Dim money As Integer
Dim strength As Integer
Dim speed As Integer
Dim babes As Integer
Dim balls As Integer
Dim cash As Integer
Dim directions As Integer
Screen 0
Color 4, 0
Locate 8, 38
Print "The World"
Locate 8, 38
Print "Is Loading"
_Delay 5
Print "You finally got released from Prison at Kulai Headquarters"
Print "you looked at the sky and the people below it, you began"
Print "wondering, that you can become rich and powerfull"
Print "so you began your journey."
_Delay 10
GoSub 10
10 Sub MainPart
Print "Whats your name?"
Input name$
Sleep 2
Print "You are outside of Kulai Headquarters,"
Print "Where will you go?"
Print "(NORTH)"
Print "(SOUTH)"
End Sub
Sub Options (directions)
If x = north Then
Print "You Found A Market of Stores"
ElseIf x = south Then
Print "You went to Kulai Headquarters"
End If
End Sub
so what i want is after the opening i want it to directly jump to Sub MainPart anyone knows how to do it xD
So part of A.I. is getting a computer to exhibit critical thinking.
I guess we could start off with some rudimentary approaches, for example:
Code: (Select All)
Randomize Timer
Palette 7, 63
Color 0, 7: Cls
View Print 1 To 23
Dim As Integer red, green, blue, mred, mgreen, mblue, i, cnt, pass(3)
score = 100
cnt = cnt + 1
red = Rnd * 10 - 4
green = Rnd * 10 - 6
blue = Rnd * 10 - 8
i = Int(Rnd * 3) + 1
Print i;
If pass(i) Then action$ = "Pass" Else action$ = "Catch"
Select Case i
Case 1
Color 4, 7: Print "RED "; red; action$
If action$ = "Catch" Then
score = score + red
mred = mred + red
End If
Case 2
Color 2, 7: Print "GREEN "; green; action$
If action$ = "Catch" Then
score = score + green
mgreen = mgreen + green
End If
Case 3
Color 1, 7: Print "BLUE "; blue; action$
If action$ = "Catch" Then
score = score + blue
mblue = mblue + blue
End If
End Select
Color 0, 7
x = CsrLin
Locate 25, 1: Print "Score = "; LTrim$(Str$(score)); " ";
Locate x, 1
If cnt = 10 Then
If mred < mblue And mred < mgreen Then If pass(2) + pass(3) <> 5 Then pass(1) = 1 ' Don't catch red apples.
ElseIf mgreen < mred And mgreen < mblue Then If pass(1) + pass(3) <> 4 Then pass(2) = 2 ' Don't catch green apples.
ElseIf mblue < mred And mblue < mgreen Then If pass(1) + pass(2) <> 3 Then pass(3) = 3 ' Don't catch blue apples.
cnt = 0
End If
If InKey$ = Chr$(13) Then Run
The computer memorizes and evaluates values, and decides to only catch red apples, fairly soon.
Refinements would include ways to deduce this faster, and to widen the sampling if we gave it feedback using greater variance with its results vs the best possible outcome. I mean real A.I. means the computer would keep refining its calculation method until it reached the most efficient method.
Anyway, just having some fun and wondering if anyone else has made anything along A.I. lines they would like to share, or just discuss in this thread.
So for these past months, i been experiancing PTSD, ADHD at full speed so what i did is i left the discord group not just QB64 but all of em and i quit discord, so i been writing a proper way to make my dream project The World happend oh man did i found it, i finally understand the Subtext, how to make a simple intro and the other commands, i did not give up, also i will be using this account from now on D
Helps! Helps! Helps! We needs all your moneys!! For just dollars a day, you can help save the world!!
Now, if you're past the awful begging for money sales pitch, I just thought I'd take a moment and remind folks that we DO, in fact, have a Patreon where you can pledge and donate a few dollars to help keep the lights on and running. This last year, we hit enough subscribers that we should *ALMOST* be at a perpetual always-paid-for state for server costs and what not.
As of last April, I believe we were close enough that a full year's worth of donations would put us all of about $20.00 short, or such, for paying for our server costs.
Only real issue is -- prices on *everything* seems to keep increasing, except for what we ask folks to donate to help keep the lights on around here. Our income is staying the same, but the expenses slowly go up over time.
Easiest solution?
