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Keep Out - This is my all things MediaWiki Nuke Test Site ...

a$ = _ReadFile$("internal\help\_HSB32__11132.txt")
ReDim l$(0)
'ub& = Parseline&(a$,)

Sub test (a##, b(), c) Static 'gfuzgweuwfe
End Sub

Function test$ (a##, b() As Long, c) Static 'gfuzgweuwfe
End Function

'--- docs\\ParseLine.html
Function ParseLine& (inpLine$, sepChars$, quoChars$, outArray$(), minUB&)
'--- so far return nothing ---
ParseLine& = -1
'--- init & check some runtime variables ---
ilen& = Len(inpLine$): icnt& = 1
If ilen& = 0 Then Exit Function
slen% = Len(sepChars$)
If slen% > 0 Then s1% = Asc(sepChars$, 1)
If slen% > 1 Then s2% = Asc(sepChars$, 2)
If slen% > 2 Then s3% = Asc(sepChars$, 3)
If slen% > 3 Then s4% = Asc(sepChars$, 4)
If slen% > 4 Then s5% = Asc(sepChars$, 5)
If slen% > 5 Then slen% = 5 'max. 5 chars, ignore the rest
If Len(quoChars$) > 0 Then q1% = Asc(quoChars$, 1): Else q1% = 34
If Len(quoChars$) > 1 Then q2% = Asc(quoChars$, 2): Else q2% = q1%
oalb& = LBound(outArray$): oaub& = UBound(outArray$): ocnt& = oalb&
'--- skip preceding separators ---
flag% = 0
While icnt& <= ilen& And Not flag%
    ch% = Asc(inpLine$, icnt&)
    Select Case slen%
        Case 0: flag% = -1
        Case 1: flag% = ch% <> s1%
        Case 2: flag% = ch% <> s1% And ch% <> s2%
        Case 3: flag% = ch% <> s1% And ch% <> s2% And ch% <> s3%
        Case 4: flag% = ch% <> s1% And ch% <> s2% And ch% <> s3% And ch% <> s4%
        Case 5: flag% = ch% <> s1% And ch% <> s2% And ch% <> s3% And ch% <> s4% And ch% <> s5%
    End Select
    icnt& = icnt& + 1
If Not flag% Then 'nothing else? - then exit
    If ocnt& > oalb& GoTo plEnd
    Exit Function
End If
'--- redim to clear array on 1st word/component ---
If ocnt& = oalb& Then ReDim outArray$(oalb& To oaub&)
'--- expand array, if required ---
If ocnt& > oaub& Then
    oaub& = oaub& + 10
    ReDim _Preserve outArray$(oalb& To oaub&)
End If
'--- get current word/component until next separator ---
flag% = 0: nest% = 0: spos& = icnt& - 1
While icnt& <= ilen& And Not flag%
    If ch% = q1% And nest% = 0 Then
        nest% = 1
    ElseIf ch% = q1% And nest% > 0 Then
        nest% = nest% + 1
    ElseIf ch% = q2% And nest% > 0 Then
        nest% = nest% - 1
    End If
    ch% = Asc(inpLine$, icnt&)
    Select Case slen%
        Case 0: flag% = (nest% = 0 And (ch% = q1%)) Or (nest% = 1 And ch% = q2%)
        Case 1: flag% = (nest% = 0 And (ch% = s1% Or ch% = q1%)) Or (nest% = 1 And ch% = q2%)
        Case 2: flag% = (nest% = 0 And (ch% = s1% Or ch% = s2% Or ch% = q1%)) Or (nest% = 1 And ch% = q2%)
        Case 3: flag% = (nest% = 0 And (ch% = s1% Or ch% = s2% Or ch% = s3% Or ch% = q1%)) Or (nest% = 1 And ch% = q2%)
        Case 4: flag% = (nest% = 0 And (ch% = s1% Or ch% = s2% Or ch% = s3% Or ch% = s4% Or ch% = q1%)) Or (nest% = 1 And ch% = q2%)
        Case 5: flag% = (nest% = 0 And (ch% = s1% Or ch% = s2% Or ch% = s3% Or ch% = s4% Or ch% = s5% Or ch% = q1%)) Or (nest% = 1 And ch% = q2%)
    End Select
    icnt& = icnt& + 1
epos& = icnt& - 1
If Asc(inpLine$, spos&) = q1% Then spos& = spos& + 1
outArray$(ocnt&) = Mid$(inpLine$, spos&, epos& - spos&)
ocnt& = ocnt& + 1
'--- more words/components following? ---
If flag% And ch% = q1% And nest% = 0 GoTo plNextWord
If flag% GoTo plSkipSepas
If (ch% <> q1%) And (ch% <> q2% Or nest% = 0) Then outArray$(ocnt& - 1) = outArray$(ocnt& - 1) + Chr$(ch%)
'--- final array size adjustment, then exit ---
If ocnt& - 1 < minUB& Then ocnt& = minUB& + 1
ReDim _Preserve outArray$(oalb& To (ocnt& - 1))
ParseLine& = ocnt& - 1
End Function