Recall - a memory - test game - PhilOfPerth - 05-05-2022
Here's a little prog I wrote that helps to keep old Al Zimers at bay. I guess I could use mouse buttons to move, but maybe later...
I know it's basic BASIC, but I'd appreciate a bit of advice on how I could improve it.
'Recall - the latest
Code: (Select All) _FullScreen
Screen 12: Color , 1: Cls
Randomize Timer
' grid sizes 1-3 numtiles=18, 30, 42 for size 1-3 (A-C, A-E, A-G) 3x6, 5x6, 7x6 grids
' num horizontal rows always 6 numrows=6
' numcols calculated as number of cells / 6 ' numcols=numtiles/6
' grid top row always 2 gtop=2
' gridleft column calculated from numcols gleft= 40-int(numcols/2)
' Max players 4 maxplrs=4
' score 2 points per pair,
' letters read from data first char A-G
' colours (11, 12 and 14) in data as chr$(value of colour number + 76) W, X or Z colours 11, 12 and 14 are chr$(87, 88 and 90) or (W, X and Z) (colour 13 not used)
' Player names stored as names$(4), np is no of players, plr is current player default names PLAYER 1 etc
' scores stored as score(6) score(plr)
' grid frame left calculated from gleft gfleft= gleft*8-4
' grid frame top row always 28 gftop=28
' grid frame width calculated from numcols gfwidth= 8*numcols+8
' grid frame height always 102 gfheight=102
Common Shared gridsize$, numtiles, tiles$(), tile, numrows, numcols, gtop, gleft, gbottom, gright, maxplrs, np, plr, score(), letr$, colr$, names$(), gfleft, gftop, gfwidth, gfheight, picks(), pick, IsAMatch
Common Shared csrline, p, pickline, msgline, nameline, namehoriz, keycode, numfound, move$, pick$, match$, nomatch$, error$, old$
Dim tiles$(42), score(6), names$(6), picks(2)
For A = 1 To 42: Read tiles$(A): Next
move$ = "l16o4c": pick$ = "l16o4ce": match$ = "l16o3cego4c": nomatch$ = "l16o4co3gec": old$ = "l16o3c"
maxplrs = 6: numrows = 6: gtop = 3: gbottom = 8: gftop = 28: gfheight = 102: msgline = 16: csrline = 10: pickline = 12: nameline = 14: csrh = 40: plr = 1
Color 14
Locate 15, 30
Print "Choose a grid size (1 to 3)"
While InKey$ <> "": Wend
Play move$
k$ = InKey$
If k$ = "" Then GoTo ChooseSize
Select Case k$
Case Is = "1"
numtiles = 18 ' numtiles is number of tiles for that size
Case Is = "2"
numtiles = 30
Case Else
numtiles = 42
End Select
numcols = numtiles / 6 ' numcols is number of columns for that numtiles; numrows is always 6
gleft = 39 - Int(numcols / 2) ' gleft is left column of grid
gright = gleft + numcols ' gright is right column of grid
gfleft = gleft * 8 - 4 ' gfleft is left pixels of grid-frame
gfwidth = 8 * numcols + 6 ' gfwidth is width of grid-frame
Locate 1, 40 - numtiles / 2
For A = 1 To numtiles
Color Asc(Right$(tiles$(A), 1)) - 76 ' color will be taken from right char of tiles$(..)
Print Left$(tiles$(A), 1); ' letter will be taken from left char of tiles$(..)
