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The STOP statement is used to stop program execution when troubleshooting a program or to suspend event trapping.




  • STOP used in the QBasic IDE does not close any files or go to the operating system. It returns to the IDE.
  • In the QB64 compiler, STOP closes the program window and returns to the IDE when the code is compiled from there.
  • STOP is ONLY used for debugging purposes and should not be used to exit programs!
  • STOP can also be used to suspend an event trap in the following statements: KEY(n), STRIG(n) and TIMER(n). The trap can be turned back on with ON and returns any trap events since STOP was used.


Example: When run in the QBasic IDE, the program will return to the IDE at STOP. Press F5 to finish the program.

PRINT "start"



PRINT "resumed"
Explanation: QB64 will STOP the program and close the window as it does not have an interpreter to run the rest of the code.

See also

Main Page with Articles and Tutorials
Keyword Reference - Alphabetical
Keyword Reference - By usage
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