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ELSE is used in IF...THEN or SELECT CASE statements to offer an alternative to other conditional statements.


Single-line syntax:

IF condition THEN {code} ELSE {alternative-code}

Block syntax:

IF condition THEN
ELSEIF condition2 THEN


  • ELSE is used in a IF block statement to cover any remaining conditions not covered in the main block by IF or ELSEIF.
  • CASE ELSE covers any remaining conditions not covered by the other CASE statements.
  • ELSE can also be used as a false comparison to a true IF statement when a condition will only be true or false.
  • Other IF...THEN statements can be inside of an ELSE statement.


Example 1: One line IF statement

IF x = 100 THEN PRINT "100" ELSE PRINT "Not 100"

Example 2: Multiple line IF statement block

IF x = 100 THEN ' code executed MUST be on next statement line!
   PRINT "100"
ELSE PRINT "Not 100"

Example 3: To alternate between any two values (as long as the value after ELSE is the same as the condition)

IF a = 3 THEN a = 5 ELSE a = 3

See also

Main Page with Articles and Tutorials
Keyword Reference - Alphabetical
Keyword Reference - By usage