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tiny basic as a subroutine
(07-31-2023, 02:08 PM)bplus Wrote: @James D Jarvis do you have any sample / demo programs to go with Tiny Basic? specially an example with chain and merge, you have me curious. I never used either in earlier Basics.

Good ones I wrote? I wrote non-exciting ones to test the merge and chain options, but they were likely boring as mud and almost as useful.  

Code: (Select All)
subone=299:'variables and expressions can be used in gosub and goto statements
for x =1 to 10
print x
  if x<5 then gosub subone
next x
goto 400
299 'subone
300 print "less then 5"
400 'hello there

Code: (Select All)
print "well well well"
for n = 1 to a
print n
next n

Code: (Select All)
print a
(Scratching head)? Shouldn't there be a merge or chain command somewhere in tinytest.bas (which I assume is lead-off bas program)?
b = b + ...
Found it! It was a Minesweeper game by Marcus 105 LOC pretty impressive!

Something to try in our version of Tiny:
Code: (Select All)
1 ' PROGRAM: Minesweeper for Tiny Basic, by Marcus
2 ' ===========================================================================
3 m = 15 ' Number of mines (difficulty).
4 for i = 0 to 99 : @(i) = 10 : @(100 + i) = 0 : next i ' Clear map.
5 gosub 110: print "Dig at" : gosub 30 ' Display map, input initial dig.
6 gosub 80 ' Generate map with m mines, make pos x, y safe.
7 s = 0 : f = m ' Set game state s to 0 and unused flags f to number of mines.
8 gosub 140 ' Dig at x, y.
10 ' Game loop =================================================================
11 gosub 110 ' Display map.
12 print "Flags left: "; : print f
13 input "Action (d = dig, f = add/remove flag, q = quit, c = cheat): ", a
14 if a = asc("d") then gosub 40
15 if a = asc("f") then gosub 50
16 if a = asc("c") then gosub 70
17 if a = asc("q") then s = -1
18 if s = 0 then goto 10 ' Loop.
20 gosub 100
21 if s < 0 then print "Bye bye!"
22 if s = 1 then print "ALL MINES MARKED, YOU SUCCEEDED!"
23 if s = 2 then print "BOOM, YOU FAILED!"
24 print
25 end
30 ' SUB: Input valid coordinates to x, y =====================================
31 input "  X (0-9): ", x : if x < 0 or x > 9 then goto 31
32 input "  Y (0-9): ", y : if y < 0 or y > 9 then goto 32
33 return
40 ' SUB: Dig action ==========================================================
41 print "Dig at" : gosub 30 : gosub 180 ' Get coords and convert to index p.
42 if @(100 + p) then print : print : print "You can't dig there!" : return
43 if @(p) = 11 then s = 2 : return
44 gosub 140 : return
50 ' SUB: Add remove flag action ==============================================
51 print "Add or remove flag at" : gosub 30 : gosub 180
52 if @(100 + p) = 3 then @(100 + p) = 0 : f = f + 1 : return
53 if f = 0 then print : print "You're out of flags!" : return
54 if @(100 + p) > 0 then print : print "You can't place a flag there!" : return
55 f = f - 1 : @(100 + p) = 3
56 ' Change game state to completed but restore if any mine is not flagged.
57 s = 1 : for y = 0 to 9: for x = 0 to 9
58  if @(y*10 + x) = 11 and not @(100 + y*10 + x) = 3 then s = 0
59 next x : next y
60 return
70 ' SUB: Cheat action ========================================================
71 gosub 100 : return
80 ' SUB: Init map with m mines, make position x, y "a zero" ==================
81 a = x : b  = y : c = 0
82 for y = 0 to 9 : for x = 0 to 9
83  if x < a - 1 or x > a + 1 or y < b - 1 or y > b + 1 then @(100 + c) = y*10 + x : c = c + 1
84 next x : next y
85 for i = 1 to m
86  j = rnd(c) : p = @(100 + j) : gosub 190 : @(y*10 + x) = 11 : c = c - 1
87  for k = j to c - 1 : @(100 + k) = @(100 + k + 1) : next k
88 next i
89 for i = 100 to 199 : @(i) = 0 : next i
90 x = a : y = b : return
100 ' SUB: Display actual map ==================================================
101 print : print " | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" : print "-+--------------------"
102 for y = 0 to 9 : print y, "| "; : for x = 0 to 9
103  if @(y*10 + x) = 11 then print "* "; : goto 105 ' Mine
