QB64 Phoenix Edition
QB64 Phoenix Edition - FOREVER - Printable Version

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QB64 Phoenix Edition - FOREVER - Dimster - 05-08-2022

It feels great that QB64 isĀ once again alive and well. I'm not sure if it's realistic of me to expect it to be around FOREVER. I do have grand children who are now leaning to code at school and asking me questions. I hope to turn them onto QB64 basic language.

Given how we almost lost everything, I was wondering if there may be some kind of steps or ideas we should be considering that not only can avoid (if not just tone down) fatal arguments and perhaps we should also consider ways we can support key development members who may need a break or even retire. A way QB64 lives on after we are gone.

I guess ... once burned, twice shy ... being the selfish person I am, I'd hate to lose you all again.

RE: QB64 Phoenix Edition - FOREVER - Dimster - 05-10-2022

I gather this is a topic best ignored and I do appreciate that sentiment. But before I also abandon it, I would like to say that I recognize Steve McNeill as the new caption of this ship. And in so doing I fully support the position he took on the ownership of the code we post here.

I thought, in lieu of how fresh the issue which caused the loss of QB64.Org is, and that that issue still lurks, perhaps it was worthy of a discussion. Not to set Rules and Regulations but ideas and guidelines should it come back.


RE: QB64 Phoenix Edition - FOREVER - SMcNeill - 05-10-2022

Actually, we've tossed around this same idea quite a bit, @Dimster. One thing that I've came to a conclusion over -- no one person needs that much control over the project ever again. RC had the forums, wiki, twitter, youtube, podcasts, reddit, and who knows what else all under his singular banner. For about a day, once he started burning things, I had the same -- Luke had handed the Discord over to me. I'd purchased the server space and domain, and set up the wiki, repo, and forums... We'd went from one ruthless dictator to an unwilling Stevetator...

So, I quickly starting breaking things off and passing parts to other people. Spriggsy took over the Discord. RhoSigma has the wiki. The repo was turned into a Team setup, with DSMan (Matt) having equal say over it. Pete shares administrator rights to the forums here with me. No one person needs control over everything, and by passing individual pieces off to other individuals, it helps prevent any sort of catastrophic failure in the system if something happens to one person.

My personal health hasn't been the best for several years now, and I realize I'm on borrowed time. The Good Lord willing, I'll probably live through this year, (though no one can swear to that for certain,) but I doubt I'll be here to see another 15 years with the project. Everything needs to be compartmentalized, with a few trusted people handling each facet of the project, and then if something does happen to one of the members of the team, at most the community will need to replace that one singular facet of operations. We don't need to suffer from a case where "everything went down all at once", ever again!

We managed to recover as much as we did this time, thanks to the vigilance of the user base. Luke had a copy of the forums from where they'd migrated servers back in January. I'd grabbed a copy of the wiki for off-line use back around Christmas. Discord, we were lucky and never lost, as was the same with the repo. (Though enough people had cloned it at that point, it would've been useless to try and take it down anyway -- there was close to 100 clones, IIRC of the repo.)

Users kept us from losing a lot of data, samples, and code, when RC did what he did, and I hope that the user base remains ever vigilant and continues to clone/mirror the wiki and forums on a regular basis. You never know what life will bring, so it's always nice for other people to be ready to step up and pick up the pieces, if any one branch of our new tree ever happens to crack or break. Wink

RE: QB64 Phoenix Edition - FOREVER - Coolman - 05-10-2022

These are wise words.

i always store the documentation and information about the languages i use on my hard drive to prevent any failure. it would be nice if the compressed archives wiki and forum download links were available for everyone...

thanks for your efforts.

RE: QB64 Phoenix Edition - FOREVER - Fortran66 - 05-10-2022

Is something wrong with the discord server today? I logged in but the QB64 server was missing.

Is Spriggsy still in charge of discord?

RE: QB64 Phoenix Edition - FOREVER - bplus - 05-10-2022

The Discord link from this forum Home page seems to be fine, about 7 PM EST.