11-23-2022, 02:06 AM
The loop checking for the Pair selection is ignoring the Escape key. I made the following change on line 73 to the IF statement check for the Escape key being pressed so it could exit the GoTo loop and then Stop.
The loop checking for the Pair selection is ignoring the Escape key. I made the following change on line 73 to the IF statement check for the Escape key being pressed so it could exit the GoTo loop and then Stop.
Code: (Select All)
SetPair: ' Select pair of words
Color 14: Print Tab(22); "Which pair would you like, from A to T";
pair$ = UCase$(InKey$)
If (pair$ < "A" Or pair$ > "T") And pair$ <> Chr$(27) Then GoTo getpair
If pair$ = Chr$(27) Then Stop