(11-22-2022, 08:38 PM)King Mocker Wrote: The program just accepts whatever word you enter as long as the letters are correct if the wordlist isnt found.
Without the wordlist , just entered UCPE and it took it.
The wordlist for me is stored in a sub folder in the alchemy folder.
So, I had to add a ./ to the path on line 223, filename$ = "./wordlists/" + Left$(try$, 1)
and line 221, If Not _DirExists("./wordlists") Then isaword = 1: GoTo checksfinished
Right I just figured it out from code:
Code: (Select All)
If Not _DirExists("wordlists") Then isaword = 1: GoTo checksfinished
WIPE "23"
filename$ = "wordlists/" + Left$(try$, 1) ' select dictionary file of first letter of try-word
Open filename$ For Input As #1
isaword = 0
While Not EOF(1)
Input #1, dictword$ ' read each word from dictionary
If try$ = dictword$ Then isaword = 1: Exit While ' if word is found, don't look any further
If can't find folder it allows any legal changes regardless if word exists or not.
I was putting Alchemy bas source in the same folder as the wordlists, wrong! Should be up one folder so wordlists is sub folder.
OK another mystery explained. ;-)) And shame on me for only testing real words (the first time around!)
b = b + ...