This is a small program to shutdown or restart a linux computer.
It is not perfect but it is a sufficient demo to show off the GUI toolkit im workin on.
Be careful, on linux this will actually shutdown your computer. Windows it wont unless you change the SHELL statement.
It is not perfect but it is a sufficient demo to show off the GUI toolkit im workin on.
Be careful, on linux this will actually shutdown your computer. Windows it wont unless you change the SHELL statement.
Code: (Select All)
Option _Explicit
_Title "kbde-shutdown"
Type Position
X As Integer
Y As Integer
End Type
Type Size
X As _Unsigned Integer
Y As _Unsigned Integer
End Type
Type Label
Text As String
Position As Position
Handle As _Unsigned Long
End Type
Dim Shared labelQuantity As _Unsigned Integer
ReDim Shared Label(labelQuantity) As Label
Type radiobuttonStatus
Clicked As _Byte
Checked As _Byte
End Type
Type Radiobutton
Position As Position
Size As Size
Status As radiobuttonStatus
Handle As _Unsigned Long
End Type
Dim Shared radiobuttonQuantity As _Unsigned Integer
ReDim Shared Radiobutton(radiobuttonQuantity) As Radiobutton
Type checkboxStatus
Clicked As _Byte
Checked As _Byte
End Type
Type Checkbox
Position As Position
Size As Size
Status As checkboxStatus
Handle As _Unsigned Long
End Type
Dim Shared checkboxQuantity As _Unsigned Integer
ReDim Shared Checkbox(checkboxQuantity) As Checkbox
Type buttonStatus
Clicked As _Bit
Enabled As _Bit
End Type
Type Button
Text As String
Position As Position
Size As Size
Status As buttonStatus
Handle As _Unsigned Long
End Type
Dim Shared buttonQuantity As _Unsigned Integer
ReDim Shared Button(buttonQuantity) As Button
Type Cursor
Position As Position
Button As Integer
End Type
Dim Shared Cursor As Cursor
Screen _NewImage(480, 200, 32)
Dim Shared textColor As _Unsigned Long: textColor = _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255)
Dim Shared highlightColor As _Unsigned Long: highlightColor = _RGBA32(223, 223, 223, 255)
Dim Shared faceColor As _Unsigned Long: faceColor = _RGBA32(191, 191, 191, 255)
Dim Shared shadowColor As _Unsigned Long: shadowColor = _RGBA32(127, 127, 127, 255)
Dim Shared whiteColor As _Unsigned Long: whiteColor = _RGBA32(255, 255, 255, 255)
Dim Shared blackColor As _Unsigned Long: blackColor = _RGBA32(0, 0, 0, 255)
Dim Shared backgroundColor As _Unsigned Long: backgroundColor = _RGBA32(0, 255, 0, 255)
Dim Shared Label0 As _Unsigned Integer
Dim Shared Question As String: Question = "Are you sure you want to?:"
Label0 = addLabel
Label0 = initLabel(Label0, (_Width - _PrintWidth(Question)) / 2, 25, Question)
Label0 = drawLabel(Label0)
Dim Shared Label1 As _Unsigned Integer
Label1 = addLabel
Label1 = initLabel(Label1, 50, 75, "Shutdown Your Computer")
Label1 = drawLabel(Label1)
Dim Shared Label2 As _Unsigned Integer
Label2 = addLabel
Label2 = initLabel(Label2, 50, 100, "Restart Your Computer")
Label2 = drawLabel(Label2)
Dim Shared Label3 As _Unsigned Integer
Label3 = addLabel
Label3 = initLabel(Label3, 300, 100, "Timed Execution")
Label3 = drawLabel(Label3)
Dim Shared Radiobutton1 As _Unsigned Integer
Radiobutton1 = addRadiobutton
Radiobutton1 = initRadiobutton(Radiobutton1, 240, 75, 16, 16)
Radiobutton(Radiobutton1).Status.Checked = -1
Radiobutton1 = drawRadiobutton(Radiobutton1)
Dim Shared Radiobutton2 As _Unsigned Integer
Radiobutton2 = addRadiobutton
Radiobutton2 = initRadiobutton(Radiobutton2, 240, 100, 16, 16)
Radiobutton2 = drawRadiobutton(Radiobutton2)
Dim Shared Checkbox1 As _Unsigned Integer
Checkbox1 = addCheckbox
Checkbox1 = initCheckbox(Checkbox1, 435, 100, 16, 16)
Checkbox1 = drawCheckbox(Checkbox1)
Dim Shared Button1 As _Unsigned Integer
Button1 = addButton
Button1 = initButton(Button1, "OK", ((_Width - ((75 * 2) + 20)) / 2), (_Height - 48), 75, 23)
Button1 = drawButton(Button1)
Dim Shared Button2 As _Unsigned Integer
Button2 = addButton