104  print "  "; ' Nothing.
105 next x : print : next y : print
106 return
110 ' SUB: Display user view ==================================================
111 print : print " | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" : print "-+--------------------"
112 for y = 0 to 9 : print y, "| "; : for x = 0 to 9
113  p = y*10 + x : gosub 130
114 next x : print : next y : print
115 return
130 ' SUB: Print map character for position p ==================================
131 if @(100 + p) = 3 then print "F "; : return ' Flag.
132 if @(p) > 9 then print "? "; : return      ' Unexplored.
133 if @(p) = 0 then print "  "; : return      ' Empty.
134 print @(p), " "; : return                  ' Close to a mine.
140 ' SUB: Update visibility at x, y ===========================================
141 gosub 180 : if p < 0 then return
142 if @(100 + p) > 0 then return
143 @(100 + p) = 1
144 d = 1 : for i = 0 to 99
145  if @(100 + i) = 1 then d = 0 : p = i : gosub 150
146 next i
147 if d = 0 goto 144
148 return
150 ' SUB: Reveal position p and possibly mark more positions to be checked ====
151 @(100 + p) = 2 : z = p
152 gosub 200
153 @(z) = r
154 if r > 0 then return
155 p = z : gosub 190 : g = x : h = y
156 for v = h - 1 to h + 1 : for u = g - 1 to g + 1
157  x = u : y = v : gosub 180 : if p >= 0 and @(100 + p) = 0 then @(100 + p) = 1
158 next u : next v
159 return
180 ' SUB: Convert coordinates x, y to position p, -1 if invalid ===============
181 if x < 0 or x > 9 or y < 0 or y > 9 then p = -1 : return
182 p = y*10 + x
183 return
190 ' SUB: Convert position p to coordinates x, y, no error checking ===========
191 x = p mod 10 : y = p/10 : return
200 ' SUB: Calculate number of mines nearby p ==================================
201 r = 0 : q = p : gosub 190 : g = x : h = y
202 for v = h - 1 to h + 1 : for u = g - 1 to g + 1
203  x = u : y = v : gosub 180 : if p >= 0 then r = r + (@(p) = 11)
204 next u : next v
205 return
b = b + ...
Latest edit. Very minimal string variable support.
Code: (Select All)
'tiny basic in a subroutine
' vesion 0.2.d.a0123
' a tiny basic interpreter that can run in a  qb64 program
'based on code by Ed Davis   posted in a facebbok group
'it's crude and sloppy and not done yet but it works due to the good work of people before me.
'the original tiny basic implmentation this was based on used integer basic and only allowed 26 single letter variables
'altered things (poorly for now) to allow a larger number of variables and floating point numbers.
'there isn't support for string variables for now.
' valid variable names must start with a letter and may contain any mixture of alphanumeric characters  and $
'variable names are not case sensistive so Aaa and AAA woudl be the smae variable.
'it's sloppy but A100A woudl be a valid variable name
'eventually I'll get string variables into this and some simple graphics, there's some bits of code in here now to get that going
'but it's nowhere near done yet
'all output from the interperter will go to current program screen when the interpreter is called
'code will immediatley execute if typed without a line number
'line numbers from 1 to 9999 are valid

'added merge and chain commands. merge <filename> will add code to thecurrent program.
'chain <filename> will replace the currently loaded code. Variables created earlier will be retained.
'can now assign string variables (directly or with input statement) and print string varibles but as of yet there is no other string support

Screen _NewImage(800, 500, 32)

Const true = -1, false = 0, c_maxlines = 9999, c_maxvars = 200, c_at_max = 1000, c_g_stack = 100
Dim Shared As String c_tab, c_squote, c_dquote
c_tab = Chr$(9): c_squote = Chr$(39): c_dquote = Chr$(34)

Dim Shared pgm(c_maxlines) As String ' program stored here
Dim Shared vars(c_maxvars) As Double

Dim Shared var_type(c_maxvars) As String 'not really using this yet
Dim Shared var_name(c_maxvars) As String
Dim Shared var_string(c_maxvars) As String
Dim Shared stringflag As String
Dim Shared i_temp$

