QB64 Phoenix Edition
Keybone's GUI (04/07/2022) - Printable Version

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Keybone's GUI (04/07/2022) - Keybone - 04-19-2022

This is the latest rewrite of my GUI.
It is not complete by any means, as always work-in-progress.

What's working:
Restore window from Icon
Move window
Move Icon
Minimize window to icon
Maximize window to screen size

Not working:
Restore window from maximized
Minimize window from maximized
Close window
Z-order focus (windows do not rise to the top of z-order when clicked (yet).)

Also, unlike some of my previous versions, there is no background implemented yet.

Here for the obligatory screenshots:

All windows minimized:
[Image: allminimized.png]

One window restored from minimized:

[Image: one-restored.png]

Window resizing:

[Image: resizing.png]

Window resized (and z-order bug):

[Image: resized-zorderni.png]

Window maximized (and z-order bug):

[Image: maximized.png]

Copy and paste k-win-upload.bas and blank.png into your qb64 folder. Compile and run k-win-upload.bas.

blank.png :

[Image: blank.png]

k-win-upload.bas :

Code: (Select All)
Type aSize
    restoredSizeX As _Unsigned Integer
    restoredSizeY As _Unsigned Integer
    maximizedSizeX As _Unsigned Integer
    maximizedSizeY As _Unsigned Integer
End Type

Type aProperty
    isMinimizable As _Byte
    isRestorable As _Byte
    isMaximizable As _Byte
    isMovable As _Byte
    isResizable As _Byte
End Type

Type aStatus
    isMinimized As _Byte
    isRestored As _Byte
    isMaximized As _Byte
    isMoving As _Byte
    isResizing As _Byte
End Type

Type aWindow
    positionX As Integer
    positionY As Integer
    Size As aSize
    restoredImageHandle As _Unsigned Long
    maximizedImageHandle As _Unsigned Long
    Properties As aProperty
    Status As aStatus
    isActive As _Byte
End Type

Type anIcon
    positionX As Integer
    positionY As Integer
    sizeX As _Unsigned Integer
    sizeY As _Unsigned Integer
    imageHandle As _Unsigned Long
End Type

Type anObject
    Title As String
    Identifier As String
    Windows As aWindow
    Icons As anIcon
End Type

Type aMouse
    positionX As Integer
    positionY As Integer
    buttonLeft As _Byte
    buttonCenter As _Byte
    buttonRight As _Byte
End Type

Type aZone
    parentIdentifier As _Unsigned Integer
    Identifier As _Unsigned Integer
    positionX As Integer
    positionY As Integer
    sizeX As _Unsigned Integer
    sizeY As _Unsigned Integer
    Purpose As String
End Type

Type aLimit
    Minimum As _Unsigned Integer
    Current As _Unsigned Integer
    Maximum As _Unsigned Integer
End Type

Dim Shared limitObjects As aLimit
limitObjects.Minimum = 0
limitObjects.Current = limitObjects.Minimum
limitObjects.Maximum = 0 - 1

Dim Shared limitZones As aLimit
limitZones.Minimum = 0
limitZones.Current = limitZones.Minimum
limitZones.Maximum = 0 - 1

ReDim Shared Objects(limitObjects.Current) As anObject
ReDim Shared Zones(limitZones.Current) As aZone

Dim Shared ZoneMatched As _Unsigned Integer
Dim Shared WindowMatched As _Unsigned Integer
Dim Shared Purpose As String

Dim Shared Mouse As aMouse

' BAS on down BI on up

Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
'_FullScreen _SquarePixels

Dim Shared gray25 As _Unsigned Long: gray25 = _RGBA32(63, 63, 63, 255)
Dim Shared gray50 As _Unsigned Long: gray50 = _RGBA32(127, 127, 127, 255)
Dim Shared gray75 As _Unsigned Long: gray75 = _RGBA32(191, 191, 191, 255)

objectInit 100, 100, 200, 200, "Window 1", "Window Title 1"
'objectDisableMaximization limitObjects.Current

objectInit 200, 200, 200, 200, "Window 2", "Window Title 2"
'objectDisableMaximization limitObjects.Current

objectInit 300, 300, 200, 200, "Window 3", "Window Title 3"
'objectDisableMaximization limitObjects.Current

    Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(63, 0, 63, 255), BF

    For i = 0 To limitObjects.Current
        If Objects(i).Windows.Status.isMinimized Then
            _PutImage (Objects(i).Icons.positionX, Objects(i).Icons.positionY), Objects(i).Icons.imageHandle
        ElseIf Objects(i).Windows.Status.isRestored Then
            _PutImage (Objects(i).Windows.positionX, Objects(i).Windows.positionY), Objects(i).Windows.restoredImageHandle
        ElseIf Objects(i).Windows.Status.isMaximized Then
            _PutImage (0, 0), Objects(i).Windows.maximizedImageHandle
        End If
    Next i


    If Mouse.buttonLeft Then
        For i = 0 To limitObjects.Current
            WindowMatched = isObject~%(i)
            If WindowMatched Then
                If Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.Status.isMinimized Then
                    _Delay .125
                    If Mouse.buttonLeft Then
                        objectMove WindowMatched
                        objectRestore WindowMatched
                    End If
                ElseIf Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.Status.isRestored Then
                    If Mouse.positionX > Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.positionX + 4 And Mouse.positionX < Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.positionX + 24 Then
                        If Mouse.positionY > Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.positionY + 3 And Mouse.positionY < Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.positionY + 23 Then
                            ' Close
                        End If
                    End If
                    If Mouse.positionX > Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.positionX + 24 And Mouse.positionX < Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.positionX + (_Width(Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.restoredImageHandle) - 69) Then
                        If Mouse.positionY > Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.positionY + 3 And Mouse.positionY < Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.positionY + 23 Then
                            objectMove WindowMatched
                        End If
                    End If
                    If Mouse.positionX > Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.positionX + (_Width(Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.restoredImageHandle) - 46) And Mouse.positionX < Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.positionX + (_Width(Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.restoredImageHandle) - 23) Then
                        If Mouse.positionY > Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.positionY + 3 And Mouse.positionY < Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.positionY + 23 Then
                            objectMinimize WindowMatched
                        End If
                    End If
                    If Mouse.positionX > Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.positionX + (_Width(Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.restoredImageHandle) - 23) And Mouse.positionX < Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.positionX + (_Width(Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.restoredImageHandle) - 3) Then
                        If Mouse.positionY > Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.positionY + 3 And Mouse.positionY < Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.positionY + 23 Then
                            objectMaximize WindowMatched
                        End If
                    End If
                    If Mouse.positionX > Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.positionX + (_Width(Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.restoredImageHandle) - 23) And Mouse.positionX < Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.positionX + (_Width(Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.restoredImageHandle) - 3) Then
                        If Mouse.positionY > Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.positionY + (_Height(Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.restoredImageHandle) - 23) And Mouse.positionY < Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.positionY + (_Height(Objects(WindowMatched).Windows.restoredImageHandle) - 3) Then
                            objectResize WindowMatched
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        Next i
    End If
    _Limit 60
Loop Until Len(InKey$)

Sub objectAdd
    limitObjects.Current = limitObjects.Current + 1
    ReDim _Preserve Objects(limitObjects.Current) As anObject
End Sub

Sub objectRemove (inIdentifier As _Unsigned Integer)
    If Objects(inIdentifier).Icons.imageHandle Then
        _FreeImage Objects(inIdentifier).Icons.imageHandle
    End If
    If Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.restoredImageHandle Then
        _FreeImage Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.restoredImageHandle
    End If
    If Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.maximizedImageHandle Then
        _FreeImage Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.maximizedImageHandle
    End If
    For i = inIdentifier To limitObjects.Current - 1 Step 1
        Objects(i) = Objects(i + 1)
    Next i

    If limitObjects.Current > limitObjects.Minimum Then ' redim array
        limitObjects.Current = limitObjects.Current - 1
        ReDim _Preserve Objects(limitObjects.Current) As anObject
    End If
End Sub