Button2 = initButton(Button2, "Cancel", (((_Width - ((75 * 2) + 20)) / 2) + 95), (_Height - 48), 75, 23)
Button2 = drawButton(Button2)
Dim I As _Unsigned Integer, J As _Unsigned Integer, A As _Unsigned Integer
Dim Timed As _Unsigned Integer: Timed = 0
Line (0, 0)-(_Width, _Height), faceColor, BF
For I = 1 To labelQuantity
_PutImage (Label(I).Position.X, Label(I).Position.Y), Label(I).Handle
Next I
For I = 1 To radiobuttonQuantity
_PutImage (Radiobutton(I).Position.X, Radiobutton(I).Position.Y), Radiobutton(I).Handle
Next I
For I = 1 To checkboxQuantity
_PutImage (Checkbox(I).Position.X, Checkbox(I).Position.Y), Checkbox(I).Handle
Next I
For I = 1 To buttonQuantity
_PutImage (Button(I).Position.X, Button(I).Position.Y), Button(I).Handle
Next I
For I = 1 To radiobuttonQuantity
If Cursor.Position.X >= Radiobutton(I).Position.X And Cursor.Position.X <= Radiobutton(I).Position.X + Radiobutton(I).Size.X Then
If Cursor.Position.Y >= Radiobutton(I).Position.Y And Cursor.Position.Y <= Radiobutton(I).Position.Y + Radiobutton(I).Size.Y Then
If Cursor.Button Then
For J = 1 To radiobuttonQuantity
Radiobutton(J).Status.Checked = 0
A = drawRadiobutton(J)
Next J
Radiobutton(I).Status.Checked = -1
A = drawRadiobutton(I)
End If
End If
End If
Next I
For I = 1 To checkboxQuantity
If Cursor.Position.X >= Checkbox(I).Position.X And Cursor.Position.X <= Checkbox(I).Position.X + Checkbox(I).Size.X Then
If Cursor.Position.Y >= Checkbox(I).Position.Y And Cursor.Position.Y <= Checkbox(I).Position.Y + Checkbox(I).Size.Y Then
If Cursor.Button Then
If Checkbox(I).Status.Checked = 0 Then
Checkbox(I).Status.Checked = -1
Checkbox(I).Status.Checked = 0
End If
A = drawCheckbox(I)
_Delay 0.2
End If
End If
End If
Next I
For I = 1 To buttonQuantity
If Cursor.Position.X >= Button(I).Position.X And Cursor.Position.X <= Button(I).Position.X + Button(I).Size.X Then
If Cursor.Position.Y >= Button(I).Position.Y And Cursor.Position.Y <= Button(I).Position.Y + Button(I).Size.Y Then
If Cursor.Button Then
Select Case I
Case Button1
If Checkbox(Checkbox1).Status.Checked = -1 Then
Input "Amount of time to wait? ", Timed
End If
If Radiobutton(Radiobutton1).Status.Checked = -1 Then
Shell _DontWait "shutdown -h " + LTrim$(RTrim$(Str$(Timed)))
ElseIf Radiobutton(Radiobutton2).Status.Checked = -1 Then
Shell _DontWait "shutdown -r " + LTrim$(RTrim$(Str$(Timed)))
End If
Case Button2
End Select
End If
End If
End If
Next I
Function addLabel~%
labelQuantity = labelQuantity + 1
ReDim _Preserve Label(labelQuantity) As Label
addLabel = labelQuantity
End Function
Function initLabel~% (inID As _Unsigned Integer, inPositionX As Integer, inPositionY As Integer, inText As String)
Dim sX As Integer
Dim sY As Integer
Label(inID).Position.X = inPositionX
Label(inID).Position.Y = inPositionY
inText = LTrim$(RTrim$(inText))
Label(inID).Text = inText
sX = (_PrintWidth(Label(inID).Text) + 2)
sY = (_FontHeight + 2)
Label(inID).Handle = _NewImage(sX, sY, 32)
initLabel = inID
End Function
Function drawLabel~% (inID As _Unsigned Integer)
_Dest Label(inID).Handle
Line (0, 0)-(_Width, _Height), faceColor, BF
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
_PrintString (2, 1), Label(inID).Text
_Dest 0
drawLabel = inID
End Function
Function addRadiobutton~%
radiobuttonQuantity = radiobuttonQuantity + 1
ReDim _Preserve Radiobutton(radiobuttonQuantity) As Radiobutton
addRadiobutton = radiobuttonQuantity
End Function
Function initRadiobutton~% (inID As _Unsigned Integer, inPositionX As Integer, inPositionY As Integer, inSizeX As _Unsigned Integer, inSizeY As _Unsigned Integer)
Radiobutton(inID).Position.X = inPositionX
Radiobutton(inID).Position.Y = inPositionY
Radiobutton(inID).Size.X = inSizeX
Radiobutton(inID).Size.Y = inSizeY
Radiobutton(inID).Handle = _NewImage(Radiobutton(inID).Size.X, Radiobutton(inID).Size.Y, 32)
initRadiobutton = inID
End Function
Function drawRadiobutton~% (inID As _Unsigned Integer)