ShowGrid ' call showgrid sub to display the grid of tiles before shuffling
_Delay .5
ShowGrid ' call showgrid sub again to display shuffled tiles
Sleep 1
np = 0
Color 14
Locate msgline, 26: Print "Enter a name for each player"
Print Tab(6); "Press <SPACE> for automatic names and <ENTER> to finish entering names"
Color 15
Locate msgline + 2, 35: Print Space$(10)
While InKey$ <> "": Wend
Locate msgline + 2, 35: Input n$ ' n$ temporary only
If n$ = "" Then GoTo NoMore ' <SPACE> to finish entering names
np = np + 1 ' np is number of players entered, up to maxplrs
If n$ = " " Then n$ = "PLAYER" + Str$(np) ' default names
n$ = UCase$(n$) ' change to upper-case
names$(np) = n$ ' store in names$()
Locate msgline + np + 2, 35
Print names$(np) ' show all capitalised names below msgline
Play ok$
If np = maxplrs Then GoTo NoMore
GoTo GetAName
Play move$
Locate msgline, 1: Print Space$(720) ' clear message area and names display
' _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Start of Game __________________________________________________
NextTurn: ' return here after every player's turn if not matched
ShowScores ' update and redraw after each player's turn
Color 14
Locate csrline, 40: Print "*"
Locate pickline, 35: Print Space$(20)
namehoriz = 40 - Int(Len(names$(plr)) / 2)
Locate nameline, 1: Print Space$(80)
Locate nameline, namehoriz: Print names$(plr): Sleep 1 ' ensure correct player is named
Locate msgline, 23: Print " Press a key to move into the grid "
MoveIn: ' pick has already been set to 1
k$ = InKey$: If k$ = "" Then GoTo MoveIn
Play move$
Locate csrline, 40: Print " "
csrv = gbottom: csrh = 40: tile = numtiles - Int(numcols / 2)
Color 14: Locate csrv, csrh: Print "*"
Locate msgline, 1: Print Space$(80)
Locate msgline, 3: Print "Use the four arrow-keys to move to a tile, then press <SPACE> to select it"
pick = 1 ' first pick. don't inc player as this is done only if match fails
Locate csrv, csrh: Color 14: Print "*"
k$ = InKey$: If k$ = "" Or k$ = Chr$(13) Then GoTo BeginAction
GetKey (k$) ' 32 for space (pick a tile), or 272, 275,277 or 280 for cursor
Color 15
Select Case keycode
Case Is = 272 ' up
If csrv > gtop Then
Play move$
Locate csrv, csrh
Color 15: If tiles$(tile) <> " N" Then Print Chr$(249) Else Print " "
csrv = csrv - 1: tile = tile - numcols
colr = Asc(Right$(tiles$(tile), 1)) - 76: letr$ = Left$(tiles$(tile), 1)
Locate csrv, csrh: Color 14: Print "*"
GoTo BeginAction
Else GoTo BeginAction
End If
Case Is = 280 ' down
If csrv < gbottom Then
Play move$
Locate csrv, csrh
Color 15: If tiles$(tile) <> " N" Then Print Chr$(249) Else Print " "
colr = Asc(Right$(tiles$(tile), 1)) - 76: letr$ = Left$(tiles$(tile), 1)
csrv = csrv + 1: tile = tile + numcols
colr = Asc(Right$(tiles$(tile), 1)) - 76: letr$ = Left$(tiles$(tile), 1)
Locate csrv, csrh: Color 14: Print "*"
GoTo BeginAction
Else GoTo BeginAction
End If
Case Is = 275 ' left
If csrh > gleft + 1 Then
Play move$
Locate csrv, csrh
Color 15: If tiles$(tile) <> " N" Then Print Chr$(249) Else Print " "
colr = Asc(Right$(tiles$(tile), 1)) - 76: letr$ = Left$(tiles$(tile), 1)
csrh = csrh - 1: tile = tile - 1
colr = Asc(Right$(tiles$(tile), 1)) - 76: letr$ = Left$(tiles$(tile), 1)
Locate csrv, csrh: Color 14: Print "*"
GoTo BeginAction
Else GoTo BeginAction
End If
Case Is = 277 ' right
If csrh < gright Then
Play move$
Locate csrv, csrh
Color 15: If tiles$(tile) <> " N" Then Print Chr$(249) Else Print " "
colr = Asc(Right$(tiles$(tile), 1)) - 76: letr$ = Left$(tiles$(tile), 1)
csrh = csrh + 1: tile = tile + 1
colr = Asc(Right$(tiles$(tile), 1)) - 76: letr$ = Left$(tiles$(tile), 1)
Locate csrv, csrh: Color 14: Print "*"
GoTo BeginAction
Else GoTo BeginAction
End If
Case Is = 32 ' pick a tile
' for both picks:
Play pick$
If tiles$(tile) = " N" Then ' check if already picked - if so, ignore and get another action
Play old$
Locate msgline, 1: Print Space$(80)
Locate msgline, 32
Print "Already matched!"