Sub objectInit (inPositionX As Integer, inPositionY As Integer, inSizeX As _Unsigned Integer, inSizeY As _Unsigned Integer, inIdentifier As String, inTitle As String)
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Title = inTitle
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Identifier = inIdentifier
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.positionX = inPositionX
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.positionY = inPositionY
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.Size.restoredSizeX = inSizeX
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.Size.restoredSizeY = inSizeY
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.Size.maximizedSizeX = _Width
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.Size.maximizedSizeY = _Height
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.restoredImageHandle = _NewImage(Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.Size.restoredSizeX, Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.Size.restoredSizeY, 32)
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.maximizedImageHandle = _NewImage(Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.Size.maximizedSizeX, Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.Size.maximizedSizeY, 32)
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.Properties.isMinimizable = -1
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.Properties.isRestorable = -1
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.Properties.isMaximizable = -1
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.Properties.isMovable = -1
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.Properties.isResizable = -1
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.Status.isMinimized = -1
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.Status.isRestored = 0
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.Status.isMaximized = 0
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.Status.isMoving = 0
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.Status.isResizing = 0
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.isActive = 0
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Icons.positionX = Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.positionX + (Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.Size.restoredSizeX / 2)
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Icons.positionY = Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.positionY + (Objects(limitObjects.Current).Windows.Size.restoredSizeY / 2)
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Icons.imageHandle = _LoadImage("blank.png")
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Icons.sizeX = _Width(Objects(limitObjects.Current).Icons.imageHandle)
    Objects(limitObjects.Current).Icons.sizeY = _Height(Objects(limitObjects.Current).Icons.imageHandle)
    objectDraw limitObjects.Current, "Restored"
    objectDraw limitObjects.Current, "Maximized"
End Sub

Sub objectDraw (inIdentifier As _Unsigned Integer, inMode As String)
    inMode = LTrim$(RTrim$(UCase$(inMode)))
    Select Case inMode
        Case "RESTORED"
            _Dest Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.restoredImageHandle
            Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(127, 127, 127, 255), BF
            box 0, 0, _Width - 1, _Height - 1, 1
            box 0, 0, _Width - 1, _Height - 1, 1
            If Objects(Identifier).Windows.isActive = -1 Then
                Titlebar 2, 2, _Width - 5, 23, _RGBA32(0, 255, 255, 255)
                Titlebar 2, 2, _Width - 5, 23, _RGBA32(0, 127, 127, 255)
            End If
            box2 _Width - 48, 3, 20, 20, 1, 7
            box2 _Width - 25, 3, 20, 20, 1, 2
            box3 4, 3, 20, 20, 1, 1, 7
            _Dest 0
        Case "MAXIMIZED"
            _Dest Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.maximizedImageHandle
            Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(127, 127, 127, 255), BF
            box 0, 0, _Width - 1, _Height - 1, 1
            box 0, 0, _Width - 1, _Height - 1, 1
            If Objects(Identifier).Windows.isActive = -1 Then
                Titlebar 2, 2, _Width - 5, 23, _RGBA32(0, 255, 255, 255)
                Titlebar 2, 2, _Width - 5, 23, _RGBA32(0, 127, 127, 255)
            End If
            box2 _Width - 48, 3, 20, 20, 1, 7
            box2 _Width - 25, 3, 20, 20, 1, 2
            box3 4, 3, 20, 20, 1, 1, 7
            _Dest 0
    End Select
End Sub

Sub objectMinimize (inIdentifier As _Unsigned Integer)
    If Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Properties.isMinimizable = -1 Then
        Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Status.isMinimized = -1
        Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Status.isRestored = 0
        Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Status.isMaximized = 0
    End If
End Sub

Sub objectRestore (inIdentifier As _Unsigned Integer)
    If Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Properties.isRestorable = -1 Then
        Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Status.isMinimized = 0
        Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Status.isRestored = -1
        Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Status.isMaximized = 0
    End If
End Sub

Sub objectMaximize (inIdentifier As _Unsigned Integer)
    If Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Properties.isMaximizable = -1 Then
        Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Status.isMinimized = 0
        Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Status.isRestored = 0
        Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Status.isMaximized = -1
    End If
End Sub