Dim Shared pen_x, pen_y As Single

Dim Shared gstackln(c_g_stack) As Integer ' gosub line stack
Dim Shared gstacktp(c_g_stack) As Integer ' gosub textp stack
Dim Shared gsp As Long
Dim Shared atarry(0 To c_at_max) As Double ' the @ array
Dim Shared forvar(c_maxvars) As Integer
Dim Shared forlimit(c_maxvars) As Integer
Dim Shared forline(c_maxvars) As Integer
Dim Shared forpos(c_maxvars) As Integer

Dim Shared As String tok, toktype ' current token, and it's type
Dim Shared As String tok2, toktype2 ' current token, and it's type
Dim Shared As String thelin, thech ' current program line, current character
Dim Shared As Integer curline, textp ' position in current line
Dim Shared num As Single ' last number read by scanner
Dim Shared As Integer errors, tracing, need_colon
Dim Shared dump_array(0 To c_at_max) As Double

declare function accept(s as string)
declare function expression(minprec as double)
declare function getfilename$(action as string)
declare function getvarindex
declare function inputexpression(s as string)
declare function parenexpr&

Dim pl$(1 To 12)

pl$(1) = "cls:a=0"
pl$(2) = "print" + Chr$(34) + "Hello" + Chr$(34)
pl$(3) = "for x = 1 to 10"
pl$(4) = "print x"
pl$(5) = " a = a +x: @(x)=a"
pl$(6) = "next x"
pl$(7) = "print" + Chr$(34) + "Done" + Chr$(34)
pl$(8) = "print a"
pl$(9) = "100 arraydump"
pl$(10) = "200 print " + Chr$(34) + "Type Run to execute the program and Quit to exit" + Chr$(34)

Call tiny_basic("new", pl$())
Print "Back in main program": Print
Print "Variables assigned in interpreter"
'show the first 10 variables that have been assigned in the interpreter is they have not been cleared
For x = 1 To 10
    Print var_name(x), vars(x), var_string(x)
Next x
ReDim pl$(2)
Print "press any key to coniunue": Sleep

pl$(1) = "print " + Chr$(34) + "Type your own program" + Chr$(34) + ":print :help"
Call tiny_basic("run", pl$())

Sub tiny_basic (icmd$, pl$())
    'icmd$ of "run" will load the program in the array pl$() and immediately execte it. previous vaiables will be retained if they were not cleared earlier.
    'icmd$ of "list" will load the prigram in pl$() and list the code in the interpreter
    'icmds$ of "new" will load the program in array pl$() and cler any previous variables.
    Dim loadlines, prox
    loadlines = UBound(pl$)

    n = 0
    For prox = 1 To loadlines
        pgm(0) = pl$(prox)
        Call initlex(0)
        If toktype = "number" And num > 0 And num <= c_maxlines Then
            n = num
            n = n + 1: textp = 1
        End If
        pgm(n) = Mid$(pgm(0), textp)
    Next prox
    curline = 0
    icmd$ = LCase$(icmd$)
    Select Case icmd$
        Case "run"
            tok = "run"
            Call docmd
        Case "list"
            tok = "list"
            Call docmd
        Case "new"
            tok = "run"
            Call docmd
    End Select

    If Command$ <> "" Then
        toktype = "string": tok = c_dquote + Command$
        Call loadstmt
        tok = "run": Call docmd
        ' Call help
    End If
        errors = false
        Line Input "tinyb> ", pgm(0)
        If pgm(0) <> "" Then
            Call initlex(0)
            If toktype = "number" Then
                Call validlinenum
                If Not errors Then pgm(num) = Mid$(pgm(0), textp)
                Call docmd
            End If
        End If
    Loop Until toktype = "exit"
    ReDim pgm(0 To c_maxlines) As String
End Sub

Sub mergestmt
    'merge another tny basic program file with the one presently loaded
    Dim last As Integer
    Dim filename As String
    last = 0
    i = 0
    For i = 1 To c_maxlines
        If pgm(i) <> "" Then last = i
    Next i
    If last <= c_maxlines Then
        filename = getfilename("Load")
        If filename = "" Then Exit Sub
        Open filename For Input As #1
        n = last + 1
        While Not EOF(1)
            Line Input #1, pgm(0)
            Call initlex(0)
            If toktype = "number" And num > 0 And num <= c_maxlines Then
                n = num
                n = n + 1: textp = 1
            End If
            pgm(n) = Mid$(pgm(0), textp)
        Close #1
        curline = 0
    End If
End Sub

