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RightClickMenu - Small right click popup menu function
RightClickMenu is an easy way to add a small right click popup menu to you programs.  There are several menu styles to choose from - or set your own custom menu colors.  Just define your menu items and call the function by right clicking on the screen.  There are menu separators and items can be disabled/enabled on the fly.   The demo code below show how to call and use the function.  If you need any help just ask.

This is an older version, I lost the newer one that had more menu styles.

- Dav

Code: (Select All)
'Easy to use right click popup menu.
'Coded by Dav JULY/2013

'Here's a single FUNCTION easy to add to your programs to have a right click popup menu.
'Several menu styles to choose from - or set your own custom menu colors (See FUNCTION).
'Menu lets you enable/disble items on the fly and you can also have menu separators.
'Supports many screen sizes, never off screen, and restores original background on exit.
'To use simply add the RightClickMenu% FUNCTION and its defines below to your program.
'Study the demo code below to see how to call and use the function.

'================== DEFINES FOR RIGHT CLICK MENU - CHANGE TO SUIT =======================

DECLARE FUNCTION RightClickMenu% (menustyle%) ' (not really needed, but it feels good)

DIM SHARED RightClickItems: RightClickItems = 9 '    <----- Number of items in your menu
DIM SHARED RightClickList$(1 TO RightClickItems) '          (change it to your number)

RightClickList$(1) = "New" '     <------------ List all your menu items here
RightClickList$(2) = "Open..."
RightClickList$(3) = "-Save" '   <------------ Leading minus makes these Disabled Items (-)
RightClickList$(4) = "-Save As..."
RightClickList$(5) = "---" '     <------------ This means it's a separator (---)
RightClickList$(6) = "Settings..."
RightClickList$(7) = "About"
RightClickList$(8) = "---" '     <------------ (another separator)
RightClickList$(9) = "Exit"

' menustyle% values:      1 = Old Windows style
'                         2 = New Windows style
'                         3 = Dark grey Linux
'                         4 = Blue Glass (semi-transparent)
'                         5 = Custom colors (user defined)

'NOTE: menustyle% #5 is for user defined colors.  You can set your own custom colors by
'      changing the menu variables inside the RightClickMenu% FUNCTION (look in there).
'      Then, call RighClickMenu(5) to use your custom colored menu style.

'=============================== START DEMO CODE ========================================

SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32)

PAINT (0, 0), _RGB(33, 66, 99)

'=== draw stuff
FOR x = 25 TO 610 STEP 3
    FOR y = 25 TO 300 STEP 3
        PSET (x, y), _RGB(RND * 255, RND * 255, RND * 255)

LOCATE 23, 24: COLOR _RGB(255, 255, 255), _RGB(33, 66, 99)
PRINT "Right Click Anywhere for Popup menu."
LOCATE 25, 30: PRINT "Select EXIT to quit."

LOCATE 27, 24: PRINT "Press 3 to Enable/Disable: Save"
LOCATE 28, 24: PRINT "Press 4 to Enable/Disable: Save As..."

LOCATE 30, 10: PRINT "(keep making selections to cycle through different menu styles)";

style% = 5 'Start with menu style 5


    a% = RightClickMenu%(style%) ' <----- Check for rightclick menu

    '=== what did you select?
    IF a% > 0 THEN
        COLOR _RGB(255, 155, 55), _RGB(33, 66, 99)
        LOCATE 21, 25: PRINT "You last selected: "; RightClickList$(a%); SPACE$(25);
        style% = style% + 1: IF style% = 6 THEN style% = 1 'cycle mnu styles
    END IF

    'NOTE: You can re-enabled a disabled menu item by removing the leading minus '-'
    'from it's name.  And you can disable an item by adding a leading minus.

    '=== Here we disable/enable items 3 & 4 on the fly by pressing 3 or 4.

    COLOR _RGB(255, 155, 55), _RGB(33, 66, 99)
        CASE IS = "3" ' Toggle Save menu on off
            LOCATE 27, 63
            IF RightClickList$(3) = "-Save" THEN
                RightClickList$(3) = "Save": PRINT "ENABLED ";
                RightClickList$(3) = "-Save": PRINT "DISABLED";
            END IF
        CASE IS = "4"
            LOCATE 28, 63
            IF RightClickList$(4) = "-Save As..." THEN
                RightClickList$(4) = "Save As...": PRINT "ENABLED ";
                RightClickList$(4) = "-Save As...": PRINT "DISABLED";
            END IF

LOOP UNTIL a% = 9 'Item 9 (EXIT) exits demo...


