QB64 Phoenix Edition
Kpop matrix - Printable Version

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Kpop matrix - vince - 03-05-2025

something something split screen text to ascii

Code: (Select All)

DefLng A-Z
type ptype
    c as string * 1
    d as long
    img as long
end type

img = _screenimage
sw = _width(img)
sh = _height(img)

'sw = 1280
'sh = 720

ww = sh-80
'ww = (2*sh/3 + 70) - sh/3

Screen _NewImage(sw / 2, ww, 32)
_screenmove sw/2, 0

n = 126-32

dim p(n) as ptype

dim z as _unsigned long

for i=0 to n
    p(i).img = _newimage(8, 16, 32)

    _dest p(i).img
    _source p(i).img

    _printstring (0,0), chr$(i + 32)
    p(i).c = chr$(i + 32)

    sum = 0
    for y=0 to 16-1
    for x=0 to 8-1
        z = point(x, y)
        'pset (x, y), z

        if point(x,y)=_rgb(255,255,255) then sum = sum + 1

    p(i).d = sum

'insertion sort
for i=1 to ubound(p)
    j = i
    do while (j>0 and p(j-1).d > p(j).d)
        swap p(j), p(j-1)
        j = j - 1

_dest 0
_source 0

    img = _ScreenImage(0, 0, sw/2, sh)
w = sw/2
h = sh - 80

    _PutImage (0,0), img
_source img

for y=0 to h/16 - 1
for x=0 to w/8 - 1

'0.299r + 0.587g + 0.114b

z = point(x*8 + 4, y*16 + 8)
r = _red(z)
g = _blue(z)
b = _green(z)

c = 0.299*r + 0.587*g + 0.114*b
c = (c/255)*n

'circle (x*8 + 4, y*16 + 8), 3, z

color z, _rgb(0.3*r, 0.3*g, 0.3*b)
'if c > 1*n/3 then
_printstring (x*8, y*16), p(c).c
'end if


    _Limit 30

Loop until _keyhit = 27

RE: Kpop matrix - TempodiBasic - 03-06-2025

What can say ? Cool!

[Image: immagine-2025-03-06-024708404.png]

I'm waiting Pete reaction!