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Wagons-Per-Second - OpenGL .OTF benchmark
Often I need the "FPS" of QB64 text mode, the scroll speed or rather the drawing speed of TTF/OTF, when symbols are many the speed drops significantly.
This benchmark is simple and ... straightforward.
By adjusting (in fact doubling the X and Y) the canvas, it should report for 4K mode as well, currently it says the WPS for FullHD.

My main laptop reaches only 23 Wagons-Per-Second, grmbl:


The QB64 sourcecode and Windows binary in the attachment:

.7z   WagonsPerSecond.7z (Size: 1.12 MB / Downloads: 45)
"He learns not to learn and reverts to what the masses pass by."
Print has always been a slooow beast in QB64.  If you want to see those trains move faster, print them once to a sprite sheet and then _PUTIMAGE them onto the screen.  If you want to see them BLAZE across the screen, _COPYIMAGE the sprite sheet to a hardware screen, and then remove the software rendering completely from your program.
So that's where RC went! The only vehicle without centers on wheels.
b = b + ...
I got 35Wps on my laptop running the included exe file.   When I compiled the source I got 41,150 Ws but I suspect it didn't work right because it showed the default font.

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