Convert up to 13 letters, symbols, or numbers into upside-down.
Strange though how I couldn't use CLS instead of the second Screen NewImage at the bottom, or even after the INPUT line (if I put SCREEN before the DO). It just blacks out the screen for some reason with CLS without making the large text.
Code: (Select All)
Input "Word to make upside-down (up to 13 letters, symbols, or numbers: ", word$
If Len(word$) > 13 Then GoTo start
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
Locate 1, 32
Color 1
Print word$
letters = Len(word$)
ll = (letters * 8) - 2
cent = (_Width / 2)
For I = 248 To 248 + ll Step .15
jj = 0
For j = 15 To 0 Step -.15
jj = jj + .15
If Point(I, j) > 0 Then
Line ((I - 196) * 4, jj * 4 + 50)-((I - 196) * 4 + 2, jj * 4 + 52), _RGB32(0, 0, 0), BF
PSet ((I - 196) * 4, jj * 4 + 50), _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
End If
Next j
jj = 0
Next I
Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
There's no graphics. But it lets you choose between 3 and 100 sides of dice and how many dice in one roll. It also keeps tabs on all of your totals, up to 100 rolls. This also uses windows popups for the entire program. Nothing will be on the main window, besides the very end to turn it off. This is an example on how to use windows popups for the messagebox and inputbox$ commands. Enjoy!
Code: (Select All)
'Roll The Dice v.2
'Feb. 19, 2025
'Thank you to EmmasPPM for the ideas to make more than 1 round and to keep a log of the rounds.
Dim dice(100)
Dim a$(100)
Dim totals(100)
_Title "Roll The Dice by SierraKen"
Randomize Timer
'How many dice.
title$ = "Roll The Dice"
defaultInput$ = " "
message$ = "How many dice do you wish to roll (1-100)?"
result$ = _InputBox$(title$, message$, defaultInput$)
If _Trim$(result$) = "" Then End
diceam = Val(result$)
If diceam < 1 Or diceam > 100 Or diceam <> Int(diceam) Then
_MessageBox "Roll The Dice", "Pick only between 1 and 100."
Exit Do
End If
'How many sides.
title$ = "How many sides."
defaultInput$ = " "
message$ = "How many sides is your dice (3-100)?"
result$ = _InputBox$(title$, message$, defaultInput$)
If _Trim$(result$) = "" Then End
num = Val(result$)
If num < 3 Or num > 100 Or num <> Int(num) Then
_MessageBox "How many sides.", "Pick only between 3 and 100."
Exit Do
End If
'Roll The Dice
For t = 1 To diceam
dice(t) = Int(Rnd * num) + 1
a$(t) = Str$(dice(t))
b$ = b$ + " [ Dice " + Str$(t) + ": " + a$(t) + " ] "
total = total + dice(t)
Next t
m$ = b$ + " [ Roll Total: " + Str$(total) + " ]"
_MessageBox "Roll The Dice", m$
'Round Totals Window
rounds = rounds + 1
totals(rounds) = total
For r = 1 To rounds
r$ = r$ + " [ Round " + Str$(r) + ": " + Str$(totals(r)) + " ] "
Next r
_MessageBox "Dice Round Totals Log", r$
If rounds = 100 Then
_MessageBox "Limit Reached", "Your 100 round limit has been reached, feel free to play again."
End If
'Clear strings and variable for next round.
m$ = ""
a$ = ""
b$ = ""
r$ = ""
total = 0
InitRatios Do Cls Input"Enter the number of items =>"; items If items <= 0ThenSystem CalculateGrids items SortGrids DisplayGrids Print: Print"Press <ANY KEY> to restart"
pause$ = Input$(1) Loop
SubDisplayGrids Print Color&HFF00FF00&& Print"Description Ratio Scaler Grid Empty" Color&HFFFFFFFF&&
format$ = "\ \ ##:## ### ##x## ### " For i = 1ToUBound(Ratio)
? using format$;ratio(i).description,ratio(i).x,ratio(i).y, ratio(i).scale, ratio(i).x*ratio(i).scale,_
ratio(i).y*ratio(i).scale, ratio(i).empty Next End Sub
SubCalculateGrids (items) For i = 1ToUBound(Ratio)
n = 1 Do Until Ratio(i).size * n ^ 2 >= items
n = n + 1 Loop
Ratio(i).scale = n 'this is the scaler
Ratio(i).total = Ratio(i).size * n ^ 2'this is the total number of cells
Ratio(i).empty = Ratio(i).total - items Next End Sub
RatioData: Data1,1,Square (profile pictures; social media) Data2,3,Classic 35mm (4x6; 6x9; etc.) Data5,7,5 x 7 photo Data17,22,Standard letter size (8.5x11) Data4,3,Older PC monitor + analog TV (640x480; 1024x768; etc.) Data4,5,Art prints + medium format (8x10; 16x20) Data11,14,legal paper (11x14) Data16,9,Standard HD display (1920x1080; 1280x720; etc.) For i = 1ToUBound(Ratio) Read Ratio(i).x, Ratio(i).y, Ratio(i).description
Ratio(i).size = Ratio(i).x * Ratio(i).y Next End Sub
I tried to break this down as simple as possible, so that one can use this to generate a series of grids in a set ratio and choose which layout would work best for their number of items. I *think* this basically follows the same spirit of what @madscijr was trying to do with his code.
One difference here though -- I removed the inverse values as they're always going to be the same result, just turned sideways!
a 4 x 6 grid holds 24 items.
a 6 x 4 grid holds the same 24 items.
Seems like a waste to list them both. If one really wants that, then just swap your X and Y numbers. It won't change how many items the grid would hold. 4 x 6 is the same as 6 x 4.
Try it out. See if this does what you were trying to do, and see if it's a little bit simpler and easier to understand.
This may be a dumb question, but how do you "tag" a user in a forum post, outside of quoting them directly in a reply? In the past I found where someone tagged someone and clicked reply and copied the source for the "tag". I would expect in the editor something like typing @ followed by one or more letters would bring up a list of users, which you narrow down by typing more letters, and then clicking the user you want to tag. But that doesn't work here, and I don't see a toolbar button to tag a user, and I haven't found anything on the help page about it, so maybe I'm missing something. Is there a handy dandy way to tag a user in a post?
Input then in the routine, press backspace to rerun, Esc to quit, or any other inkey$ recognized key to toggle from active to idle and back. Background dims when idle.
Code: (Select All)
img& = _LoadImage("activate-static.png", 32)
h1& = _CopyImage(img&, 33)
_FreeImage img&
Palette 5, 63: Cls
Input "0 or 1 to 120 for _limit _autodisplay demo: ", try
Color 12, 5: Cls
Locate , 40, 1, 7, 1
Print "Steve is ";
If try Then a = try Else a = 30
_Limit a
b$ = InKey$
If Len(b$) Then
If b$ = Chr$(8) Then Run
If b$ = Chr$(27) Then System
skip = Not skip
If skip Then Palette 5, 7: _PutImage (0, 0), h1&: _Display Else Palette 5, 63
End If
If skip = 0 Then
_PutImage (0, 0), h1&: _Display ' Normal display flow.
If try Then ' If try = 0 (input 0 at start) we skip any further display, which suspends the flashing cursor!
_PutImage (0, 0), h1& ' How the hell can we get rid of this, but still have the image show up?
_AutoDisplay ' Just for fun. This should be _Display but what's interesting is _AutoDisplay is similar, except you need to input 30 or higher so it doesn't flicker. _Display doesn't ever flicker.
End If
End If
So what doesn't seem possible when working with _Display and an image in SCREEN 0 is to have a way to show both the image and the flashing SCREEN 0 cursor, when idle, without having to constantly put the image to the screen every loop.
I know in graphics we need to make a cursor routine, that's a given, but has anyone found a workaround other than constantly putting the images to display through the loop? If not, no biggie, because to get both, we just _PutImage and _Display constantly in a loop.
Thanks to Steve and BPlus for helping figure out the ratio math.
I don't know if this is the most efficient code, but it seems to work...
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
Type LayoutType
HRatio As Single
VRatio As Single
Name As String
ColumnCount As Integer
RowCount As Integer
TargetCount As Long
CellCount As Long
EmptyCells As Long
Error As String
End Type ' LayoutType
Dim iLoop1 As Integer
Dim iLoop2 As Integer
Dim iCount As Integer
Dim iItemCount As Long
Dim iEvenCount As Long
Dim iSquareCount As Long
Dim iLayoutCount As Integer
Dim sNextName As String
Dim RatioSum As Single
Dim sngColumnCount As Single
Dim sngRowCount As Single
Dim sngRowCol As Single
Dim sRatio As String
Dim sColsRows As String
Dim sCount As String
Dim sLine As String
Dim iMaxEmpty As Long
Dim iMinEmpty As Long
Dim iNextMinEmpty As Long
Dim iIndex As Integer
Dim iSortIndex As Integer
Dim bFinished As Integer
Dim in$
ReDim arrLayout(1 To 32) As LayoutType
ReDim arrSorted(1 To 32) As LayoutType
' =============================================================================
For iLoop1 = LBound(arrLayout) To UBound(arrLayout)
arrLayout(iLoop1).Name = ""
arrLayout(iLoop1).HRatio = 0
arrLayout(iLoop1).VRatio = 0
arrLayout(iLoop1).Error = ""
Next iLoop1
iLayoutCount = 0
Restore RatioData
iLayoutCount = iLayoutCount + 1
Read arrLayout(iLayoutCount).HRatio
Read arrLayout(iLayoutCount).VRatio
Read sNextName: arrLayout(iLayoutCount).Name = Replace$(sNextName, ";", ",")
If arrLayout(iLayoutCount).HRatio = 0 Then Exit Do
Data 1,1,Square (profile pictures; social media)
Data 3,2,Classic 35mm (4x6; 6x9; etc.) (landscape)
Data 2,3,Classic 35mm (4x6; 6x9; etc.) (portrait)
Data 3.5,2.5,5x7 photo (landscape)
Data 2.5,3.5,5x7 photo (portrait)
Data 1.29,1,Standard letter size (8.5x11) (landscape)
Data 1,1.29,Standard letter size (8.5x11) (portrait)
Data 1.414,1,A4 paper (landscape)
Data 1,1.414,A4 paper (portrait)
Data 4,3,Older PC monitor + analog TV (640x480; 1024x768; etc.) (landscape)
Data 3,4,Older PC monitor + analog TV (640x480; 1024x768; etc.) (portrait)
Data 5,4,Art prints + medium format (8x10; 16x20) (landscape)
