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IF...THEN statements make boolean (true or false) evaluations to automate program decision making.



IF conditionStatement THEN {code} ELSE {alternativeCode}
IF conditionStatement GOTO lineLabel


IF conditionStatement THEN
ELSEIF conditionStatement2 THEN


  • The conditionStatement evaluation by IF must be true (-1) or a non-zero numerical value for the THEN {code} to be executed.
  • Multiple conditional evaluations can be made using inclusive AND or alternative OR conditional expressions.
  • THEN is not required when GOTO is used to send program flow to a line number or label.
  • IF statements can also have alternative evaluations using ELSEIF and ELSE conditions.
  • When the IF statement and/or code to be run is more than code line, an END IF statement must be used.
  • With multiple code lines to run, end the IF statement with THEN and place all of the code on lines below that line.
  • Multiple code line block statements require that the IF...THEN, ELSEIF, ELSE and END IF be on separate lines.
  • The IDE may return an error of NEXT without FOR or LOOP without DO when END IF does not end a statement block.
  • The QB64 IDE will indicate an error in the IF statement line until END IF closes the statement block.
  • Use colons to execute multiple statements in a single-line IF statement.
  • An underscore can be used anywhere after the code on a single-line to continue it to the next line in QB64.
  • NOTE: STRING values can only be evaluated in an IF statement if a value is compared to a literal or CHR$ string value. QB64 may not compile literal IF string statements or indicate an IDE coding error. Use LEN or ASC to compare strings numerically.


When evaluating a number value, no IF value > 0 operation is necessary for values not 0. Use: IF value THEN

Boolean Conditional Operators:

  • AND (boolean) can be used to add extra conditions to a boolean statement evaluation.
  • OR (boolean) can be used to add alternate conditions to a boolean statement evaluation.
  • Parenthesis are allowed inside of boolean statements to clarify an evaluation.

Mathematical Logical operators:
* Truth table of the 6 BASIC Logical Operators:


* Note that Basic returns -1 for True and 0 for False.


Example 1: In a one line IF statement, only REM can be used to comment out the action without an END IF error:

INPUT "Enter a number over or under 100: ", x
IF x > 100 THEN PRINT x 
IF x > 100 THEN REM PRINT x  '

Example 2: IF statement blocks require that the IF THEN and END IF statements be separate from the code executed.

INPUT "Enter a number over or under 100: ", x
IF x > 100 THEN
  y = 200

Example 3: True or False evaluation of a numerical value executes only when the value is not 0. Cannot evaluate STRING values.

INPUT "Enter a number or just hit Enter: ", x
Example will only print if a numerical value is True (positive or negative). (Equivalent to: IF x > 0 OR x < 0 THEN evaluation)

Example 4: Multiple evaluations using parenthesis to determine the order.

INPUT "Enter a number over or under 100 or 50: ", value
IF (value% > 100 AND value% < 200) OR value% = 50 THEN PRINT "OK"  

Example 5: Using multiple IF options in a one line statement.

INPUT "Enter a number over or under 200: ", x

Example 6: STRING values can be compared using greater than, less than, not equal to or equal to operators only.

PRINT "Press a letter key: ";
Key$ = INPUT$(1)
IF Key$ >= CHR$(65) AND Key$ <= CHR$(90) THEN PRINT "A to Z"
Explanation: Long STRING expression values are compared by their cumulative ASCII code values.

QBasic decimal point value comparison errors
  • Floating decimal point numerical values may not be compared as exactly the same value. QB64 will compare them the same.
Example: QBasic would print unequal in the IF comparison code below even though it is exactly the same value printed.
x# = 5 / 10
y# = 6 / 10
z# = x# + y#
PRINT x#, y#, z#
IF x# + y# = z# THEN PRINT "equal" ELSE PRINT "unequal"  
Note: QB64 will make the calculation correctly and print equal. Change older program code that relies on the error accordingly.

See also

Main Page with Articles and Tutorials
Keyword Reference - Alphabetical
Keyword Reference - By usage
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