Dim centeredX As Integer, centeredY As Integer
_Dest Radiobutton(inID).Handle
Circle ((Radiobutton(inID).Size.X / 2) + 1 - 1, (Radiobutton(inID).Size.Y / 2) + 1 - 1), (Radiobutton(inID).Size.X / 2), highlightColor
Circle ((Radiobutton(inID).Size.X / 2) - 1, (Radiobutton(inID).Size.Y / 2) - 1), (Radiobutton(inID).Size.X / 2), shadowColor
Paint (_Width / 2, _Height / 2), whiteColor, shadowColor
Dim Mark As String
If Radiobutton(inID).Status.Checked Then
Color blackColor
Mark = "*"
End If
centeredX = (_Width - _PrintWidth(Mark)) / 2
centeredY = (_Height - _FontHeight) / 2
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
_PrintString (centeredX, centeredY), Mark
_Dest 0
drawRadiobutton = inID
End Function
Function toggleRadiobutton~% (inID As _Unsigned Integer)
Dim I As _Unsigned Integer
For I = 1 To radiobuttonQuantity
Radiobutton(I).Status.Checked = 0
Next I
Radiobutton(inID).Status.Checked = -1
toggleRadiobutton = inID
End Function
Function addCheckbox~%
checkboxQuantity = checkboxQuantity + 1
ReDim _Preserve Checkbox(checkboxQuantity) As Checkbox
addCheckbox = checkboxQuantity
End Function
Function initCheckbox~% (inID As _Unsigned Integer, inPositionX As Integer, inPositionY As Integer, inSizeX As _Unsigned Integer, inSizeY As _Unsigned Integer)
Checkbox(inID).Position.X = inPositionX
Checkbox(inID).Position.Y = inPositionY
Checkbox(inID).Size.X = inSizeX
Checkbox(inID).Size.Y = inSizeY
Checkbox(inID).Handle = _NewImage(Checkbox(inID).Size.X, Checkbox(inID).Size.Y, 32)
initCheckbox = inID
End Function
Function drawCheckbox~% (inID As _Unsigned Integer)
Dim centeredX As Integer, centeredY As Integer
_Dest Checkbox(inID).Handle
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), highlightColor, BF
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 2, _Height - 2), shadowColor, BF
Line (1, 1)-(_Width - 2, _Height - 2), highlightColor, BF
Line (1, 1)-(_Width - 3, _Height - 3), shadowColor, BF
Line (2, 2)-(_Width - 3, _Height - 3), whiteColor, BF
Dim Mark As String
If Checkbox(inID).Status.Checked Then
Mark = "*"
Mark = " "
End If
centeredX = (_Width - _PrintWidth(Mark)) / 2
centeredY = (_Height - _FontHeight) / 2
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
Color blackColor
_PrintString (centeredX, centeredY), Mark
_Dest 0
drawCheckbox = inID
End Function
Function addButton~%
buttonQuantity = buttonQuantity + 1
ReDim _Preserve Button(buttonQuantity) As Button
addButton = buttonQuantity
End Function
Function initButton~% (inID As _Unsigned Integer, inText As String, inPositionX As Integer, inPositionY As Integer, inSizeX As _Unsigned Integer, inSizeY As _Unsigned Integer)
Button(inID).Text = inText
Button(inID).Position.X = inPositionX
Button(inID).Position.Y = inPositionY
Button(inID).Size.X = inSizeX
Button(inID).Size.Y = inSizeY
Button(inID).Handle = _NewImage(Button(inID).Size.X, Button(inID).Size.Y, 32)
initButton = inID
End Function
Function drawButton~% (inID As _Unsigned Integer)
Dim centeredX As Integer, centeredY As Integer
_Dest Button(inID).Handle
_PrintMode _KeepBackground
Line (0, 0)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 1), backgroundColor, BF
Line (1, 0)-(_Width - 2, _Height - 1), blackColor, BF
Line (0, 1)-(_Width - 1, _Height - 2), blackColor, BF
Line (2, 2)-(_Width - 3, _Height - 3), shadowColor, BF
Line (2, 2)-(_Width - 4, _Height - 4), highlightColor, BF
Line (3, 3)-(_Width - 4, _Height - 4), shadowColor, BF
Line (3, 3)-(_Width - 5, _Height - 5), highlightColor, BF
Line (4, 4)-(_Width - 5, _Height - 5), faceColor, BF
centeredX = (_Width - _PrintWidth(Button(inID).Text)) / 2
centeredY = (_Height - _FontHeight) / 2
Color textColor, faceColor
_PrintString (centeredX, centeredY), Button(inID).Text
_Dest 0
drawButton = inID
End Function
Sub Check
While _MouseInput
Cursor.Position.X = _MouseX
Cursor.Position.Y = _MouseY
Cursor.Button = _MouseButton(1)
End Sub