Sub chainstmt
    'load a new tinybasic file replacing the current, any previously defined variables will be retained
    Dim n As Long, filename As String
    ReDim pgm(c_maxlines)
    filename = getfilename("Load")
    If filename = "" Then Exit Sub
    Open filename For Input As #1
    n = 0
    While Not EOF(1)
        Line Input #1, pgm(0)
        Call initlex(0)
        If toktype = "number" And num > 0 And num <= c_maxlines Then
            n = num
            n = n + 1: textp = 1
        End If
        pgm(n) = Mid$(pgm(0), textp)
    Close #1
    curline = 0
End Sub

Sub docmd
        If tracing And Left$(tok, 1) <> ":" Then Print curline; tok; thech; Mid$(thelin, textp)
        need_colon = true
        Select Case tok
            Case "bye", "quit": Call nexttok: toktype = "exit": Exit Sub
            Case "end", "stop": Call nexttok: Exit Sub
            Case "clear": Call nexttok: Call clearvars: Exit Sub
            Case "help": Call nexttok: Call help: Exit Sub
            Case "list": Call nexttok: Call liststmt: Exit Sub
            Case "load", "old": Call nexttok: Call loadstmt: Exit Sub
            Case "merge": Call nexttok: Call mergestmt: Exit Sub
            Case "chain": Call nexttok: Call chainstmt: Exit Sub
            Case "new": Call nexttok: Call newstmt: Exit Sub
            Case "run": Call nexttok: Call runstmt
            Case "save": Call nexttok: Call savestmt: Exit Sub
            Case "tron": Call nexttok: tracing = true
            Case "troff": Call nexttok: tracing = false
            Case "cls": Call nexttok: Cls
            Case "for": Call nexttok: Call forstmt
            Case "gosub": Call nexttok: Call gosubstmt
            Case "goto": Call nexttok: Call gotostmt
            Case "if": Call nexttok: Call ifstmt
            Case "input": Call nexttok: Call inputstmt
            Case "next": Call nexttok: Call nextstmt
            Case "print", "?": Call nexttok: Call printstmt
            Case "pen": Call nexttok: Call penstmt
            Case "return": Call nexttok: Call returnstmt
            Case "@": Call nexttok: Call arrassn
            Case "arraydump": Call nexttok: Call arraydump 'puts @() into array dump_array() for use in main program
            Case "arrayload": Call nexttok: Call arrayload 'reads dump_array into @() to pass data from main program
            Case ":", "" ' handled below
            Case "beep": Call nexttok: Call dobeep
            Case Else
                If tok = "let" Then Call nexttok
                If toktype = "ident" Then
                    Call assign
                    Print "Unknown token '"; tok; "' at line:"; curline; " Col:"; textp; " : "; thelin: errors = true
                End If
        End Select

        If errors Then Exit Sub
        If tok = "" Then
            While tok = ""
                If curline = 0 Or curline >= c_maxlines Then Exit Sub
                Call initlex(curline + 1)
        ElseIf tok = ":" Then Call nexttok
        ElseIf need_colon And Not accept(":") Then
            Print ": expected but found: "; tok
            Exit Sub
        End If
End Sub

Sub help
    Print "³ bye, clear, cls, end/stop, help, list, load/save, new, run, tron/off³Û"
    Print "³ for <var> = <expr1> to <expr2> ... next <var>                       ³Û"
    Print "³ gosub <expr> ... return                                             ³Û"
    Print "³ goto <expr>                                                         ³Û"
    Print "³ if <expr> then <statement>                                          ³Û"
    Print "³ input [prompt,] <var>                                               ³Û"
    Print "³ <var>=<expr>                                                        ³Û"
    Print "³ arraydump                                                           ³Û"
    Print "³ beep, print <expr|string>[,<expr|string>][;]                        ³Û"
    Print "³ rem <anystring>  or ' <anystring>                                   ³Û"
    Print "³ Operators: ^, * / \ mod + - < <= > >= = <>, not, and, or            ³Û"
    Print "³ Integer variables a..z, and array @(expr)                           ³Û"
    Print "³ Functions: abs(expr), asc(ch), rnd(expr), rnd(expr),sgn(expr)       ³Û"
    Print "³            sin(expr), cos(expr), tan(expr)                          ³Û"
    Print "³            sindeg(expr), cosdeg(expr), tandeg(expr)                 ³Û"
    Print "  ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß"
End Sub