Come here and beg, whine, and guilt everyone into giving me ALLS your moneys! $$$
Nah. The easiest solution is just to remind folks every couple of releases or so that we do, indeed, have a Patreon. If you feel like tossing us a few bucks each month, that's perfectly fine. If not, that's perfectly fine as well. We're NOT in this for the money, and we're definitely not a FOR-PROFIT on anything. I just know different folks like to support the project in various ways, and as such, every so often like to remind them that THIS option still exists -- even if we don't advertise it or push for it much:
Sign up on Patreon and join the recurring monthly donations of $3, $5, or $10! (I know, we ask for a LOT, when that tiny amount won't even pay for a large coffee at Starbucks once a month anymore.) https://www.patreon.com/user?u=86544769
I'm not pushing anyone to donate. I'm not even ASKING anyone to donate. You're not going to get anything in the world extra if you DO donate. I'm just, like always, reminding folks that they CAN donate via Patreon, if they WANT to.
And dammit, don't laugh at me because I have a sucky sales pitch! I'm a farmer, not a dang car salesman!!
Had a small Polygon drawing SUB handy, thought I'd make a screen saver using it. You can specify the number of sides, radius, angle, border and fill color of polygon. Maybe useful to somebody.
UPDATED: Now draws filled polygons.
- Dav
Code: (Select All)
'PolygonPlayground.bas v2.0
'A single SUB that draws a polygon, filled or not..
'Specify number of sides, radius, angle, border and fill color of polygon.
'Put together by Dav, AUG/2024
'This demo shows the SUB in action.
Screen _NewImage(1000, 700, 32)
Randomize Timer
polygons = 200 'number of polgons in playground
Dim polysides(polygons)
Dim polyradius(polygons)
Dim polyclr&(polygons)
Dim polycx(polygons)
Dim polycy(polygons)
'make random polgons specs
For i = 1 To polygons
polysides(i) = 3 + Int(Rnd * 10)
polyradius(i) = 30 + Int(Rnd * 150)
polyclr&(i) = _RGBA(Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255)
'turn some of those no fill (zero value)
If Int(Rnd * 5) = 1 Then polyclr&(i) = 0
polycx(i) = Rnd * _Width
polycy(i) = Rnd * _Height
'spin them all it around
For a = 0 To 359
Cls , _RGB(255, 255, 255)
For i = 1 To polygons
Polygon polysides(i), polycx(i), polycy(i), polyradius(i), a, _RGBA(0, 0, 0, 128), polyclr&(i)
_Limit 60
If InKey$ <> "" Then Exit Do
Sub Polygon (sides, cx, cy, radius, angle, borderclr~&, fillclr~&)
'Draws a polygon. Must have at least 3 sides.
'Polygon can be filled or not.
'borderclr~& is the color of the polygon sides.
'if you want a filled polygon, give a fillclr~& color.
'if you want only sides drawn (not filled polygon),
'just use a 0 for the fillclr~& parameter.
If sides < 3 Then sides = 3
rot = _D2R(angle)
x1 = cx + radius * Cos(rot)
y1 = cy + radius * Sin(rot)
'draw sides
For i = 1 To sides
va = rot + 2 * _Pi * i / sides
x2 = cx + radius * Cos(va)
y2 = cy + radius * Sin(va)
Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), borderclr~&
x1 = x2: y1 = y2
'fill inside, if not 0 given
If fillclr~& <> 0 Then
ymin = cy - radius
ymax = cy + radius
For y = ymin To ymax
edge = 0
x1 = cx + radius * Cos(rot)
y1 = cy + radius * Sin(rot)
For i = 1 To sides
va = rot + 2 * _Pi * i / sides
x2 = cx + radius * Cos(va)
y2 = cy + radius * Sin(va)
If ((y1 < y And y2 >= y) Or (y2 < y And y1 >= y)) Then
edge = edge + 1
If edge = 1 Then
leftx = x1 + (y - y1) * (x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1)
ElseIf edge = 2 Then
rightx = x1 + (y - y1) * (x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1)
End If
End If
x1 = x2: y1 = y2
If edge = 2 Then Line (leftx, y)-(rightx, y), fillclr~&
End If
End Sub
Here's yet another filled circle SUB. I make a lot program using balls. A personal challenge I've had for some time - trying to get a faster filled circle routine than the awesome fcirc SUB. This came close, but fcirc still reigns supreme. So I will finally yield to the champ (fcirc), posting the final attempt here. On my laptop fcirc edges out the victory everytime. I find it rather surprising - fcirc has many more lines of code, but it's still so fast.
- Dav
Code: (Select All)
'Dav, AUG/2024
'fc & fcirc circle fill test.
'testing two filled circle SUB's for the fastest one.