'================================= END DEMO CODE ========================================

'==================================== FUNCTION ==========================================

FUNCTION RightClickMenu% (menustyle%)
    'Creates a popup menu at the current mouse x/y position when right button is clicked.
    'This function returns the value of the menu item seleted.  If no selection is made,
    'then the function will return a value of 0.  REQUIRES RightClickList$() array defined.
    'menustyle% = Number of menu style to use. There are 5, and #5 is a custom color menu.
    '             You can set custom menu colors by changing the variables in this FUNCTION.
    '             (look lower down in this function to find those variables noted).
    'SAMPLE USE:  ClickMe% = RightClickMenu%(3)  '<--- Use menu 3. If any selection is made,
    '                                                  the menu item selected is put into
    '                                                  the ClickMe% variable.
    ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Cheese = _MOUSEINPUT ' Check for mouse activity.

    IF _MOUSEBUTTON(2) THEN ' If user clicked right button, draw menu....

        'Set Custom menu colors for menustyle% #5 here...
        RCMBorder~& = _RGB(255, 255, 255) '        <--- Border around menu
        RCMBack~& = _RGB(0, 0, 255) '              <--- Basic menu background color
        'menu item colors
        RCMEnText~& = _RGB(255, 255, 255) '        <--- Enabled menu item color
        RCMDisText~& = _RGB(190, 190, 190) '       <--- Disabled menu item color
        'below is the active row colors
        RCMHighBack~& = _RGB(255, 255, 255) '      <--- Highlight background color
        RCMHighEnText~& = _RGB(0, 0, 255) '        <--- Highlight Enabled Text color
        RCMHighDisText~& = _RGB(190, 190, 190) '   <----Highlight Disabled text color

        '=== fail safes values for failing memories
        IF menustyle% < 1 THEN menustyle% = 1
        IF menustyle% > 5 THEN menustyle% = 5

        'Compute Row & Col for LOCATE, and x & y for drawing
        Row = FIX(_MOUSEY / 16): Col = FIX(_MOUSEX / 8)
        x = Col * 8 - 8: y = Row * 16 - 16

        '=== Compute BoxWidth based on longest menu item string length
        BoxWidth = 0
        FOR t = 1 TO RightClickItems
            temp = LEN(RightClickList$(t))
            IF LEFT$(RightClickList$(t), 1) = "-" THEN temp = temp - 1
            IF temp > BoxWidth THEN BoxWidth = temp
        NEXT: BoxWidth = BoxWidth * 8

        '=== Compute BoxHeight based on num of menu items
        BoxHeight = RightClickItems * 16

        '===== Make sure Mouse not too close to edge of screen
        '===== If it is, Adjust position here, move in closer...
        IF _MOUSEX < 20 THEN
            Col = 3: x = Col * 8 - 8:
        END IF
        IF _MOUSEX + BoxWidth + 20 > _WIDTH THEN
            xm = _WIDTH - (BoxWidth + 10)
            Col = FIX(xm / 8): x = Col * 8 - 8:
        END IF
        IF _MOUSEY < 20 THEN
            Row = 2: y = Row * 16 - 16
        END IF
        IF _MOUSEY + BoxHeight + 20 > _HEIGHT THEN
            xy = _HEIGHT - (BoxHeight + 10)
            Row = FIX(xy / 16): y = Row * 16 - 16
        END IF

        FirstRow = Row - 1

        '=== copy screen using _mem (thanks Steve!)
        DIM m AS _MEM, n AS _MEM
        m = _MEMIMAGE(0)
        n = _MEMNEW(m.SIZE)
        _MEMCOPY m, m.OFFSET, m.SIZE TO n, n.OFFSET

