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  Variations on Peg Solitaire
Posted by: PhilOfPerth - 08-08-2024, 09:32 AM - Forum: Games - No Replies

This game is another rendition of the old Peg Solitaire, with a few extra twists.
It uses a square grid, and players can choose between 3 modes, with horizontal+vertical jumps, diagonal jumps, or both, with a timer for each level. Hi-Scores are kept for the best 3 results for each mode. Score is based on pegs removed and time taken.

Code: (Select All)
SW = 1020: SH = 780 '                                                                     select window size
Screen _NewImage(SW, SH, 32)
Common Shared CPL, MX, MY, FROM, FromH, FromV, TOO, MidCell, TooH, Toov, Cells(), Mode, Score
Common Shared Best$(), T1, Name$, Distance, OK$, Bad$, Pick$, HiFrame$

Dim Cells(49, 5), Best$(18) '                                                             each cell has 4 positions and a char-number
OK$ = "l32o3cg": Bad$ = "l16o1gc": Pick$ = "o4l54g": HiFrame$ = "r145d83l145u83"
Data "40","HAMMER","30","HAMMER","20","HAMMER","35","HAMMER","25","HAMMER","15","HAMMER","30","HAMMER","20","HAMMER","10","HAMMER"

SetFont: f& = _LoadFont("C:\WINDOWS\fonts\courbd.ttf", 20, "monospace"): _Font f& '       monospace font
SMode = 32
CPL = SW / _PrintWidth("X") '                                                             chars per line for this window width
lhs = (_DesktopWidth - CPL) / 2 '                                                         position for LHS of window
_ScreenMove (_DesktopWidth - SW) / 2, 90 '                                                place window there
Play OK$

If Not (_FileExists("best")) Then '                                                       if hi-score list is not found, create it
    centre "Hi-Score list refreshed", 14: Play OK$: Sleep 1: Restore
    refreshed = 1
    ReDim Best$(18)
    Open "best" For Output As #1
    For a = 1 To 18
        Read Best$(a)
        Write #1, Best$(a)
End If
Open "best" For Input As #1
For a = 1 To 18: Input #1, Best$(a): Next '                                                place hi-scores in Best$()



If refreshed = 0 Then
    k$ = ""
    Yellow: centre "Keep these records (y/n) ?", 37
    While k$ = "": k$ = InKey$: Wend
    If UCase$(k$) = "N" Then
        Kill "best": GoTo PrepareBestList '                                                 if not wanted, delete and create a new one
    End If
End If
Play OK$

centre "Your name (to 6 characters) ?        ", 12 '                                        spaces move centre to left
Locate 12, 48: Input Name$
If Len(Name$) > 6 Then
    Name$ = Left$(Name$, 6)
Else If Len(Name$) < 2 Then Name$ = "ANON"
End If
Name$ = UCase$(Name$): WIPE "12": centre Name$, 12
Play OK$
Sleep 1
centre "Select a mode (1 to 3)", 14: Sleep
While k$ < "1" And k$ > "3": Wend
k$ = InKey$
Mode = Val(k$)

SetPegs: '                                                                                  7*7 cells, 5 elements each
For a = 0 To 6
    For b = 0 To 6
        Cells(a * 7 + b + 1, 1) = a * 52 + 314 '                                           1st element left top of cell
        Cells(a * 7 + b + 1, 2) = a * 52 + 366 '                                           2nd elementright top of cell
        Cells(a * 7 + b + 1, 3) = b * 40 + 48 '                                            3rd element left bottom of cell
        Cells(a * 7 + b + 1, 4) = b * 40 + 88 '                                            4th element right bottom of cell
        'Set Cells(49,5) for all cells to 42
        Cells(a * 7 + b + 1, 5) = 42 '                                                     5th element chr$(42) * in all cells

SetVacantCell: '                                                                           Select Vacant cell, not on edge of grid
    vac = Int(Rnd * 33) + 9 '                                                              select (random) empty cell
Loop Until vac Mod (7) <> 0 And vac Mod (7) <> 1 '                                         if this is an edge cell, try again
vacv = 3 + Int(vac / 7) * 2 + 1 '                                                          vacant cell vertical position in grid
vach = 19 + (vac Mod (7) + 1) * 4 '                                                        vacant cell horizontal position in grid
Cells(vac, 5) = 32 '                                                                       mark vac as vacant in cells() array
Cells(vac, 5) = 32 '                                                                       mark vacant cell as chr$(32) space in cells()                                                                                                     (32 is space)

