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NEXT is used in a FOR counter loop to progress through the loop count.


FOR counterVariable = startValue TO stopValue [[[STEP]] increment]
NEXT [counterVariable]


  • NEXT is required in a FOR loop or a "FOR without NEXT" error will occur.
  • The FOR variable name is not required after NEXT.
  • NEXT can be grouped with other NEXTs in nested FOR loops using colons like NEXT: NEXT
  • NEXT can also end more than one nested FOR loop using comma separated variables like NEXT j, i
  • NEXT increases the FOR loop count, so after the loop is over the counterVariable's value will be stopValue + 1 (or stopValue + increment).
  • NEXT is also used with the RESUME statement.


Example: Finding the FOR variable value AFTER a simple counter loop to 10.

FOR i = 1 TO 10

PRINT "AFTER the LOOP, NEXT makes the value of i ="; i
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AFTER the LOOP, NEXT makes the value of i = 11

Result: The last value of i = 11 although FOR only looped 10 times. Only use the count values while inside of the loop or compensate for this behavior in your code.

See also

Main Page with Articles and Tutorials
Keyword Reference - Alphabetical
Keyword Reference - By usage