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A quick little routine to tell you if a string is a number, or not.
Code: (Select All) Function IsNum%% (PassedText As String)
text$ = PassedText
special$ = UCase$(Left$(text$, 2))
Select Case special$
Case "&H", "&B", "&O"
'check for symbols on right side of value
r3$ = Right$(text$, 3)
Select Case r3$
Case "~&&", "~%%", "~%&" 'unsigned int64, unsigned byte, unsigned offset
text$ = Left$(text$, Len(text$) - 3)
Case Else
r2$ = Right$(text$, 2)
Select Case r2$
Case "~&", "##", "%&", "%%", "~%", "&&" 'unsigned long, float, offset, byte, unsigned integer, int64
text$ = Left$(text$, Len(text$) - 2)
Case Else
r$ = Right$(text$, 1)
Select Case r$
Case "&", "#", "%", "!" 'long, double, integer, single
text$ = Left$(text$, Len(text$) - 1)
End Select
End Select
End Select
check$ = "0123456789ABCDEF"
If special$ = "&O" Then check$ = "01234567"
If special$ = "&B" Then check$ = "01"
temp$ = Mid$(UCase$(text$), 2)
For i = 1 To Len(temp$)
If InStr(check$, Mid$(temp$, i, 1)) = 0 Then Exit For
If i <= Len(temp$) Then IsNum = -1
Case Else
If _Trim$(Str$(Val(text$))) = text$ Then IsNum = -1
End Select
End Function
Note that this may fail if you're dealing with values that are so large they translate into scientific notation on you. "1234567890123456788901234567890" is NOT going to be counted as a number, as QB64 would expect to see this written as "1.234567E30", and your string definitely isn't going to compare to that string. (And the values probably won't match either, as you lost multiple digits to rounding when it became a scientific notation value.)
If you look close, you'll see that this function is basically one line of code, unless you happen to be passing it &H, &B, &O values -- in which case it has to work much harder to see if the string you passed it is a valid number, or not.
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And, if one ever needs to know more than just "Is it a number?", there's always my overengineered NumType function. It'll tell you everything you ever wanted to know about your string and the number types associated with it -- and probably then some!
Code: (Select All) Const limit = 16
Dim test(limit) As String
Data "123a.3","-123.456","--234","1.23E15","123","dogfood","678.965","54678","-987134","1E15"
Data "&HFF","&B1001111","&O17","&HFF&&","&B12000222","1.E-12"
For i = 1 To limit
Read test(i)
For i = 1 To limit
Print "TEST #"; i; ": "; test(i) + " "
result = NumType(test(i))
If result = 0 Then Print "INVALID: "; NumErr$
If result And 1 Then Print "Valid Unsigned Bit. ";
If result And 2 Then Print "Valid Unsigned Byte. ";
If result And 4 Then Print "Valid Unsigned Integer. ";
If result And 8 Then Print "Valid Unsigned Long. ";
If result And 16 Then Print "Valid Unsigned Integer64. ";
If result And 32 Then Print "Valid Unsigned Bit. ";
If result And 64 Then Print "Valid Signed Byte. ";
If result And 128 Then Print "Valid Signed Integer. ";
If result And 256 Then Print "Valid Signed Long. ";
If result And 512 Then Print "Valid Signed Integer64. ";
If result And 1024 Then Print "Valid Single. ";
If result And 2048 Then Print "Valid Double. ";
If result And 4096 Then Print "Valid Float. ";
If result And 8192 Then Print "Valid Unsigned Offset. ";
If result And 16384 Then Print "Valid Signed Offset. ";
Function NumType~% (text$)
Shared NumErr$
Dim TempNum As Integer
temp$ = UCase$(_Trim$(text$))
NumErr$ = "": TempNum = 0