Data 4,5,Art prints + medium format (8x10; 16x20) (portrait)
Data 14,11,legal paper (11x14) (landscape)
Data 11,14,legal paper (11x14) (portrait)
Data 16,9,Standard HD display (1920x1080; 1280x720; etc.) (landscape)
Data 9,16,Standard HD display (1920x1080; 1280x720; etc.) (portrait)
Data 0,0,Custom (user enters ratio)
' =============================================================================
Color cLtGray, cBlack
Print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Print "Grid Layouts"
Print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Input "Number of items? (0 to exit)"; in$
_KeyClear: '_DELAY 1
If IsNumber%(in$) = _TRUE Then
iItemCount = Val(in$)
Exit Do
End If
If iItemCount < 1 Then Exit Do
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Get even # of items
If IsEven%(iItemCount) = _TRUE Then
iEvenCount = iItemCount
iEvenCount = iItemCount + 1
End If
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Get total # of items we would need for an equal number of rows and columns
sngRowCol = Sqr(iItemCount)
If sngRowCol = Int(sngRowCol) Then
iSquareCount = iItemCount
iSquareCount = iItemCount
iSquareCount = iSquareCount + 1
sngRowCol = Sqr(iSquareCount)
If sngRowCol = Int(sngRowCol) Then Exit Do
End If
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
iMaxEmpty = 0
'For iLoop1 = 1 To iLayoutCount
For iLoop1 = LBound(arrLayout) To UBound(arrLayout)
' Ignore uninitialized
If arrLayout(iLoop1).HRatio > 0 And arrLayout(iLoop1).VRatio > 0 Then
arrLayout(iLoop1).Error = ""
If arrLayout(iLoop1).HRatio <= 0 Then
arrLayout(iLoop1).Error = arrLayout(iLoop1).Error + _
"Illegal value: " + _
"arrLayout(" + _TRIM$(Str$(iLoop1)) + ").HRatio = " + _
_TRIM$(Str$(arrLayout(iLoop1).HRatio)) + ". "
End If
If arrLayout(iLoop1).VRatio <= 0 Then
arrLayout(iLoop1).Error = arrLayout(iLoop1).Error + _
"Illegal value: " + _
"arrLayout(" + _TRIM$(Str$(iLoop1)) + ").VRatio = " + _
_TRIM$(Str$(arrLayout(iLoop1).VRatio)) + ". "
End If
If Len(arrLayout(iLoop1).Error) = 0 Then
If arrLayout(iLoop1).HRatio = arrLayout(iLoop1).VRatio Then
arrLayout(iLoop1).ColumnCount = Sqr(iSquareCount)
arrLayout(iLoop1).RowCount = arrLayout(iLoop1).ColumnCount
sngColumnCount = Sqr(iEvenCount * (arrLayout(iLoop1).HRatio / arrLayout(iLoop1).VRatio))
sngRowCount = Sqr(iEvenCount * (arrLayout(iLoop1).VRatio / arrLayout(iLoop1).HRatio))
If sngColumnCount = Int(sngColumnCount) Then
arrLayout(iLoop1).ColumnCount = Int(sngColumnCount)
arrLayout(iLoop1).ColumnCount = Fix(sngColumnCount)
End If
If sngRowCount = Int(sngRowCount) Then
arrLayout(iLoop1).RowCount = Int(sngRowCount)
arrLayout(iLoop1).RowCount = Fix(sngRowCount)
End If
If arrLayout(iLoop1).HRatio > arrLayout(iLoop1).VRatio Then
If arrLayout(iLoop1).ColumnCount * arrLayout(iLoop1).RowCount >= iItemCount Then Exit Do
arrLayout(iLoop1).ColumnCount = arrLayout(iLoop1).ColumnCount + 1
If arrLayout(iLoop1).ColumnCount * arrLayout(iLoop1).RowCount >= iItemCount Then Exit Do
arrLayout(iLoop1).RowCount = arrLayout(iLoop1).RowCount + 1
End If
End If
End If
' Calculate total # of cells + empty cells
If Len(arrLayout(iLoop1).Error) = 0 Then
arrLayout(iLoop1).CellCount = arrLayout(iLoop1).ColumnCount * arrLayout(iLoop1).RowCount
arrLayout(iLoop1).EmptyCells = arrLayout(iLoop1).CellCount - arrLayout(iLoop1).TargetCount
If arrLayout(iLoop1).EmptyCells > iMaxEmpty Then
iMaxEmpty = arrLayout(iLoop1).EmptyCells
End If
End If
End If
Next iLoop1
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
'arrLayout(iLoop1).EmptyCells = arrLayout(iLoop1).CellCount - arrLayout(iLoop1).TargetCount
For iLoop1 = LBound(arrSorted) To UBound(arrSorted)
arrSorted(iLoop1).Name = ""
arrSorted(iLoop1).HRatio = 0
arrSorted(iLoop1).VRatio = 0
arrSorted(iLoop1).Error = ""
Next iLoop1
bFinished = _FALSE
iSortIndex = LBound(arrSorted) - 1
iMinEmpty = iMaxEmpty + 1 ' reset min value to find
' Reset compare
iNextMinEmpty = iMaxEmpty + 1 ' reset temp min value to find
iIndex = LBound(arrLayout) - 1 ' Set iIndex outside of array bounds, next smallest not found (yet)
' Find smallest empty
For iLoop1 = LBound(arrLayout) To UBound(arrLayout)
' Ignore unused
If arrLayout(iLoop1).HRatio > 0 And arrLayout(iLoop1).VRatio > 0 Then
' Ignore errors
If Len(arrLayout(iLoop1).Error) = 0 Then
' Is this the smallest yet?
If arrLayout(iLoop1).EmptyCells < iMinEmpty Then
iMinEmpty = arrLayout(iLoop1).EmptyCells ' update minimum
End If
' Is this the smallest of the ones left so far?
If arrLayout(iLoop1).EmptyCells < iNextMinEmpty Then
iNextMinEmpty = arrLayout(iLoop1).EmptyCells ' update minimum
iIndex = iLoop1 ' remember this layout
End If
End If
End If
Next iLoop1
' Add smallest to sorted
' As long as iIndex is within array bounds, we found next smallest
If iIndex >= LBound(arrLayout) Then
iSortIndex = iSortIndex + 1
If iSortIndex <= UBound(arrSorted) Then
arrSorted(iSortIndex).HRatio = arrLayout(iIndex).HRatio
arrSorted(iSortIndex).VRatio = arrLayout(iIndex).VRatio
arrSorted(iSortIndex).Name = arrLayout(iIndex).Name
arrSorted(iSortIndex).ColumnCount = arrLayout(iIndex).ColumnCount
arrSorted(iSortIndex).RowCount = arrLayout(iIndex).RowCount
arrSorted(iSortIndex).TargetCount = arrLayout(iIndex).TargetCount
arrSorted(iSortIndex).CellCount = arrLayout(iIndex).CellCount
arrSorted(iSortIndex).EmptyCells = arrLayout(iIndex).EmptyCells
arrSorted(iSortIndex).Error = ""
arrLayout(iIndex).Error = "Sorted" ' remove this from sort pool
' Exceeded sorted array size, quit sorting
Exit Do
End If
' Finished sorting
Exit Do
End If
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Color cLtGray, cBlack
Color cWhite~&, cBlack
Print " # H-Ratio V-Ratio Columns Rows Cells Empty Layout"
Print "---- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------"
' 1 12345678 12345678 12345678 12345678 12345678 12345678 123456
iCount = 0
For iLoop1 = LBound(arrSorted) To UBound(arrSorted)
' Ignore unused
If arrSorted(iLoop1).HRatio > 0 And arrSorted(iLoop1).VRatio > 0 Then
iCount = iCount + 1
sCount = Right$(String$(4, " ") + _Trim$(Str$(iCount)), 4) + " "
If arrSorted(iLoop1).ColumnCount = arrSorted(iLoop1).RowCount Then
Color cLime~&, cBlack
ElseIf arrSorted(iLoop1).EmptyCells = iMinEmpty Then
Color cYellow~&, cBlack
Color cCyan~&, cBlack
End If
sLine = sCount + sRatio + sColsRows + arrSorted(iLoop1).Name
Print Left$(sLine, 160)
End If
Next iLoop1
_KeyClear: '_DELAY 1
Cls: Print: Print "Finished"
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Returns TRUE if number n is even
' see also: IsOdd%
Function IsEven% (n)
If n Mod 2 = 0 Then
IsEven% = _TRUE
IsEven% = _FALSE
End If
End Function ' IsEven%
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' Returns TRUE if value OriginalString$ is numeric.
' Re: Does a Is Number function exist in QB64?
' Version 2 by madscijr
' Returns TRUE (-1) if string is an integer, FALSE (0) if not
' Version 1 by MWheatley
' Reply #18 on: January 01, 2019, 11:24:30 AM
' returns 1 if string is an integer, 0 if not
Function IsNumber% (OriginalString$)
Dim bResult%: bResult% = _FALSE
Dim iLoop%
Dim TestString$
'Dim bNegative%
Dim iDecimalCount%
Dim sNextChar$
'TestString$ = _TRIM$(OriginalString$)
If Len(OriginalString$) > 0 Then
TestString$ = ""
If Left$(OriginalString$, 1) = "+" Then
TestString$ = Right$(OriginalString$, Len(OriginalString$) - 1)
'bNegative% = FALSE
ElseIf Left$(OriginalString$, 1) = "-" Then
TestString$ = Right$(OriginalString$, Len(OriginalString$) - 1)
'bNegative% = TRUE
TestString$ = OriginalString$
'bNegative% = FALSE
End If
If Len(TestString$) > 0 Then
bResult% = _TRUE
iDecimalCount% = 0
For iLoop% = 1 To Len(TestString$)
sNextChar$ = Mid$(TestString$, iLoop%, 1)
If sNextChar$ = "." Then
iDecimalCount% = iDecimalCount% + 1
If iDecimalCount% > 1 Then
bResult% = _FALSE
Exit For
End If
ElseIf Asc(sNextChar$) < 48 Or Asc(sNextChar$) > 57 Then
bResult% = _FALSE
Exit For
End If
Next iLoop%
End If
End If
IsNumber% = bResult%
End Function ' IsNumber%
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
' FROM: String Manipulation
' found at abandoned, outdated and now likely malicious qb64 dot net website
' http://www.qb64.[net]/forum/index_topic_5964-0/
' Purpose: A library of custom functions that transform strings.
' Author: Dustinian Camburides (
' Platform: QB64 (
' Revision: 1.6
' Updated: 5/28/2012
'[Replace$] replaces all instances of the [Find] sub-string with the [Add] sub-string within the [Text] string.
'Text: The input string; the text that's being manipulated.
'Find: The specified sub-string; the string sought within the [Text] string.
'Add: The sub-string that's being added to the [Text] string.
Function Replace$ (Text1 As String, Find1 As String, Add1 As String)
Dim Text2 As String
Dim Find2 As String
Dim Add2 As String
Dim lngLocation As Long ' The address of the [Find] substring within the [Text] string.
Dim strBefore As String ' The characters before the string to be replaced.
Dim strAfter As String ' The characters after the string to be replaced.
Text2 = Text1
Find2 = Find1
Add2 = Add1
lngLocation = InStr(1, Text2, Find2)
' While [Find2] appears in [Text2]...
While lngLocation
' Extract all Text2 before the [Find2] substring:
strBefore = Left$(Text2, lngLocation - 1)
' Extract all text after the [Find2] substring:
strAfter = Right$(Text2, ((Len(Text2) - (lngLocation + Len(Find2) - 1))))
' Locate the next instance of [Find2]:
lngLocation = InStr(1, Text2, Find2)
' Next instance of [Find2]...
