TRm text row min, TRmx text row max, TCm text column min, TCmx text column max, Cm char min, Cmx char max
' Rm row min, Rmx row max, Ra row actual, Ca column actual, T() text,cT() color text, Bc background color
Cls , Bc
For a = TRm - 1 To TRmx - 1
Locate a + 1, TCm
If (a + Ra) < Rmx + 1 And (a + Ra) > Rm - 1 Then
For b = TCm To TCmx
If (Ca + b - 1 < Cmx + 1) And (Ca + b - 1 > Cm - 1) Then
Color , cT(Ca + b - 1, a + Ra)
Print Mid$(T(a + Ra), Ca + b - 1, 1);
Color , Bc
Print " ";
End If
Next b
End If
End Sub
the code is still that of Pete, but changing the parameters of rows of the window and/or of columns of the window you get the same behaviour of the text in the window...
here 2 screenschots after changing the rows or the columns of the window.
![[Image: Different-rows-in-screen-0-Immagine-2024...014952.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/hmXtK5q/Different-rows-in-screen-0-Immagine-2024-12-07-014952.jpg)
![[Image: different-columns-in-screen-0-Immagine-2...015646.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/R3K2CsZ/different-columns-in-screen-0-Immagine-2024-12-07-015646.jpg)
if do you find it interesting, it is possible to build a demonstration that manages different text area in the same window of text in Screen 0.
Thanks for feedbacks
RE: A scrolling SUB for text in SCREEN 0 - TempodiBasic - 12-10-2024
Hi friends
here a more complex evolution of the demonstration on the scrolling text into a text window in screen 0.
Code: (Select All)
' a little demonstration about making windows with text scrolling into them in Screen 0
' --------------------- a bit of theory on windows in screen 0
' ANATOMY of a Text Window
' Upper Left corner Title Bar Title Upper Right Corner
' \ | | /
' \ | | /
' º º
' º º
' lateralº area of window º
' bar ->º º
' º º
' º º
' >ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ text on the status bar ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ<
' / | | \
' / | | \
'Bottom Left corner Status Bar Status Bottom Right corner
'the frame (cornice) of the window has its necessary elements: 4 corners (Upper Left, Upper Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right)
' the title bar, the status bar and 2 lateral bars
' the space within the frame is the area of the window: here text is scrolling by user input
Screen 0
_ControlChr Off
'global SHARED variables
Dim Shared As String UL, UR, BL, BR, HO, VE
'Global variables
Dim TRmin As Integer, TRmax As Integer, TCmin As Integer, TCmax As Integer ' it declares the limit of text's area
Dim CharMin As Integer, CharMax As Integer, RowMin As Integer, RowMax As Integer ' it declares the dimensions of text to be printed on the screen
CharMin = 1: CharMax = 255: RowMin = 1: RowMax = 40
Dim Row As String, Text(RowMin To RowMax) As String, cText(CharMin To CharMax, RowMin To RowMax) As Integer ' it declares the text data and color array data
Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, R(1 To 3) As Integer, C(1 To 3) As Integer, FC(1 To 3) As Integer, BC(1 To 3) As Integer ' it declares index variables
' initialization
UL = "É": UR = "»": BL = "È": BR = "¼": HO = "Í": VE = "º"
' it builds a string of 255 characters
For a = CharMin To CharMax
Row = Row + Chr$(a)
Next a
' it builds 40 rows of 255 characters for row
a = 1: b = 1
For a = RowMin To RowMax
Text(a) = Right$(Row, a + 10) + Left$(Row, CharMax - a - 10)
For b = CharMin To CharMax
cText(b, a) = (b * a) Mod 7
Next b
Next a
FC(1) = 15: BC(1) = 1