For a = 1 To 7 '                                                                           for each row of grid
    For b = 1 To 7 '                                                                       for each cell of row
        Locate 2 + a * 2, 23 + b * 4: Print "*" '                                          fill all with *
Locate vacv, vach: Print "O" '                                                             place green O in vacant cell to identify it

Play OK$
H = 22 '                                                                                   start frame from horizontal 22
For a = 0 To 6 '                                                                           7 horizontal squares in frame
    For b = 0 To 6 '                                                                       7 vertical rows of squares
        PSet (a * 52 + 316, b * 40 + 48)
        Draw "r52d40l52u40"

Locate 18, 38: Print "END" '                                                               show END cell
PSet (473, 330): Draw "r52d36l52u36" '                                                     draw END frame


T1 = Timer '                                                                               start timer
txt$ = "Mode" + Str$(Mode) + " selected"
centre txt$, 24

GetFrom '                                                                                  call sub to select FROM cell
If FROM < 0 Then Play Bad$: GoTo ChooseFROM
If FROM = 50 Then Done

If TOO <= 0 Then Play Bad$: GoTo ChooseFROM
If TOO = 50 Then Done
If Distance = 0 Then Play Bad$: GoTo ChooseFROM

GoTo ChooseFROM

'                                                      *** Subs below here ***
Sub CreateBest
    If _FileExists("best") Then Kill "best"
    ReDim Best$(18)
    Open "best" For Output As #1
    For a = 1 To 18
        Read Best$(a)
        Write #1, Best$(a)
    'End If
    Open "best" For Input As #1
    For a = 1 To 18: Input #1, Best$(a): Next
End Sub

Sub ShowBest
    Yellow: centre "Scores to Beat", 30
    Locate 32, 17
    Print "Mode 1"; Tab(37); "Mode 2"; Tab(57); "Mode 3": White
    For a = 0 To 2
        For b = 1 To 5 Step 2
            Locate 33 + a, 10 * b + 4
            Print Best$(a * 6 + b); Tab(10 * b + 8); Best$(a * 6 + b + 1)
    Yellow: PSet (160, 618): Draw HiFrame$: PSet (420, 618): Draw HiFrame$: PSet (680, 618): Draw HiFrame$

End Sub

Sub GetFrom:
    centre "Choose FROM location", 20
        While _MouseButton(1): m% = _MouseInput: Wend '                                    wait for left-mouse to restore
        m% = _MouseInput '                                                                 prepare mouse
        If _MouseButton(1) Then '                                                          get left-mouse status
            MX = _MouseX: MY = _MouseY '                                                   horiz and vert position
            If MX > 473 And MX < 526 And MY > 330 And MY < 371 Then FROM = 50: Exit Sub '  END cell, mark FROM as 50
            If MX < 316 Or MX > 680 Or MY < 48 Or MY > 328 Then FROM = -2: Exit Sub '      outside the grid, mark FROM as -2
            FromH = Int((MX - 316) / 52) + 1 '                                             horiz column of FROM cell
            FromV = Int((MY - 48) / 40) + 1 '                                              vert row of FROM cell
            FROM = (FromV - 1) * 7 + FromH '                                               number of FROM cell, 1 to 49
            If Cells(FROM, 5) = 32 Then FROM = -1: Exit Sub '                              vacant cell, mark From as -1
        End If
    Loop Until _MouseButton(1)
    Play Pick$
End Sub

Sub GetToo
    WIPE "20": centre "Choose TO location", 20
        While _MouseButton(1): m% = _MouseInput: Wend '                                    wait for left-mouse to restore
        m% = _MouseInput '                                                                 prepare mouse
        If _MouseButton(1) Then '                                                          get left-mouse status
            MX = _MouseX: MY = _MouseY '                                                   horiz and vert position
            If MX > 473 And MX < 526 And MY > 330 And MY < 371 Then TOO = 50: Exit Sub '   END cell, mark FROM as 50
            If MX < 316 Or MX > 680 Or MY < 48 Or MY > 328 Then TOO = -2: Exit Sub '       outside the grid, mark FROM as -2
            TooH = Int((MX - 316) / 52) + 1 '                                              horiz column of FROM cell
            Toov = Int((MY - 48) / 40) + 1 '                                               vert row of FROM cell
            TOO = (Toov - 1) * 7 + TooH '                                                  number of FROM cell, 1 to 49
            If Cells(TOO, 5) <> 32 Then TOO = -1: Exit Sub '                               vacant cell, mark From as -1
        End If
    Loop Until _MouseButton(1)
    Play Pick$
End Sub