'draws 100,000 circles and compares speed.
'fcirc still reigns as fastest on my laptop, by a little.
Screen _NewImage(1000, 700, 32)
'time the fc sub
t# = Timer
For c = 1 To 100000
fc Rnd * _Width, Rnd * _Height, 35, _RGB(Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255)
t1# = Timer - t#
'time the fcirc sub
t# = Timer
For c = 1 To 100000
fcirc Rnd * _Width, Rnd * _Height, 35, _RGB(Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255)
t2# = Timer - t#
Print "fc ="; t1#
Print "fcirc ="; t2#
If t2# < t1# Then
Print "fcirc wins!"
Print "fc wins!"
End If
Sub fc (cx, cy, r, clr&)
For y = -r To r
x = Int(Sqr(r * r - y * y))
Line (cx - x, cy + y)-(cx + x, cy + y), clr&, BF
End Sub
Sub fcirc (CX As Integer, CY As Integer, R As Integer, C As _Unsigned Long)
Dim Radius As Integer, RadiusError As Integer
Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer
Radius = Abs(R): RadiusError = -Radius: X = Radius: Y = 0
If Radius = 0 Then PSet (CX, CY), C: Exit Sub
Line (CX - X, CY)-(CX + X, CY), C, BF
While X > Y
RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1
If RadiusError >= 0 Then
If X <> Y + 1 Then
Line (CX - Y, CY - X)-(CX + Y, CY - X), C, BF
Line (CX - Y, CY + X)-(CX + Y, CY + X), C, BF
End If
X = X - 1
RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2
End If
Y = Y + 1
Line (CX - X, CY - Y)-(CX + X, CY - Y), C, BF
Line (CX - X, CY + Y)-(CX + X, CY + Y), C, BF
End Sub
I've just submitted a game, which requires a random-access word-list file. I tried to use the Attach File function at the bottom of the page, and it went through all the motions of attaching the file, but the attachment is not showing on the post. Are random-access text files allowed?
This is a word-game for two players, where they take turns to build a word, by adding a letter either on the ends or anywhere in the body of the "worm".
The group of letters must always be part of a legit word, but must not complete the word. A player may "Claim" a completed word, "Challenge" a group of letters and earns points based on the length of the worm.The worm can also be "flipped" (reversed) before adding a letter. A dictionary which checks all submitted words ( up to length 15 letters) is included.
SW = 1020: SH = 720
Screen _NewImage(SW, SH, 32)
SetFont: F& = _LoadFont("C:\WINDOWS\fonts\courbd.ttf", 20, "monospace"): _Font F& ' choose monospace font
SMode = 32
CPL = Int(SW / _PrintWidth("X")) ' find chars per line for this window width
CTR = Int((CPL + 1) / 2) ' find horiz screen centre
_ScreenMove (_DesktopWidth - SW) / 2, 90 ' place window there
CheckDictionary: ' need random-access word list
If Not (_FileExists("R_ALL15")) Then
Centre "This game requires the random-access file R_ALL15 to be present", 12
Sleep: System
End If
Randomize Timer
MinSize = 3 ' minimum word size
Dim Name$(2), Score(2), Words$(2)
OK$ = "o4l32ce": Bad$ = "o3l32ec": Alert$ = "o4l32msep32ep32ep32ep32e" ' sound for good and bad actions
Name$(1) = "PLAYER 1": Name$(2) = "PLAYER 2" ' default names
_KeyClear: k$ = ""
Centre "Name of first player (enter for default PLAYER 1) ", 15
Locate 15, 62
Input k$
If k$ > Chr$(13) Then
Name$(1) = UCase$(k$)
Else Name$(1) = "PLAYER 1"
End If
Play OK$
Centre Name$(1), 17: Sleep 1: Cls
k$ = ""
Centre "Name of second player (enter for default PLAYER 2)", 15
Locate 15, 64
Input k$
If k$ > Chr$(13) Then
Name$(2) = UCase$(k$)
Else Name$(2) = "PLAYER 2"
End If
Play OK$
Centre Name$(2), 17: Sleep 1: Cls
Centre "Winning score level (1=100 to 9=900, default 100) ?", 15
k$ = InKey$
If k$ = "" Then GoTo SetWinScore
If k$ < "1" Or k$ > "9" Then
WinScore = 100 ' default winning score
WinScore = Val(k$) * 100
End If
Play OK$
Centre LTrim$(Str$(WinScore)), 17: Sleep 1: Cls
Centre "Time limit for new letter (1=30, 2=60, 3=90, 4=120 seconds, default=30) ?", 15
k$ = InKey$
If k$ = "" Then GoTo SetTimeLimit
If k$ < "1" Or k$ > "4" Then
TLimit = 30 ' default time limit fo letter selection
TLimit = Val(k$) * 30
End If
Play OK$
txt$ = LTrim$(Str$(TLimit)) + " seconds"
Centre txt$, 17: Sleep 1: Cls
Plr = 2
Csr$ = " / "
If Score(1) >= WinScore Or Score(2) >= WinScore Then Winner
Flipped = 0
Wrd$ = Chr$(Int(Rnd * 26) + 65)
If Plr = 1 Then Plr = 2 Else Plr = 1
CsrH = CTR - 1: WdPos = CTR - Int((Len(Wrd$) + 1) / 2) + 1 ' centre the word and centre cursor for start
wipe "17": Locate 17, WdPos: Print Wrd$
txt$ = Name$(1) + ":" + Str$(Score(1)) + Space$(15) + "Winning score:" + Str$(WinScore) + Space$(15) + Name$(2) + ":" + Str$(Score(2))
Centre txt$, 2
IP = Int((Len(Wrd$) + 1) / 2) + 1
wipe "19" ' clear player input line
Locate 19, CsrH + 1: Print "?"