FC(2) = 11: BC(2) = 2
FC(3) = 12: BC(3) = 3
'here it makes windows' frames
Color FC(1), BC(1)
makeWindow 1, 1, 80, 15, " Editor "
Color FC(2), BC(2)
makeWindow 15, 1, 80, 6, " Output "
Color FC(3), BC(3)
makeWindow 20, 1, 80, 7, " Help "
Color 15, 0
' here it sets row and column at the start
' and it writes text into windows
'window Help
R(3) = 1
C(3) = 1
TRmin = 21: TRmax = 24: TCmin = 2: TCmax = 79
PrintTxt TRmin, TRmax, TCmin, TCmax, CharMin, CharMax, RowMin, RowMax, R(3), C(3), Text(), cText(), BC(3), FC(3)
' window Output
R(2) = 1
C(2) = 1
TRmin = 16: TRmax = 18: TCmin = 2: TCmax = 79
PrintTxt TRmin, TRmax, TCmin, TCmax, CharMin, CharMax, RowMin, RowMax, R(2), C(2), Text(), cText(), BC(2), FC(2)
' window Editor
R(1) = 1
C(1) = 1
TRmin = 2: TRmax = 13: TCmin = 2: TCmax = 79
PrintTxt TRmin, TRmax, TCmin, TCmax, CharMin, CharMax, RowMin, RowMax, R(1), C(1), Text(), cText(), BC(1), FC(1)
a = 1
While Row <> " "
_Limit 30
Row = UCase$(InKey$)
If Len(Row) = 2 Then
Select Case InStr("HPKM", Mid$(Row, 2, 1))
Case 1: R(a) = R(a) - 1
PrintTxt TRmin, TRmax, TCmin, TCmax, CharMin, CharMax, RowMin, RowMax, R(a), C(a), Text(), cText(), BC(a), FC(a)
Case 2: R(a) = R(a) + 1
PrintTxt TRmin, TRmax, TCmin, TCmax, CharMin, CharMax, RowMin, RowMax, R(a), C(a), Text(), cText(), BC(a), FC(a)
Case 3: C(a) = C(a) - 1
PrintTxt TRmin, TRmax, TCmin, TCmax, CharMin, CharMax, RowMin, RowMax, R(a), C(a), Text(), cText(), BC(a), FC(a)
Case 4: C(a) = C(a) + 1
PrintTxt TRmin, TRmax, TCmin, TCmax, CharMin, CharMax, RowMin, RowMax, R(a), C(a), Text(), cText(), BC(a), FC(a)
End Select
ElseIf Len(Row) = 1 And InStr("123", Mid$(Row, 1, 1)) Then
a = InStr("123", Mid$(Row, 1, 1))
Select Case a
Case 1:
TRmin = 2: TRmax = 13: TCmin = 2: TCmax = 79
Case 2:
TRmin = 16: TRmax = 18: TCmin = 2: TCmax = 79
Case 3:
TRmin = 21: TRmax = 24: TCmin = 2: TCmax = 79
End Select
End If
Color 15, 0
Sub makeWindow (row As Integer, col As Integer, widthW As Integer, heightW As Integer, TitleW As String)
If Len(TitleW) > widthW Then TitleW = Left$(_Trim$(TitleW), 3)
Locate row, col
Print UL + String$(widthW - 2, HO) + UR;
For a% = row + 1 To row + heightW - 2
Locate a%, col
Print VE + Space$(widthW - 2) + VE;
Next a%
Locate , col
Print BL + String$(widthW - 2, HO) + BR;
Locate row, col + Fix((widthW - Len(TitleW)) / 2)
Print TitleW;
End Sub
Sub PrintTxt (TRm As Integer, TRmx As Integer, TCm As Integer, TCmx As Integer, Cm As Integer, Cmx As Integer, Rm As Integer, Rmx As Integer, Ra As Integer, Ca As Integer, T() As String, cT() As Integer, Bc As Integer, Fc As Integer)
' TRm text row min, TRmx text row max, TCm text column min, TCmx text column max, Cm char min, Cmx char max
' Rm row min, Rmx row max, Ra row actual, Ca column actual, T() text,cT() color text, Bc background color, Fc foreground color
Ccls Fc, Bc, TRm, TRmx, TCm, TCmx
For a = TRm - 1 To TRmx - 1
Locate a + 1, TCm
If (a + Ra) < Rmx + 1 And (a + Ra) > Rm - 1 Then
For b = TCm To TCmx
If (Ca + b - 1 < Cmx + 1) And (Ca + b - 1 > Cm - 1) Then
Color , cT(Ca + b - 1, a + Ra)
Print Mid$(T(a + Ra), Ca + b - 1, 1);
Color Fc, Bc
Print " ";
End If
Next b
End If
End Sub
Sub Ccls (Fc As Integer, Bc As Integer, TRm As Integer, TRmx As Integer, TCm As Integer, TCmx As Integer)
Color Fc, Bc
For a = TRm - 1 To TRmx - 1
Locate a + 1, TCm
Print Space$(TCmx - TCm + 1);
Next a
End Sub
use arrows keys to scroll text being into the window
use 1 or 2 or 3 to navigate among the text windows
use space bar to quit
here a screenshot