Sleep 1
Locate msgline, 1: Print Space$(80)
GoTo BeginAction
End If
If pick = 2 And tile = picks(1) Then ' check if second pick is same tile as first - if so, get another action
Play nomatch$
Locate msgline, 1: Print Space$(80)
Locate msgline, 25
Print "You have already picked this tile!"
Sleep 1
Locate msgline, 25: Print Space$(40)
GoTo BeginAction
End If
' if we reached here, tile is still live. May be pick 1 or 2 if we got to here, tile is still valid
colr = Asc(Right$(tiles$(tile), 1)) - 76: letr$ = Left$(tiles$(tile), 1) ' show picked tile in situ
Locate csrv, csrh: Color colr: Print letr$; '
picks(pick) = tile ' identify tile as pick 1 or 2
If pick = 1 Then Locate pickline, 37 Else Locate pickline, 43 ' show picked tile in pickline
Print letr$
If pick = 1 Then
pick = 2
GoTo BeginAction
Locate msgline, 1: Print Space$(80)
GoTo ScreenPrep ' if first pick, change to second and go back for second. If second, check for a match then setup screen again
End If
End Select
' -------------------------------- SUBS BELOW --------------------------------------
Sub Instructions
Locate 1, 19
For a = 1 To 42
colr = Asc(Right$(tiles$(a), 1)) - 76: letr$ = Left$(tiles$(a), 1)
Color colr: Print letr$;
Locate 3, 37: Color 14: Print "Recall": Print Tab(20); "A Game for up to 6 players by Phil Taylor"
Color 15: Print
Print " This game is a fun way to exercise players' memory and recall skills."
Print " A grid of tiles is displayed, each holding a coloured (but hidden) letter."
Print " There are two of each combination of letter and colour, as shown above."
Print " Before the game starts, players choose the number of tiles to be used, either"
Print " 18, 30, or 42."
Print " Players take turns to move within this grid with the ";: Color 14: Print "four cursor keys";: Color 15: Print " and"
Print " select two tiles with the";: Color 14: Print " <SPACE>";: Color 15: Print " key for each turn."
Print " As each tile is selected it is revealed, and when the second one is selected,"
Print " the two are compared. If they match they are removed and the player scores 2"
Print " points and has another turn. But if not, they are re-hidden and the next"
Print " player plays."
Print " Two points are scored for each matching pair of tiles found and when all the"
Print " tiles have been found, the game ends and the winner is announced."
Color 14: Print Tab(27); " Press any key to commence."
Sleep: Cls: Play ok$
End Sub
Sub GetNames ' set names, np and plr=1
End Sub
Sub ShowGrid
For A = 0 To 5: For b = 1 To numcols
Locate gtop + A, gleft + b
Color Asc(Right$(tiles$(A * numcols + b), 1)) - 76
Print Left$(tiles$(A * numcols + b), 1)
Next: Next
PSet (gfleft, gftop): frame$ = "r" + Str$(gfwidth) + "d" + Str$(gfheight) + "l" + Str$(gfwidth) + "u" + Str$(gfheight): Draw frame$
End Sub
Sub ShowHiddenGrid
For A = 0 To numrows - 1
For b = 1 To numcols
Locate gtop + A, gleft + b
tilenum = A * numcols + b
Color 15: If tiles$(tilenum) <> " N" Then Print Chr$(249) Else Print " " ' show grid with tiles hidden
End Sub
Sub ShowScores
Locate 2, 1: For A = 1 To np: Print Tab(2); names$(A); Tab(12); score(A);: Next ' list names and scores at top left
End Sub
Sub GetKey (k$) ' will return asc of key for normal chars, or 200+ asc of second digit for control keys
If Len(k$) > 1 Then keycode = Asc(Right$(k$, 1)) + 200 Else keycode = Asc(UCase$(k$))
End Sub
Sub Shuffle
For A = 1 To numtiles - 1: t2 = Int(Rnd * numtiles) + 1: Swap tiles$(A), tiles$(t2): Next
End Sub
Sub CheckMatch
Locate msgline, 1: Print Space$(80): Locate msgline, 37
If tiles$(picks(1)) = tiles$(picks(2)) Then ' a match
Play match$
Print "A match"
score(plr) = score(plr) + 2 ' inc scores and display them
tiles$(picks(1)) = " N": tiles$(picks(2)) = " N"
numfound = numfound + 2
If numfound = numtiles Then EndGame: System
Else ' no match
Play nomatch$
Print "No match";: plr = plr + 1: If plr > np Then plr = 1 ' ready for next player's turn if no match
End If
Sleep 1
Locate msgline, 1: Print Space$(80) ' finished with check: clear message line
Locate pickline, 37: Print Space$(8)
csrh = 40: csrv = csrline: tile = numtiles - Int(numcols / 2)
picks1 = 0: picks2 = 0: pick = 1
End Sub
Sub EndGame
Locate 10, 1
Color 14: Print Tab(34); "Final Scores"
Print: Color 15
For a = 1 To np
Print Tab(30); names$(a); Tab(50); score(a)
End Sub
but maybe later...