txt$ = Name$(Plr) + " playing"
Centre txt$, 4
Centre "Press A-Z to select a letter to add", 22
If Len(Wrd$) > 1 And Flipped = 0 Then ' show only if more than 1 letter and word is not flipped
Centre "or", 24
Centre "1 to Claim a word 2 to Challenge a group 3 to Concede this round", 26 '
End If
Centre "Down-arrow to flip the word", 27 ' can flip multiple times
Centre "Esc to close the game", 28
t1 = Timer
Action = 0
While Action < 1
_Limit 30
Action = _KeyHit
t2 = Int(TLimit + 1 - Timer + t1)
wipe "05": Centre LTrim$(Str$(t2)), 5
If t2 < 1 Then
Centre "Too late!", 5
Sleep 2
wipe "05"
Play Bad$
GoTo PlayerUp
End If
wipe "05"
Select Case Action
Case Is = 27 ' exit game
Case Is = 49 ' claim a completed word
If Flipped = 0 Then
Else GoTo GetChoice ' if flipped, ignore
End If
GoTo NewWord
Case Is = 50 ' challenge a group
If Flipped = 0 Then
Else GoTo GetChoice ' if flipped, ignore
End If
GoTo NewWord
Case Is = 51 ' concede this group is unwinnable
Concede ' can still concede after flipping
GoTo NewWord
Case Is = 20480 ' down-arrow to flip worm
GoTo PlayerUp
Case 65 To 90 ' CAPITAL letter
L$ = Chr$(Action)
Locate 19, CsrH + 1: Print L$
Locate 18, CsrH: Print Csr$
Picked = 1
Case 97 To 122 ' lower-case letter
L$ = Chr$(Action - 32)
Locate 19, CsrH + 1: Print L$
Locate 18, CsrH: Print Csr$
Picked = 1
Case Else
GoTo GetChoice
End Select
Play OK$
Move: ' after letter selected, only left-, right- or up-arrow
Centre "Use Left/Right arrows to change its position, then up-arrow to place it", 22
Action = 0
While Action < 1
Action = _KeyHit
Wend '
Select Case Action
Case Is = 19200, 52 ' move left
If IP > 1 Then
CsrH = CsrH - 1: IP = IP - 1
Locate 18, CsrH: Print Csr$
Locate 19, CsrH + 1: Print L$; " "
End If
GoTo Move
Case Is = 19712, 54 ' move right
If CsrH < WdPos + Len(Wrd$) - 2 Then
CsrH = CsrH + 1: IP = IP + 1
Locate 18, CsrH: Print Csr$
Locate 19, CsrH: Print " "; L$
End If
GoTo Move
Case Is = 18432, 56 ' up (place letter at cursor)
Wrd$ = Left$(Wrd$, IP - 1) + L$ + Right$(Wrd$, Len(Wrd$) - IP + 1)
Flipped = 0: Picked = 0
GoTo PlayerUp
Case Else
Play Bad$: GoTo Move
End Select
Sub wipe (ln$) ' erase lines of text - e.g. "020308" for lines 2, 3 and 8
For a = 1 To Len(ln$) - 1 Step 2 ' ln$ is lines to erase, as string of 2 digit line numbers
Locate Val(Mid$(ln$, a, 2))
Print Space$(CPL)
End Sub
Sub Centre (Txt$, LineNum) ' centres text on selected line
ctr = Int(CPL / 2 - Len(Txt$) / 2) + 1 ' centre is half of Chars Per Line minus half Txt$ length
Locate LineNum, ctr
Print Txt$
End Sub
Sub red
Color _RGB(255, 0, 0)
End Sub
Sub yellow
Color _RGB(255, 255, 0)
End Sub
Sub white
Color _RGB(255, 255, 255)
End Sub
Sub Grey
Color _RGB(128, 128, 128)
End Sub
Sub Claim
wipe "2224262728"
Play Alert$ ' clear prompts
txt$ = Name$(Plr) + " claims that this is a word"
yellow: Centre txt$, 10
WordVal = 0:
For a = 1 To Len(Wrd$): WordVal = WordVal + a: Next
txt$ = "(Points Value is" + Str$(WordVal) + ")" ' calc word value (summation of length)
Centre txt$, 12
Centre "Stand by, checking...", 11: Sleep 1
wipe "04"
Try$ = Wrd$
txt$ = "This word is "
If Found = 0 Then ' if Found is still 0 (search failed to find this word),
red: txt$ = txt$ + "not accepted"
Play Bad$
If Plr = 1 Then Plr = 2 Else Plr = 1 ' swap players and assign points to opponent
Score(Plr) = Score(Plr) + WordVal
If Plr = 1 Then Plr = 2 Else Plr = 1 ' and swap players back to normal flow