Sub objectMove (inIdentifier As _Unsigned Integer)
    If Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Properties.isMovable Then
        Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Status.isMoving = -1
        Dim previousPositionX As _Unsigned Integer, previousPositionY As _Unsigned Integer
        If Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Status.isMinimized Then
            previousPositionX = Objects(inIdentifier).Icons.positionX - Mouse.positionX
            previousPositionY = Objects(inIdentifier).Icons.positionY - Mouse.positionY
            While Mouse.buttonLeft
                Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(63, 0, 63, 255), BF
                Objects(inIdentifier).Icons.positionX = Mouse.positionX + previousPositionX
                Objects(inIdentifier).Icons.positionY = Mouse.positionY + previousPositionY
                For i = 1 To limitObjects.Current
                    If Objects(i).Windows.Status.isMinimized Then
                        _PutImage (Objects(i).Icons.positionX, Objects(i).Icons.positionY), Objects(i).Icons.imageHandle
                    ElseIf Objects(i).Windows.Status.isRestored Then
                        _PutImage (Objects(i).Windows.positionX, Objects(i).Windows.positionY), Objects(i).Windows.restoredImageHandle
                    End If
                Next i
        ElseIf Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Status.isRestored Then
            previousPositionX = Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.positionX - Mouse.positionX
            previousPositionY = Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.positionY - Mouse.positionY
            While Mouse.buttonLeft
                Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(63, 0, 63, 255), BF
                Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.positionX = Mouse.positionX + previousPositionX
                Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.positionY = Mouse.positionY + previousPositionY
                For i = 1 To limitObjects.Current
                    If Objects(i).Windows.Status.isMinimized Then
                        _PutImage (Objects(i).Icons.positionX, Objects(i).Icons.positionY), Objects(i).Icons.imageHandle
                    ElseIf Objects(i).Windows.Status.isRestored Then
                        _PutImage (Objects(i).Windows.positionX, Objects(i).Windows.positionY), Objects(i).Windows.restoredImageHandle
                    End If
                Next i
        End If
        Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Status.isMoving = 0
    End If
End Sub

Sub objectResize (inIdentifier As _Unsigned Integer)
    If Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Properties.isResizable Then
        Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Status.isResizing = -1
        Dim positionX As Integer, positionY As Integer
        Dim sizeX As _Unsigned Integer, sizeY As _Unsigned Integer
        positionX = Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.positionX
        positionY = Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.positionY
        While Mouse.buttonLeft
            Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), _RGBA32(63, 0, 63, 255), BF
            For i = 1 To limitObjects.Current
                If Objects(i).Windows.Status.isMinimized Then
                    _PutImage (Objects(i).Icons.positionX, Objects(i).Icons.positionY), Objects(i).Icons.imageHandle
                ElseIf Objects(i).Windows.Status.isRestored Then
                    _PutImage (Objects(i).Windows.positionX, Objects(i).Windows.positionY), Objects(i).Windows.restoredImageHandle
                End If
            Next i
            sizeX = (Mouse.positionX - Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.positionX)
            sizeY = (Mouse.positionY - Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.positionY)
            Line (Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.positionX, Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.positionY)-(Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.positionX + sizeX, Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.positionY + sizeY), _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255), B
        sizeX = (Mouse.positionX - Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.positionX)
        sizeY = (Mouse.positionY - Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.positionY)
        _FreeImage Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.restoredImageHandle
        Objects(indentifier).Windows.restoredImageHandle = _NewImage(sizeX, sizeY, 32)
        objectDraw inIdentifier, "Restored"
        _PutImage (positionX, positionY), inIdentifier
        Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.positionX = positionX
        Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.positionY = positionY
        Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Size.restoredSizeX = sizeX
        Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Size.restoredSizeY = sizeY
        Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Status.isResizing = 0
    End If
End Sub

Sub objectDisableMinimization (inIdentifier As _Unsigned Integer)
    Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Properties.isMinimizable = 0
End Sub

Sub objectDisableRestoration (inIdentifier As _Unsigned Integer)
    Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Properties.isRestorable = 0
End Sub

Sub objectDisableMaximization (inIdentifier As _Unsigned Integer)
    Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Properties.isMaximizable = 0
End Sub

Sub objectDisableMoving (inIdentifier As _Unsigned Integer)
    Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Properties.isMovable = 0
End Sub

Sub objectDisableResizing (inIdentifier As _Unsigned Integer)
    Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Properties.isResizable = 0
End Sub

Sub mouseProbe
    While _MouseInput
        Mouse.positionX = _MouseX
        Mouse.positionY = _MouseY
        Mouse.buttonLeft = _MouseButton(1)
        Mouse.buttonCenter = _MouseButton(3)
        Mouse.buttonRight = _MouseButton(2)
End Sub