Replace$ = Text2
End Function ' Replace$
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Function cBlackT%
cBlackT% = 0
End Function
Function cBlueT%
cBlueT% = 1
End Function
Function cGreenT%
cGreenT% = 2
End Function
Function cLtBlueT%
cLtBlueT% = 3
End Function
Function cRedT%
cRedT% = 4
End Function
Function cPurpleT%
cPurpleT% = 5
End Function
Function cOrangeT%
cOrangeT% = 6
End Function
Function cWhiteT%
cWhiteT% = 7
End Function
Function cGrayT%
cGrayT% = 8
End Function
Function cPeriwinkleT%
cPeriwinkleT% = 9
End Function
Function cLtGreenT%
cLtGreenT% = 10
End Function
Function cCyanT%
cCyanT% = 11
End Function
Function cLtRedT%
cLtRedT% = 12
End Function
Function cPinkT%
cPinkT% = 13
End Function
Function cYellowT%
cYellowT% = 14
End Function
Function cLtGrayT%
cLtGrayT% = 15
End Function
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Function cRed~& ()
cRed = _RGB32(255, 0, 0)
End Function
Function cOrangeRed~& ()
cOrangeRed = _RGB32(255, 69, 0)
End Function ' cOrangeRed~&
Function cDarkOrange~& ()
cDarkOrange = _RGB32(255, 140, 0)
End Function ' cDarkOrange~&
Function cOrange~& ()
cOrange = _RGB32(255, 165, 0)
End Function ' cOrange~&
Function cGold~& ()
cGold = _RGB32(255, 215, 0)
End Function ' cGold~&
Function cYellow~& ()
cYellow = _RGB32(255, 255, 0)
End Function ' cYellow~&
Function cChartreuse~& ()
cChartreuse = _RGB32(127, 255, 0)
End Function ' cChartreuse~&
Function cOliveDrab1~& ()
cOliveDrab1 = _RGB32(192, 255, 62)
End Function ' cOliveDrab1~&
Function cLime~& ()
cLime = _RGB32(0, 255, 0)
End Function ' cLime~&
Function cMediumSpringGreen~& ()
cMediumSpringGreen = _RGB32(0, 250, 154)
End Function ' cMediumSpringGreen~&
Function cSpringGreen~& ()
cSpringGreen = _RGB32(0, 255, 160)
End Function ' cSpringGreen~&
Function cCyan~& ()
cCyan = _RGB32(0, 255, 255)
End Function ' cCyan~&
Function cDeepSkyBlue~& ()
cDeepSkyBlue = _RGB32(0, 191, 255)
End Function ' cDeepSkyBlue~&
Function cDodgerBlue~& ()
cDodgerBlue = _RGB32(30, 144, 255)
End Function ' cDodgerBlue~&
Function cSeaBlue~& ()
cSeaBlue = _RGB32(0, 64, 255)
End Function ' cSeaBlue~&
Function cBlue~& ()
cBlue = _RGB32(0, 0, 255)
End Function ' cBlue~&
Function cBluePurple~& ()
cBluePurple = _RGB32(64, 0, 255)
End Function ' cBluePurple~&
Function cDeepPurple~& ()
cDeepPurple = _RGB32(96, 0, 255)
End Function ' cDeepPurple~&
Function cPurple~& ()
cPurple = _RGB32(128, 0, 255)
End Function ' cPurple~&
Function cPurpleRed~& ()
cPurpleRed = _RGB32(128, 0, 192)
End Function ' cPurpleRed~&
Function cDarkRed~& ()
cDarkRed = _RGB32(160, 0, 64)
End Function ' cDarkRed~&
Function cBrickRed~& ()
cBrickRed = _RGB32(192, 0, 32)
End Function ' cBrickRed~&
Function cDarkGreen~& ()
cDarkGreen = _RGB32(0, 100, 0)
End Function ' cDarkGreen~&
Function cGreen~& ()
cGreen = _RGB32(0, 128, 0)
End Function ' cGreen~&
Function cOliveDrab~& ()
cOliveDrab = _RGB32(107, 142, 35)
End Function ' cOliveDrab~&
Function cLightPink~& ()
cLightPink = _RGB32(255, 182, 193)
End Function ' cLightPink~&
Function cHotPink~& ()
cHotPink = _RGB32(255, 105, 180)
End Function ' cHotPink~&
Function cDeepPink~& ()
cDeepPink = _RGB32(255, 20, 147)
End Function ' cDeepPink~&
Function cMagenta~& ()
cMagenta = _RGB32(255, 0, 255)
End Function ' cMagenta~&
Function cBlack~& ()
cBlack = _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
End Function ' cBlack~&
Function cDimGray~& ()
cDimGray = _RGB32(105, 105, 105)
End Function ' cDimGray~&
Function cGray~& ()
cGray = _RGB32(128, 128, 128)
End Function ' cGray~&
Function cDarkGray~& ()
cDarkGray = _RGB32(169, 169, 169)
End Function ' cDarkGray~&
Function cSilver~& ()
cSilver = _RGB32(192, 192, 192)
End Function ' cSilver~&
Function cLtGray~& ()
cLtGray~& = cLightGray~&
End Function ' cLtGray~&
Function cLightGray~& ()
cLightGray = _RGB32(211, 211, 211)
End Function ' cLightGray~&
Function cGainsboro~& ()
cGainsboro = _RGB32(220, 220, 220)
End Function ' cGainsboro~&
Function cWhiteSmoke~& ()
cWhiteSmoke = _RGB32(245, 245, 245)
End Function ' cWhiteSmoke~&
Function cWhite~& ()
cWhite = _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
'cWhite = _RGB32(254, 254, 254)
End Function ' cWhite~&
Function cDarkBrown~& ()
cDarkBrown = _RGB32(128, 64, 0)
End Function ' cDarkBrown~&
Function cLightBrown~& ()
cLightBrown = _RGB32(196, 96, 0)
End Function ' cLightBrown~&
Function cKhaki~& ()
cKhaki = _RGB32(240, 230, 140)
End Function ' cKhaki~&
Function cEmpty~& ()
'cEmpty~& = -1
cEmpty = _RGB32(0, 0, 0, 0)
End Function ' cEmpty~&
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I'm rethinking the use of hardware acceleration in SCREEN 0. The reason is the very high CPU readings. A lot of times business apps just sit open all day, and I can't imagine burning up the insides of a computer by refreshing hardware images all the time the system sits idle. This leave us with solutions like the old days of using a timed screensaver. I don't miss those days. Another, and more complex method, would be checking for idle time and making a copy of the current page, calling up a graphics screen, and using that to display the image while routing everything else to the mouse/keyboard subroutine. When some action is detected, the process would have to reconstruct the current screen in SCREEN 0... and that could be a real PITA.
For pure graphics uses for speed in gaming, moving multiple objects around the screen, even for complex screen scrolling events, you can't beat hardware acceleration, but mixing it with SCREEN 0 does come at a hefty CPU price, which has me leaning in the direction of graphics conversion for a few apps I want to update.
So I'm curious, what have those of you who have tried this feature think?
Posted by: Petr - 02-17-2025, 09:39 PM - Forum: Petr
- Replies (1)
I found a few things that _SaveFile can't do, so I'll add them here gradually. One thing every day. So first thing. Black and white BMP. Yeah. Amazing 1-bit, uncompressed BMP. In this type of BMP, compression is not supported. Maybe the compression can be partially considered the fact that each pixel in the file takes up 1 bit. The advantage of BMP over PCX is that BMP accepts any two colors.
About the program. Of course, it includes the ability to save the file. It can also open the file through its own loader, without LoadImage. There is also a image viewer (I borrowed that from my game Puzzle) and a program for setting the contrast of the input image. When setting the contrast, even thousandths matter and the output image changes rapidly. Then there is a SUB in the program for finding two suitable colors for the mask - but if you want it to be nice, you have to adjust the contrast. Of course, you can also enter the colors manually, there are only two.
Why is there a custom Loader in the program. I had an error in the file header and _LoadImage refused to open it. That's why I thought it simply didn't support it. So I wrote a loader that also smoothed the image. The result is exactly the same image as in the photo viewer. It was only when I wrote my own loader that I figured it out and fixed it. Well, never mind. My loader supports smoothing, _LoadImage doesn't. Unfortunately, smoothing comes at the expense of speed if you use large image sizes.
Code: (Select All)
'SET SOURCE IMAGE NAME (ROW 50)! BMP 1 bit Example Program
' **********************************
' Program pro uložení 1-bitové BMP
' Program for saving a 1-bit BMP
' **********************************
' --- Struktura pro BMP (File Header + Info Header + 2 maskové záznamy) ---
' --- Structure for BMP (File Header + Info Header + 2 mask records) ---
Type BW
' Header / Záhlaví
signature As String * 2 ' "BM" (konstantní signatura) "BM" (constant signature)
FileSize As Long ' Velikost souboru v bajtech File size in bytes
Res1 As Integer ' Rezervováno, nepoužito Reserved (not used)
Res2 As Integer ' Rezervováno, nepoužito Reserved (not used)
DataOffset As Long ' Offset k pixelovým datům (vždy 62 u tohoto typu BMP) Offset to pixel data (always 62 in this BMP type)
' InfoHeader / Informace o obrázku
SizeOfInfoHeader As Long ' Vždy 40 bajtů Always 40 bytes
Width As Long ' Šířka obrázku Image width
Height As Long ' Výška obrázku Image height
Planes As Integer ' Počet rovin, vždy 1 Number of planes, always 1
BitsPerPixel As Integer ' Hloubka bitů na pixel (zde 1 bit) Bits per pixel (here 1 bit)
Compression As Long ' Komprese (0 = žádná) Compression (0 = none)
ImageSize As Long ' Velikost obrázku (u nekomprimovaných obrázků je 0) Image size (0 for uncompressed)
XPixels As Long ' Horizontální rozlišení (pixely/m) Horizontal resolution (pixels per meter)
YPixels As Long ' Vertikální rozlišení (pixely/m) Vertical resolution (pixels per meter)
ColorsUsed As Long ' Použité barvy (0 = všechny z palety) Colors used (0 means all colors from palette)
ImportantColors As Long ' Důležité barvy (0 = všechny) Important colors (0 = all)
' Color table Paleta (2 záznamy pro 2 barvy obrázku)
ColorA As _Unsigned Long ' První barva (obvykle popředí) First color (usually foreground)
ColorB As _Unsigned Long ' Druhá barva (obvykle pozadí) Second color (usually background)
End Type
' Hlavní program
' Main program
imageO = _LoadImage("6.jpg", 256) ' If you use _LoadImage xxxx.jpg, 32, go to SUB SaveBMP1 and set luminance = (77 * Red + 150 * Green + 29 * Blue) \ 256.
' Then set correct Contrast for optimal output.
' Načtení obrázku "6.jpg" - ideálně by měl být načten jako 8-bitový obrázek.
' Load the image "6.jpg" - best result when loaded as an 8-bit image.
' Tento JPG je 32-bitový; QB64PE použije vestavěnou konverzi pro nejlepší kvalitu.
' This JPG is 32-bit; QB64PE uses built-in conversion for optimal quality.
Print "Set Contrast..." ' Nastavení kontrastu obrázku Setting image contrast
SetContrast imageO, 1 '.11 ' 1 is default contrast some imeges needs Volání funkce SetContrast s hodnotou 1 Call SetContrast function with value 1
' contrast higher - try and see
Print "Detect mask colors..." ' Detekce maskovacích barev (např. černá a bílá)
' Detect mask colors (e.g., black and white) - HERE IS 5 OPTIONS for detecting mask images
If ClrsCnt(imageO) > 2 Then
DetectMaskColors imageO, 5, backGroundColor~&, foregroundColor~& ' Options in DetectMaskColors: 5 = use default mask color Black and White
' 4 = Colors with medium brightness
' 3 = Two most contrating colors
' 2 = Darkest and brightest colors
' 1 = Two most frequent colors
' Pokud obrázek obsahuje více než 2 barvy, detekuje maskovací barvy pomocí režimu 5 (černá a bílá).
' If the image has more than 2 colors, detect mask colors using mode 5 (black and white).
End If
Print "Save image..." ' Uložení obrázku jako 1-bit BMP Saving image as 1-bit BMP
SaveBMP1 imageO, "Bitmap1.bmp", foregroundColor~&, backGroundColor~&
' Uloží obrázek imageO do souboru "Bitmap1.bmp" s danými barvami popředí a pozadí.
' Save imageO to file "Bitmap1.bmp" with specified foreground and background colors.
Print "Load and make smooth...." ' Načtení BMP a aplikace vyhlazení Load BMP and apply smoothing
image = LoadAndSmoothBMP1Bit("Bitmap1.bmp")
' Načte 1-bit BMP pomocí vlastní funkce, protože _LoadImage nepodporuje 1-bitové BMP.
' Load 1-bit BMP using a custom function since _LoadImage does not accept 1-bit BMPs.
ViewImage image ' Zobrazení obrázku na obrazovce Display the image
Print "Press key for "
Print "LoadImage output."
_FreeImage image
image = _LoadImage("Bitmap1.bmp")
ViewImage image
Print "Without Smmoothing"
Print "Press key..."
_FreeImage imageO
' Subrutina pro zobrazení obrázku
' Subroutine to display the image (with scaling)
Sub ViewImage (Img As Long)
' Calculate the difference between image dimensions and desktop dimensions.