Else ' but if the word is valid,
yellow: txt$ = txt$ + "acccepted"
Play OK$
Words$(Plr) = Words$(Plr) + " " + Wrd$
Score(Plr) = Score(Plr) + WordVal ' assign points to player
End If
Centre txt$, 4: yellow
Sleep 2
End Sub
Sub Challenge
WordVal = 0: Found = 0 ' flag word as not found
wipe "2224262728": Play Alert$ ' clear prompts
txt$ = Name$(Plr) + " claims that this group is not part of a word"
yellow: Centre txt$, 9
If Plr = 1 Then Plr = 2 Else Plr = 1 ' change Plr ito the CHALLENGED player
txt$ = Name$(Plr) + " Please type a word containing this group"
Centre txt$, 11
wipe "13"
Locate 13, 36
Input Try$ ' get the challenged player's claim
Try$ = UCase$(Try$)
If Len(Try$) < Len(Wrd$) Or InStr(Try$, Wrd$) < 1 Then ' if it's shorter than, or doesn't contain the group, fail it,
For a = 1 To Len(Wrd$): WordVal = WordVal + a: Next: GoTo ChalResult ' and use the original Wrd$ for value (summation of length)
End If
wipe "13"
Centre Try$, 13
For a = 1 To Len(Try$): WordVal = WordVal + a: Next ' otherwise use the length of their try for value
txt$ = "(Points Value is" + Str$(WordVal)
Centre txt$, 15
Centre "Stand by, checking...", 17 ' search word-list for their try
wipe "04"
ChalResult: ' now analyze Found
If Found = 0 Then ' if their try word is not found
Play Bad$
txt$ = Try$ + " is not accepted"
If Plr = 1 Then Plr = 2 Else Plr = 1 ' swap players back to normal and assign points to challenger,
Score(Plr) = Score(Plr) + WordVal
If Plr = 1 Then Plr = 2 Else Plr = 1
Else ' but if their word is found,
Play OK$
white: txt$ = Try$ + " is accepted"
Score(Plr) = Score(Plr) + WordVal ' assign points to challenged player
Words$(Plr) = Words$(Plr) + " " + Try$ ' add the word to their successful words list
End If
Centre txt$, 19: _Delay 2: wipe "19"
If Plr = 1 Then Plr = 2 Else Plr = 1 ' swap players
End Sub
Sub Concede
WordVal = 0
Play Bad$
For a = 1 To Len(Wrd$): WordVal = WordVal + a: Next ' calculate word value
txt$ = Name$(Plr) + " concedes this group as unwinnable"
yellow: Centre txt$, 9
If Plr = 1 Then Plr = 2 Else Plr = 1 ' swap players,
Score(Plr) = Score(Plr) + WordVal ' allocate points to other player,
If Plr = 1 Then Plr = 2 Else Plr = 1 ' and swap back to normal flow
_Delay 3
End Sub
Sub WRdSearch
Found = 0 ' start search with Found as 0 (failed)
Open "R_ALL15" For Random As #1 Len = 19
FL = LOF(1) \ 19 + 1 ' FL is number of words in file
bot = 0: top = FL ' search area between top and bottom words of file
While Abs(top - bot) > 1
srch = Int((top + bot) / 2)
Get #1, srch, A$ ' get word at centre of search area
A$ = UCase$(A$)
Select Case A$
Case Is = Try$ ' if the word=Wrd$
Found = 1 ' mark Found as 1, and stop searching
Exit While
Case Is < Try$ ' if the word is less than Wrd$
bot = srch ' move bottom of search to middle of search
Case Is > Try$ ' if the word is greater than wrd$
top = srch ' move top of search to middle of search
End Select
Wend ' if gap top to bottom >1, repeat search with new search area
End Sub
Sub Flip
TmpWrd$ = String$(Len(Wrd$), ".") ' create temporary word
For a = 1 To Len(Wrd$)
Mid$(TmpWrd$, a, 1) = Mid$(Wrd$, Len(Wrd$) - a + 1, 1) ' write letters in reverse order into temp word
Wrd$ = TmpWrd$ ' and change Wrd$ to TmpWrd$
Flipped = 1 ' set Flipped flag to prevent their claiming or challenging
If Plr = 1 Then Plr = 2 Else Plr = 1 ' keep same player after flip