        '=== trap until buttons up
            nibble = _MOUSEINPUT

        SELECT CASE menustyle%
            CASE 1: 'Classic menu
                '=== Draw Box (10 pix padding)
                LINE (x - 10, y - 10)-(x + 10 + BoxWidth, y + 10 + BoxHeight), _RGB(214, 211, 206), BF
                LINE (x + 10 + BoxWidth, y - 10)-(x + 10 + BoxWidth, y + 10 + BoxHeight), _RGB(66, 65, 66), B
                LINE (x - 10, y + 10 + BoxHeight)-(x + 10 + BoxWidth, y + 10 + BoxHeight), _RGB(66, 65, 66), B
                LINE (x - 9, y - 9)-(x + 9 + BoxWidth, y + 9 + BoxHeight), _RGB(255, 255, 255), B
                LINE (x - 9, y - 9)-(x + 9 + BoxWidth, y + 9 + BoxHeight), _RGB(255, 255, 255), B
                LINE (x + 9 + BoxWidth, y - 9)-(x + 9 + BoxWidth, y + 9 + BoxHeight), _RGB(127, 127, 127), B
                LINE (x - 9, y + 9 + BoxHeight)-(x + 9 + BoxWidth, y + 9 + BoxHeight), _RGB(127, 127, 127), B
            CASE 2: 'Win7 style
                '=== Draw Box (10 pix padding)
                LINE (x - 10, y - 10)-(x + 9 + BoxWidth, y + 10 + BoxHeight), _RGB(151, 151, 151), B
                LINE (x - 9, y - 9)-(x + 8 + BoxWidth, y + 9 + BoxHeight), _RGB(245, 245, 245), B
                LINE (x - 8, y - 8)-(x + 7 + BoxWidth, y + 8 + BoxHeight), _RGB(241, 241, 241), BF
            CASE 3: 'Dark Grey Linux style
                '=== Draw Box (10 pix padding)
                LINE (x - 11, y - 10)-(x + 10 + BoxWidth, y + 10 + BoxHeight), _RGB(85, 85, 85), BF
                LINE (x - 9, y - 8)-(x + 8 + BoxWidth, y + 8 + BoxHeight), _RGB(55, 55, 55), BF
            CASE 4: 'Transparent style
                '=== Draw Box (10 pix padding)
                LINE (x - 11, y - 10)-(x + 10 + BoxWidth, y + 10 + BoxHeight), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 150), BF
                LINE (x - 9, y - 8)-(x + 8 + BoxWidth, y + 8 + BoxHeight), _RGBA32(100, 200, 255, 100), BF
                '=== save original printmode
                printmodestatus = _PRINTMODE
            CASE 5 'custom colors
                LINE (x - 11, y - 10)-(x + 10 + BoxWidth, y + 10 + BoxHeight), RCMBorder~&, BF
                LINE (x - 9, y - 8)-(x + 8 + BoxWidth, y + 8 + BoxHeight), RCMBack~&, BF
        END SELECT

        'draw right drop shadow edge
        LINE (x + 11 + BoxWidth, y - 4)-(x + 11 + BoxWidth, y + 11 + BoxHeight), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 90), B
        LINE (x + 12 + BoxWidth, y - 3)-(x + 12 + BoxWidth, y + 12 + BoxHeight), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 60), B
        LINE (x + 13 + BoxWidth, y - 2)-(x + 13 + BoxWidth, y + 13 + BoxHeight), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 40), B
        LINE (x + 14 + BoxWidth, y - 1)-(x + 14 + BoxWidth, y + 14 + BoxHeight), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 25), B
        LINE (x + 15 + BoxWidth, y)-(x + 15 + BoxWidth, y + 15 + BoxHeight), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 10), B

        'draw bottom drop shadow edge
        LINE (x - 4, y + 11 + BoxHeight)-(x + 10 + BoxWidth, y + 11 + BoxHeight), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 90), B
        LINE (x - 3, y + 12 + BoxHeight)-(x + 11 + BoxWidth, y + 12 + BoxHeight), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 60), B
        LINE (x - 2, y + 13 + BoxHeight)-(x + 12 + BoxWidth, y + 13 + BoxHeight), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 40), B
        LINE (x - 1, y + 14 + BoxHeight)-(x + 13 + BoxWidth, y + 14 + BoxHeight), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 25), B
        LINE (x, y + 15 + BoxHeight)-(x + 14 + BoxWidth, y + 15 + BoxHeight), _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 10), B

            Cheese = _MOUSEINPUT

            '=== if in bounds of menu space
            IF _MOUSEX > x AND _MOUSEX < x + BoxWidth AND _MOUSEY > y AND _MOUSEY < y + BoxHeight THEN