SpcV_DeltaW = Abs(_Width(Img) - _DesktopWidth) ' Rozdíl šířky obrázku a desktopu Difference in width between image and desktop
SpcV_DeltaH = Abs(_Height(Img) - _DesktopHeight) ' Rozdíl výšky obrázku a desktopu Difference in height between image and desktop
' Vypočítá procentuální rozdíl
' Calculate percentage difference
SpcV_PercW = SpcV_DeltaW / (_Width(Img) / 100) ' Procentuální rozdíl šířky Percentage difference in width
SpcV_PercH = SpcV_DeltaH / (_Height(Img) / 100) ' Procentuální rozdíl výšky Percentage difference in height
' Volba vyššího procenta
' Choose the higher percentage
If SpcV_PercW > SpcV_PercH Then
SpcV_P = SpcV_PercW
SpcV_P = SpcV_PercH
End If
SpcV_P = SpcV_P / 100
' Výpočet konečného poměru pro změnu velikosti obrázku
' Calculate final scaling ratio for the image
If _Width(Img) > _DesktopWidth And _Height(Img) > _DesktopHeight Then
FinalRatio = 1 - SpcV_P ' Downsizing, pokud je obrázek větší ve všech směrech Downsizing if image is larger in both dimensions
End If
If _Height(Img) < _DesktopHeight And _Width(Img) < _DesktopWidth Then
FinalRatio = _DesktopHeight / _Height(Img) ' Upsizing, pokud je obrázek menší než výška desktopu Upsizing if image is smaller than desktop height
End If
If _Height(Img) > _DesktopHeight And _Width(Img) < _DesktopWidth Then
SpcV_PercH = SpcV_DeltaH / (_Height(Img) / 100)
SpcV_PercH = SpcV_PercH / 100
FinalRatio = 1 - SpcV_PercH ' Downsizing, pokud je obrázek vyšší než desktop Downsizing if image height exceeds desktop height
End If
If _Height(Img) < _DesktopHeight And _Width(Img) > _DesktopWidth Then
SpcV_PercW = SpcV_DeltaW / (_Width(Img) / 100)
SpcV_PercW = SpcV_PercW / 100
FinalRatio = 1 - SpcV_PercW ' Downsizing, pokud je obrázek širší než desktop Downsizing if image width exceeds desktop width
End If
If _Height(Img) = _DesktopHeight And _Width(Img) = _DesktopHeight Then
FinalRatio = 1 ' Pokud jsou rozměry shodné, ponech poměr 1 If dimensions match, keep scale 1
End If
' Výpočet nových rozměrů a centrování obrázku
' Calculate new dimensions and center the image on the screen
SpcV_W = FinalRatio * _Width(Img) ' Nová šířka obrázku New image width
SpcV_H = FinalRatio * _Height(Img) ' Nová výška obrázku New image height
SpcV_DeltaX = (_DesktopWidth - SpcV_W) \ 2 ' Horizontální posun pro centrování Horizontal offset to center the image
_PutImage (SpcV_DeltaX, 0)-(SpcV_DeltaX + SpcV_W, SpcV_H), Img&, 0 ' Zobrazení obrázku na přepočítané pozici a rozměrech
' Display the image at calculated position and size
End Sub
' Subrutina pro nastavení kontrastu obrázku
' Subroutine to adjust image contrast
Sub SetContrast (handle As Long, value)
' handle: identifikátor obrázku image handle
' value: hodnota kontrastu (0 až 5; 5 = 500% kontrastu) value in range 0 to 5; 5 means 500% contrast
Dim m As _MEM
Dim a As Long
Dim As _Unsigned Long newC
Dim As _Unsigned _Byte r, g, b, c, NewR, NewG, NewB
m = _MemImage(handle) ' Získání paměťové struktury obrázku Get the memory structure of the image
Select Case _PixelSize(handle)
Case 1 ' Pro 8-bitový obrázek (paletový) For 8 bit image
Do Until a = m.SIZE
_MemGet m, m.OFFSET + a, c ' Načtení indexu palety Retrieve palette index
r = _Red32(_PaletteColor(c, handle))
g = _Green32(_PaletteColor(c, handle))
b = _Blue32(_PaletteColor(c, handle))
' Aplikace kontrastu na jednotlivé barevné kanály
' Apply contrast adjustment on each channel
NewR = (r - 128) * value + 128
NewG = (g - 128) * value + 128
NewB = (b - 128) * value + 128
' Ošetření přetečení a podtečení (hranice 0-255)
' Clamp values to 0-255 range
If NewR > 255 Then NewR = 255
If NewR < 0 Then NewR = 0
If NewG > 255 Then NewG = 255
If NewG < 0 Then NewG = 0
If NewB > 255 Then NewB = 255
If NewB < 0 Then NewB = 0
Case 4 ' Pro 32-bitový obrázek For 32 bit image
Do Until a = m.SIZE
_MemGet m, m.OFFSET + a, b
_MemGet m, m.OFFSET + a + 1, g
_MemGet m, m.OFFSET + a + 2, r
NewR = (r - 128) * value + 128
NewG = (g - 128) * value + 128
NewB = (b - 128) * value + 128
If NewR > 255 Then NewR = 255
If NewR < 0 Then NewR = 0
If NewG > 255 Then NewG = 255
If NewG < 0 Then NewG = 0
If NewB > 255 Then NewB = 255
If NewB < 0 Then NewB = 0
_MemPut m, m.OFFSET + a, NewB
_MemPut m, m.OFFSET + a + 1, NewG
_MemPut m, m.OFFSET + a + 2, NewR
a = a + 4
End Select
End Sub
'****************************************************** Speed - up updated function - from PCX thread
' Funkce pro spočítání počtu barev v obrázku
' Function to count the number of colors in the image (8-bit and 32-bit)
Function ClrsCnt (handle As Long)
' Vrátí počet unikátních barev v obrázku
' Returns the count of unique colors in the image
Dim As _Unsigned _Byte r, g, b
Dim As _MEM m
Dim As Long a, Clrscn
m = _MemImage(handle)
If _PixelSize(handle) > 1 Then
Dim c(255, 255, 255) As _Unsigned _Byte
Do Until a = m.SIZE
_MemGet m, m.OFFSET + a, b
_MemGet m, m.OFFSET + a + 1, g
_MemGet m, m.OFFSET + a + 2, r
a = a + 4
If c(r, g, b) = 0 Then
Clrscn = Clrscn + 1
c(r, g, b) = 1
End If
ClrsCnt = Clrscn
Dim d(255) As _Byte
Do Until a = m.SIZE
index = _MemGet(m, m.OFFSET + a, _Unsigned _Byte)
If d(index) = 0 Then
d(index) = 1
Clrscn = Clrscn + 1
End If
a = a + 1
ClrsCnt = Clrscn
End If
End Function
' Subrutina pro detekci maskovacích barev
' Subroutine to detect mask colors based on a given mode
Sub DetectMaskColors (handle As Long, mode As Integer, color1 As _Unsigned Long, color2 As _Unsigned Long)
' Detekuje maskovací barvy podle zvoleného režimu
' Detects mask colors according to the selected mode
Dim m As _MEM
Dim a As Long
Dim As _Unsigned _Byte r, g, b, c, brightness
Dim colorCount(255) As Long ' Histogram pro paletový obrázek Histogram for paletted image
Dim brightnessHist(255) As Long ' Histogram světlosti Histogram for brightness
Dim totalBrightness As Long
Dim totalPixels As Long
Dim isPaletted As _Unsigned _Byte
m = _MemImage(handle)
If _PixelSize(handle) = 1 Then
isPaletted = 1 ' 8-bitový obrázek (paletový) 8-bit paletted image
' Projdeme paletové barvy
' Loop through palette colors
a = 0
Do Until a >= m.SIZE
_MemGet m, m.OFFSET + a, c ' Načtení indexu palety Get palette index
brightness = (0.3 * _Red32(_PaletteColor(c, handle)) + 0.59 * _Green32(_PaletteColor(c, handle)) + 0.11 * _Blue32(_PaletteColor(c, handle)))
brightnessHist(brightness) = brightnessHist(brightness) + 1
colorCount(c) = colorCount(c) + 1
totalBrightness = totalBrightness + brightness
totalPixels = totalPixels + 1
a = a + 1
End If
_MemFree m
If totalPixels = 0 Then totalPixels = 1 ' Ochrana proti dělení nulou Prevent division by zero
Select Case mode
Case 1 ' Nejčastější dvě barvy Two most frequent colors
Dim max1 As Long, max2 As Long, idx1 As _Unsigned _Byte, idx2 As _Unsigned _Byte
For a = 0 To 255
If colorCount(a) > max1 Then
max2 = max1
idx2 = idx1
max1 = colorCount(a)
idx1 = a
ElseIf colorCount(a) > max2 Then
max2 = colorCount(a)
idx2 = a
End If
color1 = _PaletteColor(idx1, handle)
color2 = _PaletteColor(idx2, handle)
Case 2 ' Nejtmavší a nejsvětlejší barva Darkest and brightest colors
Dim minIdx As _Unsigned _Byte, maxIdx As _Unsigned _Byte
For a = 0 To 255
If brightnessHist(a) > 0 Then
minIdx = a
Exit For
End If
For a = 255 To 0 Step -1
If brightnessHist(a) > 0 Then
maxIdx = a
Exit For
End If
color1 = _PaletteColor(minIdx, handle)
color2 = _PaletteColor(maxIdx, handle)
Case 3 ' Nejkontrastnější dvě barvy Two most contrasting colors
Dim best1 As _Unsigned _Byte, best2 As _Unsigned _Byte, maxContrast As Long
For a = 0 To 255
For b = a + 1 To 255
Dim contrast As Long
contrast = Abs(a - b)
If contrast > maxContrast Then
maxContrast = contrast
best1 = a
best2 = b
End If
color1 = _PaletteColor(best1, handle)
color2 = _PaletteColor(best2, handle)
Case 4 ' Barvy se střední světlostí Colors with medium brightness
Dim middleBrightness As Long
middleBrightness = totalBrightness \ totalPixels
Dim closest1 As _Unsigned _Byte, closest2 As _Unsigned _Byte, minDiff1 As Long, minDiff2 As Long
minDiff1 = 256
minDiff2 = 256
For a = 0 To 255
Dim diff As Long
diff = Abs(a - middleBrightness)
If diff < minDiff1 Then
minDiff2 = minDiff1
closest2 = closest1
minDiff1 = diff
closest1 = a
ElseIf diff < minDiff2 Then
minDiff2 = diff
closest2 = a
End If
color1 = _PaletteColor(closest1, handle)
color2 = _PaletteColor(closest2, handle)
Case 5 ' P evně nastavené: Černá a bílá Fixed mode: Black and White
color1 = _RGB32(0, 0, 0)
color2 = _RGB32(255, 255, 255)
End Select
End Sub
' Subrutina pro uložení 1-bit BMP souboru
' Subroutine to save a 1-bit BMP file (uncompressed), 1Bit BMP do not support RLE compression.
