04-15-2023, 10:44 AM
here a mathematical issue showed by a problem.
I have taken from Rosetta Code the issue and the solutions posted in different program language.
There is also a solution posted using QB64. Here the link QB64 100 prisoners
The solution posted on that site has for founding the mathematical CHAIN knowledge, if i can use no professional words in a group of randomly creating set of values (index/key and its internal value) linked using the internal value to call the next item of the set, it happens that chains (subgroup of the original set) born naturally.
The code from Rosetta Code in QB64
and its output
Bplus code
and its output
Youtube chain method for 100 prisoners
Chain strategy 100 prisoners (the same used by Bplus)
Probability chain rule
wikipedia page 100 prisoners
math stackexchange page 100 prisoners solution
welcome some other implementations of chain method.
here a mathematical issue showed by a problem.
I have taken from Rosetta Code the issue and the solutions posted in different program language.
There is also a solution posted using QB64. Here the link QB64 100 prisoners
Quote:The Problem
- 100 prisoners are individually numbered 1 to 100
- A room having a cupboard of 100 opaque drawers numbered 1 to 100, that cannot be seen from outside.
- Cards numbered 1 to 100 are placed randomly, one to a drawer, and the drawers all closed; at the start.
- Prisoners start outside the room
- They can decide some strategy before any enter the room.
- Prisoners enter the room one by one, can open a drawer, inspect the card number in the drawer, then close the drawer.
- A prisoner can open no more than 50 drawers.
- A prisoner tries to find his own number.
- A prisoner finding his own number is then held apart from the others.
- If all 100 prisoners find their own numbers then they will all be pardoned. If any don't then all sentences stand.
Quote:The task
- Simulate several thousand instances of the game where the prisoners randomly open drawers
- Simulate several thousand instances of the game where the prisoners use the optimal strategy mentioned in the Wikipedia article, of:
- First opening the drawer whose outside number is his prisoner number.
- If the card within has his number then he succeeds otherwise he opens the drawer with the same number as that of the revealed card. (until he opens his maximum).
Show and compare the computed probabilities of success for the two strategies, here, on this page.
The solution posted on that site has for founding the mathematical CHAIN knowledge, if i can use no professional words in a group of randomly creating set of values (index/key and its internal value) linked using the internal value to call the next item of the set, it happens that chains (subgroup of the original set) born naturally.
The code from Rosetta Code in QB64
Code: (Select All)
Const Found = -1, Searching = 0, Status = 1, Tries = 2
Const Attempt = 1, Victories = 2, RandomW = 1, ChainW = 2
Randomize Timer
Dim Shared Prisoners(1 To 100, Status To Tries) As Integer, Drawers(1 To 100) As Integer, Results(1 To 2, 1 To 2) As Integer
Print "100 prisoners"
Print "Random way to search..."
For a = 1 To 10000
Results(RandomW, Attempt) = Results(RandomW, Attempt) + 1
If verify% Then Results(RandomW, Victories) = Results(RandomW, Victories) + 1
Print: Print "Chain way to search..."
For a = 1 To 10000
Results(ChainW, Attempt) = Results(ChainW, Attempt) + 1
If verify% Then Results(ChainW, Victories) = Results(ChainW, Victories) + 1
Print: Print "RandomWay Results: "
Print " Attempts "; Results(RandomW, Attempt); " "; "Victories "; Results(RandomW, Victories); " Ratio:"; Results(RandomW, Victories); "/"; Results(RandomW, Attempt)
Print: Print "ChainWay Results:"
Print " Attempts "; Results(ChainW, Attempt); " "; "Victories "; Results(ChainW, Victories); " Ratio:"; Results(ChainW, Victories); "/"; Results(ChainW, Attempt)
Function verify%
Dim In As Integer
Print "veryfing "
verify = 0
For In = 1 To 100
If Prisoners(In, Status) = Searching Then Exit For
If In = 101 Then verify% = Found
End Function
Sub ChainWay
Dim In As Integer, ChainChoice As Integer
Print "Chain search"
For In = 1 To 100
ChainChoice = In
Prisoners(In, Tries) = Prisoners(In, Tries) + 1
If Drawers(ChainChoice) = In Then Prisoners(In, Status) = Found: Exit Do
ChainChoice = Drawers(ChainChoice)
Loop Until Prisoners(In, Tries) = 50
Next In
End Sub
Sub RandomWay
Dim In As Integer, RndChoice As Integer
Print "Random search"
For In = 1 To 100
Prisoners(In, Tries) = Prisoners(In, Tries) + 1
If Drawers(Int(Rnd * 100) + 1) = In Then Prisoners(In, Status) = Found: Exit Do
Loop Until Prisoners(In, Tries) = 50
Print "Executed "
End Sub
Sub Init
Dim I As Integer, I2 As Integer
Print "initialization"
For I = 1 To 100
Prisoners(I, Status) = Searching
Prisoners(I, Tries) = Searching
Drawers(I) = Int(Rnd * 100) + 1
For I2 = 1 To I
If Drawers(I2) = Drawers(I) Then Exit For
If I2 = I Then Exit Do
Next I
Print "Done "
End Sub
and its output
Bplus code
Code: (Select All)
_Title "100 Prisoners Problem" ' b+ 2022-07-17
Randomize Timer
Dim slots(1 To 100) As Long
For i = 1 To 100
slots(i) = i
freed = 0: executions = 0
GoSub shuffle
For p = 1 To 100 ' prisoner number
count = 1: test = p: madeit = -1
While count <= 50
If slots(test) = p Then Exit While Else test = slots(test)
count = count + 1
If count > 50 Then madeit = 0: Exit For
If madeit Then freed = freed + 1 Else executions = executions + 1
Loop Until (freed + executions) = 100000
Print "Freed"; freed
Print "Exceutions"; executions
Print "Press any for another run of 100,000... "
Loop Until _KeyDown(27)
For i = 100 To 2 Step -1
Swap slots(Int(Rnd * i) + 1), slots(i)
' I saw this last night and just have to check out the solution in code!
' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSNsgj1OCLA
' So 100 prisoners go into a room one at a time and have 50 chances to draw their number from mailbox slots
' they must return the numbers in same box they checked.
' If all the prisoners find their number they go free else they are all executed. Whew!
' But there is a strategy that if used gives them around a 31% chance of being set free!
' A 31% Change of being set free, how can this be!?
' Here is the startegy, go into the room and pull the number from slot that matches your number.
' From that number go to the number found in the box, contimue in this manner until you find your
' number or you've drawn from 50 slots. If you hit 50 then everyone is doomed might as well start
' another run on the experiment.
' If we run this strategy 100000 times will we get around 31,000 Set Frees and 69,000 Executions?
' Let's see...
' Wow! as predicted
and its output
Youtube chain method for 100 prisoners
Chain strategy 100 prisoners (the same used by Bplus)
Probability chain rule
wikipedia page 100 prisoners
math stackexchange page 100 prisoners solution
welcome some other implementations of chain method.