Function isObject~% (inIdentifier As _Unsigned Integer)
    If Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Status.isMinimized Then
        If Mouse.positionX >= Objects(inIdentifier).Icons.positionX Then
            If Mouse.positionY >= Objects(inIdentifier).Icons.positionY Then
                If Mouse.positionX <= Objects(inIdentifier).Icons.positionX + Objects(inIdentifier).Icons.sizeX Then
                    If Mouse.positionY <= Objects(inIdentifier).Icons.positionY + Objects(inIdentifier).Icons.sizeY Then
                        isObject~% = inIdentifier
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
    ElseIf Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Status.isRestored Then
        If Mouse.positionX >= Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.positionX Then
            If Mouse.positionY >= Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.positionY Then
                If Mouse.positionX <= Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.positionX + Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Size.restoredSizeX Then
                    If Mouse.positionY <= Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.positionY + Objects(inIdentifier).Windows.Size.restoredSizeY Then
                        isObject~% = inIdentifier
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Function

Sub Titlebar (titlebarPositionX As _Unsigned Integer, titlebarPositionY As _Unsigned Integer, titlebarWidth As _Unsigned Integer, titlebarHeight As _Unsigned Integer, titlebarColor As _Unsigned Long)
    Line (titlebarPositionX, titlebarPositionY)-(titlebarPositionX + titlebarWidth, titlebarPositionY + titlebarHeight), titlebarColor, BF
End Sub

Sub box (boxPositionX As _Unsigned Integer, boxPositionY As _Unsigned Integer, boxWidth As _Unsigned Integer, boxHeight As _Unsigned Integer, boxDepth As _Unsigned Integer)
    Line (boxPositionX, boxPositionY)-(boxPositionX + boxWidth, boxPositionY + boxHeight), gray75, BF
    Line (boxPositionX + boxDepth, boxPositionY + boxDepth)-(boxPositionX + boxWidth, boxPositionY + boxHeight), gray25, BF
    Line (boxPositionX + boxDepth, boxPositionY + boxDepth)-((boxPositionX + boxWidth) - boxDepth, (boxPositionY + boxHeight) - boxDepth), gray50, BF
End Sub

Sub box2 (boxPositionX As _Unsigned Integer, boxPositionY As _Unsigned Integer, boxWidth As _Unsigned Integer, boxHeight As _Unsigned Integer, boxDepth As _Unsigned Integer, interiorDepth As _Unsigned Integer)
    interiorDepth = interiorDepth * boxDepth
    Line (boxPositionX, boxPositionY)-(boxPositionX + boxWidth, boxPositionY + boxHeight), gray25, BF
    Line (boxPositionX + boxDepth, boxPositionY + boxDepth)-(boxPositionX + boxWidth, boxPositionY + boxHeight), gray75, BF
    Line (boxPositionX + boxDepth, boxPositionY + boxDepth)-((boxPositionX + boxWidth) - boxDepth, (boxPositionY + boxHeight) - boxDepth), gray50, BF
    Line (boxPositionX + boxDepth + interiorDepth, boxPositionY + boxDepth + interiorDepth)-(boxPositionX + boxWidth - boxDepth - interiorDepth, boxPositionY + boxHeight - boxDepth - interiorDepth), gray75, BF
    Line (boxPositionX + (boxDepth * 2) + interiorDepth, boxPositionY + (boxDepth * 2) + interiorDepth)-(boxPositionX + boxWidth - boxDepth - interiorDepth, boxPositionY + boxHeight - boxDepth - interiorDepth), gray25, BF
    Line (boxPositionX + (boxDepth * 2) + interiorDepth, boxPositionY + (boxDepth * 2) + interiorDepth)-(boxPositionX + boxWidth - (boxDepth * 2) - interiorDepth, boxPositionY + boxHeight - (boxDepth * 2) - interiorDepth), gray50, BF
End Sub