Sub SaveBMP1 (imageRef As Long, fileName As String, Fgc As _Unsigned Long, Bgc As _Unsigned Long)
' Parametry:
' imageRef - identifikátor obrázku image handle
' fileName - název souboru output file name
' Fgc - barva popředí (foreground) foreground color
' Bgc - barva pozadí (background) background color
Dim W As Long, H As Long, Wo As Long
Wo = _Width(imageRef) ' Původní šířka obrázku Original image width
H = _Height(imageRef) ' Výška obrázku Image height
' Uprav šířku, aby byla dělitelná 32 (nutné pro řádkové zarovnání BMP)
' Adjust width to be divisible by 32 (required for BMP row alignment)
Do Until Wo Mod 32 = 0
Wo = Wo + 1
W = Wo
' Vytvoř nový obrázek s upravenou šířkou
' Create a new image with adjusted width
Dim newImage As Long
newImage = _NewImage(W, H, 32)
Dim clr As _Unsigned Long
clr~& = &HFFFFFFFF ' Barva pozadí (např. bílá) Background color (e.g., white)
_Dest newImage
Cls , clr~&
' Zkopíruj původní obrázek do nového s novými rozměry
' Copy original image into new image with adjusted dimensions
_PutImage (0, 0), imageRef, newImage, (0, H)-(W, 0)
' (Volitelně) Uvolni původní obrázek, pokud již není potřeba
' Optionally free the original image if no longer needed:
_FreeImage imageRef
' Vypočítej celkovou velikost BMP souboru (62 bajtů = velikost záhlaví)
' Calculate total file size (header size is 62 bytes)
Dim Size As Long
Size = _Ceil(W * H / 8) + 62
' Naplň strukturu BMP hlavičky
' Fill in BMP header structure
Dim BMP1 As BW
BMP1.signature = "BM"
BMP1.FileSize = Size
BMP1.DataOffset = 62
BMP1.SizeOfInfoHeader = 40
BMP1.Width = W
BMP1.Height = H
BMP1.Planes = 1 '
BMP1.BitsPerPixel = 1 '
BMP1.Compression = 0
BMP1.ImageSize = Size - 62
BMP1.XPixels = 0
BMP1.YPixels = 0
BMP1.ColorsUsed = 0
BMP1.ImportantColors = 0
BMP1.ColorA = Fgc ' Foreground barva Foreground color
BMP1.ColorB = Bgc ' Background barva Background color
' Převod obrázku na řádky 1-bitové bitmapy (každý byte reprezentuje 8 pixelů)
' Convert the image into 1-bit bitmap data (each byte represents 8 pixels)
Dim m As _MEM
m = _MemImage(newImage)
Dim BW_Image(m.SIZE \ 8) As _Unsigned _Byte
Dim i As Long, j As Long, px As Long
i& = 0: j = 0
Do Until i& >= m.SIZE
Dim Nibble As _Unsigned _Byte
Nibble = 0
For px = 0 To 7
If i& + px + 4 > m.SIZE Then Exit Do
Dim Red As _Unsigned _Byte, Green As _Unsigned _Byte, Blue As _Unsigned _Byte
Red = _MemGet(m, m.OFFSET + i& + 3 + px * 4, _Unsigned _Byte)
Green = _MemGet(m, m.OFFSET + i& + 2 + px * 4, _Unsigned _Byte)
Blue = _MemGet(m, m.OFFSET + i& + 1 + px * 4, _Unsigned _Byte)
Dim luminance As Long
luminance = (77 * Red + 150 * Green + 29 * Blue) And 2048 'modified!
If luminance < 128 Then
Nibble = _SetBit(Nibble, 7 - px)
End If
BW_Image(j) = Nibble
i& = i& + 8 * 4
j = j + 1
' Odstranění existujícího souboru, pokud již existuje
' Delete the file if it already exists
If _FileExists(fileName) Then Kill fileName
' Uložení BMP souboru do disku
' Write the BMP file to disk
Open fileName For Binary As #1
Put #1, 1, BMP1
Put #1, 63, BW_Image()
Close #1
' Uvolnění prostředků
' Free resources
ReDim BW_Image(0)
_FreeImage newImage
End Sub
' Definice typů pro BMP formát
' Definitions for BMP format types
signature As String * 2 ' "BM" – signatura souboru "BM" – file signature
filesize As Long ' Velikost souboru v bajtech File size in bytes
reserved1 As Integer ' Rezervováno Reserved (16-bit)
reserved2 As Integer ' Rezervováno Reserved (16-bit)
dataoffset As Long ' Offset k pixelovým datům Offset to pixel data
End Type
headersize As Long ' záhlaví (obvykle 40 bajtů) Header size (usually 40 bytes)
width As Long ' Šířka obrázku Image width
height As Long ' Výška obrázku Image height
planes As Integer ' Počet rovin (vždy 1) Number of planes (always 1)
bitcount As Integer ' Hloubka bitů na pixel Bits per pixel
compression As Long ' Komprese (0 = žádná) Compression (0 = none)
imagesize As Long ' Velikost obrázku Image size
xpixels As Long ' Horizontální rozlišení Horizontal resolution
ypixels As Long ' Vertikální rozlišení Vertical resolution
colorsused As Long ' Počet barev v paletě Colors used in the palette
importantcolors As Long ' Důležité barvy Important colors
End Type
Type BMPColor
blue As _Unsigned _Byte ' Modrá složka Blue component
green As _Unsigned _Byte ' Zelená složka Green component
red As _Unsigned _Byte ' Červená složka Red component
reserved As _Unsigned _Byte ' Rezervováno Reserved
End Type
' Funkce pro načtení 1-bit BMP souboru
' Function to load a 1-bit BMP file
Function LoadBMP1Bit& (fileName As String)
Dim header As BMPHEADER
Dim pal(1) As BMPColor
Open fileName For Binary As #1
' Načtení BMP hlavičky (14 bajtů)
' Read BMP file header (14 bytes)
Get #1, , header
If header.signature <> "BM" Then
Print "Chyba: Soubor není BMP." ' Error: File is not a BMP.
Close #1
LoadBMP1Bit = 0
Exit Function
End If
' Načtení BITMAPINFOHEADER (40 bajtů)
' Read BITMAPINFOHEADER (40 bytes)
Get #1, , info
If info.bitcount <> 1 Then
Print "Chyba: BMP není 1bitový." ' Error: BMP is not 1-bit.
Close #1
LoadBMP1Bit = 0
Exit Function
End If
' Načtení palety (2 barvy)
' Read the color palette (2 colors)
For i = 0 To 1
Get #1, , pal(i)
Next i
' Výpočet velikosti jednoho řádku (včetně paddingu na 4 bajty)
' Calculate the size of one row (with 4-byte padding)
Dim bytesPerRow As Long
bytesPerRow = (info.width + 7) \ 8
Dim rowSize As Long
rowSize = ((bytesPerRow + 3) \ 4) * 4
Dim totalBytes As Long
totalBytes = rowSize * info.height
' Načtení pixelových dat
' Read pixel data
ReDim ddata(totalBytes - 1) As _Unsigned _Byte
Seek #1, header.dataoffset ' Nastavení pozice na začátek pixelových dat Set file pointer to pixel data offset
Get #1, , ddata()
Close #1
' Vytvoření 32-bitového obrázku pro výstup
' Create a 32-bit image for output
Dim img As Long
img = _NewImage(info.width, info.height, 32)
' Vytvoření pole pro výsledné pixely
' Create an array for the resulting pixels
ReDim pixels(info.width * info.height - 1) As _Unsigned Long
' Definice masky bitů (od MSB po LSB)
' Define bit masks (from MSB to LSB)
Dim bitMasks(7) As _Unsigned _Byte
bitMasks(0) = &H80
bitMasks(1) = &H40
bitMasks(2) = &H20
bitMasks(3) = &H10
bitMasks(4) = &H08
bitMasks(5) = &H04
bitMasks(6) = &H02
bitMasks(7) = &H01
' Rozložení pixelových dat do pole pixelů
' Decompose pixel data into pixel array
Dim y As Long, b As Long, bit As Long
Dim rowIndex As Long, rowOffset As Long, x As Long, pixelIndex As Long
Dim currentByte As _Byte
Dim col As _Unsigned Long
For y = 0 To info.height - 1
rowIndex = info.height - 1 - y ' BMP data jsou uložena zdola nahoru BMP stores rows from bottom to top
rowOffset = rowIndex * rowSize
For b = 0 To bytesPerRow - 1
currentByte = ddata(rowOffset + b)
For bit = 0 To 7
x = b * 8 + bit
If x >= info.width Then Exit For
pixelIndex = y * info.width + x
If (currentByte And bitMasks(bit)) <> 0 Then
col = _RGB32(pal(1).red, pal(1).green, pal(1).blue)
col = _RGB32(pal(0).red, pal(0).green, pal(0).blue)
End If
pixels(pixelIndex) = col
Next bit
Next b
Next y
' Přenos pixelů do vytvořeného obrázku
' Copy pixel data into the image
Dim m As _MEM, n As _MEM
m = _MemImage(img)
Dim numBytes As Long
numBytes = info.width * info.height * 4
n = _Mem(pixels())
_MemCopy n, n.OFFSET, numBytes To m, m.OFFSET
_MemFree n
_MemFree m
LoadBMP1Bit = img
End Function
' Funkce pro načtení 1-bit BMP a jeho vyhlazení
' Function to load a 1-bit BMP and apply smoothing (Gaussian blur)
Function LoadAndSmoothBMP1Bit& (fileName As String)
Dim img As Long
img = LoadBMP1Bit(fileName) ' Načtení 1-bit BMP pomocí vlastní funkce
' Load 1-bit BMP using custom loader
If img = 0 Then
Print "Chyba při načítání BMP!" ' Error loading BMP!
Print "Error loading BMP!"
Exit Function
End If
Dim width As Long, height As Long
width = _Width(img)
height = _Height(img)
' Vytvoření nového obrázku pro vyhlazení
' Create a new image for the smoothed output
Dim smoothedImg As Long
smoothedImg = _NewImage(width, height, 32)
' Přístup k pixelovým datům
' Access pixel data of both images
Dim m As _MEM, n As _MEM, jj As _MEM
m = _MemImage(img)
n = _MemImage(smoothedImg)
' Načtení pixelových dat do pole
' Copy pixels into an array for processing
ReDim pixels(width * height - 1) As _Unsigned Long
jj = _Mem(pixels())
_MemCopy m, m.OFFSET, m.SIZE To jj, jj.OFFSET
_MemFree jj
' Vyhlazení obrázku pomocí 3×3 Gaussova filtru
' Apply smoothing using a 3x3 Gaussian filter
Dim x As Long, y As Long, i As Long, j As Long
ReDim newPixels(width * height - 1) As _Unsigned Long
' Přibližný 3×3 Gaussův filtr
' Approximate 3x3 Gaussian filter weights
Dim filter(2, 2) As Single
filter(0, 0) = 1 / 16: filter(0, 1) = 2 / 16: filter(0, 2) = 1 / 16
filter(1, 0) = 2 / 16: filter(1, 1) = 4 / 16: filter(1, 2) = 2 / 16
filter(2, 0) = 1 / 16: filter(2, 1) = 2 / 16: filter(2, 2) = 1 / 16
Dim rSum As Single, gSum As Single, bSum As Single
Dim index As Long
Dim pixelColor As _Unsigned Long
Dim r As _Unsigned _Byte, g As _Unsigned _Byte, b As _Unsigned _Byte
Dim newCol As _Unsigned Long
' Procházení obrazu (vynecháme okraje)
' Process the image excluding the borders
For y = 1 To height - 2
For x = 1 To width - 2
rSum = 0: gSum = 0: bSum = 0
' Aplikace filtru 3×3
' Apply 3x3 filter
For i = -1 To 1
For j = -1 To 1
index = (y + i) * width + (x + j)
pixelColor = pixels(index)
r = _Red32(pixelColor)
g = _Green32(pixelColor)
b = _Blue32(pixelColor)
rSum = rSum + r * filter(i + 1, j + 1)
gSum = gSum + g * filter(i + 1, j + 1)
bSum = bSum + b * filter(i + 1, j + 1)
Next j
Next i
' Uložení vyhlazeného pixelu
' Save the smoothed pixel
newCol = _RGB32(rSum, gSum, bSum)
newPixels(y * width + x) = newCol
Next x
Next y
' Kopírování vyhlazených pixelů zpět do obrázku
' Copy the smoothed pixels back into the image
Dim jjj As _MEM
jjj = _Mem(newPixels())
_MemCopy jjj, jjj.OFFSET, jjj.SIZE To n, n.OFFSET
_MemFree jjj
' Uvolnění paměti
' Free memory
_MemFree m
_MemFree n
_FreeImage img
' Výstup vyhlazeného obrázku
' Return the smoothed image
LoadAndSmoothBMP1Bit = smoothedImg
End Function
In attachments is output using _LoadImage (not smooth) and second is with my loder (smooth). Would you say it's just two colors?
static float CalculateCPULoad(unsigned long long idleTicks, unsigned long long totalTicks)
static unsigned long long _previousTotalTicks = 0;
static unsigned long long _previousIdleTicks = 0;
unsigned long long totalTicksSinceLastTime = totalTicks - _previousTotalTicks;
unsigned long long idleTicksSinceLastTime = idleTicks - _previousIdleTicks;
static unsigned long long FileTimeToInt64(const FILETIME & ft)
return (((unsigned long long)(ft.dwHighDateTime)) << 32) | ((unsigned long long)ft.dwLowDateTime);
Declare Library "mem"
Function MemInUsePercent~&&
Function TotalPhysicalMem~&&
Function FreePhysicalMem~&&
Function TotalPagingFile~&&
Function FreePagingFile~&&
Function TotalVirtualMem~&&
Function FreeVirtualMem~&&
Function FreeExtendedMem~&&
Function GetCPULoad#
End Declare
' byte suffix type
Dim Shared SuffixType As Integer
' start display loop
_Delay 1
I$ = InKey$
If Len(I$) Then
If I$ = Chr$(27) Then Color 7: End
If I$ = " " Then ' rotate suffix
SuffixType = SuffixType + 1
If SuffixType = 4 Then SuffixType = 0
End If
End If
Color 14, 0
Print "Press <space> to cycle suffix, <escape> to quit."