Sub assign
    Dim var, var2, vv As Long
    var = getvarindex: Call nexttok
    ' Print "found : "; tok
    Call expect("=")
    'Print "found : "; tok
    If Right$(var_name(var), 1) <> "$" Then
        vars(var) = expression(0)
        T$ = tok
        If Left$(T$, 1) = Chr$(34) Then
            var_string(var) = Right$(T$, Len(T$) - 1)
            If Right$(T$, 1) = "$" Then
                vv = 0
                    vv = vv + 1
                    If vv < c_maxvars Then
                        If var_name(vv) = T$ Then
                            var2 = vv
                        End If
                    End If
                Loop Until var2 <> 0 Or vv > c_maxvars
                If var2 <> 0 Then var_string(var) = var_string(var2)
            End If
        End If
        ' Print "assigned string variable "; var_name(var), var_string(var)
        Call nexttok
    End If

    ' If stringflag <> "" Then
    'var_string(var) = stringflag
    ' End If
    If tracing Then Print "*** "; Chr$(var + Asc("a")); " = "; vars(var)

End Sub

Sub dobeep
End Sub

Sub arraydump
    'dump array so it can be passed to main program
    For x = 1 To c_at_max
        dump_array(x) = atarry(x)
    Next x
End Sub
Sub arrayload
    'loads array from dump_array to pass variables from main program
    For x = 1 To c_at_max
        atarry(x) = dump_array(x)
    Next x
End Sub

Sub arrassn ' array assignment: @(expr) = expr
    Dim As Long n, atndx
    atndx = parenexpr
    If tok <> "=" Then
        Print "Array Assign: Expecting '=', found:"; tok: errors = true
        Call nexttok ' skip the "="
        n = expression(0)
        atarry(atndx) = n
        If tracing Then Print "*** @("; atndx; ") = "; n
    End If
End Sub

Sub forstmt ' for i = expr to expr
    Dim As Long var, n, forndx
    var = getvarindex
    Call assign
    ' vars(var) has the value; var has the number value of the variable in 0..25
    forndx = var
    forvar(forndx) = vars(var)
    If tok <> "to" Then
        Print "For: Expecting 'to', found:"; tok: errors = true
        Call nexttok
        n = expression(0)
        forlimit(forndx) = n
        ' need to store iter, limit, line, and col
        forline(forndx) = curline
        If tok = "" Then forpos(forndx) = textp Else forpos(forndx) = textp - 2
    End If
End Sub

Sub gosubstmt ' for gosub: save the line and column
    gsp = gsp + 1
    gstackln(gsp) = curline
    gstacktp(gsp) = textp
    Call gotostmt
End Sub

Sub gotostmt
    num = expression(0)
    Call validlinenum
    Call initlex(num)
End Sub

Sub ifstmt
    need_colon = false
    If expression(0) = 0 Then Call skiptoeol: Exit Sub
    If tok = "then" Then Call nexttok
    If toktype = "number" Then Call gotostmt
End Sub

Sub inputstmt ' "input" [string ","] var
    Dim var As Double, st As String
    If toktype = "string" Then
        Print Mid$(tok, 2);
        Call nexttok
        Call expect(",")
        Print "? ";
    End If
    var = getvarindex: Call nexttok
    Line Input st
    If st = "" Then st = "0"
    Select Case Left$(st, 1)
        Case "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"
            vars(var) = Val(st)
        Case "-"
            If Mid$(st, 2, 1) >= "0" And Mid$(st, 2, 1) <= "9" Then vars(var) = Val(st)
        Case Else
            ' Print "string tok "; st
            var_string(var) = st
            vars(var) = Asc(Left$(st, 1))
    End Select
End Sub