End Sub
Sub Winner
For a = 1 To 5: Play OK$: Next
Centre "We have a winner!", 12: white: Print
txt$ = Name$(1) + ": " + LTrim$(Str$(Score(1))) + " " + Name$(2) + ": " + LTrim$(Str$(Score(2)))
Centre txt$, 14
yellow: txt$ = "Congratulations "
If Score(1) > Score(2) Then txt$ = txt$ + Name$(1) Else txt$ = txt$ + Name$(2)
Centre txt$, 16
Print: Print
Print Name$(1); " words: ": white: Print Words$(1)
yellow: Print Name$(2); " words: ": white: Print Words$(2)
End Sub
Sub instructions
Cls: yellow
Centre "Worm - An original word-Game for two players by Phil Taylor", 3
Centre "Instructions", 5: white
Print " A random letter is presented, and two players take turns to add a letter to"
Print " it, building towards a word, but avoiding completing it. The letter may be"
Print " placed at either end, or anywhere inside the group, exending the "; Chr$(34); "Worm"; Chr$(34); ". By";
Print " default, they have just 30 seconds in which to choose their letter, but a"
Print " different time limit can be selected."
Print " If a player sees that their opponent has completed a word, they can ";: yellow: Print "Claim";: white: Print " it"
Print " to score points. If successful the challenger gains points based on the word"
Print " length. If not,their opponent gains the points. A new word then starts."
Print " Players may also";: yellow: Print " Flip";: white: Print " (reverse) the Worm before adding their letter (but the"
Print " Found of the Flip can not be claimed as a word)."
Print " If they think that the group is not part of a real word they may ";: yellow: Print "Challenge";: white: Print ","
Print " and their opponent must then type a complete word containing the group. If"
Print " they can"; Chr$(39); "t, the challenger gains points, based on the size of the group, or"
Print " the length of their attempt, whichever is greater."
Print " If a player thinks that all the words that can be formed from the group will"
Print " cost them points, they may ";: yellow: Print "Concede";: white: Print " the group, to limit the number of points"
Print " they lose."
Print " Word lengths of from two to fifteen letters allowed, and words are checked"
Print " automatically by the computer. The game ends when a player reaches the chosen"
Print " winning score."
yellow: Centre "Press a key to continue.", 33
Cls: Play OK$
End Sub
Due to a serious bug in _SNDOPEN (reported here) we once again decided to release a quick bugfix version, rather than letting this bug lurking around for another 2-3 month until our next regular release. Visit GitHub for download.
#531, #532 - Extended `ON ERROR GOTO` syntax - @RhoSigma-QB64
- _NEWHANDLER and _LASTHANDLER keywords allow for easy overriding and restoring of error handlers
Developer Notice
We are probably going to deprecate the $NOPREFIX feature sooner or later in the future. Nothing is finally decided yet, but as we have more and more efforts to keep new things compatible with $NOPREFIX it's a decision we've to make. Especially CONST and the pre-compiler metacommands show bad interactions with $NOPREFIX over and over again and make implementations overcomplicated.
With this notice we wish to get your attention for the issue and recommend to adapt your coding habits to no longer rely on $NOPREFIX right now, so it becomes an easy transition when we finally drop it.