Color 15, 0
' GetCPULoad = 0 is idle, 1 is fully used.
' Multiply by 100 for a percentage
Print "CPU used:";
' truncate 2 decimal places.
V$ = Str$(Int(GetCPULoad * 10000) / 100)
If InStr(V$, ".") Then
V$ = Left$(V$, InStr(V$, ".") + 2)
End If
V$ = V$ + "%"
Print V$
_Title "Memory Usage Monitor - CPU " + V$
' locate and display statusline
X = CsrLin
Y = Pos(0)
V$ = "Memory Usage Monitor " + Date$ + " " + Time$
Locate 25, 1, 1
Color 14
Print V$;
Locate X, Y
Color 15
Color 7
' calculate byte suffix.
Function Suffix$ (Var)
Dim Var3 As Double
' Var - input value
' SuffixType - 0 = bytes, 1 = kilo, 2 = mega, 3 = giga
Rem B (Byte) = 00x - 0FFx
Rem KB (Kilobyte) = 1024 B
Rem MB (Megabyte) = 1024 KB
Rem GB (Gigabyte) = 1024 MB
' check exponent.
Var3 = Var
s$ = Str$(Var3)
If InStr(s$, "D") Then
Suffix$ = s$
Exit Function
End If
' check bytes.
If SuffixType = 0 Then
Suffix$ = FormatString$(Var)
Exit Function
End If
' calculate byte suffix.
TempA = False
If Var3 >= 1024 Then
Var3 = Var3 / 1024
TempA = TempA + 1
If TempA = SuffixType Then
Exit Do
End If
Exit Do
End If
' make byte suffix.
Var$ = ""
If TempA > 0 Then
Select Case TempA
Case 1
Var$ = "KB"
Case 2
Var$ = "MB"
Case 3
Var$ = "GB"
End Select
End If
' get single precision decimal place.
If Int(Var3) <> Var3 Then
x$ = Str$(Var3)
x = InStr(x$, ".")
x$ = Mid$(x$, x)
Select Case SuffixType
Case 1 ' KB
x$ = Left$(x$, 2)
Case 2 ' MB
x$ = Left$(x$, 3)
Case 3 ' GB
x$ = Left$(x$, 4)
End Select
Var2$ = Var2$ + x$
Var2$ = Var2$ + ".0 "
End If
' append suffix.
Suffix$ = Var2$ + " " + Var$
End Function
' formats a numeric string.
Function FormatString$ (s)
x$ = ""
s$ = Str$(s)
s$ = LTrim$(s$)
For l = Len(s$) To 3 Step -3
x$ = Mid$(s$, l - 2, 3) + "," + x$
If l > 0 Then
x$ = Mid$(s$, 1, l) + "," + x$
End If
If Len(s$) < 3 Then
x$ = s$
End If
If Right$(x$, 1) = "," Then
x$ = Left$(x$, Len(x$) - 1)
End If
FormatString$ = x$
End Function
Posted by: Petr - 02-16-2025, 01:46 PM - Forum: Petr
- Replies (9)
This program will make you feel nostalgic. PCX is an old image storage format. It uses RLE compression, which is not very efficient, especially for 24-bit images. Another limitation is that only black and white are allowed in 1-bit (two-color) PCX files. I assume this because no matter what I put in the palette, I always got black and white, or white and black.
Below is a demo that takes images (drawn with the LINE command) that have the correct number of colors and saves them to disk in PCX format. _LoadImage supports PCX, _SaveImage does not support PCX (that's why I went to it), so _LoadImage loads this image from disk and displays it immediately.
The program stores 1-bit PCX in 2 colors, 2-bit PCX in 4 colors, 4-bit PCX in 16 colors, 8-bit PCX in 256 colors, and 24-bit PCX - there are millions of colors.
There is no check if you are inserting the correct image format. To find out the number of colors, use the function ClrsCnt(handle). It is included as next program.
Code: (Select All)
' --- Definice typu pro PCX hlavičku / Definition of the PCX header type ---
Type PCXHeader ' This TYPE is here commented for 1 bit PCX!
Manufacturer As _Unsigned _Byte ' PCX identifikátor (0x0A) / PCX identifier (0x0A)
Version As _Unsigned _Byte ' Verze (např. 5 = PC Paintbrush 3.0) Version (e.g., 5 = PC Paintbrush 3.0)
Encoding As _Unsigned _Byte ' 1 = RLE komprese 1 = RLE compression
BitsPerPixel As _Unsigned _Byte ' x - bit (x - bitový obrázek) x - bit per pixel (monochrome image or more)
XMin As _Unsigned Integer ' Levý horní X (0) Top-left X coordinate (0)
YMin As _Unsigned Integer ' Levý horní Y (0) Top-left Y coordinate (0)
XMax As _Unsigned Integer ' Pravý dolní X (šířka - 1) Bottom-right X coordinate (width - 1)
YMax As _Unsigned Integer ' Pravý dolní Y (výška - 1) Bottom-right Y coordinate (height - 1)
HDPI As _Unsigned Integer ' Horizontální DPI (např. 300) Horizontal DPI (e.g., 300)
VDPI As _Unsigned Integer ' Vertikální DPI (např. 300) Vertical DPI (e.g., 300)
ColorMap As String * 48 ' Paleta – u 1bit PCX využijeme první 6 bajtů: Palette – for 1-bit PCX we use the first 6 bytes:
' Index 0: černá (0,0,0), Index 1: bílá (255,255,255) Index 0: black (0,0,0), Index 1: white (255,255,255)
Reserved As _Unsigned _Byte ' Rezervováno (0) Reserved (0)
Planes As _Unsigned _Byte ' Počet rovin (1) Number of color planes (1)
BytesPerLine As _Unsigned Integer ' Počet bajtů na řádek (zarovnaný na sudé číslo Bytes per line (aligned to an even number)
PaletteInfo As _Unsigned Integer ' 1 = obrázek je monochromatický 1 = image is monochrome (Each storage program sets its own values)
HScreenSize As _Unsigned Integer ' Horizontální velikost obrazovky (0) Horizontal screen size (0)
VScreenSize As _Unsigned Integer ' Vertikální velikost obrazovky (0) Vertical screen size (0)
Filler As String * 54 ' Vyplňovací bajty (nulové) Filler bytes (zeros)
End Type
Type RGB
As _Unsigned _Byte r, g, b, original ' r, g, b složky a původní index r, g, b components and original palette index
End Type
ReDim Shared UsedColors(0) As RGB ' Sdílené pole pro použité barvy Shared array for used colors (for mask)
Screen _NewImage(1024, 768, 32)
Colors2image = _NewImage(640, 480, 256) ' Obrázek s 256 barvami 256-color image - contains 2 colors, but PCX not accepts it. PCX in 1 bit mode always use Black and White.
_Dest Colors2image
For f = 50 To 240 Step 10
Line (0 + f, 0 + f)-(640 - f, 480 - f), 6 * (f And 2), BF
' Vykreslíme diagonální gradient Draw a diagonal gradient
Colors4image = _NewImage(640, 480, 256) ' Obrázek pro 4 barvy (2-bit) 4-color image (2-bit)
_Dest Colors4image
For f = 50 To 240 Step 10
Line (0 + f, 0 + f)-(640 - f, 480 - f), 15 * (f And 7), BF
Colors16image = _NewImage(640, 480, 256) ' Obrázek pro 16 barev (4-bit) 16-color image (4-bit)
_Dest Colors16image
For f = 50 To 240 Step 5
Line (0 + f, 0 + f)-(640 - f, 480 - f), f And 15, BF
Colors256image = _NewImage(640, 480, 256) ' Obrázek pro 256 barev (8-bit) 256-color image (8-bit)
_Dest Colors256image
For f = 0 To 255
Line (0 + f, 0 + f)-(640 - f, 480 - f), f And 255, BF
Color24bitImage = _NewImage(640, 480, 32) ' Obrázek pro 24bit (milióny barev) 24-bit image (16,777,216 colors)
_Dest Color24bitImage
For f = 0 To 255 Step .5
Line (0 + f, 0 + f)-(640 - f, 480 - f), _RGB32((f And 127), (255 - (f And 64)), (f Xor 15)), BF
_Dest 0
' --- Hlavní demo část / Main demo section ---
Print "PCX Save Image Demo"
Print "Program generate and save 5 PCX files and then load and show it."
Print "Step 1/5: Save 1bit (2 colors) PCX image and then show it! PCX format in 1 bit mode support just BLACK or WHITE color."
SavePCX1Clr Colors2image, "Two_Colors.pcx"
Print "Image saved."
image = _LoadImage("Two_Colors.pcx", 256)
_PutImage (200, 200), image
Print "PCX Save Image Demo"
Print "Program generate and save 5 PCX files and then load and show it."
Print "Step 2/5: Save 2bit (4 colors) PCX image and then show it!"
SavePCX4Clr Colors4image, "Four_Colors.pcx"
Print "Image saved."
image = _LoadImage("Four_Colors.pcx", 256)
_PutImage (200, 200), image
_FreeImage image
Print "PCX Save Image Demo"
Print "Program generate and save 5 PCX files and then load and show it."
Print "Step 3/5: Save 4bit (16 colors) PCX image and then show it! PCX here standardly expect EGA color palette. Some dekodéry use EGA palette, not colors in file palette, but _LoadImage accepts file palette!"
SavePCX16Clr Colors16image, "16_Colors.pcx"
Print "Image saved."
image = _LoadImage("16_Colors.pcx", 256)
_PutImage (200, 200), image
_FreeImage image
Print "PCX Save Image Demo"
Print "Program generate and save 5 PCX files and then load and show it."
Print "Step 4/5: Save 8bit (256 colors) PCX image and then show it!"
SavePCX256clr Colors256image, "256_Colors.pcx"
Print "Image saved."
image = _LoadImage("256_Colors.pcx", 256)
_PutImage (200, 200), image
_FreeImage image
Print "PCX Save Image Demo"
Print "Program generate and save 5 PCX files and then load and show it."
Print "Step 5/5: Save 24bit (16 777 216 colors) PCX image and then show it!"
SavePCX24 Color24bitImage, "24bit_Colors.pcx"
Print "Image saved."
image = _LoadImage("24bit_Colors.pcx", 32)
_PutImage (200, 200), image
_FreeImage image
Print "All files are on on your harddrive: Two_Colors.pcx, Four_Colors.pcx, 16_Colors.pcx, 256_Colors.pcx and 24bit_Colors.pcx"
Print "I assume you won't be saving anything big with this, mainly because of the inefficient compression for 24 bit images."