'First look for manually assigned types
r1$ = Right$(temp$, 1): r = 1
r2$ = Left$(Right$(temp$, 2), 1)
Select Case r1$
Case "`"
TestFor = 1 'bit
Case "%"
If r2$ = "%" Then
r = 2
TestFor = 2 'byte
TestFor = 3 'integer
End If
Case "&" 'long, int64, offset
If r2$ = "&" Then
r = 2
TestFor = 5 'int64
ElseIf r2$ = "%" Then
r = 2
TestFor = 9 'offset
TestFor = 4 'long
End If
Case "!" 'single
TestFor = 6
Case "#" 'double, float
If r2$ = "#" Then
r = 2
TestFor = 8 'float
TestFor = 7 'double
End If
Case Else 'there's no set type
TestFor = 0
r = 0
End Select
temp$ = Left$(temp$, Len(temp$) - r) 'strip off the type symbol
Select Case TestFor
Case 1 To 5, 9
r$ = Right$(temp$, 1)
If r$ = "~" Then Unsigned = -1: temp$ = Left$(temp$, Len(temp$) - 1)
End Select
'check for valid prefixes
l$ = Left$(temp$, 2)
Select Case l$
Case "&H"
temp$ = Mid$(temp$, 3)
For i = 1 To Len(temp$)
t$ = Mid$(temp$, i, 1)
Select Case t$
Case "0" To "9", "A" To "F" 'valid
Case Else
NumErr$ = NumErr$ + "Invalid Character (" + t$ + ") encountered. "
End Select
If NumErr$ <> "" Then Exit Function
GoTo evaluateintegers
Case "&B"
temp$ = Mid$(temp$, 3)
For i = 1 To Len(temp$)
t$ = Mid$(temp$, i, 1)
Select Case t$
Case "0", "1" 'only valid bit characters
Case Else
NumErr$ = NumErr$ + "Invalid Character (" + t$ + ") encountered. "
End Select
If NumErr$ <> "" Then Exit Function
GoTo evaluateintegers
Case "&O"
temp$ = Mid$(temp$, 3)
For i = 1 To Len(temp$)
t$ = Mid$(temp$, i, 1)
Select Case t$
Case "0" To "7" 'only valid oct characters
Case Else
NumErr$ = NumErr$ + "Invalid Character (" + t$ + ") encountered. "
End Select
If NumErr$ <> "" Then Exit Function
GoTo evaluateintegers
End Select
'Test for easy integers
'First check for positive/negative values; flag for invalid cases of multiple negation.
If Mid$(temp$, 1, 1) = "-" Then
negative = -1: temp$ = Mid$(temp$, 2) 'strip off the initial negative
ElseIf Mid$(temp$, 1, 1) = "+" Then
temp$ = Mid$(temp$, 2) 'strip off the initial positive
End If
For i = 1 To Len(temp$)
If Mid$(temp$, i, 1) = "-" Then minus = minus + 1
If Mid$(temp$, i, 1) = "+" Then plus = plus + 1
If Mid$(temp$, i, 1) = "." Then period = period + 1 'Go ahead and check for multiple periods while we're at it.
If Mid$(temp$, i, 1) = "E" Or Mid$(temp$, i, 1) = "D" Then
Exponent = Exponent + 1
If Mid$(temp$, i + 1, 1) = "-" Or Mid$(temp$, i + 1, 1) = "+1" Then ExponentSign = -1
End If
If period = 0 And Exponent = 0 Then 'we should only have integers to process
For i = 1 To Len(temp$)
t$ = Mid$(temp$, i, 1)
If t$ < "0" Or t$ > "9" Then NumErr$ = NumErr$ + "Invalid Character (" + t$ + ") encountered. ": Exit Function
GoTo evaluateintegers
End If
'At this point forward, we should only have REAL numbers to process
If Exponent > 1 Then NumErr$ = NumErr$ + "Multiple E/D exponent characters in string. ": Exit Function
If ExponentSign = 0 Then
If minus Then NumErr$ = NumErr$ + "Multiple negative signs (-) encountered. ": Exit Function
If plus Then NumErr$ = NumErr$ + "Multiple negative signs (-) encountered. ": Exit Function
If minus > 1 Then NumErr$ = NumErr$ + "Multiple negative signs (-) encountered. ": Exit Function
If plus > 1 Then NumErr$ = NumErr$ + "Multiple negative signs (-) encountered. ": Exit Function
End If
If period > 1 Then NumErr$ = NumErr$ + "Multiple decimal points (.) encountered. ": Exit Function
If Exponent And period Then
e = InStr(temp$, "E")
If e = 0 Then e = InStr(temp$, "D")
p = InStr(temp$, ".")