Sub FindMidCell
    Distance = Abs(FROM - TOO) '                                                           FROM and TOO are selected cell numbers
    CheckDistance: '                                                                       check relative positions of cells
    Select Case Mode
        Case 1 '                                                                           2 horiz, vert or diag is +/- 2, 12, 14 or 16
            If Distance <> 2 And Distance <> 12 And Distance <> 14 And Distance <> 16 Then
                Distance = 0
                Red: centre "Cells must be 2 cells apart", 22
                Play Bad$: Sleep 2: Yellow
                WIPE "22": Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 2 '                                                                            2 horiz or vert is +/-2 or 14
            If Distance <> 2 And Distance <> 14 Then
                Distance = 0
                centre "Horizontal or vertical hops of 2 cells only", 22
                Play Bad$: Sleep 2: Yellow
                WIPE "22": Exit Sub
            End If
        Case 3 '                                                                            2 diag is +/- 12 or 16
            If Distance <> 12 And Distance <> 16 Then
                Distance = 0
                Red: centre "Diagonal hops of 2 cells only", 22
                Play Bad$: Sleep 2: Yellow
                WIPE "22": Exit Sub
            End If
    End Select
    MidCell = (FROM + TOO) / 2: MidCellv = (FromV + Toov) / 2 + 4: MidCellh = (FromH + TooH) / 2 + 4
    If Cells(MidCell, 5) = 32 Then
        Distance = 0
        Red: centre "Middle cell must be occupied!", 22
        Play Bad$: Sleep 2: Yellow
        WIPE "22": Exit Sub '                                                               if not, get another FROM cell
    End If
End Sub

Sub ChangeCells '                                                                            update grid  display
    Cells(FROM, 5) = 32
    Cells(MidCell, 5) = 32
    Cells(TOO, 5) = 42
    ShowChanges: '                                                                                                                                               show changed pegs
    Locate FromV * 2 + 2, FromH * 4 + 23: Print " "
    Locate Toov * 2 + 2, TooH * 4 + 23: Print "*"
    Locate (FromV * 2 + 2 + Toov * 2 + 2) / 2, (FromH * 4 + 23 + TooH * 4 + 23) / 2: Print " "
End Sub

Sub CalcScore '                                                                               update score
    WIPE "2628"
    Picks = Picks + 1
    Score = Picks * 10 + Int(T1 - Timer)
    txt$ = "Score:" + Str$(Score)
    centre txt$, 26
    txt$ = "Pegs Remaining:" + Str$(48 - Picks)
    centre txt$, 28
    Play OK$
End Sub

Sub Done ' Player has finished
    Play OK$: Play OK$
    txt$ = "You scored " + LTrim$(Str$(Score))
    centre txt$, 17
    Sleep: Run
End Sub

Sub CheckHi
    txt$ = "Checking against Hi-Scores for Mode" + Str$(Mode) + "..."
    centre txt$, 19
    win = 0
    sc1 = 1 + (Mode - 1) * 2: nm1 = 2 + (Mode - 1) * 2
    sc2 = 7 + (Mode - 1) * 2: nm2 = 8 + (Mode - 1) * 2
    sc3 = 13 + (Mode - 1) * 2: nm3 = 14 + (Mode - 1) * 2
    Select Case Score
        Case Is > Val(Best$(sc1)) ' better than first - move 2nd down, 1st down, place score and name in 1st
            Best$(sc3) = Best$(sc2): Best$(nm3) = Best$(nm2)
            Best$(sc2) = Best$(sc1): Best$(nm2) = Best$(nm1)
            Best$(sc1) = LTrim$(Str$(Score)): Best$(nm1) = Name$
            win = 1: txt$ = "Congratulations, you beat First place"
        Case Is = Val(Best$(sc1)), Is > Val(Best$(sc2)) ' better than second - move 2nd down, place score and name in 2nd
            Best$(sc3) = Best$(sc2): Best$(nm3) = Best$(nm2)
            Best$(sc2) = LTrim$(Str$(Score)): Best$(nm2) = Name$
            win = 1: txt$ = "Congratulations, you beat Second place"
        Case Is = Val(Best$(sc2)), Is > Val(Best$(sc3)) ' better than third - place score and name in 3rd
            Best$(sc3) = LTrim$(Str$(Score)): Best$(nm3) = Name$
            win = 1: txt$ = "Congratulations, you beat Third place"
    End Select
    If win = 1 Then
        centre txt$, 21: Sleep 3: Cls
        Open "best" For Output As #1
        For a = 1 To 18: Write #1, Best$(a): Next '                                           save new Best score