RE: Recall - a memory - test game - Pete - 05-05-2022
It plays well. I scored a 30 on grid #2. Played fast. Mouse might be nice, but I liked running patterns with the arrow keys.
Structure wise with keyboard routines I like to use...
Code: (Select All) DO
GOSUB keybrd
CASE CHR$(0) + "H" 'Arrow Up.
CASE CHR$(0) + "P" 'Arrow Down.
CASE CHR$(0) + "M" 'Arrow Right.
CASE CHR$(0) + "K" 'Arrow Left.
CASE ELSE: flag = -1
IF flag THEN flag = 0 ELSE EXIT DO
_LIMIT 30 ' Cuts down on CPU usage.
b$ = INKEY$
' A mouse routine can be added here.
It allows one use of INKEY$ in a central location. Mouse can be added.
RE: Recall - a memory - test game - bplus - 05-05-2022
Memory Plus Match
I have memory game that combines with match game of Basic coding "words" or symbol pairs eg if you see x then match is y, select's match is case, do match is loop, dim match as,... might want to read through pairs so no surprises. This does use mouse. Matching adds another level to the fight against Alzheimer's but to me coding itself is even better protection!
Code: (Select All) Option _Explicit
DefInt A-Z
Randomize Timer
_Title "Word Memory Game" ' by bplus started 2019-07-24
'This is to extend Memory Series to words and test further Button tools.
'Along with testing button tools there is an experiment here to see if 2 word pairs that make sense
'are easier to remember than match A with N and Z with M..., rather arbitrary pairings we did in last game.
Rem +inder: Button Memory Game
' The goal here is 2 Fold:
' Broaden the Memory Game series to more than letters,
' And develop some potential button library procedures.
' 1. Button Type
' 2. Button Draw
' 3. Buttons Layout 'setup a whole keypad of buttons, assuming base 1 for first index
' 4. ButtonIndexClicked 'get the button index clicked, assuming base 1 for first index
' ============== Instructions: ========================================================
'This game uses QB64 keywords or symbols that have complementary word or symbol.
'Some are obvious no brainers like WHILE is paired with WEND, ( with ) and IF with THEN.
'Some might might not occur to you, eg I have DIM and AS matched up, see data statements below.