Sub box3 (boxPositionX As _Unsigned Integer, boxPositionY As _Unsigned Integer, boxWidth As _Unsigned Integer, boxHeight As _Unsigned Integer, boxDepth As _Unsigned Integer, interiorDepthX As _Unsigned Integer, interiorDepthY As _Unsigned Integer)
    interiorDepthX = interiorDepthX * boxDepth
    interiorDepthY = interiorDepthY * boxDepth
    Line (boxPositionX, boxPositionY)-(boxPositionX + boxWidth, boxPositionY + boxHeight), gray25, BF
    Line (boxPositionX + boxDepth, boxPositionY + boxDepth)-(boxPositionX + boxWidth, boxPositionY + boxHeight), gray75, BF
    Line (boxPositionX + boxDepth, boxPositionY + boxDepth)-((boxPositionX + boxWidth) - boxDepth, (boxPositionY + boxHeight) - boxDepth), gray50, BF
    Line (boxPositionX + boxDepth + interiorDepthX, boxPositionY + boxDepth + interiorDepthY)-(boxPositionX + boxWidth - boxDepth - interiorDepthX, boxPositionY + boxHeight - boxDepth - interiorDepthY), gray75, BF
    Line (boxPositionX + (boxDepth * 2) + interiorDepthX, boxPositionY + (boxDepth * 2) + interiorDepthY)-(boxPositionX + boxWidth - boxDepth - interiorDepthX, boxPositionY + boxHeight - boxDepth - interiorDepthY), gray25, BF
    Line (boxPositionX + (boxDepth * 2) + interiorDepthX, boxPositionY + (boxDepth * 2) + interiorDepthY)-(boxPositionX + boxWidth - (boxDepth * 2) - interiorDepthX, boxPositionY + boxHeight - (boxDepth * 2) - interiorDepthY), gray50, BF
End Sub

RE: Keybone's GUI (04/07/2022) - Tim - 04-19-2022

I tried to rate this thread 5 stars, but accidentally only hit 1 star. If you or anyone else knows how I can edit that rating, please let me know. Great, inspiring work!!! Thank you for posting this.

RE: Keybone's GUI (04/07/2022) - Keybone - 04-19-2022

(04-19-2022, 06:10 PM)Tim Wrote: I tried to rate this thread 5 stars, but accidentally only hit 1 star. If you or anyone else knows how I can edit that rating, please let me know. Great, inspiring work!!! Thank you for posting this.

Thank you! I've been working on these for years. I still havent even put a dent in my whole collection. :-)

Btw, I can't change your star rating for this thread, only you can. In order to change it just click a different amount of stars in the same place you clicked before.

RE: Keybone's GUI (04/07/2022) - Pete - 04-19-2022

(04-19-2022, 06:15 PM)Keybone Wrote: Btw, I can't change your star rating for this thread, only you can. In order to change it just click a different amount of stars in the same place you clicked before.

Well, I'll have to see if Steve has access to this. I don't see it in my mod panel. So I tried fiddling with it, did 1 star, and then tried to do 5, as you suggested, and guess what? It wouldn't accept the change! So now, you have double 1 star rating. This is not a good system, but maybe it can be tweaked. I'll buy Steve a cup of coffee, and see what we can do.


RE: Keybone's GUI (04/07/2022) - Keybone - 04-19-2022

(04-19-2022, 06:29 PM)Pete Wrote:
(04-19-2022, 06:15 PM)Keybone Wrote: Btw, I can't change your star rating for this thread, only you can. In order to change it just click a different amount of stars in the same place you clicked before.

Well, I'll have to see if Steve has access to this. I don't see it in my mod panel. So I tried fiddling with it, did 1 star, and then tried to do 5, as you suggested, and guess what? It wouldn't accept the change!  So now, you have double 1 star rating. This is not a good system, but maybe it can be tweaked. I'll buy Steve a cup of coffee, and see what we can do.


Lol. Thanks Pete!

RE: Keybone's GUI (04/07/2022) - admin - 04-19-2022

Steve only had one option for thread ratings -- enable them, or not. There's no edit, reset, clear, or anything else...

Just "Do you want them? Or Not?"

So... Care to guess what the forums no longer has on them, cluttering them up and becoming an issue? Wink

RE: Keybone's GUI (04/07/2022) - Keybone - 04-19-2022

(04-19-2022, 08:27 PM)admin Wrote: Steve only had one option for thread ratings -- enable them, or not.  There's no edit, reset, clear, or anything else...

Just "Do you want them?  Or Not?"

So...  Care to guess what the forums no longer has on them, cluttering them up and becoming an issue?  Wink

There is nothing wrong with that. It's nicer without the ratings anyways.