Inter-Program Data Sharing Demo

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Revision as of 21:15, 6 October 2022 by RhoSigma (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Your programs can communicate with each other using a TCP/IP connection, One as host and the other as a client. The following program demonstrates how to transfer data from one program to another program running simultaneously. ''Preparation'': Copy the following code to two modules with different names. Start both programs and watch how data is transferred. {{CodeStart}} SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(512, 512, 256) DIM a(511, 511) AS INTEGER 'an array we'll send x = {{Cl|_OPE...")
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Your programs can communicate with each other using a TCP/IP connection, One as host and the other as a client. The following program demonstrates how to transfer data from one program to another program running simultaneously.

Preparation: Copy the following code to two modules with different names. Start both programs and watch how data is transferred.

SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(512, 512, 256)

DIM a(511, 511) AS INTEGER 'an array we'll send

x = _OPENCLIENT("TCP/IP:1234:localhost") 'try to connect to a host

IF x = 0 THEN                      'couldn't be client, so become a host
    'put some data into array a
    FOR xx = 0 TO 511
        FOR yy = 0 TO 511
            a(xx, yy) = xx * yy
    PRINT "(Try running two copies of me at once!)"
    PRINT "Waiting... (Press any key to end)"
    x = _OPENHOST("TCP/IP:1234")
        z = _OPENCONNECTION(x)
        IF z <> 0 THEN
            PUT #z, , a() 'send array a to any client that connects
            CLOSE z
            PRINT "Array data send to client!"
        END IF
        _LIMIT 10
    PRINT "Finished!"

'connect to host as a client
PRINT "Conected to host. Reading data..."
    GET #x, , a()
    _LIMIT 100
LOOP UNTIL EOF(x) = 0 'wait until enough data to fill the array arrives
FOR xx = 0 TO 511
    FOR yy = 0 TO 511
        PSET (xx, yy), a(xx, yy)
PRINT "That's how you share data folks!" 'G@lleon  

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