'1. Button Type common to all buttons
Type ButtonType
X As Integer
Y As Integer
W As Integer
H As Integer
FC As _Unsigned Long 'fore color is the color of anything printed
BC As _Unsigned Long 'back color is the color of button
L As String 'label
IMG As Long 'image handle
O As Integer 'O stands for On or Off reveal string/img of button function or keep hidden
End Type
Const xmax = 800, ymax = 500, sbc = &HFF005500, sfc = &HFFAAAADD 'screen stuff
Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
_ScreenMove 360, 60
ReDim Shared Btn(1 To 1) As ButtonType, nBtns 'so setup can set values to these globals
ReDim Shared shuffle(1 To 1) As String 'container of strings from data
Dim Shared nRevealed
Dim i, s$, b1Index, b2Index, tStart!, clickCnt
Color sfc, sbc: Cls
While 1
tStart! = Timer(.001)
i = ButtonIndexClicked
If i Then 'reveals, click counts only count if they are revealing
If b1Index = 0 Then 'first reveal box
If Btn(i).O <> -1 Then b1Index = i: Btn(i).O = -1: clickCnt = clickCnt + 1
Else '2nd reveal box
If Btn(i).O <> -1 Then b2Index = i: Btn(i).O = -1: clickCnt = clickCnt + 1
End If
End If
If b2Index <> 0 Then 'check pair, if they are a matched pair leave them revealed
If Match(Btn(b1Index).L, Btn(b2Index).L) = 0 Then 'no match
_Delay 1
Btn(b1Index).O = 0: Btn(b2Index).O = 0
nRevealed = nRevealed - 2 'when complete = number of squares then done
End If
b1Index = 0: b2Index = 0 'clear box clicks
End If
_Limit 60
Loop Until nRevealed = nBtns
s$ = "Completed in" + Str$(Int(Timer(.001) - tStart!)) + " secs and" + Str$(clickCnt) + " clicks."
Locate 3, (xmax / 8 - Len(s$)) / 2: Print s$
_Delay 7
Function Match (s1$, s2$)
Dim i, pair$
Restore matchData
For i = 1 To 15
Read pair$:
If leftOf$(pair$, " ") = s1$ Then
If rightOf$(pair$, " ") = s2$ Then Match = -1: Exit Function
If leftOf$(pair$, " ") = s2$ Then
If rightOf$(pair$, " ") = s1$ Then Match = -1: Exit Function
End If
End If
End Function
Sub updateScreen
Dim i
Cls: nRevealed = 0 ' (shared) detect how many boxes are revealed
For i = 1 To nBtns
DrawButton (i)
If Btn(i).O Then nRevealed = nRevealed + 1
End Sub
Sub initRound 'reassign letters and hide them all
Dim i, r
For i = nBtns To 2 Step -1 ' shuffle stuff in array
r = Int(i * Rnd) + 1
Swap shuffle(i), shuffle(r)
For i = 1 To nBtns ' reset or reassign values
Btn(i).L = shuffle(i): Btn(i).O = 0
End Sub
Sub setUpGame
Dim i, pair$ '(main) CONST xmax = 800, ymax = 300, boxSize = 50
Const xBtns = 5, yBtns = 6 ' Board N x M across, down
Const spacer = 10 ' space between buttons VVVV sets SHARED nBtns needed in lines after call
LayoutButtons 0, 0, xmax, ymax, 100, 50, xBtns, yBtns, spacer, &HFFAAAAFF, &HFF000088
ReDim shuffle(1 To nBtns) As String ' load shuffle array for shuffling later (SHARED)
For i = 1 To nBtns Step 2 'load shuffle with words/symbol pairs
Read pair$
shuffle(i) = leftOf$(pair$, " "): shuffle(i + 1) = rightOf$(pair$, " ")
End Sub
'2. Button draw for the index of an array Btn() of ButtonType's, assuming standard default font
Sub DrawButton (index As Integer)
Dim dc As _Unsigned Long, dbc As _Unsigned Long, ox, oy, s$
dc = _DefaultColor: dbc = _BackgroundColor
Line (Btn(index).X, Btn(index).Y)-Step(Btn(index).W, Btn(index).H), &HFF000000, BF
Line (Btn(index).X, Btn(index).Y)-Step(Btn(index).W - 3, Btn(index).H - 3), &HFFFFFFFF, BF
Line (Btn(index).X + 1, Btn(index).Y + 1)-Step(Btn(index).W - 3, Btn(index).H - 3), Btn(index).BC, BF
If Btn(index).O Then
If 8 * Len(Btn(index).L) > Btn(index).W - 4 Then 'string is too long for button
s$ = Mid$(Btn(index).L, 1, Int((Btn(index).W - 4) / 8)) 'fit part of string into button
ox = 2
s$ = Btn(index).L: ox = (Btn(index).W - 8 * Len(Btn(index).L)) \ 2
End If
