Word (text) processor - krovit - 08-25-2023
Good morning!
I am very pleased to see that the development of QB64 has not stopped. Thank you all for your commitment and perseverance!
I also hope that you are all well because these are very difficult times.
A question: I had found, here on the forums, a procedure for a simple but very efficient and streamlined word processor but now I just can not find it.
Can someone tell me where it is?
Thank you!
RE: Word (text) processor - Dimster - 08-25-2023
Sorry, I have checked all the programs that I have downloaded but nothing on a Word Processor. I do recall however, like on the other forum, a great discussion on Word Wrap. I didn't capture that discussion either. Sorry.
RE: Word (text) processor - SMcNeill - 08-25-2023
Code: (Select All) Sub ExtendedInput (prompt$, result$) 'Over Engineered Input
'limit VALUES:
'1 = Unsigned
'2 = Integer
'4 = Float
'8 = Who cares. It's handled via internal variables and we don't need to know a type for it.
'Uses {} at the start of the prompt to limit possible input
'P = Password
'U = Unsigned
'I = Integer
'F = Float
'L## = Length of max ##
'X##, Y## = LOCATE before printing
'D = Disable paste option
'V = Move CTRL-V to AFTER paste
'H = Hide Input after finished. (Won't leave prompt, or user input on the screen.)
PCopy 0, 1
A = _AutoDisplay: X = Pos(0): Y = CsrLin
OX = X: OY = Y 'original x and y positions
CP = 0: OldCP = 0 'Cursor Position
length_limit = -1 'unlimited length input, by default
If Left$(prompt$, 1) = "{" Then 'possible limiter
i = InStr(prompt$, "}")
If i Then 'yep, we have something!
limiter$ = UCase$(Mid$(prompt$, 2, i - 2))
If InStr(limiter$, "U") Then limit = limit Or 1 'Unsigned
If InStr(limiter$, "I") Then 'can't limit to BOTH an integer AND a float
limit = limit Or 2 'Integer
ElseIf InStr(limiter$, "F") Then
limit = limit Or 4 'Float
float_before_limit = KB_GetValue(limiter$, "F")
float_after_limit = KB_GetValue(Mid$(limiter$, InStr(limiter$, "F") + 1), ".")
End If
End If
If InStr(limiter$, "P") Then password_protected = -1: limit = limit Or 8 'don't show passwords.
If InStr(limiter$, "L") Then 'Length Limitation
limit = limit Or 8
length_limit = KB_GetValue(limiter$, "L")
End If
If InStr(limiter$, "X") Then 'X position on screen
limit = limit Or 8
X = KB_GetValue(limiter$, "X")
End If
If InStr(limiter$, "Y") Then 'Y position on scren
limit = limit Or 8
Y = KB_GetValue(limiter$, "Y")
End If
If InStr(limiter$, "D") Then disable_paste = -1: limit = limit Or 8 'disable paste
If InStr(limiter$, "V") Then cursor_after_paste = -1: limit = limit Or 8 'disable paste
If InStr(limiter$, "H") Then clean_exit = -1: limit = limit Or 8 'hide after finished
End If
If limit <> 0 Then prompt$ = Mid$(prompt$, i + 1)
PCopy 1, 0
If _KeyDown(100307) Or _KeyDown(100308) Then AltDown = -1 Else AltDown = 0
k = KeyHit
If AltDown Then
Select Case k 'ignore all keypresses except ALT-number presses
Case -57 To -48: AltWasDown = -1: alt$ = alt$ + Chr$(-k)
End Select
Select Case k 'without alt, add any keypresses to our input
Case 8
oldin$ = in$
If CP > 0 Then OldCP = CP: CP = CP - 1
in$ = Left$(in$, CP) + Mid$(in$, CP + 2) 'backspace to erase input
Case 9
oldin$ = in$
in$ = Left$(in$, CP) + Space$(4) + Mid$(in$, CP + 1) 'four spaces for any TAB entered
OldCP = CP
CP = CP + 4
Case 32 To 128
If _KeyDown(100305) Or _KeyDown(100306) Then
If k = 118 Or k = 86 Then
If disable_paste = 0 Then
oldin$ = in$
temp$ = _Clipboard$
in$ = Left$(in$, CP) + temp$ + Mid$(in$, CP + 1) 'ctrl-v paste
'CTRL-V leaves cursor in position before the paste, without moving it after.