If p > e Then NumErr$ = NumErr$ + "Decimal points (.) AFTER E/D exponent encountered. ": Exit Function
End If
For i = 1 To Len(temp$)
t$ = Mid$(temp$, i, 1)
Select Case t$
Case "0" To "9", "-", "+", ".", "D", "E" 'we should have validated all these characters earlier
Case Else 'so anything else is invalid
NumErr$ = NumErr$ + "Invalid Character (" + t$ + ") encountered. ": Exit Function
End Select
If NumErr$ <> "" Then Exit Function
'We should've passed all the error checking by this point -- I think...
t## = Val(text$)
'first compare for all types
If Int(t##) = t## Then
If t## = -1 Or t## = 0 Then TempNum = TempNum Or 32 'signed bit
If t## >= -128 And t## <= 127 Then TempNum = TempNum Or 64 'signed byte
If t## >= -32768 And t## <= 32767 Then TempNum = TempNum Or 128 'signed integer
If t## >= -2147483648 And t## <= 2147483647 Then TempNum = TempNum Or 256 'signed long
If t## >= -9223372036854775808 And t## <= 9223372036854775807 Then
TempNum = TempNum Or 512 'signed integer64
TempNum = TempNum Or 16384 'signed offset
End If
If t## = 1 Or t## = 0 Then TempNum = TempNum Or 1 'unsigned bit
If t## >= 0 And t## <= 255 Then TempNum = TempNum Or 2 'unsigned byte
If t## >= 0 And t## <= 65535 Then TempNum = TempNum Or 4 'unsigned integer
If t## >= 0 And t## <= 4294967295 Then TempNum = TempNum Or 8 'unsigned long
If t## >= 0 And t## <= 18446744073709551615 Then
TempNum = TempNum Or 16 'unsigned integer64
TempNum = TempNum Or 8192 'unsigned offset
End If
End If
If t## >= -2.802597D45 And t## <= 3.402823D+38 Then
TempNum = TempNum Or 1024 'single
End If
If t## >= -4.490656458412465E324 And t## <= 1.797693134862310E+308 Then TempNum = TempNum Or 2048 'double
If t## >= -1.18E4932 And t## <= 1.18E+4932 Then TempNum = TempNum Or 4096 'float
If r Then 'we have specific suffix; only decide if the value is valid for it
TempNum = 0
If Not Unsigned Then 'unsigned
Select Case TestFor
Case 1
If t## = -1 Or t## = 0 Then TempNum = 32 'signed bit
Case 2
If t## >= -128 And t## <= 127 Then TempNum = 64 'signed byte
Case 3
If t## >= -32768 And t## <= 32767 Then TempNum = 128 'signed integer
Case 4
If t## >= -2147483648 And t## <= 2147483647 Then TempNum = 256 'signed long
Case 5, 9
If t## >= -9223372036854775808 And t## <= 9223372036854775807 Then
If TestFor = 5 Then
TempNum = 512 'signed integer64
TempNum = 16384 'signed offset
End If
End If
Case 6
If t## >= -2.802597E-45 And t## <= 3.402823E+38 Then TempNum = 1024 'single
Case 7
If t## >= -4.490656458412465E-324 And t## <= 1.797693134862310E+308 Then TempNum = 2048 'double
Case 9
If t## >= -1.18E-4932 And t## <= 1.18E+4932 Then TempNum = 4096 'float
End Select
Select Case TestFor
Case 1
If t## = 0 Or t## = 1 Then TempNum = 1 'unsigned bit
Case 2
If t## >= 0 And t## <= 255 Then TempNum = 2 'unsigned byte
Case 3
If t## >= 0 And t## <= 65535 Then TempNum = 4 'unsigned integer
Case 4
If t## >= 0 And t## <= 4294967295 Then TempNum = 8 'unsigned long
Case 5, 9
If t## >= 0 And t## <= 18446744073709551615 Then
If TestFor = 5 Then
TempNum = 16 'unsigned integer64
TempNum = 8192 'unsigned offset
End If
End If
End Select
End If
If TempNum = 0 Then NumErr$ = "Invalid Suffix. "
End If
NumType = TempNum
End Function
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12-27-2022, 11:15 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-27-2022, 11:19 PM by grymmjack.