oy = (Btn(index).H - 16) \ 2
Color &HFF000000, &H0
_PrintString (Btn(index).X + ox - 1, Btn(index).Y + oy - 1), s$
Color Btn(index).FC
_PrintString (Btn(index).X + ox, Btn(index).Y + oy), s$
Color dc, dbc
End If
End Sub
' 3. Layout buttons
' this sub will setup button locations for shared Btn() as ButtonType with first button index = 1
' also shared is nBtns whic will set/reset here
SUB LayoutButtons (areaX AS INTEGER, areaY AS INTEGER, areaW AS INTEGER, areaH AS INTEGER, btnW, btnH,_
BtnsAcross, BtnsDown, spacer, Fore AS _UNSIGNED LONG, Back AS _UNSIGNED LONG)
Dim xoffset, yoffset, xx, yy, xSide, ySide, i
nBtns = BtnsAcross * BtnsDown ' Total btns (shared) in main declares section
ReDim Btn(1 To nBtns) As ButtonType ' ready to rec data (shared) in main declares section
xoffset = Int((areaW - btnW * BtnsAcross - spacer * (BtnsAcross - 1)) / 2) + areaX
yoffset = Int((areaH - btnH * BtnsDown - spacer * (BtnsDown - 1)) / 2) + areaY
xSide = btnW + spacer: ySide = btnH + spacer
For yy = 1 To BtnsDown ' set screen XY locations for all boxes
For xx = 1 To BtnsAcross
i = i + 1
Btn(i).X = xoffset + (xx - 1) * xSide
Btn(i).Y = yoffset + (yy - 1) * ySide
Btn(i).W = btnW
Btn(i).H = btnH
Btn(i).FC = Fore
Btn(i).BC = Back
End Sub
'4. Button Index Clicked
Function ButtonIndexClicked
Dim m, mx, my, mb, i
While _MouseInput: Wend
mb = _MouseButton(1) ' left button down
If mb Then ' get last place mouse button was down
While mb ' wait for mouse button release as a "click"
m = _MouseInput: mb = _MouseButton(1): mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY
For i = 1 To nBtns ' now find which box was clicked
If mx > Btn(i).X And mx < Btn(i).X + Btn(i).W Then
If my > Btn(i).Y And my < Btn(i).Y + Btn(i).H Then
ButtonIndexClicked = i: Exit Function
End If
End If
End If
End Function
'old tools from toolbox
Function leftOf$ (source$, of$)
If InStr(source$, of$) > 0 Then leftOf$ = Mid$(source$, 1, InStr(source$, of$) - 1)
End Function
Function rightOf$ (source$, of$)
If InStr(source$, of$) > 0 Then rightOf$ = Mid$(source$, InStr(source$, of$) + Len(of$))
End Function
Buttons make a good start to a Do-It-Yourself GUI tool kit.
RE: Recall - a memory - test game - bplus - 05-05-2022
@PhilOfPerth thumbs up to a fun way to battle Alzheimer's!
RE: Recall - a memory - test game - Pete - 05-05-2022
Phil, what does your program do again? I really think I need to play it more.
RE: Recall - a memory - test game - PhilOfPerth - 05-07-2022
(05-05-2022, 04:26 PM)Pete Wrote: Phil, what does your program do again? I really think I need to play it more.
Pete![Big Grin Big Grin]( Sorry Pete, too late for you I'm afraid!
RE: Recall - a memory - test game - PhilOfPerth - 05-07-2022
(05-05-2022, 03:41 PM)bplus Wrote: Memory Plus Match
I have memory game that combines with match game of Basic coding "words" or symbol pairs eg if you see x then match is y, select's match is case, do match is loop, dim match as,... might want to read through pairs so no surprises. This does use mouse. Matching adds another level to the fight against Alzheimer's but to me coding itself is even better protection!
Code: (Select All) Option _Explicit
DefInt A-Z
Randomize Timer
_Title "Word Memory Game" ' by bplus started 2019-07-24
'This is to extend Memory Series to words and test further Button tools.
'Along with testing button tools there is an experiment here to see if 2 word pairs that make sense
'are easier to remember than match A with N and Z with M..., rather arbitrary pairings we did in last game.
Rem +inder: Button Memory Game
' The goal here is 2 Fold:
' Broaden the Memory Game series to more than letters,
' And develop some potential button library procedures.