'Feel free to modify that behavior here, if you want it to move to after the paste.
If cursor_after_paste Then CP = CP + Len(temp$)
End If
End If
If k = 122 Or k = 90 Then Swap in$, oldin$: Swap OldCP, CP 'ctrl-z undo
oldin$ = in$
If limit And 1 Then 'unsigned
If k = 43 Or k = 45 Then _Continue 'remove signs +/-
End If
If limit And 2 Then 'integer
If k = 45 And CP = 0 Then GoTo good_input 'only allow a - sign for the first digit
If k < 48 Or k > 57 Then _Continue 'remove anything non-numeric
End If
If limit And 4 Then 'float
If k = 45 And CP = 0 Then GoTo good_input 'only allow a - sign for the first digit
If k = 46 And InStr(in$, ".") = 0 Then GoTo good_input 'only one decimal point
If k < 48 Or k > 57 Then _Continue 'remove anything non-numeric
If Left$(in$, 1) = "-" Then temp$ = Mid$(in$, 2) Else temp$ = in$
If InStr(in$, ".") = 0 Or CP < InStr(in$, ".") Then
If Len(temp$) < float_before_limit Or float_before_limit = -1 Then
in$ = Left$(in$, CP) + Chr$(k) + Mid$(in$, CP + 1) 'add input to our string
OldCP = CP
CP = CP + 1
End If
temp$ = Mid$(in$, InStr(in$, ".") + 1)
If Len(temp$) < float_after_limit Or float_after_limit = -1 Then
in$ = Left$(in$, CP) + Chr$(k) + Mid$(in$, CP + 1) 'add input to our string
OldCP = CP
CP = CP + 1
End If
End If
End If
If CP < length_limit Or length_limit < 0 Then
in$ = Left$(in$, CP) + Chr$(k) + Mid$(in$, CP + 1) 'add input to our string
OldCP = CP
CP = CP + 1
End If
End If
Case 18176 'Home
CP = 0
Case 20224 'End
CP = Len(in$)
Case 21248 'Delete
oldin$ = in$
in$ = Left$(in$, CP) + Mid$(in$, CP + 2)
Case 19200 'Left
CP = CP - 1
If CP < 0 Then CP = 0
Case 19712 'Right
CP = CP + 1
If CP > Len(in$) Then CP = Len(in$)
End Select
End If
alt$ = Right$(alt$, 3)
If AltWasDown = -1 And AltDown = 0 Then
v = Val(alt$)
If v >= 0 And v <= 255 Then
k = v
alt$ = "": AltWasDown = 0
GoTo check_input
End If
End If
blink = (blink + 1) Mod 30
Locate Y, X
Print prompt$;
If password_protected Then
Print String$(Len(Left$(in$, CP)), "*");
If blink \ 15 Then Print " "; Else Print "_";
Print String$(Len(Mid$(in$, CP + 1)), "*")
Print Left$(in$, CP);
If blink \ 15 Then Print " "; Else Print "_";
Print Mid$(in$, CP + 1)
End If
_Limit 30
Loop Until k = 13
PCopy 1, 0
Locate OY, OX
If clean_exit = 0 Then
Locate Y, X
If password_protected Then
Print prompt$; String$(Len(in$), "*")
Print prompt$; in$
End If
End If
result$ = in$
If A Then _AutoDisplay
End Sub
RE: Word (text) processor - krovit - 08-28-2023
Thank you for your interest, Dimster.
And Thank you SMcNeill!
Unfortunately I couldn't get the SUB to work (even adding your KB_GetValue function that I found elsewhere). The simple word-processor I had found (but where the hell will I have put it!!) it was another code, I don't remember who wrote it... But he was certainly one of the usual well-known characters ![Smile Smile](https://qb64phoenix.com/forum/images/smilies/smile.png)
Sooner or later I find it again and then I post it here, which seems to me something very useful for everyone.