Print "The program is only for demonstration purposes. _SaveImage doesn't support saving in PCX, now you have that option."
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Function GetUsedColors – naplní pole UsedColors barvami z indexovaného obrázku.
' Function GetUsedColors – fills the UsedColors array with colors from the indexed image.
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function GetUsedColors (image As Long)
If _PixelSize(image) > 1 Then Beep: Beep: Beep: GetUsedColors = -1: Stop
ReDim UsedColors(-1) As RGB
' Cílem je naplnit UsedColors strukturou s RGB hodnotami _RGB32 z obrázku,
' aby byly barvy seřazeny dle jejich výskytu.
' The goal is to fill UsedColors with the RGB values (via _RGB32) from the image,
' so that the colors are stored in the order they are encountered.
Dim ColorWrited(255) As _Byte
Dim Clr As _Unsigned _Byte
S = _Source
_Source image
For y = 0 To _Height(image) - 1
For x = 0 To _Width(image) - 1
Clr = Point(x, y)
If ColorWrited(Clr) = 0 Then
ColorWrited(Clr) = 1
U = UBound(UsedColors)
U = U + 1
ReDim _Preserve UsedColors(U) As RGB
UsedColors(U).r = _Red32(_PaletteColor(Clr, image))
UsedColors(U).g = _Green32(_PaletteColor(Clr, image))
UsedColors(U).b = _Blue32(_PaletteColor(Clr, image))
UsedColors(U).original = Clr
End If
Next x
Next y
_Source S
GetUsedColors = U + 1
End Function
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' SUB SavePCX1Clr – uloží obrázek jako 1bit (2 barvy) PCX soubor.
' SUB SavePCX1Clr – saves the image as a 1-bit (2-color) PCX file.
' Vstupní parametry: imagePtr (ukazatel na obrázek), fileName (název souboru)
' Input parameters: imagePtr (image pointer), fileName (output file name)
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub SavePCX1Clr (imagePtr As Long, fileName As String)
Dim imgWidth As Integer, imgHeight As Integer
' Výpočet počtu bajtů na řádek: (imgWidth+7) \ 8, následně zarovnáme na sudé číslo
' Calculate bytes per line for 1-bit image and align to even number
Dim bytesPerLine As Integer
bytesPerLine = (imgWidth + 7) \ 8
If (bytesPerLine Mod 2) <> 0 Then bytesPerLine = bytesPerLine + 1
status = GetUsedColors(imagePtr)
myMask$ = TransformMask 'you can test it. Mask contains valid colors (not black and white) but - image is black and white.
' --- Otevření souboru pro zápis / Open file for binary writing ---
Dim fileNum As Integer
fileNum = FreeFile
Open fileName For Binary As #fileNum
' Zápis 128 bajtů hlavičky do souboru / Write 128-byte header to file
Put #fileNum, , hdr
' --- Zpracování a zápis obrazových dat řádek po řádku / Process and write image data line by line ---
Dim y As Integer, x As Integer
Dim rawLine As String, encodedLine As String
Dim currentByte As Integer, count As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim pixelVal As Integer
S = _Source
For y = 0 To imgHeight - 1
' Inicializace řádku s délkou bytesPerLine (všechno nastaveno na 0)
' Initialize a line filled with zeros
rawLine = String$(bytesPerLine, Chr$(0))
For x = 0 To imgWidth - 1
Dim byteIndex As Integer, bitIndex As Integer
byteIndex = x \ 8
bitIndex = 7 - (x Mod 8)
currentByte = Asc(Mid$(rawLine, byteIndex + 1, 1))
' Získání hodnoty pixelu z obrázku pomocí _POINT (0 = černá, nenulová = bílá)
' Get pixel value from image; assume nonzero means white pixel.
_Source imagePtr
pixelVal = PCXPointer(Point(x, y))
If pixelVal <> 0 Then
currentByte = currentByte Or (2 ^ bitIndex)
End If
Mid$(rawLine, byteIndex + 1, 1) = Chr$(currentByte)
Next x
' --- RLE kódování řádku podle PCX specifikace / RLE encoding of the line as per PCX spec ---
encodedLine = ""
i = 1
Do While i <= Len(rawLine)
currentByte = Asc(Mid$(rawLine, i, 1))
count = 1
Do While (i + count <= Len(rawLine)) And (count < 63)
If Asc(Mid$(rawLine, i + count, 1)) = currentByte Then
count = count + 1
Exit Do
End If
If (count = 1) And (currentByte < 192) Then
encodedLine = encodedLine + Chr$(currentByte)
encodedLine = encodedLine + Chr$(192 + count) + Chr$(currentByte)
End If
i = i + count
' Zápis RLE kódovaného řádku do souboru / Write the RLE encoded line to file
Put #fileNum, , encodedLine
Next y
_Source S
Close #fileNum
End Sub
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' SUB SavePCX4Clr – uloží obrázek jako 4barevný (2bitový) PCX soubor.
' SUB SavePCX4Clr – saves the image as a 4-color (2-bit) PCX file.
' Vstupní parametry: image (ukazatel na obrázek), fileName (název souboru)
' Input parameters: image (image pointer), fileName (output file name)
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub SavePCX4Clr (image As Long, fileName As String)
' Získání rozměrů obrázku Get image dimensions
Dim width As Integer, height As Integer
width = _Width(image)
height = _Height(image)
' Výpočet bajtů na rovinu: (width+7)\8 a zarovnání na sudé číslo Calculate bytes per line (for 1-bit plane) and align to even number
Dim bytesPerLine As Integer
bytesPerLine = (width + 7) \ 8
If (bytesPerLine Mod 2) <> 0 Then bytesPerLine = bytesPerLine + 1
status = GetUsedColors(image)
myMask$ = TransformMask
Dim colorMap4 As String
colorMap4 = myMask$ + String$(48 - Len(myMask$), Chr$(0))
' ---------------------------------------------------
' Otevření souboru pro zápis Open file for writing
' ---------------------------------------------------
Dim fileNum As Integer
fileNum = FreeFile
Open fileName For Binary As #fileNum
' Zápis hlavičky Write header
Put #fileNum, , hdr
s = _Source
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Zpracování a zápis obrazových dat Process and write image data
' Každý pixel je reprezentován 2 bity, rozdělenými do 2 rovin Each pixel is represented by 2 bits spread across 2 planes
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dim planeData(0 To 1) As String
Dim y As Integer, x As Integer
_Source image
For y = 0 To height - 1
' Inicializace dat obou rovin (každý řádek má délku bytesPerLine) Initialize both plane data lines with zeros
planeData(0) = String$(bytesPerLine, Chr$(0))
planeData(1) = String$(bytesPerLine, Chr$(0))
For x = 0 To width - 1
' Načtení pixelu z obrázku – předpokládáme, že obrázek obsahuje pouze 4 barvy (hodnota 0 az 3)
' Get pixel value from image; expected value in range 0 to 3.
Dim colorIndex As Integer
colorIndex = PCXPointer(Point(x, y))
' Pro každou rovinu nastavíme odpovídající bit For each plane, set the corresponding bit
Dim plane As Integer
For plane = 0 To 1
Dim bitVal As Integer
bitVal = _ShR(colorIndex, plane) And 1
If bitVal = 1 Then
Dim byteIndex As Integer, bitIndex As Integer
byteIndex = x \ 8
bitIndex = 7 - (x Mod 8)
Dim currByte As Integer
currByte = Asc(Mid$(planeData(plane), byteIndex + 1, 1))
currByte = currByte Or _ShL(1, bitIndex)
Mid$(planeData(plane), byteIndex + 1, 1) = Chr$(currByte)
End If
Next plane
Next x
' RLE kódování pro obě roviny daného řádku RLE encode each plane for the current line
Dim p As Integer
For p = 0 To 1
Dim rawLine As String, encoded As String
rawLine = planeData(p)
encoded = ""
Dim iPos As Integer
iPos = 1
Do While iPos <= Len(rawLine)
Dim currentByte As Integer, count As Integer
currentByte = Asc(Mid$(rawLine, iPos, 1))
count = 1
Do While (iPos + count <= Len(rawLine)) And (count < 63)
If Asc(Mid$(rawLine, iPos + count, 1)) = currentByte Then
count = count + 1
Exit Do
End If
If (count = 1) And (currentByte < 192) Then
encoded = encoded + Chr$(currentByte)
encoded = encoded + Chr$(192 + count) + Chr$(currentByte)
End If
iPos = iPos + count
' Zápis RLE kódovaných dat pro danou rovinu Write encoded data for this plane
Put #fileNum, , encoded
Next p
Next y
_Source s
Close #fileNum
End Sub
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' SUB SavePCX16Clr – uloží obrázek jako 16barevný (4bitový) PCX soubor.
' SUB SavePCX16Clr – saves the image as a 16-color (4-bit) PCX file.
' Vstupní parametry: image (ukazatel na obrázek s indexovanými hodnotami 0–15), fileName (název souboru)
' Input parameters: image (image pointer with indexed values 0–15), fileName (output file name)
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub SavePCX16Clr (image As Long, fileName As String)
' Získání rozměrů obrázku / Get image dimensions
Dim width As Integer, height As Integer
width = _Width(image)
height = _Height(image)
' Výpočet bajtů na rovinu: (width+7)\8 a zarovnání na sudé číslo Calculate bytes per line and align to even number
Dim bytesPerLine As Integer
bytesPerLine = (width + 7) \ 8
If (bytesPerLine Mod 2) <> 0 Then bytesPerLine = bytesPerLine + 1
status = GetUsedColors(image)
myMask$ = TransformMask
' -----------------------------------------------------------
' Sestavíme paletu 16 EGA barev Build a 16-color EGA palette
' EGA barvy:
' 0: černá (0,0,0)
' 1: modrá (0,0,170)
' 2: zelená (0,170,0)
' 3: cyan (0,170,170)
' 4: červená (170,0,0)
' 5: magenta (170,0,170)
' 6: hnědá (170,85,0)
' 7: světle šedá (170,170,170)
' 8: tmavě šedá (85,85,85)
' 9: jasně modrá (85,85,255)
' 10: jasně zelená (85,255,85)
' 11: jasně cyan (85,255,255)
' 12: jasně červená (255,85,85)
' 13: jasně magenta (255,85,255)
' 14: žlutá (255,255,85)
' 15: bílá (255,255,255)
' ------------------------------
Dim paletteData As String
paletteData = ""
' V PCX 16barevném formátu se standardně očekává EGA paleta, ale zde může být nahrazena barvami z obrázku.
' In PCX 16-color format, the standard EGA palette is expected, but here we use the image's colors.
paletteData = myMask$ + String$(48 - Len(myMask$), Chr$(0))
' ---------------------------------------------------
' Otevření souboru pro zápis Open file for writing
' ---------------------------------------------------
Dim fileNum As Integer
fileNum = FreeFile
Open fileName For Binary As #fileNum
' Zápis hlavičky do souboru Write header to file
Put #fileNum, , hdr
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Zpracování a zápis obrazových dat Process and write image data
' Každý pixel je reprezentován 4 bity – rozdělenými do 4 rovin Each pixel is represented by 4 bits spread across 4 planes
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dim y As Integer, x As Integer
Dim planeData(0 To 3) As String
Dim encoded As String
Dim colorIndex As Integer
s = _Source
_Source image
' Procházení řádků Loop through each line
For y = 0 To height - 1
' Inicializace řádku pro všechny 4 roviny Initialize each plane's line with zeros
planeData(0) = String$(bytesPerLine, Chr$(0))
planeData(1) = String$(bytesPerLine, Chr$(0))
planeData(2) = String$(bytesPerLine, Chr$(0))
planeData(3) = String$(bytesPerLine, Chr$(0))
For x = 0 To width - 1
' Získání hodnoty pixelu z obrázku Get pixel value from image
colorIndex = PCXPointer(Point(x, y)) ' Ujistěte se, že hodnota je v rozsahu 0–15 / Ensure the value is in range 0–15.