    End If
    ShowBest: Sleep 3: Run
End Sub

Sub White
    Color _RGB(255, 255, 255)
End Sub

Sub Red
    Color _RGB(255, 0, 0)
End Sub

Sub Green
    Color _RGB(0, 255, 0)
End Sub

Sub Yellow
    Color _RGB(255, 255, 0)
End Sub

Sub centre (txt$, linenum) '                                                                  centres text on selected line
    ctr = Int(CPL / 2 - Len(txt$) / 2) + 1 '                                                  centre is half of chars per line minus half string-length
    Locate linenum, ctr
    Print txt$
End Sub

Sub WIPE (ln$) '  (ln$ is string of  2-digit line-numbers)                                    "0122" wold mean lines 1 and 22
    For a = 1 To Len(ln$) - 1 Step 2
        wl = Val(Mid$(ln$, a, 2)) '                                                           get 2 digits of line to be wiped (wl),
        Locate wl, 1: Print Space$(CPL); '                                                    and write full row of spaces to that line
End Sub

Sub Intro
    'Show intro text
    centre "LeapFrog", 2: White: Print: Print
    Print "   A board of 7x7 cells is displayed, all except one occupied by pegs."
    Print "   Remove as many pegs as you can, by hopping another peg over them, as"
    Print "   quickly as you can. Hops may be in any direction (but see";: Yellow: Print " Modes";: White: Print " below),"
    Print "   over a single occupied cell, and the landing cell must be vacant.": Print
    Print "   With the mouse, choose a ";: Yellow: Print "FROM";: White: Print " cell, then a ";: Yellow
    Print "TO";: White: Print " cell, with one occupied"
    Print "   cell between them. If these conditions are met, the cell between them"
    Print "   is cleared, and the action can be repeated. Otherwise, the move is"
    Print "   rejected, and you must try again with different cells."
    Print "   Select the ";: Yellow: Print "END ";: White:
    Print " cell when you can find no more moves.": Print
    Print "   You receive ten points for each hop, but the final score is reduced by"
    Print "   one point per second of game time, so you need to be quick!"
    Print "   Or you can ignore the timer and just play to remove maximum pegs.": Print
    Yellow: centre "Modes", 20: White
    Print "   There are 3 Modes of play, each with different directions for hops:"
    Print "   1: Hop in any direction, horizontal, vertical or diagonal (Easy)"
    Print "   2: Horizontal or vertical hops only, any of four directions (Medium)"
    Print "   3: Diagonal hops only, any of four directions (Hard).": Print
    Print "   A Hi-score list of the three best results for each mode is kept, and"
    Print "   if you beat one of these, your result will be placed on this list."
End Sub

Print this item

  orange pi / arm board and linking libraries for SPI and other devices
Posted by: Parkland - 08-08-2024, 05:21 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)


I hate asking, but I burned up a wild amount of time already so hoping for some direction. 
I have QB64PE running on orange pi zero 3 with ubuntu desktop orange pi release. 

I'm trying to communicate over SPI using qb64 (and other connections eventually) 
I spent a ton of time looking online but theres always a ddead end it seems. 
A friend suggested AI, so here's an SPI program AI designed :

Code: (Select All)
    FUNCTION open (path AS STRING, flags AS LONG) AS LONG
    FUNCTION ioctl (fd AS LONG, request AS LONG, argp AS _OFFSET) AS LONG
    FUNCTION write (fd AS LONG, buffer AS _OFFSET, count AS LONG) AS LONG
    FUNCTION read (fd AS LONG, buffer AS _OFFSET, count AS LONG) AS LONG


DIM spi_mode AS _BYTE
DIM tx_buffer(0 TO 2) AS _BYTE
DIM rx_buffer(0 TO 2) AS _BYTE

' Open the SPI device
fd = open("/dev/spidev1.0", O_RDWR)
IF fd < 0 THEN
    PRINT "Failed to open SPI device."
    PRINT "SPI device opened successfully."