RE: Word (text) processor - grymmjack - 08-28-2023
(08-25-2023, 07:31 PM)SMcNeill Wrote: Code: (Select All) Sub ExtendedInput (prompt$, result$) 'Over Engineered Input
'limit VALUES:
'1 = Unsigned
'2 = Integer
'4 = Float
'8 = Who cares. It's handled via internal variables and we don't need to know a type for it.
'Uses {} at the start of the prompt to limit possible input
'P = Password
'U = Unsigned
'I = Integer
'F = Float
'L## = Length of max ##
'X##, Y## = LOCATE before printing
'D = Disable paste option
'V = Move CTRL-V to AFTER paste
'H = Hide Input after finished. (Won't leave prompt, or user input on the screen.)
End Sub
@SMcNeill could you provide a few examples showing off the different `prompt$` options?
This is pretty kick ass idea using a DSL or micro-format for more complex args to `SUB` or `FUNCTION` hadn't occurred to me.
I'd love to see a few examples of this!
RE: Word (text) processor - SMcNeill - 08-28-2023
(08-28-2023, 12:07 PM)grymmjack Wrote: @SMcNeill could you provide a few examples showing off the different `prompt$` options?
This is pretty kick ass idea using a DSL or micro-format for more complex args to `SUB` or `FUNCTION` hadn't occurred to me.
I'd love to see a few examples of this!
Code: (Select All)
ExtendedInput "{P}Enter your password =>", a$
Print "Your password was =>"; a$
ExtendedInput "{PL08}Enter your password (max 8 digits) =>", a$
Print "Your password was =>"; a$
ExtendedInput "{PL05UI}Enter your 5 digit numeric keycode =>", a$
Print "Your keycode was =>"; a$
Print "And without password hiding which makes the * characters:"
ExtendedInput "Enter your password =>", a$
Print "Your password was =>"; a$
ExtendedInput "{L08}Enter your password (max 8 digits) =>", a$
Print "Your password was =>"; a$
ExtendedInput "{L05UI}Enter your 5 digit numeric keycode =>", a$
Print "Your keycode was =>"; a$
Print "And now let's clean up after ourselves once we input something!"
ExtendedInput "{H}Enter your password =>", a$
Print "Your password was =>"; a$
ExtendedInput "{HL08}Enter your password (max 8 digits) =>", a$
Print "Your password was =>"; a$
ExtendedInput "{HL05UI}Enter your 5 digit numeric keycode =>", a$
Print "Your keycode was =>"; a$
Sub ExtendedInput (prompt$, result$) 'Over Engineered Input
'limit VALUES:
'1 = Unsigned
'2 = Integer
'4 = Float
'8 = Who cares. It's handled via internal variables and we don't need to know a type for it.
'Uses {} at the start of the prompt to limit possible input
'P = Password
'U = Unsigned
'I = Integer
'F = Float
'L## = Length of max ##
'X##, Y## = LOCATE before printing
'D = Disable paste option
'V = Move CTRL-V to AFTER paste
'H = Hide Input after finished. (Won't leave prompt, or user input on the screen.)
PCopy 0, 1
A = _AutoDisplay: X = Pos(0): Y = CsrLin
OX = X: OY = Y 'original x and y positions
CP = 0: OldCP = 0 'Cursor Position
length_limit = -1 'unlimited length input, by default
If Left$(prompt$, 1) = "{" Then 'possible limiter
i = InStr(prompt$, "}")
If i Then 'yep, we have something!
limiter$ = UCase$(Mid$(prompt$, 2, i - 2))
If InStr(limiter$, "U") Then limit = limit Or 1 'Unsigned
If InStr(limiter$, "I") Then 'can't limit to BOTH an integer AND a float
limit = limit Or 2 'Integer
ElseIf InStr(limiter$, "F") Then
limit = limit Or 4 'Float
float_before_limit = KB_GetValue(limiter$, "F")
float_after_limit = KB_GetValue(Mid$(limiter$, InStr(limiter$, "F") + 1), ".")
End If
End If
If InStr(limiter$, "P") Then password_protected = -1: limit = limit Or 8 'don't show passwords.