                '=== Draw items
                IF CurRow <> FIX(_MOUSEY / 16) THEN
                    FOR t = 0 TO RightClickItems - 1
                        IF Row + t - FirstRow = FIX(_MOUSEY / 16) - FirstRow + 1 THEN
                            'If highlighted row, draw highlight colors...
                            SELECT CASE menustyle%
                                CASE 1: COLOR _RGB(255, 255, 255), _RGB(8, 36, 107) 'classic
                                    IF LEFT$(RightClickList$(t + 1), 1) = "-" THEN COLOR _RGB(127, 127, 127), _RGB(8, 36, 107)
                                CASE 2: COLOR _RGB(0, 0, 0), _RGB(215, 225, 235) 'win7
                                    IF LEFT$(RightClickList$(t + 1), 1) = "-" THEN COLOR _RGB(127, 127, 127), _RGB(215, 225, 235)
                                CASE 3: COLOR _RGB(50, 50, 50), _RGB(180, 180, 180) 'dark grey linux
                                    IF LEFT$(RightClickList$(t + 1), 1) = "-" THEN COLOR _RGB(127, 127, 127), _RGB(180, 180, 180)
                                CASE 4: COLOR _RGB(130, 255, 255) 'transparent
                                    IF LEFT$(RightClickList$(t + 1), 1) = "-" THEN COLOR _RGB(127, 127, 127)
                                CASE 5
                                    COLOR RCMHighEnText~&, RCMHighBack~& 'custom
                                    IF LEFT$(RightClickList$(t + 1), 1) = "-" THEN COLOR RCMHighDisText~&, RCMHighBack~&

                            END SELECT
                            IF LEFT$(RightClickList$(t + 1), 1) = "-" THEN
                                SELECT CASE menustyle%
                                    CASE 1: COLOR _RGB(127, 127, 127), _RGB(214, 211, 206) 'classic
                                    CASE 2: COLOR _RGB(127, 127, 127), _RGB(240, 240, 240) 'win7
                                    CASE 3: COLOR _RGB(127, 127, 127), _RGB(55, 55, 55) 'dark grey
                                    CASE 4: COLOR _RGB(127, 127, 127)
                                    CASE 5: COLOR RCMDisText~&, RCMBack~&
                                END SELECT
                                SELECT CASE menustyle%
                                    CASE 1: COLOR _RGB(0, 0, 0), _RGB(214, 211, 206)
                                    CASE 2: COLOR _RGB(0, 0, 0), _RGB(240, 240, 240)
                                    CASE 3: COLOR _RGB(213, 209, 199), _RGB(55, 55, 55)
                                    CASE 4: COLOR _RGB(200, 200, 200)
                                    CASE 5: COLOR RCMEnText~&, RCMBack~&
                                END SELECT
                            END IF
                        END IF
                        padme = BoxWidth / 8 - LEN(RightClickList$(t + 1))
                        IF LEFT$(RightClickList$(t + 1), 1) = "-" THEN padme = padme + 1
                        IF padme > 0 THEN pad$ = SPACE$(padme) ELSE pad$ = ""
                        LOCATE Row + t, Col - 1
                        IF RightClickList$(t + 1) = "---" THEN
                            SELECT CASE menustyle%
                                CASE 1: COLOR _RGB(127, 127, 127), _RGB(214, 211, 206)
                                CASE 2: COLOR _RGB(208, 208, 208), _RGB(240, 240, 240)
                                CASE 3: COLOR _RGB(127, 127, 127), _RGB(55, 55, 55)
                                CASE 4: COLOR _RGB(0, 0, 0)
                                CASE 5: COLOR RCMDisText~&, RCMBack~&
                            END SELECT
                            PRINT STRING$((BoxWidth / 8) + 2, 196);
                            IF LEFT$(RightClickList$(t + 1), 1) = "-" THEN
                                PRINT " "; RIGHT$(RightClickList$(t + 1), LEN(RightClickList$(t + 1)) - 1); pad$; " ";
                                PRINT " "; RightClickList$(t + 1); pad$; " ";
                            END IF
                            SELECT CASE menustyle%
                                CASE 2: 'win7 box around highlight area
                                    '=== Draw box around highlighted
                                    IF Row + t - FirstRow = FIX(_MOUSEY / 16) - FirstRow + 1 THEN
                                        BoxRow = FIX(_MOUSEY / 16): by = BoxRow * 16 - 16
                                        LINE (x - 8, by + 16)-(x + BoxWidth + 7, by + 31), _RGB(174, 207, 247), B
                                    END IF
                                CASE 3: 'dark grey
                                    '=== Draw box around highlighted
                                    IF Row + t - FirstRow = FIX(_MOUSEY / 16) - FirstRow + 1 THEN
                                        BoxRow = FIX(_MOUSEY / 16): by = BoxRow * 16 - 16
                                        LINE (x - 8, by + 16)-(x + BoxWidth + 7, by + 31), _RGB(240, 240, 240), B
                                    END IF
                            END SELECT
                        END IF
                END IF

