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The PALETTE USING statement sets all RGB screen color intensities using values from an array.


PALETTE USING array%(startIndex%)


  • The array holds the RGB color value using the color value as red% + 256 * green% + 65536 * blue%.
    • Color intensities range from 0 to 63.
  • startIndex% indicates the index in the array from which the statement should start reading. The statement will read all color attributes available in that SCREEN mode. The number of values required in the array is listed below:

Template:WhiteStart Screen mode Attributes Colors Values

                  0              0 - 15         0 - 63           16
                  1              0 - 3          0 - 3             4
                  2              0 - 1          0 - 1             2
                  7              0 - 15         0 - 15           16
                  8              0 - 15         0 - 15           16
                  9              0 - 15         0 - 63           16
                 10              0 - 3          0 - 8             4
                 11              0 - 1          0 - 1             2
                 12              0 - 15         0 - 262,143      16
                 13              0 - 15         0 - 263,143     256


  • A color argument of -1 in the array leaves the attribute unchanged. Other negative numbers are invalid.

See also

Main Page with Articles and Tutorials
Keyword Reference - Alphabetical
Keyword Reference - By usage
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