If InStr(limiter$, "L") Then 'Length Limitation
limit = limit Or 8
length_limit = KB_GetValue(limiter$, "L")
End If
If InStr(limiter$, "X") Then 'X position on screen
limit = limit Or 8
X = KB_GetValue(limiter$, "X")
End If
If InStr(limiter$, "Y") Then 'Y position on scren
limit = limit Or 8
Y = KB_GetValue(limiter$, "Y")
End If
If InStr(limiter$, "D") Then disable_paste = -1: limit = limit Or 8 'disable paste
If InStr(limiter$, "V") Then cursor_after_paste = -1: limit = limit Or 8 'disable paste
If InStr(limiter$, "H") Then clean_exit = -1: limit = limit Or 8 'hide after finished
End If
If limit <> 0 Then prompt$ = Mid$(prompt$, i + 1)
PCopy 1, 0
If _KeyDown(100307) Or _KeyDown(100308) Then AltDown = -1 Else AltDown = 0
k = _KeyHit
If AltDown Then
Select Case k 'ignore all keypresses except ALT-number presses
Case -57 To -48: AltWasDown = -1: alt$ = alt$ + Chr$(-k)
End Select
Select Case k 'without alt, add any keypresses to our input
Case 8
oldin$ = in$
If CP > 0 Then OldCP = CP: CP = CP - 1
in$ = Left$(in$, CP) + Mid$(in$, CP + 2) 'backspace to erase input
Case 9
oldin$ = in$
in$ = Left$(in$, CP) + Space$(4) + Mid$(in$, CP + 1) 'four spaces for any TAB entered
OldCP = CP
CP = CP + 4
Case 32 To 128
If _KeyDown(100305) Or _KeyDown(100306) Then
If k = 118 Or k = 86 Then
If disable_paste = 0 Then
oldin$ = in$
temp$ = _Clipboard$
in$ = Left$(in$, CP) + temp$ + Mid$(in$, CP + 1) 'ctrl-v paste
'CTRL-V leaves cursor in position before the paste, without moving it after.
'Feel free to modify that behavior here, if you want it to move to after the paste.
If cursor_after_paste Then CP = CP + Len(temp$)
End If
End If
If k = 122 Or k = 90 Then Swap in$, oldin$: Swap OldCP, CP 'ctrl-z undo
oldin$ = in$
If limit And 1 Then 'unsigned
If k = 43 Or k = 45 Then _Continue 'remove signs +/-
End If
If limit And 2 Then 'integer
If k = 45 And CP = 0 Then GoTo good_input 'only allow a - sign for the first digit
If k < 48 Or k > 57 Then _Continue 'remove anything non-numeric
End If
If limit And 4 Then 'float
If k = 45 And CP = 0 Then GoTo good_input 'only allow a - sign for the first digit
If k = 46 And InStr(in$, ".") = 0 Then GoTo good_input 'only one decimal point
If k < 48 Or k > 57 Then _Continue 'remove anything non-numeric
If Left$(in$, 1) = "-" Then temp$ = Mid$(in$, 2) Else temp$ = in$
If InStr(in$, ".") = 0 Or CP < InStr(in$, ".") Then
If Len(temp$) < float_before_limit Or float_before_limit = -1 Then
in$ = Left$(in$, CP) + Chr$(k) + Mid$(in$, CP + 1) 'add input to our string
OldCP = CP
CP = CP + 1
End If
temp$ = Mid$(in$, InStr(in$, ".") + 1)
If Len(temp$) < float_after_limit Or float_after_limit = -1 Then
in$ = Left$(in$, CP) + Chr$(k) + Mid$(in$, CP + 1) 'add input to our string
OldCP = CP
CP = CP + 1
End If
End If
End If
If CP < length_limit Or length_limit < 0 Then
in$ = Left$(in$, CP) + Chr$(k) + Mid$(in$, CP + 1) 'add input to our string
OldCP = CP
CP = CP + 1
End If
End If
Case 18176 'Home
CP = 0
Case 20224 'End
CP = Len(in$)
Case 21248 'Delete
oldin$ = in$
in$ = Left$(in$, CP) + Mid$(in$, CP + 2)
Case 19200 'Left
CP = CP - 1
If CP < 0 Then CP = 0
Case 19712 'Right
CP = CP + 1
If CP > Len(in$) Then CP = Len(in$)
End Select
End If
alt$ = Right$(alt$, 3)
If AltWasDown = -1 And AltDown = 0 Then
v = Val(alt$)
If v >= 0 And v <= 255 Then
k = v
alt$ = "": AltWasDown = 0
GoTo check_input
End If
End If
