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         slp% = {{Cl|_INSTRREV}}(dst$, {{Text|<nowiki>"\"</nowiki>|#FFB100}})
         slp% = {{Cl|_INSTRREV}}(dst$, {{Text|<nowiki>"\"</nowiki>|#FFB100}})
         {{Cl|IF}} slp% = {{Text|0|#F580B1}} {{Cl|THEN}} slp% = {{Cl|_INSTRREV}}(dst$, {{Text|<nowiki>"/"</nowiki>|#FFB100}})
         {{Cl|IF}} slp% = {{Text|0|#F580B1}} {{Cl|THEN}} slp% = {{Cl|_INSTRREV}}(dst$, {{Text|<nowiki>"/"</nowiki>|#FFB100}})
         {{Cl|IF}} slp% > {{Text|0|#F580B1}} {{Cl|THEN}}
         {{Cl|IF}} slp% &gt; {{Text|0|#F580B1}} {{Cl|THEN}}
             {{Cl|IF}} {{Cl|NOT}} {{Cl|_DIREXISTS}}({{Cl|LEFT$}}(dst$, slp% - {{Text|1|#F580B1}})) {{Cl|THEN}}
             {{Cl|IF}} {{Cl|NOT}} {{Cl|_DIREXISTS}}({{Cl|LEFT$}}(dst$, slp% - {{Text|1|#F580B1}})) {{Cl|THEN}}
                 {{Text|CopyFile$|#55FF55}} = {{Text|<nowiki>"ERROR: Destination path not found."</nowiki>|#FFB100}}
                 {{Text|CopyFile$|#55FF55}} = {{Text|<nowiki>"ERROR: Destination path not found."</nowiki>|#FFB100}}
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* [https://qb64phoenix.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2713 Featured in our "Keyword of the Day" series]
* [[_READFILE$]], [[BLOAD]], [[BSAVE]]
* [[_READFILE$]], [[BLOAD]], [[BSAVE]]
* [[_DEFLATE$]], [[_INFLATE$]]
* [[_DEFLATE$]], [[_INFLATE$]]

Revision as of 12:14, 8 December 2024

The _WRITEFILE statement writes a string into a new file, overwriting an existing file of the same name. It does OPEN, PUT and CLOSE the file in one run. It's the counterpart to the _READFILE$ function.


_WRITEFILE fileSpec$, contents$


  • fileSpec$ is the name of the file to write as literal or variable STRING, if required inclusive a full or relative path.
    • To avoid errors you should use _DIREXISTS before using this statement to make sure a desired path exists.
  • contents$ is the literal or variable STRING which its contents shall be written into the file.


  • Sometimes you may be in need to quickly dump a huge amount of data into a file without much fuss, e.g. the results of the pack/unpack functions _DEFLATE$ and _INFLATE$ or when copying a file in conjunction with the _READFILE$ function.
  • In earlier versions of QB64(PE) you had to implement that saving process manually all the time or create a reusable custom FUNCTION for it.
  • Now _WRITEFILE will simplify this, it's mainly for convenience to wrap the following code sequence into one handy statement:
OPEN fileSpec$ FOR OUTPUT AS #fh: CLOSE #fh
OPEN fileSpec$ FOR BINARY AS #fh
PUT #fh, , contents$



Implementing a simple file copy routine using _READFILE$ and _WRITEFILE.
s$ = "Makefile"
d$ = "Makefile - Copy"

r$ = CopyFile$(s$, d$)

IF r$ = "" THEN
    PRINT "Sucessfully copied '"; s$; "' to '"; d$; "'."
    PRINT r$


FUNCTION CopyFile$ (src$, dst$)
    CopyFile$ = "" 'empty = success, otherwise error message
    buffer$ = _READFILE$(src$)
    IF buffer$ = "" AND _FILEEXISTS(src$) = 0 THEN
        CopyFile$ = "ERROR: Source file not found."
        slp% = _INSTRREV(dst$, "\")
        IF slp% = 0 THEN slp% = _INSTRREV(dst$, "/")
        IF slp% > 0 THEN
            IF NOT _DIREXISTS(LEFT$(dst$, slp% - 1)) THEN
                CopyFile$ = "ERROR: Destination path not found."
                EXIT FUNCTION
            END IF
        END IF
        _WRITEFILE dst$, buffer$
    END IF
Example by RhoSigma

See also

Main Page with Articles and Tutorials
Keyword Reference - Alphabetical
Keyword Reference - By usage
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