Dim plane As Integer
For plane = 0 To 3
Dim bitVal As Integer
bitVal = _ShR(colorIndex, plane) And 1 ' Extrahujeme bit odpovídající rovině / Extract the bit for the current plane
If bitVal = 1 Then
Dim byteIndex As Integer, bitIndex As Integer
byteIndex = x \ 8
bitIndex = 7 - (x Mod 8)
Dim currentByte As Integer
currentByte = Asc(Mid$(planeData(plane), byteIndex + 1, 1))
currentByte = currentByte Or _ShL(1, bitIndex)
Mid$(planeData(plane), byteIndex + 1, 1) = Chr$(currentByte)
End If
Next plane
Next x
' Pro každou ze 4 rovin provedeme RLE kódování a zápis do souboru For each plane, RLE encode and write the data
Dim p As Integer
For p = 0 To 3
Dim rawLine As String
rawLine = planeData(p)
encoded = ""
Dim iPos As Integer
iPos = 1
Do While iPos <= Len(rawLine)
currentByte = Asc(Mid$(rawLine, iPos, 1))
count = 1
Do While (iPos + count <= Len(rawLine)) And (count < 63)
If Asc(Mid$(rawLine, iPos + count, 1)) = currentByte Then
count = count + 1
Exit Do
End If
If (count = 1) And (currentByte < 192) Then
encoded = encoded + Chr$(currentByte)
encoded = encoded + Chr$(192 + count) + Chr$(currentByte)
End If
iPos = iPos + count
Put #fileNum, , encoded
Next p
Next y
_Source s
Close #fileNum
End Sub
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' SUB SavePCX256clr uloží obrázek jako 8bitový (256 barev) PCX soubor.
' SUB SavePCX256clr saves the image as an 8-bit (256-color) PCX file.
' Vstupní parametry: imageHandle (ukazatel na obrázek), fileName (název souboru)
' Input parameters: imageHandle (image pointer), fileName (output file name)
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub SavePCX256clr (imageHandle As Long, fileName As String)
' Získáme rozměry obrázku z handle Get image dimensions from handle
Dim imgWidth As Integer, imgHeight As Integer
imgWidth = _Width(imageHandle)
imgHeight = _Height(imageHandle)
' Počet bajtů na řádek: u 8-bitového obrázku odpovídá šířce, ale musí být sudé číslo
' For 8-bit images, bytes per line equals the image width (aligned to an even number)
Dim bytesPerLine As Integer
bytesPerLine = imgWidth
If (bytesPerLine Mod 2) <> 0 Then bytesPerLine = bytesPerLine + 1
status = GetUsedColors(imageHandle)
myMask$ = TransformMask
' Otevření souboru pro zápis v binárním režimu Open file in binary mode for writing
Dim fileNum As Integer
fileNum = FreeFile
Open fileName For Binary As #fileNum
' Zápis hlavičky Write header
Put #fileNum, , hdr
' Pro každý řádek obrázku provedeme: For each image line do:
Dim y As Integer, x As Integer, i As Integer
Dim rawLine As String, encodedLine As String
Dim currentByte As Integer, count As Integer
Dim pixelValue As Integer
S = _Source
_Source imageHandle
For y = 0 To imgHeight - 1
' Inicializujeme řádek na požadovanou délku, vyplněný nulami Initialize the line with zeros
rawLine = String$(bytesPerLine, Chr$(0))
' Načteme každý pixel řádku Read each pixel in the row
For x = 0 To imgWidth - 1
pixelValue = PCXPointer(Point(x, y)) ' Vrátí hodnotu (0-255) Returns pixel value (0-255)
Mid$(rawLine, x + 1, 1) = Chr$(pixelValue)
Next x
' RLE kódování řádku dle PCX specifikace RLE encode the line as per PCX specification
encodedLine = ""
i = 1
Do While i <= Len(rawLine)
currentByte = Asc(Mid$(rawLine, i, 1))
count = 1
Do While (i + count <= Len(rawLine)) And (count < 63)
If Asc(Mid$(rawLine, i + count, 1)) = currentByte Then
count = count + 1
Exit Do
End If
If (count = 1) And (currentByte < 192) Then
encodedLine = encodedLine + Chr$(currentByte)
encodedLine = encodedLine + Chr$(192 + count) + Chr$(currentByte)
End If
i = i + count
' Zápis RLE kódovaného řádku do souboru Write the RLE encoded line to file
Put #fileNum, , encodedLine
Next y
' Na konci 256barevného PCX souboru se zapisuje paleta: At the end of a 256-color PCX file, the palette is written:
' První bajt je marker (CHR$(12)) a následuje 256x3 bajtů (R, G, B) First byte is a marker (CHR$(12)) followed by 256x3 bytes (R, G, B)
Dim marker As String * 1
marker = Chr$(12)
Put #fileNum, , marker
Dim paletteStr As String
paletteStr = myMask$
Put #fileNum, , paletteStr
_Source S
Close #fileNum
End Sub
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' SUB SavePCX24 – uloží obrázek jako 24bitový PCX soubor.
' SUB SavePCX24 – saves the image as a 24-bit PCX file.
' Vstupní parametry: imageHandle (ukazatel na obrázek), fileName (název souboru)
' Input parameters: imageHandle (image pointer), fileName (output file name)
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub SavePCX24 (imageHandle As Long, fileName As String)
' Získáme rozměry obrázku z handle Get image dimensions from the image handle
Dim imgWidth As Integer, imgHeight As Integer
imgWidth = _Width(imageHandle)
imgHeight = _Height(imageHandle)
' Počet bajtů na řádek pro každou rovinu – šířka obrázku, ale musí být zarovnaná na sudé číslo
' For each color plane, bytes per line equals the image width (aligned to even number)
Dim bytesPerLine As Integer
bytesPerLine = imgWidth
If (bytesPerLine Mod 2) <> 0 Then bytesPerLine = bytesPerLine + 1
' --- Procházení jednotlivých řádků obrázku Process each image line ---
Dim y As Integer, x As Integer, i As Integer
Dim rawR As String, rawG As String, rawB As String
Dim encodedR As String, encodedG As String, encodedB As String
Dim currentByte As Integer, count As Integer
Dim col As _Unsigned Long, red As Integer, green As Integer, blue As Integer
S = _Source
_Source imageHandle
For y = 0 To imgHeight - 1
' Inicializace řetězců pro každou rovinu – vyplněno nulami / Initialize each plane's line with zeros
rawR = String$(bytesPerLine, Chr$(0))
rawG = String$(bytesPerLine, Chr$(0))
rawB = String$(bytesPerLine, Chr$(0))
' Projdeme všechny pixely řádku a získáme jednotlivé barevné kanály / For each pixel, extract color channels
For x = 0 To imgWidth - 1
' Získání barvy z obrázku – předpokládáme formát &H00RRGGBB / Get pixel color (assumes format &H00RRGGBB)
col = Point(x, y)
red = (col \ &H10000) And &HFF
green = (col \ &H100) And &HFF
blue = col And &HFF
Mid$(rawR, x + 1, 1) = Chr$(red)
Mid$(rawG, x + 1, 1) = Chr$(green)
Mid$(rawB, x + 1, 1) = Chr$(blue)
Next x
' --- RLE kódování pro rovinu Red RLE encode the Red plane ---
encodedR = ""
i = 1
Do While i <= Len(rawR)
currentByte = Asc(Mid$(rawR, i, 1))
count = 1
Do While (i + count <= Len(rawR)) And (count < 63)
If Asc(Mid$(rawR, i + count, 1)) = currentByte Then
count = count + 1
Exit Do
End If
If (count = 1) And (currentByte < 192) Then
encodedR = encodedR + Chr$(currentByte)
encodedR = encodedR + Chr$(192 + count) + Chr$(currentByte)
End If
i = i + count
' --- RLE kódování pro rovinu Green RLE encode the Green plane ---
encodedG = ""
i = 1
Do While i <= Len(rawG)
currentByte = Asc(Mid$(rawG, i, 1))
count = 1
Do While (i + count <= Len(rawG)) And (count < 63)
If Asc(Mid$(rawG, i + count, 1)) = currentByte Then
count = count + 1
Exit Do
End If
If (count = 1) And (currentByte < 192) Then
encodedG = encodedG + Chr$(currentByte)
encodedG = encodedG + Chr$(192 + count) + Chr$(currentByte)
End If
i = i + count
' --- RLE kódování pro rovinu Blue RLE encode the Blue plane ---
encodedB = ""
i = 1
Do While i <= Len(rawB)
currentByte = Asc(Mid$(rawB, i, 1))
count = 1
Do While (i + count <= Len(rawB)) And (count < 63)
If Asc(Mid$(rawB, i + count, 1)) = currentByte Then
count = count + 1
Exit Do
End If
If (count = 1) And (currentByte < 192) Then
encodedB = encodedB + Chr$(currentByte)
encodedB = encodedB + Chr$(192 + count) + Chr$(currentByte)
End If
i = i + count
' Zápis kódovaných dat do souboru v pořadí: Red, Green, Blue Write encoded planes (R, G, B) to file
Put #fileNum, , encodedR
Put #fileNum, , encodedG
Put #fileNum, , encodedB
Next y
_Source S
Close #fileNum
End Sub
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Function TransformMask$ – transformuje pole UsedColors do řetězce palety.
' Function TransformMask$ – transforms the UsedColors array into a palette string.
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function TransformMask$
For i = 0 To UBound(UsedColors) ' Musí to být od nuly, jinak první barva chybí / Must start from zero so that the first color is not missing!
s$ = s$ + Chr$(UsedColors(i).r) + Chr$(UsedColors(i).g) + Chr$(UsedColors(i).b)
Next i
TransformMask$ = s$
End Function
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Function PCXPointer& – vrací index barvy z masky na základě původní hodnoty.
' Function PCXPointer& – returns the palette index based on the original color value.
' Například: pokud Point vrací 54 a tato barva se v masce nachází na pozici 5, vrátí 5.
' For example: if Point returns 54 and that color is at position 5 in the mask, it returns 5.
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function PCXPointer& (Value As _Unsigned _Byte)
Dim i As Long
i = 0
Do Until UsedColors(i).original = Value
i = i + 1
PCXPointer = i
End Function
Code: (Select All)
i& = _NewImage(100, 100, 256)
_Dest i&
Cls , 20
For f = 1 To 100
PSet (Rnd * 100, Rnd * 100), Rnd * 255
_Dest 0
Print ClrsCnt(i&)
Function ClrsCnt (handle As Long)
Dim As _Unsigned _Byte r, g, b, r1, g1, b1
Dim As _MEM m
Dim As Long a, Clrscn
m = _MemImage(handle)
If _PixelSize(handle) > 1 Then
Dim c(255, 255, 255) As _Unsigned _Byte
Do Until a = m.SIZE
_MemGet m, m.OFFSET + a, b
_MemGet m, m.OFFSET + a + 1, g
_MemGet m, m.OFFSET + a + 2, r
c(r, g, b) = 1
a = a + 4
Do Until r1 = 255
g1 = 0
Do Until g1 = 255
b1 = 0
Do Until b1 = 255
If c(r1, g1, b1) Then Clrscn = Clrscn + 1
b1 = b1 + 1
g1 = g1 + 1
r1 = r1 + 1
ClrsCnt = Clrscn
Dim d(255) As _Byte
Do Until a = m.SIZE
d(_MemGet(m, m.OFFSET + a, _Unsigned _Byte)) = 1
a = a + 1
a = 0
Do Until a = 255
If d(a) Then Clrscn = Clrscn + 1
a = a + 1
ClrsCnt = Clrscn
End If
End Function