03-20-2024, 10:42 PM
Code: (Select All)
_Title "Ad grabber"
Screen _NewImage(1, 1, 8)
idc$ = "addocid" + Chr$(34) + ": " + Chr$(34)
p = 1
While p <= Len(_Clipboard$)
ls = InStr(p, _Clipboard$, Chr$(13))
le = InStr(p, _Clipboard$, Chr$(13))
If le = 0 Then
le = Len(_Clipboard$) + 1
End If
line$ = Mid$(_Clipboard$, ls, le - ls)
If InStr(UCase$(line$), UCase$(idc$)) > 0 Then
sp = ls + InStr(UCase$(line$), UCase$(idc$)) + Len(idc$)
natxt$ = Mid$(_Clipboard$, sp, 11)
_Clipboard$ = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" + natxt$
GoTo done
Exit While
End If
p = le + 1
If natxt$ = "" Then Sound 44, 2: _Delay 1: System
Sound 1000, 1
_Delay 2
At times, you come across a YouTube advertisement that you'd like to share or rewatch.
However, the challenge arises when you can't access the advertisement's URL, only the subsequent video URL.
Also, the ads are often 'unlisted', so you can't even find them with the search function of YouTube.
With Adgrab, it's possible!
1) Right-click on the YouTube ad and select "copy debug info."
2) Open Adgrab.
3) After you hear a high-pitched tone, you can open the video in your browser with Ctrl-V.
If you hear a low-pitched tone, something went wrong.