' Set SPI mode (0, 1, 2, or 3)
spi_mode = 0
IF ioctl(fd, SPI_IOC_WR_MODE, _OFFSET(spi_mode)) < 0 THEN
    PRINT "Failed to set SPI mode."
    CALL close(fd)
    PRINT "SPI mode set successfully."

' Prepare data to send
tx_buffer(0) = &H9F  ' Example command

' Send and receive data
IF write(fd, _OFFSET(tx_buffer(0)), 1) <> 1 THEN
    PRINT "Failed to write to SPI device."
    CALL close(fd)
    PRINT "Data written to SPI device."

IF read(fd, _OFFSET(rx_buffer(0)), 3) <> 3 THEN
    PRINT "Failed to read from SPI device."
    CALL close(fd)
    PRINT "Data read from SPI device: ";
    FOR i = 0 TO 2
        PRINT HEX$(rx_buffer(i)); " ";

' Close the SPI device
CALL close(fd)
PRINT "SPI device closed."

So far there are a few errors, including DYNAMIC LIBRARY NOT FOUND. 

I've honestly never linked a file or anything else to any QB before. 

Does the program look plausible though? 

I really need to make this work somehow, I love QB64 and too old to learn anything else lol. 
And I really need to make this project work...

Print this item

  How to Disable Windows Finish Setup Notifications.
Posted by: Pete - 08-07-2024, 04:59 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (4)

In a recent Windows update a push notifications was added to constantly remind you to back up your entire system and finish setting up all the BS folks like me don't want. One-Drive, Office 365, Windows HELLo, mobile phone sync, etc. The popup only lets you delay setup for 3 days each time you choose not the continue. To disable it, you need to go to settings.

1) Type "Notifications" in your Windows task bar search line and open the Turn Notifications on and off selection.

2) Near the top, UNCHECK the box that reads: "Suggest ways I can finish setting up my device to get the most out of Windows." 

3) Close the Settings app.

That should get rid of the pesky popup for good! I'll let you know if it doesn't, in 3 days.


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  Stopping _SNDPLAYCOPY ?Possible?
Posted by: TerryRitchie - 08-06-2024, 09:29 PM - Forum: Help Me! - Replies (13)

_SNDPLAYCOPY is very handy for repeating a sound needed from multiple sources (sprites, etc..) at the same time, such as multiple gunshots or other sounds from various sources. However, there is no way to stop sounds initiated with _SNDPLAYCOPY that I'm aware of.

Perhaps another sound command such as:

_SNDSTOPCOPY could be considered by the developers?

I realize I can use _SNDCOPY to create a new handle and concurrently play it. However,  one would need to keep track of all those handle copies and then cycle through them all with _SNDSTOP. Take a game like Robotron 2084 that has hundreds of sprites creating many identical sounds and you'll see where I'm going here.

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  Does vwatch still work?
Posted by: justsomeguy - 08-05-2024, 06:18 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (13)

I see references to vwatch in the code in the main.txt file and there is still some code in support folder in QB64 directory. Is this still supported? I don't see anything in the local wiki.

If so, is there any docs on it?


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  How QB matches my heat-exchanger design process
Posted by: desA - 08-05-2024, 05:32 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (7)

Hi everyone,

I built a 3000 line QB4.5 program in 1988-89 to design specialist modular heat-exchangers. I was a youngish engineer at the time.

A few links of the MSTHE below, for context:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3

QB in text mode follows the HE design process very well - the 'inside out' process.
- Primary fluid data - single phase - condensation - evaporation - user input
- Secondary fluid data- single phase - condensation - evaporation - user input
- Heat balance
- Tubeside performance  (inside)
- Shellside performance (outside)
- Determine overall module arrangement
- Spiral cage design
- Printouts

This follows a linear design process and can fork in many different directions at each design point.