Sub liststmt
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 1 To c_maxlines
        If pgm(i) <> "" Then Print i; " "; pgm(i)
    Next i
End Sub

Sub loadstmt
    Dim n As Long, filename As String
    Call newstmt
    filename = getfilename("Load")
    If filename = "" Then Exit Sub
    Open filename For Input As #1
    n = 0
    While Not EOF(1)
        Line Input #1, pgm(0)
        Call initlex(0)
        If toktype = "number" And num > 0 And num <= c_maxlines Then
            n = num
            n = n + 1: textp = 1
        End If
        pgm(n) = Mid$(pgm(0), textp)
    Close #1
    curline = 0
End Sub

Sub newstmt
    Dim i As Integer
    Call clearvars
    ReDim pgm(c_maxlines) As String
    ' For i = 1 To c_maxlines
    'pgm(i) = ""
    'Next i
End Sub

Sub nextstmt
    Dim forndx As Long
    ' tok needs to have the variable
    forndx = getvarindex
    forvar(forndx) = forvar(forndx) + 1
    vars(forndx) = forvar(forndx)
    If forvar(forndx) <= forlimit(forndx) Then
        curline = forline(forndx)
        textp = forpos(forndx)
        Call initlex2
        Call nexttok
    End If
End Sub

' "print" [[#num "," ] expr { "," [#num ","] expr }] [","] {":" stmt} eol
' expr can also be a literal string
Sub penstmt
    penx_x = Val(tok)
    Call nexttok
    pen_y = Val(tok)

    PSet (pen_x, pen_y), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
End Sub

Sub printstmt
    Dim As Single printnl, printwidth, n
    Dim junk As String

    printnl = true
    Do While tok <> ":" And tok <> "" And tok <> "else"
        printnl = true
        printwidth = 0
        If accept("#") Then
            If num <= 0 Then Print "Expecting a print width, found:"; tok: Exit Sub
            printwidth = num
            Call nexttok
            If Not accept(",") Then Print "Print: Expecting a ',', found:"; tok: Exit Sub
        End If

        If toktype = "string" Then
            junk = Mid$(tok, 2)
            Call nexttok
            isc = confirmstringvar(tok)
            If isc > 0 Then
                junk = var_string(isc)
                Call nexttok
                n = expression(0)
                junk = LTrim$(Str$(n))
            End If
        End If
        printwidth = printwidth - Len(junk)
        If printwidth <= 0 Then Print junk; Else Print Space$(printwidth); junk;

        If accept(",") Or accept(";") Then printnl = false Else Exit Do
    If printnl Then Print
End Sub

Sub returnstmt ' exit sub from a subroutine
    curline = gstackln(gsp)
    textp = gstacktp(gsp)
    gsp = gsp - 1
    Call initlex2
End Sub

Sub runstmt
    'Call clearvars
    Call initlex(1)
End Sub

Sub savestmt
    Dim i As Long, filename As String

    filename = getfilename("Save")
    If filename = "" Then Exit Sub
    Open filename For Output As #1
    For i = 1 To c_maxlines
        If pgm(i) <> "" Then Print #1, i; pgm(i)
    Next i
    Close #1
End Sub

Function getfilename$ (action As String)
    Dim filename As String
    If toktype = "string" Then
        filename = Mid$(tok, 2)
        Print action; ": ";
        Line Input filename
    End If
    If filename <> "" Then
        If InStr(filename, ".") = 0 Then filename = filename + ".bas"
    End If
    getfilename = filename
End Function

Sub validlinenum
    If num <= 0 Or num > c_maxlines Then Print "Line number out of range": errors = true
End Sub

Sub clearvars
    Dim i As Integer
    ReDim vars(c_maxvars)
    ReDim var_name(c_maxvars)
    ReDim var_string(c_maxvars)
    ReDim atarry(0 To c_at_max) As Double
    'For i = 1 To c_maxvars
    'vars(i) = 0
    ' var_name(i) = ""
    'var_string(i) = ""
    'Next i
    gsp = 0
End Sub

Function parenexpr&
    Call expect("("): If errors Then Exit Function
    parenexpr = expression(0)
    Call expect(")")
End Function