' 1. Button Type
' 2. Button Draw
' 3. Buttons Layout 'setup a whole keypad of buttons, assuming base 1 for first index
' 4. ButtonIndexClicked 'get the button index clicked, assuming base 1 for first index
' ============== Instructions: ========================================================
'This game uses QB64 keywords or symbols that have complementary word or symbol.
'Some are obvious no brainers like WHILE is paired with WEND, ( with ) and IF with THEN.
'Some might might not occur to you, eg I have DIM and AS matched up, see data statements below.
'1. Button Type common to all buttons
Type ButtonType
X As Integer
Y As Integer
W As Integer
H As Integer
FC As _Unsigned Long 'fore color is the color of anything printed
BC As _Unsigned Long 'back color is the color of button
L As String 'label
IMG As Long 'image handle
O As Integer 'O stands for On or Off reveal string/img of button function or keep hidden
End Type
Const xmax = 800, ymax = 500, sbc = &HFF005500, sfc = &HFFAAAADD 'screen stuff
Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
_ScreenMove 360, 60
ReDim Shared Btn(1 To 1) As ButtonType, nBtns 'so setup can set values to these globals
ReDim Shared shuffle(1 To 1) As String 'container of strings from data
Dim Shared nRevealed
Dim i, s$, b1Index, b2Index, tStart!, clickCnt
Color sfc, sbc: Cls
While 1
tStart! = Timer(.001)
i = ButtonIndexClicked
If i Then 'reveals, click counts only count if they are revealing
If b1Index = 0 Then 'first reveal box
If Btn(i).O <> -1 Then b1Index = i: Btn(i).O = -1: clickCnt = clickCnt + 1
Else '2nd reveal box
If Btn(i).O <> -1 Then b2Index = i: Btn(i).O = -1: clickCnt = clickCnt + 1
End If
End If
If b2Index <> 0 Then 'check pair, if they are a matched pair leave them revealed
If Match(Btn(b1Index).L, Btn(b2Index).L) = 0 Then 'no match
_Delay 1
Btn(b1Index).O = 0: Btn(b2Index).O = 0
nRevealed = nRevealed - 2 'when complete = number of squares then done
End If
b1Index = 0: b2Index = 0 'clear box clicks
End If
_Limit 60
Loop Until nRevealed = nBtns
s$ = "Completed in" + Str$(Int(Timer(.001) - tStart!)) + " secs and" + Str$(clickCnt) + " clicks."
Locate 3, (xmax / 8 - Len(s$)) / 2: Print s$
_Delay 7
Function Match (s1$, s2$)
Dim i, pair$
Restore matchData
For i = 1 To 15
Read pair$:
If leftOf$(pair$, " ") = s1$ Then
If rightOf$(pair$, " ") = s2$ Then Match = -1: Exit Function
If leftOf$(pair$, " ") = s2$ Then
If rightOf$(pair$, " ") = s1$ Then Match = -1: Exit Function
End If
End If
End Function
Sub updateScreen
Dim i
Cls: nRevealed = 0 ' (shared) detect how many boxes are revealed
For i = 1 To nBtns
DrawButton (i)
If Btn(i).O Then nRevealed = nRevealed + 1
End Sub
Sub initRound 'reassign letters and hide them all
Dim i, r
For i = nBtns To 2 Step -1 ' shuffle stuff in array
r = Int(i * Rnd) + 1
Swap shuffle(i), shuffle(r)
For i = 1 To nBtns ' reset or reassign values
Btn(i).L = shuffle(i): Btn(i).O = 0
End Sub
Sub setUpGame
Dim i, pair$ '(main) CONST xmax = 800, ymax = 300, boxSize = 50
Const xBtns = 5, yBtns = 6 ' Board N x M across, down
Const spacer = 10 ' space between buttons VVVV sets SHARED nBtns needed in lines after call
LayoutButtons 0, 0, xmax, ymax, 100, 50, xBtns, yBtns, spacer, &HFFAAAAFF, &HFF000088
ReDim shuffle(1 To nBtns) As String ' load shuffle array for shuffling later (SHARED)