QB has followed this design process very well, although the original QB4.5 output was not the prettiest. Recently, I cleaned up the graphics a bit using better screen dimensions and qb64pe's upgraded commands. In Linux I print directly to txt files, then convert directly to pdf files from within the package.

I've always been very loath to jump to another programming language or full graphics display due to the complexity of the design process and its many twists and turns along the design process pathway. So, over the years, I have regularly updated the original code to run on modern computer systems as qb4.5->qb64->qb64pe has developed.

The full story of the technology in modern times can be found on my Patreon and Youtube sites and the following links:


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  How to display a float number in scientific?
Posted by: desA - 08-04-2024, 12:15 PM - Forum: Help Me! - Replies (19)

Good evening everyone,

I would like display a float number in scientific mode to a set number of decimal places - for display printout purposes. 

E.g.  12345.6 -> 1.23E4

Please advise the appropriate command/s to do this in qb64pe. 

Many thanks...  Smile

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  Code Challenge: Snacky Friends, a donkey, and Apples
Posted by: CharlieJV - 08-04-2024, 02:12 AM - Forum: Programs - Replies (33)

You'll find my solution for this challenge (coded with BAM) here.

The gist of the challenge:

Quote:Once upon a time, 3 friends bought apples and carried them on a donkey.
When night came, they decided to sleep in the forest.

The first friend woke up hungry at midnight, so he divided the apples into three equal shares.
The one extra remaining apple, he gave it to the donkey.  He then ate his share and went back to sleep.

A while later, the second friend woke up hungry, so he divided the remaining apples into three equal shares.
The one extra remaining apple, he gave it to the donkey.  He then ate his share and went back to sleep.

A while later, the third friend woke up hungry, so he divided the remaining apples into three equal shares.
The one extra remaining apple, he gave it to the donkey.  He then ate his share and went back to sleep.

In the morning, the 3 friends woke up hungry, so they divided the remaining apples into three equal shares.
The one extra remaining apple, they gave it to the donkey.  They then ate each of their share.

How many apples did they initially buy, and how many apples did each of them eat?

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  Problem lining up same font with different heights.
Posted by: Pete - 08-02-2024, 03:01 PM - Forum: Help Me! - Replies (10)

Code: (Select All)
Screen _NewImage(1300, 600, 32)
_ScreenMove 20, 0
Cls: _Display
Dim f&(6)
f&(1) = _LoadFont(Environ$("SYSTEMROOT") + "\Fonts\lucon.ttf", 16)
f&(2) = _LoadFont(Environ$("SYSTEMROOT") + "\Fonts\lucon.ttf", 20)
f&(3) = _LoadFont(Environ$("SYSTEMROOT") + "\Fonts\lucon.ttf", 24)
f&(4) = _LoadFont(Environ$("SYSTEMROOT") + "\Fonts\lucon.ttf", 30)
f&(5) = _LoadFont(Environ$("SYSTEMROOT") + "\Fonts\lucon.ttf", 38)
f&(6) = _LoadFont(Environ$("SYSTEMROOT") + "\Fonts\lucon.ttf", 48)
f& = 1: _Font f&(f&)
Line (20, 201)-(200, 201)
row = 200
_Font (f&(1))
fh& = _FontHeight
_PrintString (20, row - fh&), "O"
_Font (f&(2))
fh& = _FontHeight
_PrintString (50, row - fh&), "O"
_Font (f&(3))
fh& = _FontHeight
_PrintString (80, row - fh&), "O"
_Font (f&(4))
fh& = _FontHeight
_PrintString (110, row - fh&), "O"
_Font (f&(5))
fh& = _FontHeight
_PrintString (140, row - fh&), "O"
_Font (f&(6))
fh& = _FontHeight
_PrintString (170, row - fh&), "O"
_Font (f&(1))

I thought subtracting the height of the font from the row would make the bottoms of each character align themselves horizontally on the line. What I noticed is that as the font size is increased, the larger character prints progressively slightly higher, above the line. Is there a remedy for this, and not just with lucon fonts, but others as well?


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  qb64Phoenix has some stiff competition.
Posted by: Pete - 08-01-2024, 01:26 AM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

The Tapatalk QBasic Forum just hit the top 20 today!

Steve would say hard to believe Tapatalk is down to 20 running forums. Well, the jokes on Steve, they still have 25! Tongue

Pete Big Grin

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