PUT (TCP/IP statement)

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The PUT # TCP/IP statement sends unformatted(raw) data to an open connection using a user's handle.


PUT #handle, , data


Communicating using unformatted/raw streamed data:
  • Benefit: Communicate with any TCP/IP compatible protocol (eg. FTP, HTTP, web-pages, etc)
  • Disadvantage: Streamed data has no 'message length' as such, just a continuous bunch of bytes all in a row. Some messages get fragmented and parts of messages can (and often do) arrive at different times.
  • The position parameter (between the commas) is not used in TCP/IP statements as all data is streamed consecutively.
Your program MUST cater for these situations manually.
Example: string variable b$'s length is adjusted to the number of bytes read.

 PUT #client, , a$ 'sends data (this could be a string, variable array, user defined type, etc)
 GET #openconn, , b$ 'reads any available data into variable length string b$
 GET #openconn, , x% 'reads 2 bytes of data as an integer value.
Explanation: Checking EOF(o) is unnecessary. If 2 bytes are available, they are read into x%, if not then nothing is read and EOF(o) will return -1

See the example in _OPENCLIENT

See also

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