Function expression (minprec As Double)
    Dim n As Double
    ' handle numeric operands - numbers and unary operators
    If 0 Then ' to allow elseif
    ElseIf toktype = "number" Then n = num: Call nexttok
    ElseIf tok = "(" Then n = parenexpr
    ElseIf tok = "not" Then Call nexttok: n = Not expression(3)
    ElseIf tok = "abs" Then Call nexttok: n = Abs(parenexpr)
    ElseIf tok = "asc" Then Call nexttok: expect ("("): n = Asc(Mid$(tok, 2, 1)): Call nexttok: expect (")")
    ElseIf tok = "rnd" Then Call nexttok: n = (Rnd * parenexpr)
    ElseIf tok = "irnd" Then Call nexttok: n = Int(Rnd * parenexpr) + 1
    ElseIf tok = "sgn" Then Call nexttok: n = Sgn(parenexpr)
    ElseIf tok = "sin" Then Call nexttok: n = Sin(parenexpr)
    ElseIf tok = "cos" Then Call nexttok: n = Cos(parenexpr)
    ElseIf tok = "tan" Then Call nexttok: n = Tan(parenexpr)
    ElseIf tok = "sindeg" Then Call nexttok: n = Sin(parenexpr * _Pi / 360)
    ElseIf tok = "cosdeg" Then Call nexttok: n = Cos(parenexpr * _Pi / 360)
    ElseIf tok = "tandeg" Then Call nexttok: n = Tan(parenexpr * _Pi / 360)
    ElseIf toktype = "ident" Then n = vars(getvarindex): Call nexttok
    ElseIf tok = "@" Then Call nexttok: n = atarry(parenexpr)
    ElseIf tok = "-" Then Call nexttok: n = -expression(7)
    ElseIf tok = "+" Then Call nexttok: n = expression(7)
    Else Print "syntax error: expecting an operand, found: ", tok: errors = true: Exit Function
    End If

    Do ' while binary operator and precedence of tok >= minprec
        If 0 Then ' to allow elseif
        ElseIf minprec <= 1 And tok = "or" Then Call nexttok: n = n Or expression(2)
        ElseIf minprec <= 2 And tok = "and" Then Call nexttok: n = n And expression(3)
        ElseIf minprec <= 4 And tok = "=" Then Call nexttok: n = Abs(n = expression(5))
        ElseIf minprec <= 4 And tok = "<" Then Call nexttok: n = Abs(n < expression(5))
        ElseIf minprec <= 4 And tok = ">" Then Call nexttok: n = Abs(n > expression(5))
        ElseIf minprec <= 4 And tok = "<>" Then Call nexttok: n = Abs(n <> expression(5))
        ElseIf minprec <= 4 And tok = "<=" Then Call nexttok: n = Abs(n <= expression(5))
        ElseIf minprec <= 4 And tok = ">=" Then Call nexttok: n = Abs(n >= expression(5))
        ElseIf minprec <= 5 And tok = "+" Then Call nexttok: n = n + expression(6)
        ElseIf minprec <= 5 And tok = "-" Then Call nexttok: n = n - expression(6)
        ElseIf minprec <= 6 And tok = "*" Then Call nexttok: n = n * expression(7)
        ElseIf minprec <= 6 And tok = "/" Then Call nexttok: n = n / expression(7)
        ElseIf minprec <= 6 And tok = "\" Then Call nexttok: n = n \ expression(7)
        ElseIf minprec <= 6 And tok = "mod" Then Call nexttok: n = n Mod expression(7)
        ElseIf minprec <= 8 And tok = "^" Then Call nexttok: n = (n ^ expression(9))
        Else Exit Do
        End If
    expression = n
End Function

Function inputexpression (s As String)
    Dim As Long save_curline, save_textp
    Dim As String save_thelin, save_thech, save_tok, save_toktype
    save_curline = curline: save_textp = textp: save_thelin = thelin: save_thech = thech: save_tok = tok: save_toktype = toktype
    pgm(0) = s
    Call initlex(0)
    inputexpression = expression(0)
    curline = save_curline: textp = save_textp: thelin = save_thelin: thech = save_thech: tok = save_tok: toktype = save_toktype
End Function

