05-14-2022, 03:01 PM
So writing a sub to draw rectangles with line thickness and the first one I knocked out revealed a curious and happy surprise:
Code: (Select All)
'Boxing accident
Screen _NewImage(800, 500, 32)
Dim Shared pencolor As _Unsigned Long
pencolor = _RGB32(250, 250, 250)
box 2, 2, 140, 80, 3, &HFFFFFFFF
box 152, 2, 250, 100, 3, &HFF
box 300, 2, 400, 200, 9, &HF0F0F0F
box 30, 200, 90, 400, 20, &HF00F00F
Locate 20, 20: Print "A happy accident using line styles"
Locate 21, 20: Print "and a simple algorithm"
Sub box (x1, y1, x2, y2, thickness, style)
xa = x1: xb = x2: ya = y1: yb = y2
For l = 1 To thickness
Line (xa, ya)-(xb, yb), pencolor, B , style
xa = xa + 1: xb = xb - 1
ya = ya + 1: yb = yb - 1
Next l
End Sub