Edit Reason: Added wiki source
You know, I stumbled on a bunch of C library routines that were from std lib. Maybe these could be helpful too?
Code: (Select All) DECLARE LIBRARY
FUNCTION clock () 'arithmetic type elapsed processor representing time.
'seconds between time2 and time1
FUNCTION isalnum% (BYVAL c AS INTEGER) 'is an alphabet letter(isalpha(c) or isdigit(c))
FUNCTION isalpha% (BYVAL c AS INTEGER) 'is letter (isupper(c) or islower(c))
FUNCTION isdigit% (BYVAL c AS INTEGER) 'is a decimal digit
FUNCTION isgraph% (BYVAL c AS INTEGER) 'is a printing character other than space
FUNCTION islower% (BYVAL c AS INTEGER) 'is a lower-case letter
FUNCTION isprint% (BYVAL c AS INTEGER) 'is printing character. ASCII: &H20 (" ") to &H7E (~)
FUNCTION ispunct% (BYVAL c AS INTEGER) 'is printing character other than space, letter, digit
FUNCTION isspace% (BYVAL c AS INTEGER) 'is space, formfeed, newline, return, tab, vertical tab
FUNCTION isupper% (BYVAL c AS INTEGER) 'is upper-case letter
FUNCTION isxdigit% (BYVAL c AS INTEGER)'is a hexdecimal digit character(0 thru 9 or A thru F)
FUNCTION tolower% (BYVAL c AS INTEGER) 'return lower-case equivalent
FUNCTION toupper% (BYVAL c AS INTEGER) 'return upper-case equivalent
Are these usable by QB64 somehow? I found these in the wiki.
I am not suggesting your code for isNum should be changed, or abandoned. Just asking. isdigit% would be similar?
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You have to copy the file ctype.h into the QB64PE directory I guess to make this work, but it does work.
I found my ctype.h file here: i:\git\QB64pe\internal\c\c_compiler\x86_64-w64-mingw32\include\
Copied that to i:\git\QB64pe\
Then used like this:
Code: (Select All) DECLARE LIBRARY
FUNCTION isdigit% (BYVAL c AS INTEGER) 'is a decimal digit
PRINT isdigit%(ASC("$")) ' returns 0
PRINT isdigit%(ASC("7")) ' returns 1
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Most of these are so trivial to write, that it's just not worth the effort to import a DECLARE LIBRARY to do them. For example:
Code: (Select All) FUNCTION IsDigit (a AS INTEGER)
IF a >= 48 AND a <=57 THEN IsDigit = -1
Code: (Select All) FUNCTION IsLower(a AS INTEGER)
IF a AND 32 Then IsLower = -1
Code: (Select All) FUNCTION ToLower(a AS INTEGER)
ToLower = a OR 32
Code: (Select All) FUNCTION ToUpper(a AS INTEGER)
ToUpper = a AND NOT 32
(And I got tired of scrolling up and down to look and see what else was in the list of things you had, but they all seem to be about that simple to implement. )