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The _MD5$ function returns the MD5 hash value of any arbitrary string.
- md5hash$ = _MD5$(dataString$)
- md5hash$ is the hash value returned as hexadecimal STRING, if the given dataString$ was empty the unusual but absolutely correct hash value is:
- D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E
- dataString$ is any literal or variable STRING to build the hash value from.
- MD5 can be used as a checksum to verify data integrity against unintentional corruption.
- Historically it was widely used as a cryptographic hash function, however it has been found to suffer from extensive vulnerabilities.
- It remains suitable for other non-cryptographic purposes and may be preferred due to lower computational requirements than more recent Secure Hash Algorithms.
- Attention when comparing hashes
- MD5 hashes may contain the hexadecimal letters A-F and implementations may differ using either lower or upper case letters.
- If you compare hashes from external sources, which were not generated with our _MD5$ function, then make sure to use either LCASE$ or UCASE$ on all hashes to avoid mismatches due to case differences.
- Our function will always return upper case.
- Example
- Showing how the MD5 hash value can detect differences in two strings.
'this is the correct text t$ = "QB64 Phoenix Edition" PRINT "Correct Text: "; t$ PRINT " MD5 hash: "; _MD5$(t$) PRINT 'this text differs in just 1 bit from the above, by changing 4 to 5 'ASC("4") = 52 = &B00110100 'ASC("5") = 53 = &B00110101 t$ = "QB65 Phoenix Edition" PRINT "Mangled Text: "; t$ PRINT " MD5 hash: "; _MD5$(t$) END |
Correct Text: QB64 Phoenix Edition MD5 hash: E512ECA19E9487D7C2F564E848314238 Mangled Text: QB65 Phoenix Edition MD5 hash: 3EF03E7B0DB46F7D1FA6B9626563C10B |
See also