blink = (blink + 1) Mod 30
Locate Y, X
p$ = prompt$
If password_protected Then
p$ = p$ + String$(Len(Left$(in$, CP)), "*")
If blink \ 15 Then p$ = p$ + " " Else p$ = p$ + "_"
p$ = p$ + String$(Len(Mid$(in$, CP + 1)), "*")
p$ = p$ + Left$(in$, CP)
If blink \ 15 Then p$ = p$ + " " Else p$ = p$ + "_"
p$ = p$ + Mid$(in$, CP + 1)
End If
QPrint p$
Print p$
$End If
_Limit 30
Loop Until k = 13
PCopy 1, 0
Locate OY, OX
If clean_exit = 0 Then
Locate Y, X
If password_protected Then
p$ = prompt$ + String$(Len(in$), "*")
p$ = prompt$ + in$
End If
QPrint p$
Print p$
$End If
End If
result$ = in$
If A Then _AutoDisplay
End Sub
Function KB_GetValue (limiter$, what$)
jstart = InStr(limiter$, what$): j = 0
If Mid$(limiter$, InStr(limiter$, what$) + 1, 1) = "-" Then
GetValue = -1 'unlimited
Exit Function
End If
j = j + 1
m$ = Mid$(limiter$, jstart + j, 1)
Loop Until m$ < "0" Or m$ > "9"
KB_GetValue = Val(Mid$(limiter$, jstart + 1, j - 1))
End Function
Even without the limiter and prompt, this still gives you several word processing style extensions to the basic INPUT. For example, arrow keys work, as does the ability to use ALT+ASCII values to directly enter characters via their ascii code (such as ALT-1 for the little smiley face icon dude), as well as the ability to paste code into the input with CTRL-V.
RE: Word (text) processor - TerryRitchie - 08-28-2023
(08-25-2023, 08:07 AM)krovit Wrote: Good morning!
I am very pleased to see that the development of QB64 has not stopped. Thank you all for your commitment and perseverance!
I also hope that you are all well because these are very difficult times.
A question: I had found, here on the forums, a procedure for a simple but very efficient and streamlined word processor but now I just can not find it.
Can someone tell me where it is?
Thank you! I believe you're thinking of Qxed by StaticX (last two links below).
Here are a bunch of links I found to QB64 word processors and text editors:
RE: Word (text) processor - bplus - 08-28-2023
+1 Yeah, Pete was really good with editor type work, screen 0 and all!
Plus Dav and Eric have been running Hex editors here at this forum.
RE: Word (text) processor - krovit - 08-29-2023
Yesss! Thank you, ![Tongue Tongue](https://qb64phoenix.com/forum/images/smilies/tongue.png)
that was it! As much as I can - I hope soon - I try to simplify it a little to insert it in my project - if I can do it.
The alternative (but I would like to avoid because I don't like it) could be a free or open source notepad application (launched by the QB64 code) streamlined and simple that presents, at least, the ability to format the text, even in a rudimentary way
RE: Word (text) processor - bplus - 08-29-2023
(08-29-2023, 08:06 AM)krovit Wrote: Yesss! Thank you, ![Tongue Tongue](https://qb64phoenix.com/forum/images/smilies/tongue.png)
that was it! As much as I can - I hope soon - I try to simplify it a little to insert it in my project - if I can do it.
The alternative (but I would like to avoid because I don't like it) could be a free or open source notepad application (launched by the QB64 code) streamlined and simple that presents, at least, the ability to format the text, even in a rudimentary way
I am curious which item you are referring to? Steve's or one of the links?
Steve's is more a very nice Input replacement but might be used as start for editor?