                '=== left click makes a selection
                IF _MOUSEBUTTON(1) THEN
                    sel = FIX(_MOUSEY / 16) - FirstRow + 1
                    'only select if not a seperator and not disabled
                    IF RightClickList$(sel) <> "---" THEN
                        IF LEFT$(RightClickList$(sel), 1) <> "-" THEN
                            RightClickMenu% = sel: EXIT DO
                        END IF
                    END IF
                END IF

                '=== right click closes menu
                IF _MOUSEBUTTON(2) THEN EXIT DO


                '=== Draw items
                IF FIX(_MOUSEY / 16) <> CurRow THEN
                    FOR t = 0 TO RightClickItems - 1
                        padme = BoxWidth / 8 - LEN(RightClickList$(t + 1))
                        IF LEFT$(RightClickList$(t + 1), 1) = "-" THEN padme = padme + 1
                        IF padme > 0 THEN pad$ = SPACE$(padme) ELSE pad$ = ""
                        LOCATE Row + t, Col - 1
                        IF RightClickList$(t + 1) = "---" THEN
                            SELECT CASE menustyle%
                                CASE 1: COLOR _RGB(127, 127, 127), _RGB(214, 211, 206) 'classic
                                CASE 2: COLOR _RGB(208, 208, 208), _RGB(240, 240, 240) 'win7
                                CASE 3: COLOR _RGB(127, 127, 127), _RGB(55, 55, 55) 'dark grey
                                CASE 4: COLOR _RGB(0, 0, 0)
                                CASE 5: COLOR RCMDisText~&, RCMBack~&
                            END SELECT
                            PRINT STRING$((BoxWidth / 8) + 2, 196);

                            IF LEFT$(RightClickList$(t + 1), 1) = "-" THEN
                                SELECT CASE menustyle%
                                    CASE 1: COLOR _RGB(127, 127, 127), _RGB(214, 211, 206) 'classic
                                    CASE 2: COLOR _RGB(127, 127, 127), _RGB(240, 240, 240) 'win7
                                    CASE 3: COLOR _RGB(127, 127, 127), _RGB(55, 55, 55) 'dark grey
                                    CASE 4: COLOR _RGB(127, 127, 127)
                                    CASE 5: COLOR RCMDisText~&, RCMBack~&
                                END SELECT
                                PRINT " "; RIGHT$(RightClickList$(t + 1), LEN(RightClickList$(t + 1)) - 1); pad$; " ";
                                SELECT CASE menustyle%
                                    CASE 1: COLOR _RGB(0, 0, 0), _RGB(214, 211, 206) 'classic
                                    CASE 2: COLOR _RGB(0, 0, 0), _RGB(240, 240, 240) 'win7
                                    CASE 3: COLOR _RGB(213, 209, 199), _RGB(55, 55, 55) 'dark grey
                                    CASE 4: COLOR _RGB(200, 200, 200)
                                    CASE 5: COLOR RCMEnText~&, RCMBack~&
                                END SELECT
                                PRINT " "; RightClickList$(t + 1); pad$; " ";
                            END IF

                        END IF
                END IF


            END IF

            '=== Mark current row mouse is in
            CurRow = FIX(_MOUSEY / 16)


        '=== restore screen
        _MEMCOPY n, n.OFFSET, n.SIZE TO m, m.OFFSET
        _MEMFREE m: _MEMFREE n

        '=== restore original printmode
        IF menustyle% = 4 THEN
            SELECT CASE printmodestatus
            END SELECT
        END IF

    END IF



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RightClickMenu - Small right click popup menu function - by Dav - 04-29-2022, 03:20 AM

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