Function getvarindex
    If toktype <> "ident" Then Print "Not a variable:"; tok: errors = true: Exit Function
    ' Print "***(getvarindex)*** tok "; tok
    foundv = 0
        vv = vv + 1
        If vv < c_maxvars Then
            If var_name(vv) = tok Then
                foundv = vv
            ElseIf var_name(vv) = "" Then
                var_name(vv) = tok
                foundv = vv
            End If
        End If
    Loop Until foundv <> 0 Or vv > c_maxvars
    getvarindex = foundv
End Function

Function confirmstringvar (st$)
    Dim ist, vv As Long
    T$ = st$
    If Right$(T$, 1) = "$" Then
        vv = 0
            vv = vv + 1
            If vv < c_maxvars Then
                If var_name(vv) = T$ Then
                    ist = vv
                End If
            End If
        Loop Until ist <> 0 Or vv > c_maxvars
        If ist <> 0 Then confirmstringvar = ist
    End If
End Function

Sub expect (s As String)
    If accept(s) Then Exit Sub
    Print "("; curline; ") expecting "; s; " but found "; tok; " =>"; pgm(curline): errors = true
End Sub

Function accept (s As String)
    accept = false
    If tok = s Then accept = true: Call nexttok
End Function

Sub initlex (n As Integer)
    curline = n: textp = 1
    Call initlex2
End Sub

Sub initlex2
    need_colon = false
    thelin = pgm(curline)
    thech = " "
    Call nexttok
End Sub

Sub nexttok
    tok = "": toktype = ""
    While thech <= " "
        If thech = "" Then Exit Sub
        Call getch
    tok = thech: Call getch
    Select Case tok
        Case "a" To "z", "A" To "Z": Call readident: If tok = "rem" Then Call skiptoeol
        Case "0" To "9": Call readdbl
        Case c_squote: Call skiptoeol
        Case c_dquote: Call readstr
        Case "#", "(", ")", "*", "+", ",", "-", "/", ":", ";", "<", "=", ">", "?", "@", "\", "^":
            toktype = "punct"
            If (tok = "<" And (thech = ">" Or thech = "=")) Or (tok = ">" And thech = "=") Then
                tok = tok + thech
                Call getch
            End If
        Case Else: Print "("; curline; ") "; "What?"; tok; " : "; thelin: errors = true
    End Select
End Sub

Sub skiptoeol
    tok = "": toktype = ""
    textp = Len(thelin) + 1
End Sub

Sub readdbl
    toktype = "number"
    While thech >= "0" And thech <= "9" Or thech = "." Or thech = "-"
        tok = tok + thech
        Call getch
    num = Val(tok)
End Sub

Sub readident
    toktype = "ident"
    While (thech >= "a" And thech <= "z") Or (thech >= "A" And thech <= "Z") Or thech = "$" Or (thech >= "0" And thech <= "9")
        tok = tok + thech
        Call getch
    tok = LCase$(tok)
End Sub

Sub readstr ' store double quote as first char of string, to distinguish from idents
    toktype = "string"
    While thech <> c_dquote ' while not a double quote
        If thech = "" Then Print "String not terminated": errors = true: Exit Sub
        tok = tok + thech
        Call getch
    Call getch ' skip closing double quote
End Sub

Sub getch
    If textp > Len(thelin) Then
        thech = ""
        thech = Mid$(thelin, textp, 1)
        textp = textp + 1
    End If
End Sub
Just tested Minesweep by Marcus in Jarvis latest post, success! at least as far as I went in test.
b = b + ...
(08-01-2023, 02:36 PM)bplus Wrote: Just tested Minesweep by Marcus in Jarvis latest post, success! at least as far as I went in test.

Glad to see it. There's a version of Trek floating about that might work on this.
oh yeah in reference to the merge and chain commands... I did the testing for them in the interpreter at runtime. I'll have to give this a shake down and see what I can really get done with it as it is.
Well I've discovered working on an interpreter is a heck of a lot o fun, almost as much fun as punching myself in the head. Of course the more I work on it the more I realize I should have started from scratch. I'm looking at this and remembering a virtual machine and pseudo-compiler I programmed about 20 year ago and I am wondering... so when did I have a stroke?  There's another version coming eventually.
Quote:almost as much fun as punching myself in the head

It's not fun so much as obsession until it works! Then it's great fun! for 2 secs Smile then you get another idea for a thing to try with it...
b = b + ...

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