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The _SATURATION32 function returns the saturation value (HSB colorspace) of a given 32-bit ARGB color.


saturation# = _SATURATION32(argbColor~&)


  • argbColor~& is the 32-bit ARGB color value to retrieve the saturation value from.


  • The value returned is of type DOUBLE in the range 0 to 100 percent, use CINT to work with integers only.
    • 100% is the richest color possible, as closer the value comes to 0% as more faded is the color, ending at dull gray.
    • The intensity of the gray (i.e. black >> darkgray >> midgray >> lightgray >> white) depends on the brightness value.
Naming differences
  • The HSB (B=Brightness) colorspace is also known as HSV (V=Value) and sometimes even called HSI (I=Intensity), but that's all just different names for the same thing.
  • However, this function is not suitable for the HSL (L=Lightness) colorspace, which is widely used in the Web/CSS.
Precision drawbacks
  • When converting between colorspaces, rounding errors can occur.
  • While the HSB colorspace has virtually infinite precision using floating point values, RGB is limited to 8-bit integers (0-255) only, which can lead to quantization errors.
  • In fact, not all colors in HSB can be accurately represented in RGB, but the opposite is possible.
  • It can be guaranteed, that the _HUE32, _SATURATION32 and _BRIGHTNESS32 values retrieved from any arbitrary RGB color will reproduce the exact same RGB color when passed back through _HSB32.



PRINT "Creating a color using the HSB colorspace..."
c~& = _HSB32(90, 75, 65)

PRINT "_HSB32( 90, 75, 65 ) = _RGB32("; _RED32(c~&); ","; _GREEN32(c~&); ","; _BLUE32(c~&); ")"
PRINT "back to HSB values (notice the precision loss)..."
PRINT "Hue.......:"; _HUE32(c~&)
PRINT "Saturation:"; _SATURATION32(c~&)
PRINT "Brightness:"; _BRIGHTNESS32(c~&)
PRINT "but with CINT() we can get back the original values..."
PRINT "Hue.......:"; CINT(_HUE32(c~&))
PRINT "Saturation:"; CINT(_SATURATION32(c~&))
PRINT "Brightness:"; CINT(_BRIGHTNESS32(c~&))


See also

Main Page with Articles and Tutorials
Keyword Reference - Alphabetical
Keyword Reference - By usage
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