For i = 1 To nBtns Step 2 'load shuffle with words/symbol pairs
Read pair$
shuffle(i) = leftOf$(pair$, " "): shuffle(i + 1) = rightOf$(pair$, " ")
End Sub
'2. Button draw for the index of an array Btn() of ButtonType's, assuming standard default font
Sub DrawButton (index As Integer)
Dim dc As _Unsigned Long, dbc As _Unsigned Long, ox, oy, s$
dc = _DefaultColor: dbc = _BackgroundColor
Line (Btn(index).X, Btn(index).Y)-Step(Btn(index).W, Btn(index).H), &HFF000000, BF
Line (Btn(index).X, Btn(index).Y)-Step(Btn(index).W - 3, Btn(index).H - 3), &HFFFFFFFF, BF
Line (Btn(index).X + 1, Btn(index).Y + 1)-Step(Btn(index).W - 3, Btn(index).H - 3), Btn(index).BC, BF
If Btn(index).O Then
If 8 * Len(Btn(index).L) > Btn(index).W - 4 Then 'string is too long for button
s$ = Mid$(Btn(index).L, 1, Int((Btn(index).W - 4) / 8)) 'fit part of string into button
ox = 2
s$ = Btn(index).L: ox = (Btn(index).W - 8 * Len(Btn(index).L)) \ 2
End If
oy = (Btn(index).H - 16) \ 2
Color &HFF000000, &H0
_PrintString (Btn(index).X + ox - 1, Btn(index).Y + oy - 1), s$
Color Btn(index).FC
_PrintString (Btn(index).X + ox, Btn(index).Y + oy), s$
Color dc, dbc
End If
End Sub
' 3. Layout buttons
' this sub will setup button locations for shared Btn() as ButtonType with first button index = 1
' also shared is nBtns whic will set/reset here
SUB LayoutButtons (areaX AS INTEGER, areaY AS INTEGER, areaW AS INTEGER, areaH AS INTEGER, btnW, btnH,_
BtnsAcross, BtnsDown, spacer, Fore AS _UNSIGNED LONG, Back AS _UNSIGNED LONG)
Dim xoffset, yoffset, xx, yy, xSide, ySide, i
nBtns = BtnsAcross * BtnsDown ' Total btns (shared) in main declares section
ReDim Btn(1 To nBtns) As ButtonType ' ready to rec data (shared) in main declares section
xoffset = Int((areaW - btnW * BtnsAcross - spacer * (BtnsAcross - 1)) / 2) + areaX
yoffset = Int((areaH - btnH * BtnsDown - spacer * (BtnsDown - 1)) / 2) + areaY
xSide = btnW + spacer: ySide = btnH + spacer
For yy = 1 To BtnsDown ' set screen XY locations for all boxes
For xx = 1 To BtnsAcross
i = i + 1
Btn(i).X = xoffset + (xx - 1) * xSide
Btn(i).Y = yoffset + (yy - 1) * ySide
Btn(i).W = btnW
Btn(i).H = btnH
Btn(i).FC = Fore
Btn(i).BC = Back
End Sub
'4. Button Index Clicked
Function ButtonIndexClicked
Dim m, mx, my, mb, i
While _MouseInput: Wend
mb = _MouseButton(1) ' left button down
If mb Then ' get last place mouse button was down
While mb ' wait for mouse button release as a "click"
m = _MouseInput: mb = _MouseButton(1): mx = _MouseX: my = _MouseY
For i = 1 To nBtns ' now find which box was clicked
If mx > Btn(i).X And mx < Btn(i).X + Btn(i).W Then
If my > Btn(i).Y And my < Btn(i).Y + Btn(i).H Then
ButtonIndexClicked = i: Exit Function
End If
End If
End If
End Function
'old tools from toolbox
Function leftOf$ (source$, of$)
If InStr(source$, of$) > 0 Then leftOf$ = Mid$(source$, 1, InStr(source$, of$) - 1)
End Function
Function rightOf$ (source$, of$)
If InStr(source$, of$) > 0 Then rightOf$ = Mid$(source$, InStr(source$, of$) + Len(of$))
End Function
Buttons make a good start to a Do-It-Yourself GUI tool kit. That's nice! I like how it helps build up the pairing skills for writing code. But what about triple-bungers like IF - THEN - Else? Could it include an option for selecting three? Just a thought... Anyway, good job. I learned a few things.